<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
* ident "@(#)propertysheet.dtd 1.7 03/06/20 SMI"
* Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
<!--The property sheet contains a list of one or more sections. -->
<!ELEMENT propertysheet (section+)>
Each section has one or more properties or subsections.
Each section must have a name. This is the name of the section
element not the section name displayed on the page. The displayed
section name is specified in the property sheet model,
by calling setValue(<sectionName>, "SectionName");. If a
section name is not found in the model, then the value of the
defaultValue attribute is used as the display name of the section.
All displayed names, whether found in the model or specified in the
XML file are looked in the I18N resource bundle, as the key. If no
translation is found, the key is used as the displayed name.
If this is specified in the section/subsection element,
then all the label columns for that particular section/subsection would have
their column's width set to the length of the largest label string
available for that particular section/subsection multiplied by 16.
<!ELEMENT section (subsection | property)+>
<!ATTLIST section
defaultValue CDATA #IMPLIED
Each subsection has one or more properties. The rest of subsection
element's characterics are the same as the section, see above.
<!ELEMENT subsection (property+)>
<!ATTLIST subsection
defaultValue CDATA #IMPLIED
A property element usually consists of a label and one or more
cc elements. The cc elements represent values of the property.
The label element is optional, but at least one cc element is
required. Some help text may be shown as part of a property, which is
placed directly underneath the cc field. A property may contain a
ccgroup, which itself is a list of properties. A ccgroup provides a way
to show a nesting of values for a property, which is usually necessary
for formatting the page. Also, any other character data is directly
echoed to the HTML file. This provides the opportunity to insert
addition annotation or HTML formatting tags.
A name for the property element is optional. The name is needed if the
property is referred to in the model, for example to set it's
error state or temporarily hide the property.
The required and error attributes take Boolean values, e.g. "true", "false".
These attributes can also be specified in the model. The default for both
attributes is "false". These attributes determine whether to show small
icons to the left of the label.
The requiredMsg and checkFunction attributes are for setting values in
a couple of javascript arrays that can be used for client side validation
of required fields. These fields are optional. If the javascript feature
is enabled in the JSP file, then up to three javascript arrays are defined.
One for the IDs for elements of required fields, one for the message to
show in an alert box if the element's value is empty, and one for the
javascript function to call to do the checking.
The span attribute applies when there the property does not have a label
and the cc component should take up the entire space allocated to both
the label and the value. This is for formatting control. Some cc
components, such as a check box, includes a label thus a label for the
property is not always desired. The span attribute take Boolean values,
where the default is "false".
<!ELEMENT property (#PCDATA | label | cc | fieldhelp | ccgroup)*>
<!ATTLIST property
checkFunction CDATA #IMPLIED
The ccgroup is a group of second level properties. A ccgroup is used
when the value of a property is best expressed as a set or a group
of name value pairs.
<!ELEMENT ccgroup (property+)>
The label element is the label for the property. It is an optional
part of the property. All labels must have a name. This name is used
to identify the label when setting it's display text in the model.
If the display text is not specified in the model, the value of the
defaultValue attribute is used. Both the model value and the default
value are used as keys for I18N look up. If no translation is found
then the key is used as the display text.
The wrap attribute specifies whether the label text should wrap when
the there is not enough space to show the whole text string on one
line. This attribute takes a Boolean value and the default is "true".
The align attribute say how to horizontally align the label with respect
to the value. The valid values are the HTML values, "left", "right",
and "center". The default is no alignment is specified, which implies
the HTML default of left alignment.
The Id optional attribute specifies the ID for the HTML
"<Label For>" tag. If the Id is not specified, a label Id will be
generated. The "<Label For>" tag is part of the 508 accessiblity
The labelFor optional attribute specifies the name of the value cc
element which this label is for. By default the label is associated
with the cc element of the property. However, this may be ambiguous
if there is more than one cc element.
The addColon optional attribute specifies whether a colon should be
automatically added to the label string. The default is 'true'. Set
to 'false' is you do not want the colon to be added.
<!ATTLIST label
defaultValue CDATA #IMPLIED
The fieldhelp element is an optional part of the property. The help text
is displayed under the value (cc) element. The fieldhelp element must be
after the cc element for which it is provide help about. There can be
multiple cc and fieldhelp element pairs per property element.
<!ELEMENT fieldhelp EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST fieldhelp
defaultValue CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- Include ELEMENTS from descriptor.dtd. -->
<!ENTITY % descriptor SYSTEM "descriptor.dtd">