* Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
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* You can obtain a copy of the License at
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* opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
* See the License for the specific language governing
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* $Id: PPInteractionHelper.java,v 1.2 2008/06/25 05:47:14 qcheng Exp $
package com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.idpp;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.idpp.plugin.AttributeMapper;
import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.idpp.common.*;
* The class <code>PPInteractionHelper</code> is a helper class for the
* Personal Profile Service for creating questions for Interaction for value
* and interaction for consent.
* The question key will always be of the following form in a properties file.
* Question: <PPAttribute>_Value_Question for interact for value
* Question: <PPAttribute>_Consent_Question for interfact for consent
* For e.g. CN_Value_Question or CN_Consent_Question.
* There will be a default question key for Consent if there's not one for the
* rquested attribute., but it's not true for interact for the value.
public class PPInteractionHelper {
private ResourceBundle props = null;
private static final String TEXT_MIN_CHARS = "textMinChars";
private static final String TEXT_MAX_CHARS = " textMaxChars";
private static String defaultMinChars = null;
private static String defaultMaxChars = null;
private static String idppProps = "libPersonalProfile";
* Constructor
* @param lang Language for the properties file.
public PPInteractionHelper(String lang) {
if(lang != null) {
props = ResourceBundle.getBundle(idppProps,
} else {
props = IDPPUtils.bundle;
try {
defaultMinChars = props.getString("defaultMinTextChars");
defaultMaxChars = props.getString("defaultMaxTextChars");
} catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
IDPPUtils.debug.error("PPInteractHelper.Static: Could not find min"+
" or maximum text characters.", mre);
* Gets the inquiry question for interaction for consent.
* common question if it does'nt have one.
* @param isQuery true if this is a <code>PP</code> query request,
* false if this is a <code>PP</code> modify request.
* @param ppElement leaf element in <code>PP</code> select expresssion.
* @return String inquiry question.
public String getInteractForConsentQuestion(boolean isQuery,
String ppElement) {
try {
if (isQuery) {
return props.getString(ppElement + "_" +
IDPPConstants.QUERY_TYPE + "_" +
IDPPConstants.CONSENT + "_" + IDPPConstants.QUESTION);
} else {
return props.getString(ppElement + "_" +
IDPPConstants.MODIFY_TYPE + "_" +
IDPPConstants.CONSENT + "_" + IDPPConstants.QUESTION);
} catch(MissingResourceException mre) {
if(IDPPUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
"can not find question for:" + ppElement);
if (isQuery) {
return props.getString(IDPPConstants.COMMON_QUERY_CONSENT_QUESTION);
} else {
* Gets Interact For value questions for an idpp element. There will be
* mutiple questions for a non leaf element.
* @param isQuery true if this is a <code>PP</code> query request,
* false if this is a <code>PP</code> modify request.
* @param ppElement leaf element in <code>PP</code> select expression.
* @return Map map of <code>PP</code> element and question.
* key is the ppelement for e.g. CN
* value is the question for e.g. "What's the CN value?";
public Map getInteractForValueQuestions(boolean isQuery, String ppElement) {
Map queries = new HashMap();
Set ppElements = getPPLeafElements(ppElement);
if(ppElements == null || ppElements.size() == 0) {
return queries;
if(ppElements.size() == 1) {
String question = getInteractForValueQuestion(isQuery, ppElement);
if(question == null) {
return queries;
queries.put(ppElement, question);
return queries;
Iterator iter = ppElements.iterator();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
String element = (String)iter.next();
String question = getInteractForValueQuestion(isQuery, element);
if(question != null) {
queries.put(element, question);
return queries;
* Gets the Personal Profile DS Attribute from the attribute mapper.
* @param key PP Attribute
* @return String DS Attribute for the respective PP Attribute
public String getPPAttribute(String key) {
AttributeMapper mapper = IDPPServiceManager.getInstance().
return mapper.getDSAttribute(key);
* Gets the text minimum characters
* @param resource a resource that's looking for minimum text chars.
* @return BigInteger text minimum characters in BigInteger format
* @exception NumberFormatException if it can not parse the number.
public BigInteger getTextMinChars(String resource)
throws NumberFormatException {
String minChars = null;
try {
minChars = props.getString(resource + "_" + TEXT_MIN_CHARS);
} catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
if(IDPPUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
"Could not find min chars for " + resource);
minChars = defaultMinChars;
return new BigInteger(minChars);
* Gets the text maxmimum characters for a given attribute.
* @param resource an attribute that's looking for the max text chars.
* @return BigInteger text maximum characters in BigInteger format
* @exception NumberFormatException if it can not parse the number.
public BigInteger getTextMaxChars(String resource)
throws NumberFormatException {
String maxChars = null;
try {
maxChars = props.getString(resource + "_" + TEXT_MAX_CHARS);
} catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
if(IDPPUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
"Could not find min chars for " + resource);
maxChars = defaultMaxChars;
return new BigInteger(maxChars);
* Gets the interact for value for a leaf element
* @param isQuery true if this is a <code>PP</code> query request,
* false if this is a <code>PP</code> modify request.
* @param ppElement leaf element in <code>PP</code> select expression.
* @return String question for the pp attribute element,
* null if does not find one.
private String getInteractForValueQuestion(boolean isQuery,
String ppElement) {
try {
if (isQuery) {
return props.getString( ppElement + "_" +
IDPPConstants.QUERY_TYPE + "_" +
IDPPConstants.VALUE + "_" + IDPPConstants.QUESTION);
} else {
return props.getString( ppElement + "_" +
IDPPConstants.MODIFY_TYPE + "_" +
IDPPConstants.VALUE + "_" + IDPPConstants.QUESTION);
} catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
IDPPUtils.debug.error("PPInteractionHelper.getInteractForValue" +
"Question: No question found for " + ppElement, mre);
return null;
* Gets the Personal Profile Service Leaf Element if there are any for
* the given PP Attribute element.
* @param ppElement PP Attribute element
* @return Set set of leaf elements.
private Set getPPLeafElements(String ppElement) {
Set set = new HashSet();
if(ppElement == null) {
return set;
if(ppElement.equals(IDPPConstants.COMMON_NAME_ELEMENT)) {
return getCommonNameElements();
} else if(ppElement.equals(IDPPConstants.INFORMAL_NAME_ELEMENT)) {
return getInformalNameElements();
} else if(ppElement.equals(IDPPConstants.EMPLOYMENT_IDENTITY_ELEMENT)) {
return getEmploymentIdentityElements();
} else if(ppElement.equals(IDPPConstants.LEGAL_IDENTITY_ELEMENT)) {
return getLegalIdentityElements();
} else if(ppElement.equals(IDPPConstants.EXTENSION_ELEMENT)) {
return getExtensionElements();
} else {
//if-else loops are followed
//It comes here only if it's a leaf element
return set;
// Static method to get the common name elements
private static Set getCommonNameElements() {
Set set = getAnalyzedNameElements();
return set;
// Static method to get analyzed name elements
private static Set getAnalyzedNameElements() {
Set set = new HashSet();
return set;
// Static method to get informal name elements
private static Set getInformalNameElements() {
Set set = new HashSet();
return set;
// Static method to get employment identity elements
private static Set getEmploymentIdentityElements() {
Set set = new HashSet();
return set;
// Static method to get legal identity elements
private static Set getLegalIdentityElements() {
Set set = getAnalyzedNameElements();
return set;
// Static method to get the extension elements
private static Set getExtensionElements() {
return IDPPServiceManager.getInstance().getExtensionAttributes();