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$Id: Auth_Module_Properties.dtd,v 1.3 2008/06/25 05:45:33 qcheng Exp $
Portions Copyrighted 2011 ForgeRock AS
<!-- This DTD defines the data structure that will be used by
each authentication module to specify its properties.
It Provides definitions to initiate, construct and send
required callbacks information to the Authentication UI.
Unique Declaration name for DOCTYPE tag:
"Authentication Module Properties XML Interface 1.0 DTD"
<!-- ModuleProperties element is used to define properties for each
authentication module. Attribute "modulename" defines the name of
the module. e.g. "LDAP". -->
<!ELEMENT ModuleProperties ( Callbacks* ) >
<!ATTLIST ModuleProperties
version NMTOKEN "1.0"
<!-- Callbacks element is used to request module requirements based on
module properties. The authentication module constructs the
callback objects which contains the information to be collected by
the authentication UI/client program. The client program collects the
credentials (by prompting the user) and returns the callback objects
with the required data. Attribute "length" is the number or length of
callbacks and attribute "order" is the sequence of the group of callbacks.
Attribute 'header' is the text header information to be displayed on the UI.
Attributes "timeout", "template" and "image" define the UI or page level
attributes for the UI customization. Attribute "error" defines the 'error
state' i.e. whether authentication framework/module needs to terminate the
authentication process (in case it is 'true'). -->
<!ELEMENT Callbacks ( NameCallback | PasswordCallback |
ChoiceCallback | ConfirmationCallback |
HttpCallback | RedirectCallback |
TextOutputCallback )* >
<!ATTLIST Callbacks
timeout CDATA "60"
template CDATA ""
image CDATA ""
header CDATA "Authentication"
error ( true | false ) "false"
<!-- NameCallback element is used to obtain user name or any data which
can be entered by the user. The element Prompt will be used by the module
to set the prompt to be used by the client to get the name. The attribute
"isRequired" tells authentication UI whether the element corresponding to
this callback is a required field or not and attribute "attribute" is the
corresponding LDAP attribute for this callback value. -->
<!ELEMENT NameCallback ( Prompt ) >
<!ATTLIST NameCallback
isRequired ( true | false ) "false"
attribute CDATA ""
infoText CDATA ""
<!-- PasswordCallback element is used to obtain the password from
the user. The module sets the Prompt element along with the attribute
"echoPassword" if the password can be echoed by the client. The attribute
"isRequired" tells authentication UI whether the element corresponding to
this callback is a required field or not and attribute "attribute" is the
corresponding LDAP attribute for this callback value. -->
<!ELEMENT PasswordCallback ( Prompt ) >
<!ATTLIST PasswordCallback
echoPassword ( true | false ) "false"
isRequired ( true | false ) "false"
attribute CDATA ""
infoText CDATA ""
<!-- ChoiceCallback element is used by the authentication module
to request the user to choose from the choice values where
"multipleSelectionsAllowed" attribute defines whether the user can
select/choose multiple values or single value from the available choice
values. The attribute "isRequired" tells authentication UI whether the
element corresponding to this callback is a required field or not and
attribute "attribute" is the corresponding LDAP attribute for this callback
value. -->
<!ELEMENT ChoiceCallback ( Prompt, ChoiceValues ) >
<!ATTLIST ChoiceCallback
multipleSelectionsAllowed ( true | false ) "false"
isRequired ( true | false ) "false"
attribute CDATA ""
infoText CDATA ""
<!-- ConfirmationCallback element is used by the module to
send 'button' information (for multiple buttons) such as the 'button text'
which needs to be rendered on the UI page and receive the selected button
information from the UI. If there is only one button on the UI page then
module is not required to send this callback.
NOTE : Currently we are supporting the use of this callback only to send
and receive 'button' information on the UI page. In future, we are planning
to support this callback with all its features. -->
<!ELEMENT ConfirmationCallback ( OptionValues ) >
<!-- HttpCallback element is used by the authentication module with Http
protocol based handshaking negotiation. -->
<!ELEMENT HttpCallback (HttpHeader, Negotiation, HttpErrorCode)>
<!-- RedirectCallback element is used by the authentication module when
redirect to a particulat URL is required with specific redirect data. -->
<!ELEMENT RedirectCallback ( RedirectUrl | RedirectData* |
RedirectStatusParam |
RedirectBackUrlCookie ) >
<!ATTLIST RedirectCallback
method ( get | post ) "get"
<!-- RedirectUrl element is used in RedirectCallback. -->
<!ELEMENT RedirectUrl ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- RedirectStatusParam element is used in RedirectCallback. -->
<!ELEMENT RedirectStatusParam ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- RedirectBackUrlCookie element is used in RedirectCallback. -->
<!ELEMENT RedirectBackUrlCookie ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- RedirectData element is used in RedirectCallback as
Name / Value pair data. -->
<!ELEMENT RedirectData ( Name, Value ) >
<!-- Name element will be used by the RedirectCallback to send name/value pair
as part of the RedirectData element. -->
<!ELEMENT Name ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- Prompt element will be used by the module to request the
client to display the prompt. -->
<!ELEMENT Prompt ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- ChoiceValues element provides a list of choice values. -->
<!ELEMENT ChoiceValues ( ChoiceValue+ ) >
<!-- ChoiceValue element provides a single choice value.
The attribute "isDefault" specifies if the value has to be
selected by default when displayed. -->
<!ELEMENT ChoiceValue ( Value ) >
<!ATTLIST ChoiceValue
isDefault ( true | false ) "false"
<!--OptionValues element provides a list/array of 'button' text information
to be rendered on the UI page. -->
<!ELEMENT OptionValues ( OptionValue+ ) >
<!-- OptionValue element provides a single 'button' text value. -->
<!ELEMENT OptionValue ( Value ) >
<!-- Value element will be used by the client to return a value
provided by the user (or service) back to the server. -->
<!ELEMENT Value ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- HttpHeader element is used in HttpCallback -->
<!ELEMENT HttpHeader ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- Negotiation element is used in HttpCallback to set the negotiation header
in HttpServletResponse -->
<!ELEMENT Negotiation ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- Code element is used in HttpCallback to set the error code in negotiation
response -->
<!ELEMENT HttpErrorCode ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- Code element is used in TextOutputCallback to determine the text to
set -->
<!ELEMENT TextOutputCallback ( #PCDATA ) >
<!ATTLIST TextOutputCallback
messageType ( error | information | warning ) "information" >