* Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
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* $Id: DSTRequestHandler.java,v 1.3 2008/06/25 05:47:14 qcheng Exp $
package com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.dst.service;
import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.disco.jaxb.ResourceIDType;
import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.disco.jaxb.EncryptedResourceIDType;
import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.disco.EncryptedResourceID;
import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.dst.DSTUtils;
import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.soapbinding.SOAPFaultException;
import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.soapbinding.Message;
import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.soapbinding.RequestHandler;
import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.soapbinding.Utils;
import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.security.SecurityTokenManager;
import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.common.wsse.BinarySecurityToken;
import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.dst.DSTException;
import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.disco.common.DiscoUtils;
import com.sun.identity.shared.xml.XMLUtils;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
* The class <code>DSTRequestHandler</code> is a handler for processing
* Query or Modify Requests for any generic data service that are built
* using Liberty SIS specifications. This class includes common processing
* rules defined by Liberty DST specification, it is an extension point
* for any Liberty DST based web services.
* @supported.all.api
public abstract class DSTRequestHandler implements RequestHandler {
* Default constructor
protected DSTRequestHandler() {}
* Processes the request for the given personal profile service request.
* @param msg SOAP Request message
* @return Message SOAP Response Message.
* @exception SOAPFaultException if the service requires an interaction.
* @exception Exception for any generic failure.
public Message processRequest(Message msg)
throws SOAPFaultException, Exception {
if(DSTUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
DSTUtils.debug.message("DSTRequestHandler:processRequest:" +
"Request received: " + msg.toString());
List requestBodies = msg.getBodies();
requestBodies = Utils.convertElementToJAXB(requestBodies);
if(requestBodies == null || requestBodies.size() == 0) {
"SOAPBodies are null");
throw new Exception(DSTUtils.bundle.getString("nullInputParams"));
Message response = null;
int securityProfile = msg.getSecurityProfileType();
if((securityProfile == Message.X509_TOKEN) ||
(securityProfile == Message.SAML_TOKEN) ||
(securityProfile == Message.BEARER_TOKEN)) {
response = new Message(null, generateBinarySecurityToken(msg));
} else {
response = new Message();
List responseBodies = processSOAPBodies(requestBodies, msg, response);
responseBodies = Utils.convertJAXBToElement(responseBodies);
if(DSTUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
DSTUtils.debug.message("DSTRequestHandler:processRequest:" +
"returned response: " + response.toString());
return response;
* Processes each SOAPBody.
* @param requestBodies list of request bodies
* @return List list of response bodies.
* @exception SOAPFaultException for the interaction queries.
* @exception DSTException for any failure.
private List processSOAPBodies(List requestBodies,
Message msg, Message response)
throws SOAPFaultException, DSTException {
List responseBodies = new ArrayList();
int size = requestBodies.size();
for(int i=0; i < size; i++) {
Object request = requestBodies.get(i);
responseBodies.add(processDSTRequest(request, msg, response));
return responseBodies;
* Generates the binary security token if the security profile is X509.
* @param msg Request Message.
* @return BinarySecurityToken.
* @exception DSTException.
private BinarySecurityToken generateBinarySecurityToken(Message msg)
throws DSTException {
try {
SecurityTokenManager manager = new SecurityTokenManager(
BinarySecurityToken binaryToken = manager.getX509CertificateToken();
return binaryToken;
} catch (Exception e) {
DSTUtils.debug.error("DSTRequestHandler:generateBinary" +
"SecurityToken: Error in generating binary security token.", e);
throw new DSTException(e);
* Processes query/modify request.
* @param request query or modify object.
* @param msg Request Message.
* @param response response Message.
* @return Object processed response object.
* @exception DSTException for failure.
* @exception SOAPFaultException for the interaction redirects
public abstract Object processDSTRequest(
Object request, Message msg, Message response)
throws SOAPFaultException, DSTException;
* Gets the Resource ID given in the Query or Modify Request.
* @param resourceIDType JAXB ResourceIDType Object.
* @param providerID Provider ID.
* @param serviceType Service Type.
* @return String resource id.
protected String getResourceID(
Object resourceIDType,
String providerID,
String serviceType) {
if(resourceIDType == null) {
if(DSTUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
DSTUtils.debug.message("PPRequestHandler:getResourceID:" +
"ResourceIDType is null");
return null;
if(resourceIDType instanceof ResourceIDType) {
ResourceIDType resID = (ResourceIDType)resourceIDType;
return resID.getValue();
} else if( resourceIDType instanceof EncryptedResourceIDType) {
EncryptedResourceIDType encID =
try {
Document encDoc = XMLUtils.newDocument();
DiscoUtils.getDiscoMarshaller().marshal(encID, encDoc);
if(DSTUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
DSTUtils.debug.message("PPRequestHandler.getResourceID:" +
"Encrypted ResourceID = " + XMLUtils.print((Node)encDoc));
EncryptedResourceID encryptedId = new EncryptedResourceID(
encDoc.getDocumentElement(), serviceType);
String resIDStr = EncryptedResourceID.getDecryptedResourceID(
encryptedId, providerID).getResourceID();
if(DSTUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
DSTUtils.debug.message("PPRequestHandler.getResourceID: " +
"ResourceID Value after decryption" + resIDStr);
return resIDStr;
} catch (Exception ex) {
DSTUtils.debug.error("PPRequestHandler.getResourceID:error", ex);
return null;
} else {
DSTUtils.debug.error("PPRequestHandler:getResourceID:invalid" +
"resource ID type.");
return null;
* Issue to be resolved: DST Schema does not have any name space associated
* with it. These schemas are included in each service schema., so that they
* would inherit the name spaces of respective processing service.
* Hence, DST JAXBElements have to be different for each data service. This
* issue might need to escalate to the JAXB team so that we should be able
* to specify the name space at runtime.
* Till then, we will have one request handler for each data service, other
* wise resolving imports is really difficult.