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$Id: remoteInterface.dtd,v 1.3 2008/06/25 05:45:34 qcheng Exp $
<!-- This DTD defines the XML interfaces that can be used to evaluate
policies and to get policy decisions for users.
Unique Declaration name for DOCTYPE tag:
"iPlanet Policy Remote Interface 1.0 DTD"
<!-- PolicyService element is the root element for remote policy
service. This XML will be typically used between the client
and the server. The client uses the PolicyRequest element to
request information from the server and the server would respond
using the PolicyResponse element. The server would use
PolicyNotification to send policy or subject change notification
to the client.
<!ELEMENT PolicyService ( PolicyRequest
| PolicyResponse
| PolicyNotification ) >
<!ATTLIST PolicyService
version CDATA "1.0"
revisionNumber CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- PolicyRequest element is used by the client to request the
policy evaluation decisions or to add/remove a policy listener.
The attribute appSSOToken provides the SSO token of the client
as its identity that can be used by the server to check if the
client can receive the requested information.
The attribute requestId specifies the id of the request.
<!ELEMENT PolicyRequest ( GetResourceResults
| AddPolicyListener
| RemovePolicyListener
| AdvicesHandleableByAMRequest ) >
<!ATTLIST PolicyRequest
<!-- GetResourceResults element is used by the client to request
the policy evaluation decisions for a particular user regarding
a given service and a resource and possibly its sub resources.
The attribute userSSOToken provides the identity of the user.
The attribute serviceName specifies the service name and
resourceName specifies the name of the resource for which the
policy is evaluated.
The attribute resourceScope gives the scope of the resources in
terms of the policy evaluation. The value of the attribute could
be "self", "strict-subtree", or "subtree". Value "self" means the
resource node itself only; value "strict-subtree" means the strict
subtree of the root, no wildcard matching subtree included; value
"subtree" means to get all the subtrees with the resource node being
the root of one of the subtree, the other subtree roots are those that
match the resourceName by wildcard.
The sub-element EnvParameters provides the environment
information which may be useful during the policy evaluation.
The sub-element GetResponseDecisions requests for the values for
a set of user response attributes.
<!ELEMENT GetResourceResults ( EnvParameters?, GetResponseDecisions? ) >
<!ATTLIST GetResourceResults
resourceName CDATA #REQUIRED
resourceScope (self | strict-subtree | subtree) "strict-subtree"
<!-- EnvParameters element provides the environment information which
may be useful in the policy evaluation.
The sub-element AttributeValuePair provides the environment
parameter name and its values.
<!ELEMENT EnvParameters ( AttributeValuePair+ ) >
<!-- AttributeValuePair defines generic attribute-values pair that
can used to specify configuration information. The value for an attribute
can be empty.
<!ELEMENT AttributeValuePair (Attribute, Value*) >
<!-- Attribute defines the attribute name i.e., a configuration
<!ELEMENT Attribute EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST Attribute
<!-- Value element represents a value string.
<!ELEMENT Value ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- GetResponseDecisions consists of a set of user attribute names.
<!ELEMENT GetResponseDecisions ( Attribute+ ) >
<!-- AddPolicyListener element adds a policy listener to the service
to receive the policy notification.
The attribute serviceName specifies the service name.
The attribute notificationURL provides the notification URL for
the policy server to send the notification to.
<!ELEMENT AddPolicyListener EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST AddPolicyListener
<!-- RemovePolicyListener element removes the policy listener from
the service.
The attribute serviceName specifies the service name.
The attribute notificationURL provides the notification URL for
which the corresponding policy listener needs to be removed.
<!ELEMENT RemovePolicyListener EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST RemovePolicyListener
<!-- AdvicesHandleableByAMRequest element gets names of policy advices
that could be handled by AM if PEP redirects user agent to AM
<!ELEMENT AdvicesHandleableByAMRequest EMPTY >
<!-- PolicyResponse element is used by the server to return a
response to the client.
If the client request is a policy evaluation request, then the
policy decision is sent back using ResourceResult.
If the client request is a policy listener addition, then an
acknowledgement is sent back using AddPolicyListenerResponse.
If the client request is a policy listener removal, then an
acknowledgement is sent back using RemovePolicyListenerResponse.
If anything wrong happens during the request processing, an
error message is sent back to the client using Exception.
The attribute requestId specifies the id of the request to
which this response is regarding.
The attribute issueInstant the time at which the response was issued.
This is the difference, measured in milliseconds, between the current
time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC
<!ELEMENT PolicyResponse ( ResourceResult+
| AddPolicyListenerResponse
| RemovePolicyListenerResponse
| AdvicesHandleableByAMResponse
| Exception ) >
<!ATTLIST PolicyResponse
issueInstant CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- ResourceResult element returns the policy evaluation decisions
to the client. The attribute name specifies the resource name.
If the GetResourceResults in the PolicyRequest doesn't provide
a resource name with its resourceName attribute, the value of
name will be an empty string.
The sub-element PolicyDecision provides the policy evaluation
decision for this resource.
<!ELEMENT ResourceResult ( PolicyDecision, ResourceResult* ) >
<!ATTLIST ResourceResult
<!-- PolicyDecision element returns the policy decision for the
resource along with user attribute response if requested. A PolicyDecision
can be empty. If there are no applicable policies defined for a given
PolicyRequest, the policy decision is empty.
<!ELEMENT PolicyDecision ( ActionDecision*, ResponseDecisions?, ResponseAttributes? ) >
<!-- ActionDecision element provides policy evaluation decision for
the user in terms of the action specified in AttributeValuePair.
The attribute timeToLive provides the time-to-live info of the
policy decision in terms of the action.
The sub-element AttributeValuePair provides the action name and
its values.
The sub-element Advices provides some additional info which may
help the client to better understand the policy evaluation
<!ELEMENT ActionDecision ( AttributeValuePair, Advices? ) >
<!ATTLIST ActionDecision
<!-- Advices element provides some additional info which may help the
client to better understand the policy evaluation decision.
<!ELEMENT Advices ( AttributeValuePair+ ) >
<!-- ResponseDecisions consists the user attribute responses. The attribute
whose values are returned are defined in the AMConfig.properties which
are applicable to all policies and resources defined in the policy serivce.
<!ELEMENT ResponseDecisions ( AttributeValuePair+ ) >
<!-- ResponseAttributes consists of the user responses attributes per policy
The attributes which are returned are an aggregation of those returned by
the ResponseProvider(s) defined in the policy.
<!ELEMENT ResponseAttributes ( AttributeValuePair+ ) >
<!-- AddPolicyListenerResponse element is used by server to send
back an acknowledgement of the success of adding a policy
<!ELEMENT AddPolicyListenerResponse EMPTY >
<!-- RemovePolicyListenerResponse element is used by server to send
back an acknowledgement of the success of removing a policy
<!ELEMENT RemovePolicyListenerResponse EMPTY >
<!-- AdvicesHandleableByAMRsponse element has names of policy advices
that could be handled by AM if PEP redirects user agent to AM.
This element is sent in response to AdvicesHandleableByAMRequest
<!ELEMENT AdvicesHandleableByAMResponse (AttributeValuePair) >
<!-- Exception element is used by server to send back error message
<!ELEMENT Exception (#PCDATA) >
<!-- PolicyNotification element specifies a policy notification.
The attribute notificationId is used for identifying the
<!ELEMENT PolicyNotification ( PolicyChangeNotification ) >
<!ATTLIST PolicyNotification
notificationId CDATA #REQUIRED
<!-- PolicyChangeNotification element sends a notification to the
client if a policy regarding the service has been changed.
The attribute serviceName specifies the service name.
The attribute type specifies the policy change type.
The sub-element ResourceName specifies the name of the resource
which is affected by the policy change.
<!ELEMENT PolicyChangeNotification ( ResourceName* ) >
<!ATTLIST PolicyChangeNotification
type (added | modified | deleted) "modified"
<!-- ResourceName element respresents a resource name
<!ELEMENT ResourceName ( #PCDATA ) >