* Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* https://opensso.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html or
* opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
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* If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
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* $Id: Assertion.java,v 1.3 2008/06/25 05:47:31 qcheng Exp $
package com.sun.identity.saml.assertion;
import com.sun.identity.shared.DateUtils;
import com.sun.identity.saml.common.*;
import com.sun.identity.saml.xmlsig.*;
import com.sun.identity.common.SystemConfigurationUtil;
import com.sun.identity.shared.xml.XMLUtils;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Date;
import java.text.ParseException;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
*This object stands for <code>Assertion</code> element. An Assertion is a
*package of information that supplies one or more <code>Statement</code> made
*by an issuer. There are three kinds of assertionsL Authentication,
*AuthorizationDecision and Attribute assertion.
public class Assertion extends AssertionBase {
* Returns whether the signature on the object is valid or not.
* @return true if the signature on the object is valid; false otherwise.
public boolean isSignatureValid() {
if (signed & ! validationDone) {
valid = SAMLUtils.checkSignatureValid(
xmlString, ASSERTION_ID_ATTRIBUTE, _issuer);
validationDone = true;
return valid;
* Signs the Assertion.
* @exception SAMLException If it could not sign the Assertion.
public void signXML() throws SAMLException {
String certAlias =
* Signs the Assertion.
* @param certAlias certification Alias used to sign Assertion.
* @exception SAMLException if it could not sign the Assertion.
public void signXML(String certAlias) throws SAMLException {
if (signed) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.message("Assertion.signXML: the assertion is "
+ "already signed.");
throw new SAMLException(
if (certAlias == null) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.message("Assetion.signXML: couldn't obtain "
+ "this site's cert alias.");
throw new SAMLResponderException(
XMLSignatureManager manager = XMLSignatureManager.getInstance();
if ((_majorVersion == 1) && (_minorVersion == 0)) {
SAMLUtils.debug.message("Assetion.signXML: sign with version 1.0");
signatureString = manager.signXML(this.toString(true, true),
// this block is used for later return of signature element by
// getSignature() method
signature =
XMLUtils.toDOMDocument(signatureString, SAMLUtils.debug)
} else {
SAMLUtils.debug.message("Assetion.signXML: sign with version 1.1");
Document doc = XMLUtils.toDOMDocument(this.toString(true, true),
// sign with SAML 1.1 spec & include cert in KeyInfo
signature = manager.signXML(doc, certAlias, null,
ASSERTION_ID_ATTRIBUTE, getAssertionID(), true, null);
signatureString = XMLUtils.print(signature);
signed = true;
xmlString = this.toString(true, true);
*Default constructor
*Declaring protected to enable extensibility
protected Assertion() {
* Contructs <code>Assertion</code> object from a
* block of existing XML that has already been built into a DOM.
* @param assertionElement A <code>org.w3c.dom.Element</code> representing
* DOM tree for <code>Assertion</code> object
* @exception SAMLException if it could not process the Element properly,
* implying that there is an error in the sender or in the
* element definition.
public Assertion(org.w3c.dom.Element assertionElement)
throws SAMLException
protected void parseAssertionElement(Element assertionElement)
throws SAMLException
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
Element elt = (Element) assertionElement;
String eltName = elt.getLocalName();
if (eltName == null) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.message("Assertion: local name missing");
throw new SAMLRequesterException(SAMLUtils.bundle.getString
("nullInput")) ;
if (!(eltName.equals("Assertion"))) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.message("Assertion: invalid root element");
throw new SAMLRequesterException(SAMLUtils.bundle.getString
("invalidElement")+ ":"+eltName) ;
String read = elt.getAttribute("Issuer");
if ((read == null) || (read.length() == 0)) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.message("Assertion: Issuer missing");
throw new SAMLRequesterException(
SAMLUtils.bundle.getString("missingAttribute") +":"+"Issuer");
} else {
_issuer = read;
List signs = XMLUtils.getElementsByTagNameNS1(assertionElement,
int signsSize = signs.size();
if (signsSize == 1) {
// delay the signature validation till user call isSignatureValid()
xmlString = XMLUtils.print(assertionElement);
signed = true;
validationDone = false;
} else if (signsSize != 0) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.message("Assertion(Element): included more than"
+ " one Signature element.");
throw new SAMLRequesterException(
read = elt.getAttribute("MajorVersion");
if ((read == null) || (read.length() == 0)) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.message("Assertion: MajorVersion missing");
throw new SAMLRequesterException(
else {
int ver = 0;
try {
ver = Integer.parseInt(read);
} catch ( NumberFormatException ne ) {
"Assertion: invalid integer in MajorVersion", ne);
throw new SAMLRequesterException(
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
"Assertion: MajorVersion too low");
throw new SAMLVersionMismatchException(
+ ":"+"MajorVersion");
} else if (ver > sc.ASSERTION_MAJOR_VERSION) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
"Assertion: MajorVersion too high");
throw new SAMLVersionMismatchException(
read = elt.getAttribute("MinorVersion");
if ((read == null) || (read.length() == 0)) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled())
SAMLUtils.debug.message("Assertion: MinorVersion missing");
throw new SAMLRequesterException(
else {
int ver = 0;
try {
ver = Integer.parseInt(read);
} catch ( NumberFormatException ne ) {
"Assertion: invalid integer in MinorVersion", ne);
throw new SAMLRequesterException(
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.message("Assertion.parseAssertionElement: " +
"minMinorVersion = " + getMinAssertionMinorVersion() +
", maxMinorVersion = " + getMaxAssertionMinorVersion());
if (ver < getMinAssertionMinorVersion()) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.message("Assertion: MinorVersion too low");
throw new SAMLVersionMismatchException(
} else if (ver > getMaxAssertionMinorVersion()) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.message("Assertion: MinorVersion too high");
throw new SAMLVersionMismatchException(
} else {
read = elt.getAttribute("AssertionID");
if ((read == null) || (read.length() == 0)) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled())
SAMLUtils.debug.message("Assertion: AssertionID missing");
throw new SAMLRequesterException(
else {
_assertionID = new AssertionIDReference(read);
read = elt.getAttribute("IssueInstant");
if ((read == null) || (read.length() == 0)) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.message("Assertion: IssueInstant missing");
throw new SAMLRequesterException(
} else {
try {
_issueInstant = DateUtils.stringToDate(read);
} catch (ParseException pe) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled())
"Assertion: could not parse IssueInstant", pe);
throw new SAMLRequesterException(SAMLUtils.bundle.getString(
"wrongInput") + " " + pe.getMessage());
NodeList nl = assertionElement.getChildNodes();
int length = nl.getLength();
for (int n=0; n<length; n++) {
Node child = (Node)nl.item(n);
if (child.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
String childName = child.getLocalName();
if (childName.equals("Conditions"))
_conditions = new Conditions((Element)child);
else if (childName.equals("Advice"))
_advice = new Advice((Element)child);
else if (childName.equals("AuthenticationStatement")) {
_statements.add(new AuthenticationStatement((Element)child));
else if (childName.equals("AuthorizationDecisionStatement")) {
_statements.add(new AuthorizationDecisionStatement(
else if (childName.equals("AttributeStatement")) {
_statements.add(new AttributeStatement((Element)child));
else if (childName.equals("Signature")) {
signature = (Element) child;
else if (!processUnknownElement((Element)child)) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
"Assertion: invalid element in Assertion");
throw new SAMLRequesterException("invalidElement");
if (_statements.isEmpty()) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
"Assertion: mandatory statement missing");
throw new SAMLRequesterException("missingStatement");
* Contructs <code>Assertion</code> object and populate the data members:
* <code>assertionID</code>, the issuer, time when assertion issued and a
* set of <code>Statement</code>(s) in the assertion.
* @param assertionID <code>assertionID</code> attribute contained within
* this <code>Assertion</code> if null, an <code>assertionID</code>
* is generated internally.
* @param issuer The issuer of this assertion.
* @param issueInstant time instant of the issue. It has type
* <code>dateTime</code> which is built in to the W3C XML Schema
* Types specification.if null, current time is used.
* @param statements set of <code>Statement</code> objects within this
* <code>Assertion</code>. It could be of type
* <code>AuthenticationStatement</code>,
* <code>AuthorizationDecisionStatement</code> and
* <code>AttributeStatement</code>. Each Assertion can have multiple
* type of statements in it.
* @exception SAMLException if there is an error in processing input.
public Assertion(String assertionID,java.lang.String issuer,
Date issueInstant, Set statements) throws SAMLException
super(assertionID, issuer, issueInstant, statements);
* Contructs <code>Assertion</code> object and populate the data members:
* the <code>assertionID</code>, the issuer, time when assertion issued,
* the conditions when creating a new assertion and a set of
* <code>Statement</code>(s) in the assertion.
* @param assertionID <code>AssertionID</code> contained within this
* <code>Assertion</code> if null its generated internally.
* @param issuer The issuer of this assertion.
* @param issueInstant time instant of the issue. It has type
* <code>dateTime</code> which is built in to the W3C XML Schema
* Types specification. if null, current time is used.
* @param conditions <code>Conditions</code> under which the this
* <code>Assertion</code> is valid.
* @param statements Set of <code>Statement</code> objects within this
* <code>Assertion</code>. It could be of type
* <code>AuthenticationStatement</code>,
* <code>AuthorizationDecisionStatement</code> and
* <code>AttributeStatement</code>. Each Assertion can have multiple
* type of statements in it.
* @exception SAMLException if there is an error in processing input.
public Assertion(String assertionID,java.lang.String issuer,
Date issueInstant, Conditions conditions, Set statements)
throws SAMLException
super(assertionID, issuer, issueInstant, conditions, statements);
* Contructs <code>Assertion</code> object and populate the data members:
* the <code>ssertionID</code>, the issuer, time when assertion issued,
* the conditions when creating a new assertion , <code>Advice</code>
* applicable to this <code>Assertion</code> and a set of
* <code>Statement</code>(s) in the assertion.
* @param assertionID <code>AssertionID</code> object contained within this
* <code>Assertion</code> if null its generated internally.
* @param issuer The issuer of this assertion.
* @param issueInstant Time instant of the issue. It has type
* <code>dateTime</code> which is built in to the W3C XML Schema
* Types specification. if null, current time is used.
* @param conditions <code>Conditions</code> under which the this
* <code>Assertion</code> is valid.
* @param advice <code>Advice</code> applicable for this
* <code>Assertion</code>.
* @param statements Set of <code>Statement</code> objects within this
* <code>Assertion</code>. It could be of type
* <code>AuthenticationStatement</code>,
* <code>AuthorizationDecisionStatement</code> and
* <code>AttributeStatement</code>. Each Assertion can have
* multiple type of statements in it.
* @exception SAMLException if there is an error in processing input.
public Assertion(String assertionID,java.lang.String issuer,
Date issueInstant, Conditions conditions, Advice advice,
Set statements) throws SAMLException
super(assertionID, issuer, issueInstant, conditions, advice,statements);
* Returns the advice of an assertion.
* @return <code>Advice</code> object containing advice information of the
* assertion.
public Advice getAdvice() {
return (Advice)_advice;
protected AdviceBase createAdvice(Element adviceElement)
throws SAMLException {
return new Advice(adviceElement);
protected AuthorizationDecisionStatementBase
createAuthorizationDecisionStatement(Element authDecisionElement)
throws SAMLException {
return new AuthorizationDecisionStatement(authDecisionElement);
protected AuthenticationStatement
createAuthenticationStatement(Element authenticationElement)
throws SAMLException {
return new AuthenticationStatement(authenticationElement);
protected AttributeStatement
createAttributeStatement(Element attributeElement)
throws SAMLException {
return new AttributeStatement(attributeElement);
protected AssertionIDReference
createAssertionIDReference(Element assertionIDRefElement)
throws SAMLException {
return new AssertionIDReference(assertionIDRefElement);
protected AssertionIDReference
createAssertionIDReference(String assertionID) throws SAMLException {
return new AssertionIDReference(assertionID);
protected Conditions
createConditions(Element conditionsElement) throws SAMLException {
return new Conditions(conditionsElement);
protected boolean processUnknownElement(Element element)
throws SAMLException
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
return false;
protected int getMinAssertionMinorVersion() {
protected int getMaxAssertionMinorVersion() {