* Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* https://opensso.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html or
* opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
* Header Notice in each file and include the License file
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* If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
* with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
* your own identifying information:
* "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
* $Id: AssertionManagerClient.java,v 1.8 2008/08/19 19:11:11 veiming Exp $
* Portions Copyrighted 2015 ForgeRock AS.
package com.sun.identity.saml;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.URL;
import com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Assertion;
import com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Attribute;
import com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.AssertionIDReference;
import com.sun.identity.saml.protocol.AssertionArtifact;
import com.sun.identity.saml.common.SAMLConstants;
import com.sun.identity.saml.common.SAMLUtils;
import com.sun.identity.shared.jaxrpc.SOAPClient;
import com.sun.identity.shared.jaxrpc.JAXRPCHelper;
import com.sun.identity.shared.encode.Base64;
import com.sun.identity.shared.xml.XMLUtils;
import com.sun.identity.saml.common.SAMLException;
import com.sun.identity.plugin.session.SessionException;
import com.sun.identity.plugin.session.SessionManager;
import com.sun.identity.plugin.session.SessionProvider;
import com.sun.identity.common.SystemConfigurationUtil;
* The class <code>AssertionManagerClient</code> is a <code>final</code> class
* that provides interfaces to create, get and destroy <code>Assertion</code>s.
* <p>
* The class provides mechanisms to manage the <code>Assertion</code>s either
* locally (i.e., within the same JVM process) or remotely on another instance
* of OpenAM. The default constructor will manage the <code>
* Assertion</code>s locally if it detects SAML web services running locally,
* else will use one of the configured OpenAM servers. The constructor which
* accepts an <code>URL</code> will always use the URL to manage the assertions.
* <p>
* Having obtained an instance of <code>AssertionManagerClient</code>, its
* methods can be called to create/get <code>Assertion</code>, and
* <code>AssertionArtifact</code>, and to obtain decision from an
* <code>Query</code>.
public final class AssertionManagerClient {
// Service name in naming
private static String SERVICE_NAME = "samlassertionmanager";
// Flag to determine if AssertionManager is local or remote
static boolean checkedForLocal;
static boolean isLocal;
// Instance variable to use local service via AssertionManager
private boolean useLocal;
// Remote JAX-RPC server for objects that use default constructor
private static SOAPClient remoteStub;
// If local pointer to AssertionManager instance
private static AssertionManager assertionManager;
// JAX-RPC remote stub
private SOAPClient stub;
* Default Constructor
* @throws SAMLException if it cannot be constructed.
public AssertionManagerClient() throws SAMLException {
if (!checkedForLocal) {
try {
// Construct the URL for locally defined server.
// This will throw URLNotFoundException if host
// is not part of Naming platform list
remoteStub = getServiceEndPoint(
// The following call will throw one of the following
// exception if service does not exist or does not have
// permissions: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException
// java.rmi.RemoteException, java.rmi.ServerException
remoteStub.send("checkForLocal", null, null,null);
if (isLocal) {
SAMLUtils.debug.warning("AMC(): Using local service");
assertionManager = AssertionManager.getInstance();
checkedForLocal = true;
* The following code is commented out since we are not ready
* to do a fall back function yet, as the rest of OpenAM
* does not support this. The server specified in AMConfig
* .properties
* will only be used to determine the remote server.
/* } catch (URLNotFoundException unfe) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.warning("AMC: No SAML service locally. " +
"URLNotFound.", unfe);
remoteStub = getRemoteStub();
checkedForLocal = true;
} catch (SOAPException se) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.warning("AMC: No SAML service locally. " +
"SOAPException.", se);
remoteStub = getRemoteStub();
checkedForLocal = true;
} catch (ServerException se) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.warning("AMC: No SAML service locally. " +
"ServerException.", se);
remoteStub = getRemoteStub();
checkedForLocal = true;
} catch (RemoteException re) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.warning("AMC: No SAML service locally. " +
"RemoteException.", re);
remoteStub = getRemoteStub();
checkedForLocal = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
"AssertionManagerClient()Exception", e);
throw (new SAMLException(e.getMessage()));
if (isLocal) {
useLocal = true;
} else {
// Use the remoteStub if set
stub = remoteStub;
* Constructs an instance of <code>AssertionManagerClient</code>
* that will use the provided <code>URL</code> for the management
* of assertions.
* @param url <code>AssertionManager</code> service URL that will be used
* to create, get and delete assertions.
* @throws SAMLException if it cannot be constructed.
public AssertionManagerClient(String url) throws SAMLException {
try {
// Construct the JAX-RPC SOAPClient
String[] urls = { url };
stub = new SOAPClient(urls);
useLocal = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
"AssertionManagerClient() Exception", e);
throw (new SAMLException(e.getMessage()));
* Constructs an instance of <code>AssertionManagerClient</code>
* that will use the provided <code>URLs</code> for the management
* of assertions. In case of server failure, it will fall back
* to next available server.
* @param urls an array of <code>AssertionManager</code> service URLs that
* will be used to create, get and delete assertions.
* @throws SAMLException if it cannot be constructed.
public AssertionManagerClient(String[] urls) throws SAMLException {
try {
// Construct the JAX-RPC SOAPClient
stub = new SOAPClient(urls);
useLocal = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
"AssertionManagerClient() Exception", e);
throw (new SAMLException(e.getMessage()));
// Private method to get the service endpoint URL
private static SOAPClient getServiceEndPoint(String protocol,
String hostname, String port, String uri) throws Exception {
// Obtain the URL for the service endpoint
URL weburl = SystemConfigurationUtil.getServiceURL(
SERVICE_NAME, protocol, hostname, Integer.parseInt(port), uri);
String iurl = weburl.toString();
if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.message("AssertionManagerClient with URL: " + iurl);
// Obtaining the stub for JAX-RPC
String[] urls = { iurl };
return (new SOAPClient(urls));
private static SOAPClient getRemoteStub() throws SAMLException {
SOAPClient remoteStub = null;
try {
// Get a valid server from JAXRPCUtil. This throws
// Exception if no servers are found
URL u = new URL(JAXRPCHelper.getValidURL(SERVICE_NAME));
remoteStub = getServiceEndPoint(u.getProtocol(), u.getHost(),
Integer.toString(u.getPort()), u.getPath());
// The following call will check if the JVM contains the
// the service instance also. If this is a server instance also
// "short-circuit" will be performed.
remoteStub.send("checkForLocal", null, null,null);
} catch (Exception ee) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
"AMC:getRemoteStub: generic error: ", ee);
throw (new SAMLException(ee.getMessage()));
return (remoteStub);
* Returns an assertion that contains an authentication statement.
* @param token User session that contains authentication
* information which is needed to create the authentication
* statement.
* @return the created assertion.
* @throws SAMLException if the assertion cannot be created.
public Assertion createAssertion(Object token) throws SAMLException {
if (useLocal) {
return (assertionManager.createAssertion(token));
String assertion = null;
try {
SessionProvider sessionProvider = SessionManager.getProvider();
Object[] args = { sessionProvider.getSessionID(token) };
assertion = (String) stub.send("createAssertion", args, null,
return (new Assertion(XMLUtils.toDOMDocument(assertion,
} catch (Exception re) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.warning("AMC:createAssertion(SSO)", re);
throw (new SAMLException(re.getMessage()));
* Returns an assertion that contains an authentication and attribute
* statement.
* @param token User session that contains authentication
* information which is needed to create the authentication
* statement for the assertion.
* @param attributes A list of attribute objects which are used to create
* the attribute statement.
* @return The created assertion.
* @throws SAMLException If the Assertion cannot be created.
public Assertion createAssertion(Object token, List attributes)
throws SAMLException
if (useLocal) {
return (assertionManager.createAssertion(token, attributes));
// Check for null or empty attributes
if (attributes == null || attributes.isEmpty())
return (createAssertion(token));
String assertion = null;
try {
List attrs = new LinkedList();
for (Iterator iter = attributes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Attribute attribute = (Attribute) iter.next();
attrs.add(attribute.toString(true, true));
SessionProvider sessionProvider = SessionManager.getProvider();
Object[] args = { sessionProvider.getSessionID(token), attrs };
assertion = (String) stub.send("createAssertion2", args, null,
return (new Assertion(XMLUtils.toDOMDocument(assertion,
} catch (Exception re) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.warning("AMC:createAssertion(SSO, attrs)", re);
throw (new SAMLException(re.getMessage()));
* Returns an <code>AssertionArtifact</code> for the given <code>
* Assertion</code>.
* @param assertion The Assertion for which an Artifact needs to be
* created.
* @param target The <code>sourceID</code> of the site for which the
* <code>AssertionArtifact</code> is created. It is in raw String
* format (not Base64 encoded, for example.) This String can be
* obtained from converting the 20 bytes sequence to char Array,
* then from the char Array to String.
* @return <code>AssertionArtifact</code>
* @throws SAMLException if the <code>AssertionArtifact</code> cannot be
* created.
public AssertionArtifact createAssertionArtifact(Assertion assertion,
String target) throws SAMLException
if (useLocal) {
return (assertionManager.createAssertionArtifact(
assertion, target));
String aa = null;
try {
Object[] args = {assertion.toString(true, true),
Base64.encode(SAMLUtils.stringToByteArray(target)) };
aa = (String) stub.send("createAssertionArtifact", args, null,
return (new AssertionArtifact(aa));
} catch (Exception re) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.warning("AMC:createAssertionArtifact:", re);
throw (new SAMLException(re.getMessage()));
* Returns the <code>Assertion</code> based on the
* <code>AssertionIDReference</code>.
* @param idRef The <code>AssertionIDReference</code> which references to an
* Assertion.
* @param destID A set of String that representing the destination site id.
* The destination site id requesting the assertion using
* the assertion id reference. This String is compared with the
* <code>destID</code> that the assertion is created for originally.
* This field is not used (could be null) if the assertion was
* created without a <code>destID</code> originally. This String can
* be obtained from converting the 20 byte site id sequence to char
* array, then a new String from the char array.
* @return the Assertion referenced by the
* <code>AssertionIDReference</code>.
* @throws SAMLException if an error occurred during the process; or
* the assertion could not be found.
public Assertion getAssertion(AssertionIDReference idRef, Set destID)
throws SAMLException
if (useLocal)
return (assertionManager.getAssertion(idRef, destID));
String assertion = null;
try {
Set destSet = new HashSet();
if (destID != null && !destID.isEmpty()) {
Iterator it = destID.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
(String) it.next())));
Object[] args = { idRef.getAssertionIDReference(), destSet };
assertion = (String) stub.send("getAssertionByIdRef", args, null,
return (new Assertion(XMLUtils.toDOMDocument(assertion,
} catch (Exception re) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.warning("AMC:getAssertion: " + idRef, re);
throw (new SAMLException(re.getMessage()));
* Returns the <code>Assertion</code> based on the
* <code>AssertionIDReference</code>
* @param idRef The <code>AssertionIDReference</code> which references to
* an Assertion.
* @param destID The destination site id requesting the assertion using
* the assertion id reference. This String is compared with the
* <code>destID</code> that the assertion is created for originally.
* This field is not used (could be null) if the assertion was
* created without a <code>destID</code> originally. This String can
* be obtained from converting the 20 byte site id sequence to char
* array, then a new String from the char array.
* @return the Assertion referenced by the
* <code>AssertionIDReference</code>.
* @throws SAMLException If an error occurred during the process; or
* the assertion could not be found.
public Assertion getAssertion(AssertionIDReference idRef, String destID)
throws SAMLException
if (useLocal) {
return (assertionManager.getAssertion(idRef, destID));
String assertion = null;
try {
// rpc could not handle destID is null or empty string case
if (destID == null || destID.length() == 0) {
destID = " ";
Object[] args = { idRef.getAssertionIDReference(),
Base64.encode(SAMLUtils.stringToByteArray(destID)) };
assertion = (String) stub.send("getAssertionByIdRef2", args, null,
return (new Assertion(XMLUtils.toDOMDocument(assertion,
} catch (Exception re) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.warning("AMC:getAssertion: " + idRef, re);
throw (new SAMLException(re.getMessage()));
* Returns assertion associated with the <code>AssertionArtifact</code>.
* @param artifact An <code>AssertionArtifact</code>.
* @param destID A Set of String that represents the destination id.
* The destination site requesting the assertion using the
* artifact. This String is compared with the <code>destID</code>
* that the artifact is created for originally. This field must not
* be null or empty set.
* @return The Assertion referenced to by artifact.
* @throws SAMLException If an error occurred during the process, or no
* assertion maps to the input artifact.
public Assertion getAssertion(AssertionArtifact artifact, Set destID)
throws SAMLException
if (useLocal) {
return (assertionManager.getAssertion(artifact, destID));
String assertion = null;
try {
if (destID == null || destID.isEmpty()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.error("AssertionManagerClient:getAssertion(" +
"AssertionArtifact, Set): destID set is null");
throw new SAMLException("nullInput");
Set destSet = new HashSet();
Iterator it = destID.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
(String) it.next())));
Object[] args = { artifact.getAssertionArtifact(), destSet };
assertion = (String) stub.send("getAssertion", args, null,
return (new Assertion(XMLUtils.toDOMDocument(assertion,
} catch (Exception re) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.warning("AMC:getAssertion: " + artifact, re);
throw (new SAMLException(re.getMessage()));
* Returns assertion associated with the <code>AssertionArtifact</code>.
* @param artifact An <code>AssertionArtifact</code>.
* @param destID The destination site requesting the assertion using
* the artifact. This String is compared with the
* <code>destID</code> that the artifact is created for originally.
* @return The Assertion referenced to by artifact.
* @throws SAMLException If an error occurred during the process, or no
* assertion maps to the input artifact.
protected Assertion getAssertion(AssertionArtifact artifact, String destID)
throws SAMLException
if (useLocal) {
return (assertionManager.getAssertion(artifact, destID));
String assertion = null;
try {
Object[] args = { artifact.getAssertionArtifact(),
Base64.encode(SAMLUtils.stringToByteArray(destID)) };
assertion = (String) stub.send("getAssertion2", args, null,
return (new Assertion(XMLUtils.toDOMDocument(assertion,
} catch (Exception re) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.warning("AMC:getAssertion: " + artifact, re);
throw (new SAMLException(re.getMessage()));
* Returns the <code>Assertion</code> based on the
* <code>AssertionIDReference</code>.
* @param idRef The <code>AssertionIDReference</code> which references to an
* Assertion.
* @param token User session that is allowed to obtain the assertion.
* This token must have top level administrator role.
* @return the Assertion referenced by the
* <code>AssertionIDReference</code>.
* @throws SAMLException If an error occurred during the process; or
* the assertion could not be found.
public Assertion getAssertion(AssertionIDReference idRef, Object token)
throws SAMLException
if (useLocal) {
return (assertionManager.getAssertion(idRef, token));
String assertion = null;
try {
SessionProvider sessionProvider = SessionManager.getProvider();
Object[] args = { idRef.getAssertionIDReference(),
sessionProvider.getSessionID(token) };
assertion = (String) stub.send("getAssertionByIdRefToken",
args, null, null);
return (new Assertion(XMLUtils.toDOMDocument(assertion,
} catch (Exception re) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.warning("AMC:getAssertion: " + idRef, re);
throw (new SAMLException(re.getMessage()));
* Returns all valid <code>AssertionArtifacts</code> managed by
* this instance (or the identified remote instance) of OpenAM.
* @param token User session which is allowed to get all
* <code>AssertionArtifacts</code>
* @return A Set of valid <code>AssertionArtifacts</code>. Each element
* in the Set is an <code>AssertionArtifact</code> object
* representing an artifact.
* @throws SAMLException If this method can not gets all valid
* <code>AssertionArtifacts</code>.
public Set getAssertionArtifacts(Object token) throws SAMLException {
if (useLocal) {
return (assertionManager.getAssertionArtifacts(token));
try {
SessionProvider sessionProvider = SessionManager.getProvider();
return ((Set) stub.send("getAssertionArtifacts",
sessionProvider.getSessionID(token), null));
} catch (Exception re) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.warning("AMC:getAssertionArtifacts: ", re);
throw (new SAMLException(re.getMessage()));
* Returns all valid <code>Assertion</code>s managed by this instance
* (or the identified remote instance) of OpenAM.
* @param token User session which is allowed to get all Assertions.
* @return A Set of valid Assertion IDs. Each element in the Set is a
* String representing an Assertion ID.
* @throws SAMLException if this method can not gets all valid Assertions.
public Set getAssertions(Object token) throws SAMLException {
if (useLocal) {
return (assertionManager.getAssertions(token));
try {
SessionProvider sessionProvider = SessionManager.getProvider();
return ((Set) stub.send("getAssertions",
sessionProvider.getSessionID(token), null));
} catch (Exception re) {
if (SAMLUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
SAMLUtils.debug.warning("AMC:getAssertions: ", re);
throw (new SAMLException(re.getMessage()));