DataTable Release Notes
*** version 2.3.0 ***
* DataSource requests over XHR no longer automatically insert a "?" in the URIs
between the host and the query. Implementers should explicitly include the
question mark if it is required by your server. Please refer to the XHR
examples for implementation details.
* Applied new skinning model.
* The MVC model has been stabilized and many APIs have been renamed or changed
quite a bit from the previous version. Implementers should now only use
DataTable APIs and not use any Record or RecordSet APIs to add/delete/update
rows, Records, and DOM elements. RecordSet synchronization will be managed for
you under the hood. For example, myDataTable.addRow() now accepts an object
literal of data and will create a Record and update the DOM. Calling
myDataTable.deleteRow() will delete the appropriate Record and update the DOM.
Please refer to the API reference for full details on property and method names and
argument signatures. When possible, Logger messages will provide deprecation warnings,
so implementers upgrading from the previous version are encouraged to use the debug
build of DataTable.
* The DataTable constructor signature has changed in 2 major ways:
1) Do not pass in a ColumnSet instance. Instead, pass in an array of Column
definitions directly, and a ColumnSet instance will be created for you under the hood.
2) In the progressive enhancement case, first instantiate a DataSource pointing
to your HTML TABLE element, and then pass in that DataSource instance to your
DataTable constructor. Please refer to the progressive enhancement example
for implementation details.
* DataTable now extends Element, which has become a required dependency. Implementers
should now use the myDataTable.set("propertyName", newValue) syntax instead of direct
dot notation of any properties.
* The underlying pagination architecture and API have been revised. Specifically,
the property paginator has been deprecated in favor of paginated,
paginatorOptions has been deprecated in favor of paginator, and related events
and method names have been changed. Please see the pagination examples for
implementation details. Please refer to the API reference for full details on
new property and method names and argument signatures.
* There is a known pagination bug where changing the rows-per-page dropdown while
on a page number that is out of bounds of the new range, the current page value
fails to get reset to an appropriate default value.
* There is a known pagination bug where custom containers are ignored.
* There is a known bug where row and cell selections are not tracked correctly in
paginated DataTables.
* The underlying editing architecture and API have been revised. Specifically, the
ColumnEditor class is no longer used, the method editCell() has been deprecated
in favor of showCellEditor(), and the Custom Event "cellEditEvent" is now
"editorSaveEvent". Please see the inline editing example for
implementation details. Please refer to the API reference for full details on
property and method names and argument signatures.
* There is a known issue where the built-in date editor throws a JavaScript
exception when encountering a null or non-Date value. Implementers using the built-in
date editor should validate for type Date and avoid null values in these data
* The underlying sort architecture, including YAHOO.util.Sort, has been modified
to accept a single sort function rather than separate functions for ascending
and descending sorts.
* Scrolling a DataTable with an active Cell Editor will cancel the edit to
to prevent the Cell Editor's position from getting out of sync with its
associated TD element.
* The following static methods are executed in the scope of the DataTable
instance: DataTable.validateNumber(), DataTable.formatButton(),
DataTable.formatCheckbox(), DataTable.formatCurrency(), DataTable.formatDate(),
DataTable.formatDropdown(), DataTable.formatEmail(), DataTable.formatLink(),
DataTable.formatNumber(), DataTable.formatRadio(), DataTable.formatText(),
DataTable.formatTextarea(), DataTable.formatTextbox().
* The following DataTable APIs have changed:
- The following static constants have been removed: CLASS_CURRENCY, CLASS_CURRENTPAGE,
- The following static constants have been added: CLASS_ASC, CLASS_BUTTON,
- The property contextMenu is no longer supported.
- The property dataSource has been deprecated in favor of the accessor method
- The property fixedWidth is not fully supported.
- The property sortedBy now defines key instead of colKey.
- The property rowSingleSelect has been deprecated in favor of selectionMode.
* The following Record APIs have changed:
- Record data values are no longer accessible with oRecord[key] or oRecord.key.
Implementers should now use oRecord.getData(key).
- The property yuiRecordId has been deprecated in favor of the accessor method
* The following RecordSet APIs have changed:
- The method getRecordBy() is not implemented.
- The method insert() has been deprecated in favor of addRecord() and addRecords().
- The method replace() has been renamed replaceRecords().
- The method sort() has been deprecated in favor of sortRecords().
* The following Column APIs have changed:
- Column type has been deprecated in favor of formatter. In your Column
definitions, please change type:"date" to formatter:"date", type:"currency" to
formatter:"currency", etc.
- The property parser is no longer used. Implementers should use the static
DataSource methods DataSource.parseDate(), DataSource.parseNumber(), and
DataSource.parseString() for type conversion functionality.
- The methods getColSpan() and getRowSpan() have been renamed to getColspan()
and getRowspan().
- The return value for the method getId() has been changed.
- The following methods are no longer implemented: parse(), parseCheckbox(),
parseDate(), parseNumber(), parseSelect(). Implementers should now use a
DataSource with a data type of HTML TABLE element.
- The showEditor() method is no longer implemented. Implementers should now use
the DataTable method showCellEditor().
- All static formatter functions have been moved from the Column class to the
DataTable class.
* The DataTable method getColumn() has a known issue where instead of accepting
a Column's key index value, the method accepts a Column's ID value. Until this
issue is fixed, implementers can use the following workaround:
// Instead of this:
// var oColumn = myDataTable.getColumn(0);
// Use this:
var oColumn = myDataTable.getColumn(myDataTable.getFirstTrEl().cells[0].yuiColumnId);
*** version 2.2.2 ***
* Removed workaround for a fixed Dom.getXY() bug that was causing a positioning
problem for inline editors on scrolled pages.
**** version 2.2.1 ***
* Changed default pagination from enabled to disabled. Must set property
paginator to true to enable built-in client-side pagination.
* Removed deleteSelectedRows() and added deleteRows().
* Deprecated properties isEmpty and isLoading, and methods showLoadingMessage(),
showEmptyMessage(), and hideTableMessages(). Implementers should now use
showTableMessage() and hideTableMessage().
* Deprecated methods paginateRows() and onDataReturnPaginateRows(). Implementers
should now use popualateTable() and onDataReturnPopulateTable().
* Deprecated pagination properties pageCurrent, rowsPerPage, startRecordIndex,
pageLinksLength, rowsPerPageDropdown, pageLinksStart, and pagers.
* Fixed unclickable links.
* Fix to support data values of 0 (zero).
* Fixed broken validation in multiple places when the value 0 (zero) is passed
in as an argument.
* Fixed incorrect month output in formatDate().
* Fixed broken empty message when there are zero rows.
* Allow implementers to use data with field name "id".
* Fixed Column resizeability in -min builds.
* Fixed Column sorting of null, undefined, and empty values.
* Fixed Column sorting of nested headers.
* Fixed paginator dropdowns to stay in sync when paginating.
* Fixed rowSingleSelect for paginated DataTable.
* Fix for currency values with more than 2 decimal places.
* Fixed broken TR ID assignments in replaceRows().
* Fixed Opera UI artifacting problem when repaginating via dropdowns.
* Fixed orphaned ColumnEditor during pagination or other de facto blur
interaction. Data gets saved.
* Extracted non-foundational CSS for scrollable DataTables to make UI easier to
* Updated methods select() and unselect() to also accept an array of elements or
an array of strings.
* Improved row selection behavior to model the desktop paradigm (i.e., require
CONTROL and/or SHIFT keys to multi-select).
* Tweaked inline editing for better Mac performance.
* Refactored pagination code to be easier to implement, configure, and extend.
* Accept an error boolean from DataSource in case of data error and show error
* The CustomEvent rowDeleteEvent is now only fired once per deleted row and
its argument signature has been modified.
* Added selectRow(), rowSelectEvent, unselectRow(), rowUnselectEvent, rowAddEvent,
and rowUpdateEvent.
* Added ColumnEditor class moveContainerTo().
* Add IDs and class hooks to TABLE element and ColumnEditor's container DIV.
* Add class hooks to first and last TR elements.
* Added hook to doBeforeLoadData() for the not-from-markup constructor flow.
* Added properties paginator and paginatorOptions, as well as method getPaginator().
* Added methods saveEditorData() and cancelEditorData().
* Improved type checking with YAHOO.lang.
**** version 2.2.0 ***
* Beta release.
* Caption is not supported when scrolling is enabled.
* Resizeability is not supported for fixed-width DataTables.