* Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* https://opensso.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html or
* opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
* Header Notice in each file and include the License file
* at opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt.
* If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
* with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
* your own identifying information:
* "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
* $Id: CookieUtils.java,v 1.9 2009/11/03 00:50:34 madan_ranganath Exp $
* Portions Copyrighted 2013 ForgeRock, Inc.
package com.sun.identity.saml2.idpdiscovery;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import com.sun.identity.shared.encode.URLEncDec;
import com.sun.identity.shared.locale.Locale;
* Implements utility methods for handling Cookie.
* <p>
public class CookieUtils {
static boolean secureCookie =
!= null &&
static boolean cookieHttpOnly =
!= null) &&
static boolean cookieEncoding =
!= null &&
private static int defAge = -1;
public static Debug debug = Debug.getInstance("libIDPDiscovery");
// IDP Discovery Resource bundle
public static final String BUNDLE_NAME = "libIDPDiscovery";
// The resource bundle for IDP Discovery implementation.
public static ResourceBundle bundle = Locale.getInstallResourceBundle(BUNDLE_NAME);
// error processing URL, read from system property
private static String errorUrl = System.getProperty(
* Gets property value of "com.iplanet.am.cookie.secure"
* @return the property value of "com.iplanet.am.cookie.secure"
public static boolean isCookieSecure() {
return secureCookie;
* Gets property value of "com.sun.identity.cookie.httponly"
* @return the property value of "com.sun.identity.cookie.httponly"
public static boolean isCookieHttpOnly() {
return cookieHttpOnly;
public static boolean isSAML2(HttpServletRequest req) {
// check this is for idff or saml2
String reqURI = req.getRequestURI();
boolean bIsSAML2 = true;
if (reqURI.endsWith(IDPDiscoveryConstants.IDFF_READER_URI) ||
reqURI.endsWith(IDPDiscoveryConstants.IDFF_WRITER_URI)) {
bIsSAML2 = false;
return bIsSAML2;
* Gets value of cookie that has mached name in servlet request
* @param req HttpServletRequest request
* @param name cookie name in servlet request
* @return value of that name of cookie
public static String getCookieValueFromReq(
HttpServletRequest req,
String name
) {
String cookieValue = null;
try {
Cookie cookies[] = req.getCookies();
if (cookies != null) {
for (int nCookie = 0; nCookie < cookies.length; nCookie++) {
if (cookies[nCookie].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
cookieValue = cookies[nCookie].getValue();
// Check property value and it decode value
// Bea, IBM
if (cookieEncoding && (cookieValue != null)) {
cookieValue= URLEncDec.decode(cookieValue);
} else {
debug.message("No Cookie is in the request");
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("Error getting cookie : " , e);
// check this is for idff or saml2
boolean bIsSAML2 = isSAML2(req);
// take care of the case where there is a '+' in preferred idp
// When '+' is decoded, it became ' ' which is also the seperator
// of different preferred idps
if (cookieValue == null) {
return cookieValue;
} else {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(200);
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(cookieValue, " ");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String curIdpString = (String)st.nextToken();
while (!bIsSAML2 && curIdpString.length() < 28 &&
st.hasMoreTokens()) {
curIdpString = curIdpString + "+" + (String) st.nextToken();
result.append(curIdpString + " ");
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("CookieUtils:cookieValue=" + cookieValue
+ ", result=" + result.toString());
return result.toString().trim();
* Constructs a cookie with a specified name and value.
* @param name a String specifying the name of the cookie
* @param value a String specifying the value of the cookie
* @return constructed cookie
public static Cookie newCookie(String name, String value) {
return newCookie(name, value, defAge, null, null);
* Constructs a cookie with a specified name and value and sets
* the maximum age of the cookie in seconds.
* @param name a String specifying the name of the cookie
* @param value a String specifying the value of the cookie
* @param maxAge an integer specifying the maximum age of the cookie in
* seconds; if negative, means the cookie is not stored;
* if zero, deletes the cookie
* @return constructed cookie
public static Cookie newCookie(String name, String value, int maxAge) {
return newCookie(name, value, maxAge, null, null);
* Constructs a cookie with a specified name and value and sets
* a path for the cookie to which the client should return the cookie.
* @param name a String specifying the name of the cookie
* @param value a String specifying the value of the cookie
* @param path a String specifying a path
* @return constructed cookie
public static Cookie newCookie(String name, String value, String path) {
return newCookie(name, value, defAge, path, null);
* Constructs a cookie with a specified name and value and sets
* a path for the cookie to which the client should return the cookie
* and sets the domain within which this cookie should be presented.
* @param name a String specifying the name of the cookie
* @param value a String specifying the value of the cookie
* @param path a String specifying a path
* @param domain a String containing the domain name within which
* this cookie is visible; form is according to <code>RFC 2109</code>
* @return constructed cookie
public static Cookie newCookie
(String name, String value, String path, String domain) {
return newCookie(name, value, defAge, path, domain);
* Constructs a cookie with a specified name and value and sets
* the maximum age of the cookie in seconds and sets
* a path for the cookie to which the client should return the cookie
* and sets the domain within which this cookie should be presented.
* @param name a String specifying the name of the cookie
* @param value a String specifying the value of the cookie
* @param maxAge an integer specifying the maximum age of the cookie in
* seconds; if negative, means the cookie is not stored;
* if zero, deletes the cookie
* @param path a String specifying a path
* @param domain a String containing the domain name within which
* this cookie is visible; form is according to RFC 2109
* @return constructed cookie
public static Cookie newCookie
(String name, String value, int maxAge, String path, String domain) {
Cookie cookie = null;
// Based on property value it does url encoding.
if (cookieEncoding) {
cookie = new Cookie(name, URLEncDec.encode(value));
} else {
cookie = new Cookie(name, value);
if ((path != null) && (path.length() > 0)) {
} else {
if ((domain != null) && (domain.length() > 0)) {
return cookie;
* Gets the preferred cookie name based on the HttpRequest URI.
* @param reqURI a String specifying the HttpRequest URI.
* @return the preferred cookie name.
* _saml_idp if the HttpRequest URI matches the SAML2
* reader or writer servlet uri.
* _liberty_idp if the HttpRequest URI matches the IDFF
* reader or writer servlet uri.
* return empty string if no above match found.
* return null if the input HttpRequest uri is null or empty.
public static String getPreferCookieName( String reqURI)
if (reqURI != null && !reqURI.equals("")) {
if (reqURI.endsWith(IDPDiscoveryConstants.IDFF_READER_URI) ||
reqURI.endsWith(IDPDiscoveryConstants.IDFF_WRITER_URI)) {
} else if (reqURI.endsWith(
IDPDiscoveryConstants.SAML2_READER_URI) ||
reqURI.endsWith(IDPDiscoveryConstants.SAML2_WRITER_URI)) {
} else {
return "";
} else {
return null;
* Sends to error page URL for processing. If the error page is
* hosted in the same web application, forward is used with parameters.
* Otherwise, redirection is used with parameters.
* Three parameters are passed to the error URL:
* -- errorcode : Error key, this is the I18n key of the error message.
* -- httpstatuscode : Http status code for the error
* -- message : detailed I18n'd error message
* @param request HttpServletRequest object
* @param response HttpServletResponse object
* @param httpStatusCode Http Status code
* @param errorCode Error code
* @param errorMsg Detailed error message
public static void sendError(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, int httpStatusCode,
String errorCode, String errorMsg) {
if ((errorUrl == null) || (errorUrl.length() == 0)) {
// no error processing URL set, use sendError
try {
response.sendError(httpStatusCode, errorMsg);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
debug.error("CookieUtils.sendError", ioe);
} else {
// construct final URL
String jointString = "?";
if (errorUrl.indexOf("?") != -1) {
jointString = "&";
String newUrl = errorUrl.trim() + jointString
+ "errorcode=" + errorCode + "&"
+ "httpstatuscode=" + httpStatusCode + "&"
+ "errormessage=" + URLEncDec.encode(errorMsg);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("CookieUtils.sendError: final redirectionURL="
+ newUrl);
String tmp = errorUrl.toLowerCase();
if (tmp.startsWith("http://") || tmp.startsWith("https://")) {
// send redirect
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
debug.error("CookieUtils.sendError: Exception "
+ "occured while trying to redirect to resource:"
+ newUrl, e);
} else {
// use forward
try {
RequestDispatcher dispatcher =
dispatcher.forward(request, response);
} catch (ServletException e) {
debug.error("CookieUtils.sendError: Exception "
+ "occured while trying to forward to resource:"
+ newUrl, e);
} catch (IOException e) {
debug.error("CookieUtils.sendError: Exception "
+ "occured while trying to forward to resource:"
+ newUrl, e);
* Add cookie to HttpServletResponse as custom header
* @param response
* @param cookie
public static void addCookieToResponse(HttpServletResponse response,
Cookie cookie) {
if (cookie == null) {
if (!isCookieHttpOnly()) {
// Once JavaEE6 is available, the following code can be simplified
// to be one line response.addCookie(cookie)
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(150);
String path = cookie.getPath();
if (path != null && path.length() > 0) {
} else {
String domain = cookie.getDomain();
if (domain != null && domain.length() > 0) {
int age = cookie.getMaxAge();
if (age > -1) {
if (CookieUtils.isCookieSecure()) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("CookieUtils:addCookieToResponse adds " + sb);
response.addHeader("SET-COOKIE", sb.toString());