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* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
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* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
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* Copyright 2014-2015 ForgeRock AS.
* Portions Copyrighted 2015 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
package org.forgerock.openidconnect;
import java.util.List;
* Builds a OAuth2 Client.
* @since 11.0.0
public class ClientBuilder {
private String clientID;
private String clientType;
private List<String> redirectionURIs;
private List<String> allowedGrantScopes;
private List<String> defaultGrantScopes;
private List<String> displayName;
private List<String> displayDescription;
private List<String> clientName;
private String subjectType;
private String idTokenSignedResponseAlgorithm;
private List<String> postLogoutRedirectionURIs;
private String accessToken;
private String clientSessionURI;
private String applicationType;
private String clientSecret;
private List<String> responseTypes;
private List<String> contacts;
private Long defaultMaxAge;
private Boolean defaultMaxAgeEnabled;
private String tokenEndpointAuthMethod;
private String jwks;
private String jwksUri;
private String x509;
private String selector;
private String sectorIdentifierUri;
private Long authorizationCodeLifeTime;
private Long accessTokenLifeTime;
private Long refreshTokenLifeTime;
private Long jwtTokenLifeTime;
* Sets the client id of the OAuth2Client.
* @param clientID The client id.
public ClientBuilder setClientID(String clientID) {
this.clientID = clientID;
return this;
* Sets the client type of the OAuth2Client.
* @param clientType The client type.
public ClientBuilder setClientType(String clientType) {
this.clientType = clientType;
return this;
* Sets the redirection uris of the OAuth2Client.
* @param redirectionURIs The redirection uris.
public ClientBuilder setRedirectionURIs(List<String> redirectionURIs) {
this.redirectionURIs = redirectionURIs;
return this;
* Sets the allowed scopes of the OAuth2Client.
* @param allowedGrantScopes The allowed scopes.
public ClientBuilder setAllowedGrantScopes(List<String> allowedGrantScopes) {
this.allowedGrantScopes = allowedGrantScopes;
return this;
* Sets the default scopes of the OAuth2Client.
* @param defaultGrantScopes The default scopes.
public ClientBuilder setDefaultGrantScopes(List<String> defaultGrantScopes) {
this.defaultGrantScopes = defaultGrantScopes;
return this;
* Sets the display name of the OAuth2Client.
* @param displayName The display name.
public ClientBuilder setDisplayName(List<String> displayName) {
this.displayName = displayName;
return this;
* Sets the client description of the OAuth2Client.
* @param displayDescription The client description.
public ClientBuilder setDisplayDescription(List<String> displayDescription) {
this.displayDescription = displayDescription;
return this;
* Sets the client_name of the OAuth2Client
* @param clientName
* the client_name to set.
public ClientBuilder setClientName(List<String> clientName) {
this.clientName = clientName;
return this;
* Sets the subject type of the OAuth2Client.
* @param subjectType The subject type.
public ClientBuilder setSubjectType(String subjectType) {
this.subjectType = subjectType;
return this;
* Sets the id token signed response alg of the OAuth2Client.
* @param idTokenSignedResponseAlgorithm The id token signed response alg.
public ClientBuilder setIdTokenSignedResponseAlgorithm(String idTokenSignedResponseAlgorithm) {
this.idTokenSignedResponseAlgorithm = idTokenSignedResponseAlgorithm;
return this;
* Sets the post logout redirection URIs of the OAuth2Client.
* @param postLogoutRedirectionURIs The post logout redirection URIs.
public ClientBuilder setPostLogoutRedirectionURIs(List<String> postLogoutRedirectionURIs) {
this.postLogoutRedirectionURIs = postLogoutRedirectionURIs;
return this;
* Sets the registration access token of the OAuth2Client.
* @param accessToken The registration access token.
public ClientBuilder setAccessToken(String accessToken) {
this.accessToken = accessToken;
return this;
* Sets the client session uri of the OAuth2Client.
* @param clientSessionURI The client session uri.
public ClientBuilder setClientSessionURI(String clientSessionURI) {
this.clientSessionURI = clientSessionURI;
return this;
* @param contacts The contact information for the clients
* @return
public ClientBuilder setContacts(List<String> contacts) {
this.contacts = contacts;
return this;
* Sets the application type of the OAuth2Client.
* @param applicationType The application type.
public ClientBuilder setApplicationType(String applicationType) {
this.applicationType = applicationType;
return this;
* Sets the client secret of the OAuth2Client.
* @param clientSecret The client's secret.
public ClientBuilder setClientSecret(String clientSecret) {
this.clientSecret = clientSecret;
return this;
* Sets the response types of the OAuth2Client.
* @param responseTypes The response types.
public ClientBuilder setResponseTypes(List<String> responseTypes) {
this.responseTypes = responseTypes;
return this;
* Sets the default max age on the OAuth2Client.
* @param defaultMaxAge The default max age, in seconds.
public ClientBuilder setDefaultMaxAge(Long defaultMaxAge) {
this.defaultMaxAge = defaultMaxAge;
return this;
* Sets whether to enforce the default max age.
* @param defaultMaxAgeEnabled Whether to enforce the default max age.
public ClientBuilder setDefaultMaxAgeEnabled(Boolean defaultMaxAgeEnabled) {
this.defaultMaxAgeEnabled = defaultMaxAgeEnabled;
return this;
* Sets the token endpoint auth method value.
* @param tokenEndpointAuthMethod token endpoint auth method this client uses.
public ClientBuilder setTokenEndpointAuthMethod(String tokenEndpointAuthMethod) {
this.tokenEndpointAuthMethod = tokenEndpointAuthMethod;
return this;
* Sets the JWKs value.
* @param jwks jwks containing valid public keys.
public ClientBuilder setJwks(String jwks) {
this.jwks = jwks;
return this;
* Sets the JWKs URI value.
* @param jwksUri URL containing JWKs of valid public keys.
public ClientBuilder setJwksUri(String jwksUri) {
this.jwksUri = jwksUri;
return this;
* Sets the X509 value.
* @param x509 Public key certificate.
public ClientBuilder setX509(String x509) {
this.x509 = x509;
return this;
* Sets the public key selector.
* @param selector Which of the public key types to use.
public ClientBuilder setPublicKeySelector(String selector) {
this.selector = selector;
return this;
* Sets the sector identifier uri.
* @param sectorIdentifierUri identifier uri to be used when pairwise.
public ClientBuilder setSectorIdentifierUri(String sectorIdentifierUri) {
this.sectorIdentifierUri = sectorIdentifierUri;
return this;
* Sets the authorization code lifetime.
* @param authorizationCodeLifeTime Authorization code lifetime.
public ClientBuilder setAuthorizationCodeLifeTime(Long authorizationCodeLifeTime) {
this.authorizationCodeLifeTime = authorizationCodeLifeTime;
return this;
* Sets the Access token lifetime.
* @param accessTokenLifeTime Access token lifetime.
public ClientBuilder setAccessTokenLifeTime(Long accessTokenLifeTime) {
this.accessTokenLifeTime = accessTokenLifeTime;
return this;
* Sets the Refresh token lifetime.
* @param refreshTokenLifeTime Refresh token lifetime.
public ClientBuilder setRefreshTokenLifeTime(Long refreshTokenLifeTime) {
this.refreshTokenLifeTime = refreshTokenLifeTime;
return this;
* Sets the JWT token lifetime.
* @param jwtTokenLifeTime JWT token lifetime.
public ClientBuilder setJwtTokenLifeTime(Long jwtTokenLifeTime) {
this.jwtTokenLifeTime = jwtTokenLifeTime;
return this;
* Creates the OAuth2 Client.
* @return The OAuth2 Client.
public Client createClient() {
return new Client(clientID, clientType, redirectionURIs, allowedGrantScopes, defaultGrantScopes, displayName,
displayDescription, clientName, subjectType, idTokenSignedResponseAlgorithm, postLogoutRedirectionURIs,
accessToken, clientSessionURI, applicationType, clientSecret, responseTypes, contacts, defaultMaxAge,
defaultMaxAgeEnabled, tokenEndpointAuthMethod, jwks, jwksUri, x509, selector, sectorIdentifierUri,
authorizationCodeLifeTime, accessTokenLifeTime, refreshTokenLifeTime, jwtTokenLifeTime);