revision 3f9184fc268ac21ca73202b297cdc08c1e70d079
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
# Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
# License.
# You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
# specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
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# information: "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
# Copyright 2015 ForgeRock AS.
# This section holds the error messages used by the Scripting framework and specifically used by ScriptException
1=Script type not recognised: {0}
2=Scripting language not supported: {0}
3=Failed to read script called {0} from realm {1}
4=Failed to read script with UUID {0} from realm {1}
5=Failed to delete script with UUID {0} from realm {1}
6=Failed to retrieve script with UUID {0} from realm {1}
7=Failed to retrieve scripts from realm {0}
8=Failed to save script with UUID {0} in realm {1}
9=Script UUID must be specified
10=Script name must be specified
11=A script must be specified
12=Scripting language must be specified
13=Script type must be specified
14=Script with name {0} already exist in realm {1}
15=Script with UUID {0} already exist in realm {1}
16=Script with UUID {0} could not be found in realm {1}
17=The 'boolean literal' filter with value of 'false' is not supported
18=The 'extended match' filter is not supported
19=The 'greater than' filter is not supported
20=The 'greater than or equal' filter is not supported
21=The 'less than' filter is not supported
22=The 'less than or equal' filter is not supported
23=The 'not' filter is not supported
24=The 'present' filter is not supported
26=Filter path is too long, a depth of 1 is supported
27=Failed to decode UTF-8 encoded script
# Global configuration internationalisation keys
g101=Default Script Type default script type selection. default script type that will be selected when creating a new script.
script-type-01=Policy Condition
script-type-02=Server-side Authentication
script-type-03=Client-side Authentication
script-type-04=OIDC Claims
engine-configuration=Engine Configuration
# Global engine configuration settings
ec100=Scripting engine configuration
ec101=Server-side Script Timeout maximum execution time any individual script should take on the server (in seconds). scripts will be forcibly stopped after this amount of execution time.
ec102=Core thread pool size core size of the thread pool from which scripts will operate.
ec103=Maximum thread pool size maximum size of the thread pool from which scripts will operate. threads will be created up to this size once the task queue reaches capacity. Has no effect if the \
queue is unbounded.
ec104=Thread pool queue size of queue to use for buffering script execution request when core pool is at capacity. -1 for an unbounded queue (this disables the maximum pool size setting). For short, CPU-bound \
scripts, consider a small pool size and larger queue length. For I/O-bound scripts (e.g., REST calls) consider \
a larger maximum pool size and a smaller queue. Not hot-swappable: restart server for changes to take effect.
ec105=Thread idle timeout (seconds) of time (in seconds) to wait before terminating threads. of time (in seconds) to wait before terminating threads that were started when the queue reached \
capacity. Only applies to threads beyond the core pool size (up to the maximum size).
ec106=Java class whitelist of patterns of allowed Java classes that may be loaded/accessed by scripts. Java class accessed by a script must match at least one of these patterns. Use '*' as a wildcard, \
e.g. <code>java.lang.*</code>
ec107=Java class blacklist of patterns of Java classes that must not be accessed by a script. blacklist is applied after the whitelist to apply additional restrictions. For instance you may \
whitelist java.lang.* and then blacklist java.lang.System and java.lang.Runtime. It is recommended to always prefer \
specific whitelists where possible.
ec108=Use system SecurityManager whether the system SecurityManager should also be consulted when checking access to Java classes. enabled, then the checkPackageAccess method will be called for each Java class accessed. If no \
SecurityManager is configured, then this has no effect.
# Global script type configuration settings
st101=Scripting languages language the script is written in. is used to determine how to validate the script, as well as which engine to run the script within.
st103=Default Script default script for new scripts of this type. script will be set as the default when a new script of this type is created.
# Key to indicate that no internationalisation is required, but expected for SMS REST inclusion
no-i18n=No internationalisation required
validation-error-message=Error in script :\n
validation-error-detail=Line {0}, column {1}: {2}\n