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# Copyright 2015 ForgeRock AS.
# This section holds the error messages used by the Scripting framework and specifically used by ScriptException
CONTEXT_NOT_RECOGNISED=Script type not recognised: {0}
LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED=Scripting language not supported: {0}
FIND_BY_NAME_FAILED=Failed to read script called {0} from realm {1}
FIND_BY_UUID_FAILED=Failed to read script with UUID {0} from realm {1}
DELETE_FAILED=Failed to delete script with UUID {0} from realm {1}
DELETING_DEFAULT_SCRIPT=Default script {0} cannot be deleted
RETRIEVE_FAILED=Failed to retrieve script with UUID {0} from realm {1}
RETRIEVE_ALL_FAILED=Failed to retrieve scripts from realm {0}
SAVE_FAILED=Failed to save script with UUID {0} in realm {1}
INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES=Insufficient privileges to edit script {0}
MISSING_SCRIPT_UUID=Script UUID must be specified
MISSING_SCRIPT_NAME=Script name must be specified
MISSING_SCRIPT=A script must be specified
MISSING_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE=Scripting language must be specified
MISSING_SCRIPT_CONTEXT=Script type must be specified
SCRIPT_NAME_EXISTS=Script with name {0} already exist in realm {1}
SCRIPT_UUID_EXISTS=Script with UUID {0} already exist in realm {1}
SCRIPT_UUID_NOT_FOUND=Script with UUID {0} could not be found in realm {1}
FILTER_BOOLEAN_LITERAL_FALSE=The 'boolean literal' filter with value of 'false' is not supported
FILTER_EXTENDED_MATCH=The 'extended match' filter is not supported
FILTER_GREATER_THAN=The 'greater than' filter is not supported
FILTER_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL=The 'greater than or equal' filter is not supported
FILTER_LESS_THAN=The 'less than' filter is not supported
FILTER_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL=The 'less than or equal' filter is not supported
FILTER_NOT=The 'not' filter is not supported
FILTER_PRESENT=The 'present' filter is not supported
RESOURCE_FILTER_NOT_SUPPORTED=Filter path is too long, a depth of 1 is supported
SCRIPT_DECODING_FAILED=Failed to decode UTF-8 encoded script
DELETING_SCRIPT_IN_USE_SINGULAR=The script {0} is used once
DELETING_SCRIPT_IN_USE_PLURAL=The script {0} is used {1} times
# Global configuration internationalisation keys
g101=Default Script Type
g101.help=The default script type selection.
g101.help.txt=The default script type that will be selected when creating a new script.
script-type-01=Policy Condition
script-type-02=Server-side Authentication
script-type-03=Client-side Authentication
script-type-04=OIDC Claims
engine-configuration=Engine Configuration
# Global engine configuration settings
ec100=Scripting engine configuration
ec101=Server-side Script Timeout
ec101.help=The maximum execution time any individual script should take on the server (in seconds).
ec101.help.txt=Server-side scripts will be forcibly stopped after this amount of execution time.
ec102=Core thread pool size
ec102.help=The core size of the thread pool from which scripts will operate.
ec103=Maximum thread pool size
ec103.help=The maximum size of the thread pool from which scripts will operate.
ec103.help.txt=New threads will be created up to this size once the task queue reaches capacity. Has no effect if the \
queue is unbounded.
ec104=Thread pool queue size
ec104.help=Size of queue to use for buffering script execution request when core pool is at capacity.
ec104.help.txt=Use -1 for an unbounded queue (this disables the maximum pool size setting). For short, CPU-bound \
scripts, consider a small pool size and larger queue length. For I/O-bound scripts (e.g., REST calls) consider \
a larger maximum pool size and a smaller queue. Not hot-swappable: restart server for changes to take effect.
ec105=Thread idle timeout (seconds)
ec105.help=Length of time (in seconds) to wait before terminating threads.
ec105.help.txt=Length of time (in seconds) to wait before terminating threads that were started when the queue reached \
capacity. Only applies to threads beyond the core pool size (up to the maximum size).
ec106=Java class whitelist
ec106.help=List of patterns of allowed Java classes that may be loaded/accessed by scripts.
ec106.help.txt=Each Java class accessed by a script must match at least one of these patterns. Use '*' as a wildcard, \
e.g. <code>java.lang.*</code>
ec107=Java class blacklist
ec107.help=List of patterns of Java classes that must not be accessed by a script.
ec107.help.txt=This blacklist is applied after the whitelist to apply additional restrictions. For instance you may \
whitelist java.lang.* and then blacklist java.lang.System and java.lang.Runtime. It is recommended to always prefer \
specific whitelists where possible.
ec108=Use system SecurityManager
ec108.help=Indicates whether the system SecurityManager should also be consulted when checking access to Java classes.
ec108.help.txt=If enabled, then the checkPackageAccess method will be called for each Java class accessed. If no \
SecurityManager is configured, then this has no effect.
# Global script type configuration settings
st101=Scripting languages
st101.help=The language the script is written in.
st101.help.txt=This is used to determine how to validate the script, as well as which engine to run the script within.
st103=Default Script
st103.help=The default script for new scripts of this type.
st103.help.txt=This script will be set as the default when a new script of this type is created.
# Key to indicate that no internationalisation is required, but expected for SMS REST inclusion
no-i18n=No internationalisation required
validation-error-message=Error in script :\n
validation-error-detail=Line {0}, column {1}: {2}\n