* Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* https://opensso.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html or
* opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
* Header Notice in each file and include the License file
* at opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt.
* If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
* with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
* your own identifying information:
* "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
* $Id: FSAuthnRequest.java,v 1.4 2008/07/08 06:03:37 exu Exp $
* Portions Copyrighted 2014 ForgeRock AS
package com.sun.identity.federation.message;
import com.sun.identity.federation.common.FSUtils;
import com.sun.identity.federation.common.IFSConstants;
import com.sun.identity.federation.message.common.Extension;
import com.sun.identity.federation.message.common.FSMsgException;
import com.sun.identity.federation.message.common.RequestAuthnContext;
import com.sun.identity.saml.common.SAMLConstants;
import com.sun.identity.saml.common.SAMLException;
import com.sun.identity.saml.common.SAMLResponderException;
import com.sun.identity.saml.common.SAMLUtils;
import com.sun.identity.saml.protocol.AbstractRequest;
import com.sun.identity.saml.xmlsig.XMLSignatureManager;
import com.sun.identity.shared.DateUtils;
import com.sun.identity.shared.encode.Base64;
import com.sun.identity.shared.encode.URLEncDec;
import com.sun.identity.shared.xml.XMLUtils;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
* The class <code>FSAuthnRequest</code> is used to create , parse
* <code>AuthnRequest</code> object.
* @supported.all.api
* @deprecated since 12.0.0
public class FSAuthnRequest extends AbstractRequest {
private List extensions = null;
private boolean isPassive = false;
private boolean forceAuthn = false;
private boolean federate = false;
private String nameIDPolicy = null;
private String protocolProfile = null;
private String providerId = null;
private RequestAuthnContext authnContext = null;
private String relayState = null;
protected String xmlString = null;
protected String signatureString = null;
protected String authContextCompType = null;
protected String id = null;
protected String assertionConsumerServiceID = null;
protected String consentURI = null;
protected String affiliationID = null;
protected int minorVersion = 0;
protected FSScoping scoping = null;
private static final String QUERY_STRING_EXTENSION_PREFIX = "AE_";
* Default AuthnRequest construtor
public FSAuthnRequest() {
setIssueInstant(new Date());
* Constructor to create <code>FSAuthnRequest</code> object.
* @param requestId the request identifier.
* @param respondWiths List of respond withs attributes.
* @param providerID provider id of the requesting provider.
* @param forceAuthn Force Authentication boolean value.
* @param isPassive attribute for IDP to be passive or active.
* @param fed attribute to distingush this request for Federation or SSO
* @param nameIDPolicy Name ID Policy for this request, possible values
* are "none", "onetime", "federated", "any".
* @param protocolProf ProtocolProfile used for the SSO.
* @param authnCxt Authentication Context used for the SSO.
* @param relaySt Relay State i.e. original URL to be redirected after SSO.
* @param authContextCompType AuthContext comparison type.
* @throws <code>FSMsgException</code> on error.
public FSAuthnRequest(String requestId,
List respondWiths,
String providerID,
boolean forceAuthn,
boolean isPassive,
boolean fed,
String nameIDPolicy,
String protocolProf,
RequestAuthnContext authnCxt,
String relaySt,
String authContextCompType)
throws FSMsgException {
setIssueInstant(new Date());
if((respondWiths != null) && (respondWiths != Collections.EMPTY_LIST)) {
int length = respondWiths.size();
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Object temp = respondWiths.get(i);
if(!(temp instanceof String)) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAuthnRequest: wrong input for " +
throw new FSMsgException("wrongInput", null);
this.respondWiths = respondWiths;
if ((requestId != null) && (requestId.length() != 0)) {
requestID = requestId;
} else {
// random generate one
requestID = SAMLUtils.generateID();
if (requestID == null) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAuthnRequest: couldn't gen RequestID.");
throw new FSMsgException("errorGenerateID",null);
this.isPassive = isPassive;
this.forceAuthn = forceAuthn;
this.providerId = providerID;
this.federate = fed;
this.nameIDPolicy = nameIDPolicy;
this.protocolProfile = protocolProf;
this.relayState = relaySt;
this.authnContext = authnCxt;
this.authContextCompType = authContextCompType;
id = requestID;
* Constructor to create <code>FSAuthnRequest</code> object.
* @param root the Document Element object.
* @throws <code>FSMsgException</code> on error.
public FSAuthnRequest(Element root) throws FSMsgException {
String tag = null;
if (root == null) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAuthnRequest(Element): null input.");
throw new FSMsgException("nullInput",null);
if(((tag = root.getLocalName()) == null) ||
(!tag.equals(IFSConstants.AUTHN_REQUEST))) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAuthnRequest(Element): wrong input");
throw new FSMsgException("wrongInput",null);
// Attribute IssueInstant
String instantString = root.getAttribute(IFSConstants.ISSUE_INSTANT);
if ((instantString == null) || (instantString.length() == 0)) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAuthnRequest(Element): "
+ "missing IssueInstant");
String[] args = { IFSConstants.ISSUE_INSTANT };
throw new FSMsgException("missingAttribute",args);
} else {
try {
issueInstant = DateUtils.stringToDate(instantString);
} catch (ParseException e) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAuthnRequest(Element): "
+ "could not parse IssueInstant", e);
throw new FSMsgException("wrongInput", null);
// Consent attribute
consentURI = root.getAttribute(IFSConstants.CONSENT);
id = root.getAttribute(IFSConstants.ID);
requestID = root.getAttribute(IFSConstants.AUTH_REQUEST_ID);
NodeList contentnl = root.getChildNodes();
Node child;
String nodeName;
int length = contentnl.getLength();
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
child = contentnl.item(i);
if ((nodeName = child.getLocalName()) != null) {
if (nodeName.equals(IFSConstants.RESPONDWITH)) {
if (respondWiths == Collections.EMPTY_LIST) {
respondWiths = new ArrayList();
respondWiths.add(XMLUtils.getElementValue((Element) child));
} else if (nodeName.equals(IFSConstants.PROVIDER_ID)) {
if(providerId != null && providerId.length() != 0) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAuthnRequest(Element): should"
+ "contain only one ProviderID.");
throw new FSMsgException("wrongInput",null);
providerId = XMLUtils.getElementValue((Element) child);
} else if(nodeName.equals(IFSConstants.NAMEID_POLICY_ELEMENT)) {
nameIDPolicy=XMLUtils.getElementValue((Element) child);
if (nameIDPolicy != null &&
) {
federate = true;
} else if (nodeName.equals(IFSConstants.FEDERATE)) {
String strFederate =
if(strFederate != null && strFederate.length() != 0 &&
|| strFederate.equals(IFSConstants.ONE)) {
federate = true;
} else if (nodeName.equals(IFSConstants.IS_PASSIVE_ELEM)) {
String strIsPassive =
XMLUtils.getElementValue((Element) child);
if(strIsPassive != null && strIsPassive.length() != 0 &&
strIsPassive.equals(IFSConstants.TRUE)) {
isPassive = true;
} else {
isPassive = false;
} else if (nodeName.equals(IFSConstants.FORCE_AUTHN_ELEM)) {
String strForceAuthn =
XMLUtils.getElementValue((Element) child);
if(strForceAuthn != null && strForceAuthn.length() != 0 &&
strForceAuthn.equals(IFSConstants.TRUE)) {
forceAuthn = true;
} else {
forceAuthn = false;
} else if (nodeName.equals(IFSConstants.PROTOCOL_PROFILE)) {
if(protocolProfile != null
&& protocolProfile.length() != 0) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAuthnRequest(Element): "
+ "should contain only one ProtocolProfile.");
throw new FSMsgException("wrongInput",null);
protocolProfile = XMLUtils.getElementValue((Element) child);
} else if (nodeName.equals(IFSConstants.AUTHN_CONTEXT)) {
authnContext = new RequestAuthnContext((Element) child);
} else if (nodeName.equals(
authnContext = new RequestAuthnContext((Element) child);
} else if (nodeName.equals(IFSConstants.RELAY_STATE)) {
relayState = XMLUtils.getElementValue((Element) child);
} else if (nodeName.equals(
authContextCompType =
XMLUtils.getElementValue((Element) child);
if(!(authContextCompType.equals(IFSConstants.MINIMUM) ||
authContextCompType.equals(IFSConstants.EXACT) ||
authContextCompType.equals(IFSConstants.MAXIMUM) ||
authContextCompType.equals(IFSConstants.BETTER)) ) {
throw new FSMsgException("wrongInput",null);
} else if (nodeName.equals(
assertionConsumerServiceID =
XMLUtils.getElementValue((Element) child);
} else if(nodeName.equals(IFSConstants.AFFILIATIONID)) {
affiliationID = XMLUtils.getElementValue((Element) child);
} else if(nodeName.equals(IFSConstants.EXTENSION)) {
if (extensions == null) {
extensions = new ArrayList();
extensions.add(new Extension((Element)child));
} else if(nodeName.equals(IFSConstants.SCOPING)) {
scoping = new FSScoping((Element)child);
} else {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAuthnRequest(Element): invalid"
+ " node" + nodeName);
throw new FSMsgException("wrongInput",null);
//check for signature
List signs = XMLUtils.getElementsByTagNameNS1(root,
int signsSize = signs.size();
if (signsSize == 1) {
Element elem = (Element)signs.get(0);
xmlString = XMLUtils.print(root);
signed = true;
} else if (signsSize != 0) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAuthnRequest(Element): "
+ "included more than one Signature element.");
throw new FSMsgException("moreElement",null);
//end check for signature
* This method translates the request to an XML document String based on
* the Request schema described above.
* NOTE: this is a complete AuthnRequest xml string with RequestID,
* MajorVersion, etc.
* @return XML String representing the request.
* @throws FSMsgException if there is an error.
public String toXMLString() throws FSMsgException {
return toXMLString(true, true);
* Creates a String representation of the &lt;lib:AuthnRequest&gt; element.
* @param includeNS : Determines whether or not the namespace qualifier
* is prepended to the Element when converted
* @param declareNS : Determines whether or not the namespace is declared
* within the Element.
* @return string containing the valid XML for this element.
* @throws FSMsgException if there is an error.
public String toXMLString(
boolean includeNS, boolean declareNS
) throws FSMsgException {
return toXMLString(includeNS, declareNS, false);
* Creates a String representation of the &lt;lib:AuthnRequest&gt; element.
* @param includeNS Determines whether or not the namespace qualifier
* is prepended to the Element when converted
* @param declareNS Determines whether or not the namespace is declared
* within the Element.
* @param includeHeader Determines whether the output include the xml
* declaration header.
* @return A string containing the valid XML for this element.
* @throws FSMsgException if there is an error.
public String toXMLString(boolean includeNS,
boolean declareNS,
boolean includeHeader) throws FSMsgException {
if (xmlString != null) {
return xmlString;
if((providerId == null) || (providerId.length() == 0)){
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAuthnRequest.toXMLString: "
+ "providerId is null in the request with requestId:"
+ requestID);
String[] args = { requestID };
throw new FSMsgException("nullProviderIdWRequestId",args);
if ((requestID == null) || (requestID.length() == 0)){
requestID = SAMLUtils.generateID();
if (requestID == null) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAuthnRequest.toXMLString: "
+ "couldn't generate RequestID.");
throw new FSMsgException("errorGenerateID",null);
StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer(300);
if (includeHeader) {
xml.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"").
append(IFSConstants.DEFAULT_ENCODING).append("\" ?>");
String prefix = "";
String samlpPrefix = "";
String uri = "";
String samlpUri = "";
if (includeNS) {
prefix = IFSConstants.LIB_PREFIX;
samlpPrefix = IFSConstants.PROTOCOL_PREFIX;
if (declareNS) {
if(minorVersion == IFSConstants.FF_12_PROTOCOL_MINOR_VERSION) {
} else {
String instantString = DateUtils.toUTCDateFormat(issueInstant);
if (requestID != null) {
if (minorVersion == IFSConstants.FF_11_PROTOCOL_MINOR_VERSION &&
id != null && !(id.length() == 0)){
if (consentURI != null) {
if((respondWiths != null) &&
(respondWiths != Collections.EMPTY_LIST)) {
Iterator i = respondWiths.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
.append((String) i.next())
if (signed) {
if (signatureString != null) {
} else if (signature != null) {
signatureString = XMLUtils.print(signature);
if ((extensions != null) && (!extensions.isEmpty())) {
for(Iterator iter = extensions.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Extension extension = (Extension)iter.next();
if (affiliationID != null) {
if (minorVersion == IFSConstants.FF_12_PROTOCOL_MINOR_VERSION) {
String strFederate = IFSConstants.NAME_ID_POLICY_NONE;
if (federate) {
strFederate = IFSConstants.NAME_ID_POLICY_FEDERATED;
if (nameIDPolicy != null && nameIDPolicy.length()>0) {
strFederate = nameIDPolicy;
} else {
String strFederate = IFSConstants.FALSE;
if (federate) {
strFederate = IFSConstants.TRUE;
String strForceAuthn = IFSConstants.FALSE;
if (forceAuthn) {
strForceAuthn = IFSConstants.TRUE;
String strIsPassive = IFSConstants.FALSE;
if (isPassive) {
strIsPassive = IFSConstants.TRUE;
if(protocolProfile != null && protocolProfile.length() != 0) {
if(assertionConsumerServiceID != null) {
if(authnContext != null){
if(relayState != null && relayState.length() != 0){
if (minorVersion == IFSConstants.FF_12_PROTOCOL_MINOR_VERSION) {
if (scoping != null) {
xml.append(scoping.toXMLString(true, false));
if(minorVersion == IFSConstants.FF_11_PROTOCOL_MINOR_VERSION) {
if(authContextCompType != null &&
authContextCompType.length() != 0) {
} else{
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAuthnRequest.toString: requestID is null ");
throw new FSMsgException("nullAuthnRequestID",null);
return xml.toString();
* Returns the <code>FSAuthnRequest</code> object.
* @param xml the XML string.
* @return <code>FSAuthnRequest</code> object.
* @throws FSMsgException if there is
* error creating the object.
public static FSAuthnRequest parseXML(String xml) throws FSMsgException {
Document doc = XMLUtils.toDOMDocument(xml, FSUtils.debug);
if (doc == null) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAuthnRequest.parseXML:Error "
+ "while parsing input xml string");
throw new FSMsgException("parseError",null);
Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
return new FSAuthnRequest(root);
* Returns Signed XML String representation of this object.
* @return signed XML String.
public String getSignedXMLString(){
return xmlString;
* Returns the signature string.
* @return the signature string.
public String getSignatureString(){
return signatureString;
* Returns a list of <code>Extension</code> objects.
* Each entry of the list is a <code>Extension</code> object.
* @return a list of <code>Extension</code> elements.
* @see #setExtensions(List)
public List getExtensions() {
return extensions;
* Sets <code>Extension</code> objects.
* Each entry of the list is a <code>Extension</code> object.
* @param extensions a list of <code>Extension</code> objects.
* @see #getExtensions
public void setExtensions(List extensions) {
this.extensions = extensions;
* Returns the value of Force Authentication attribute.
* @return the value of Force Authentication attribute.
public boolean getForceAuthn() {
return forceAuthn;
* Sets the value of Force Authentication attribute.
* @param forceAuthn value of Force Authentication attribute.
public void setForceAuthn(boolean forceAuthn) {
this.forceAuthn = forceAuthn;
* Returns the value of the <code>isPassive</code> attribute.
* @return value of <code>isPassive</code> attribute.
public boolean getIsPassive() {
return isPassive;
* Sets the value of the <code>IsPassive</code> attribute.
* @param isPassive value of <code>isPassive</code> attribute.
public void setIsPassive(boolean isPassive) {
this.isPassive = isPassive;
* Returns the value of the <code>Federate</code> attribute.
* @return the value fo the <code>Federate</code> attribute.
public boolean getFederate() {
return federate;
* Sets the value of the <code>Federate</code> attribute.
* @param fed the value of the <code>Federate</code> attribute.
public void setFederate(boolean fed) {
federate = fed;
* Returns the <code>NameIDPolicy</code> object.
* @return the <code>NameIDPolicy</code> object.
* @see #setNameIDPolicy(String)
public String getNameIDPolicy() {
return nameIDPolicy;
* Sets the <code>NameIDPolicy</code> object.
* @param nameIDPolicy the new <code>NameIDPolicy</code> object.
* @see #getNameIDPolicy
public void setNameIDPolicy(String nameIDPolicy) {
this.nameIDPolicy = nameIDPolicy;
* Returns the value of <code>ProtocolProfile<code> attribute.
* @return the value of <code>ProtocolProfile<code> attribute.
* @see #setProtocolProfile(String)
public String getProtocolProfile() {
return protocolProfile;
* Sets the value of <code>ProtocolProfile<code> attribute.
* @param protocolProf the value of <code>ProtocolProfile<code> attribute.
* @see #getProtocolProfile()
public void setProtocolProfile(String protocolProf) {
protocolProfile = protocolProf;
* Returns the value of RelayState attribute.
* @return the value of RelayState attribute.
* @see #setRelayState(String)
public String getRelayState() {
return relayState;
* Set the value of RelayState attribute.
* @param relaySt the value of RelayState attribute.
* @see #getRelayState()
public void setRelayState(String relaySt) {
relayState = relaySt;
* Returns the <code>RequestedAuthnContext</code> object.
* @return the <code>RequestedAuthnContext</code> object.
* @see #setAuthnContext(RequestAuthnContext)
public RequestAuthnContext getAuthnContext() {
return authnContext;
* Sets the <code>RequestedAuthnContext</code> object.
* @param authnCxt the <code>RequestAuthnContext</code> object.
* @see #getAuthnContext()
public void setAuthnContext(RequestAuthnContext authnCxt) {
authnContext = authnCxt;
* Returns the value of <code>ProviderID</code> attribute.
* @return the value of <code>ProviderID</code> attribute.
* @see #setProviderId(String).
public String getProviderId() {
return providerId;
* Sets the value of <code>ProviderID</code> attribute.
* @param provId the value of <code>ProviderID</code> attribute.
* @see #getProviderId()
public void setProviderId(String provId) {
providerId = provId;
* Returns the value of AuthContext Comparison attribute.
* @return he value of AuthContext Comparison attribute.
* @see #setAuthContextCompType(String)
public String getAuthContextCompType() {
return authContextCompType;
* Sets the value of AuthContext Comparison attribute.
* @param authType he value of AuthContext Comparison attribute.
* @see #getAuthContextCompType()
public void setAuthContextCompType(String authType) {
authContextCompType = authType;
* Returns the value of <code>id</code> attribute.
* @return the value of <code>id</code> attribute.
* @see #setID(String)
public String getID() {
return id;
* Sets the value of <code>id</code> attribute.
* @param id the value of <code>id</code> attribute.
* @see #getID()
public void setID(String id) {
this.id = id;
* Returns the value of the <code>MinorVersion</code> attribute.
* @return the value of the <code>MinorVersion</code> attribute.
* @see #setMinorVersion(int)
public int getMinorVersion() {
return minorVersion;
* Sets the value of the <code>MinorVersion</code> attribute.
* @param version the value of the <code>MinorVersion</code> attribute.
* @see #getMinorVersion()
public void setMinorVersion(int version) {
minorVersion = version;
* Returns the Affliation Identifier.
* @return the Affliation Identifier.
* @see #setAffiliationID(String)
public String getAffiliationID() {
return affiliationID;
* Sets the Affiliation Identifier.
* @param affiliationID the Affiliation Identifier.
* @see #getAffiliationID()
public void setAffiliationID(String affiliationID) {
this.affiliationID = affiliationID;
* Returns the Assertion Consumer Service Identifier.
* @return the Assertion Consumer Service Identifier.
* @see #setAssertionConsumerServiceID(String)
public String getAssertionConsumerServiceID() {
return assertionConsumerServiceID;
* Sets the Assertion Consumer Service Identifier.
* @param assertionConsumerServiceID the Assertion Consumer
* Service Identifier.
* @see #getAssertionConsumerServiceID
public void setAssertionConsumerServiceID(
String assertionConsumerServiceID) {
this.assertionConsumerServiceID = assertionConsumerServiceID;
* Returns the value of <code>consent</code> attribute.
* @return the value of <code>consent</code> attribute.
* @see #setConsent(String)
public String getConsent() {
return consentURI;
* Sets the value of <code>consent</code> attribute.
* @param consentURI the value of <code>consent</code> attribute.
* @see #getConsent()
public void setConsent(String consentURI) {
this.consentURI = consentURI;
* Sets the <code>FSScoping</code> object.
* @param scoping the <code>FSScoping</code> object.
* @see #getScoping()
public void setScoping(FSScoping scoping) {
this.scoping = scoping;
* Returns the <code>FSScoping</code> object.
* @return the <code>FSScoping</code> object.
* @see #setScoping(FSScoping)
public FSScoping getScoping() {
return scoping;
* Validates the the <code>MajorVersion</code> property in the
* <code>AuthnRequest</code>.
* @param majorVer the value of <code>MajorVersion</code> property
* @throws FSMsgException if the <code>MajoorVersion</code>
* is null or is invalid.
private void parseMajorVersion(String majorVer) throws FSMsgException {
try {
majorVersion = Integer.parseInt(majorVer);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAuthnRequest(Element): invalid "
+ "MajorVersion", e);
throw new FSMsgException("wrongInput",null);
if (majorVersion != IFSConstants.PROTOCOL_MAJOR_VERSION) {
if (majorVersion > IFSConstants.PROTOCOL_MAJOR_VERSION) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAuthnRequest(Element): "
+ "MajorVersion of the AuthnRequest is too high.");
throw new FSMsgException("requestVersionTooHigh",null);
} else {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAuthnRequest(Element): "
+ "MajorVersion of the AuthnRequest is too low.");
throw new FSMsgException("requestVersionTooLow",null);
* Validates the the <code>MinorVersion</code> property in the
* <code>AuthnRequest</code>.
* @param minorVer the value of <code>MinorVersion</code> property
* @throws FSMsgException if the <code>MinorVersion</code>
* is null or is invalid.
private void parseMinorVersion(String minorVer) throws FSMsgException {
try {
minorVersion = Integer.parseInt(minorVer);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAuthnRequest(Element): invalid "
+ "MinorVersion", e);
throw new FSMsgException("wrongInput",null);
if(minorVersion > IFSConstants.FF_12_PROTOCOL_MINOR_VERSION) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
" Minor Version of the AuthnRequest is too high.");
throw new FSMsgException("requestVersionTooHigh",null);
} else if (minorVersion < IFSConstants.FF_11_PROTOCOL_MINOR_VERSION) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAuthnRequest.checkMinorVersion:" +
" Minor Version of the AuthnRequest is too low.");
throw new FSMsgException("requestVersionTooLow",null);
* Checks the value of the <code>MajorVersion</code> property
* in the <code>AuthnRequest</code>.
* @param minorVer the value of <code>MajorVersion</code> property
* @return integer value of <code>MajorVersion</code> property
* @throws FSMsgException if the <code>MajorVersion</code>
* is null or invalid.
private static int checkMajorVersion(String majorVer)
throws FSMsgException {
int majorVersion;
if (majorVer == null){
throw new FSMsgException("nullMajorVersion",null);
try {
majorVersion = Integer.parseInt(majorVer);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAuthnRequest.checkMajorVersion: "
+ "invalid MajorVersion: " + e.getMessage());
throw new FSMsgException("wrongInput",null);
if (majorVersion != SAMLConstants.PROTOCOL_MAJOR_VERSION) {
if (majorVersion > SAMLConstants.PROTOCOL_MAJOR_VERSION) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAuthnRequest.checkMajorVersion: "
+ "MajorVersion of the AuthnRequest is too high"
+ majorVersion);
throw new FSMsgException("requestVersionTooHigh",null);
} else {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
"FSAuthnRequest.checkMajorVersion:MajorVersion of "
+ "the AuthnRequest is too low. " + majorVersion);
throw new FSMsgException("requestVersionTooLow",null);
return majorVersion;
* Checks the value of the <code>MinorVersion</code> property
* in the <code>AuthnRequest</code>.
* @param minorVer the value of <code>MinorVersion</code> property
* @return integer value of <code>MinorVersion</code> property
* @throws FSMsgException if the <code>MinorVersion</code>
* is null or invalid.
private static int checkMinorVersion(String minorVer)
throws FSMsgException {
int minorVersion;
if (minorVer == null){
throw new FSMsgException("nullMinorVersion",null);
try {
minorVersion = Integer.parseInt(minorVer);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAuthnRequest.checkMinorVersion: "
+ "invalid MinorVersion", e);
throw new FSMsgException("wrongInput",null);
if(minorVersion == IFSConstants.FF_12_PROTOCOL_MINOR_VERSION ||
minorVersion == IFSConstants.FF_11_PROTOCOL_MINOR_VERSION) {
return minorVersion;
if(minorVersion > IFSConstants.FF_12_PROTOCOL_MINOR_VERSION) {
if(FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
" Minor Version of the AuthnRequest is too high.");
throw new FSMsgException("requestVersionTooHigh",null);
} else {
if(FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAuthnRequest.checkMinorVersion:" +
" Minor Version of the AuthnRequest is too low.");
throw new FSMsgException("requestVersionTooLow",null);
* Returns an URL Encoded Query String.
* @return a url encoded query string.
* @throws FSMsgException if there is an error.
public String toURLEncodedQueryString() throws FSMsgException {
if ((providerId == null) || (providerId.length() == 0)) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAuthnRequest.toURLEncodedQueryString: "
+ "providerId is null in the request with requestId:"
+ requestID);
String[] args = { requestID };
throw new FSMsgException("nullProviderIdWRequestId",args);
if ((requestID == null) || (requestID.length() == 0)){
requestID = SAMLUtils.generateID();
if (requestID == null) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAuthnRequest.toURLEncodedQueryString: "
+ "couldn't generate RequestID.");
throw new FSMsgException("errorGenerateID",null);
StringBuffer urlEncodedAuthnReq = new StringBuffer(300);
if ((extensions != null) && (!extensions.isEmpty())) {
Extension extension = (Extension)extensions.get(0);
if (extensions.size() > 1) {
if (FSUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
"FSAuthnRequest.toURLEncodedQueryString: " +
"only one Extension element is allowed and extras " +
" will be removed");
if (consentURI != null) {
if(affiliationID != null) {
if (issueInstant != null){
} else {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAuthnRequest.toURLEncodedQueryString: "
+ "issueInstant missing");
String[] args = { IFSConstants.ISSUE_INSTANT };
throw new FSMsgException("missingAttribute",args);
String strForceAuthn = IFSConstants.FALSE;
if (forceAuthn) {
strForceAuthn = IFSConstants.TRUE;
String strIsPassive = IFSConstants.FALSE;
if (isPassive) {
strIsPassive = IFSConstants.TRUE;
if (minorVersion == IFSConstants.FF_12_PROTOCOL_MINOR_VERSION) {
String strFederate = IFSConstants.NAME_ID_POLICY_NONE;
if (federate) {
strFederate = IFSConstants.NAME_ID_POLICY_FEDERATED;
if (nameIDPolicy != null && nameIDPolicy.length() > 0) {
strFederate = nameIDPolicy;
} else {
String strFederate = IFSConstants.FALSE;
if (federate) {
strFederate = IFSConstants.TRUE;
if (protocolProfile != null && protocolProfile.length() != 0) {
if (authnContext != null) {
if (relayState != null && relayState.length() != 0) {
if (scoping != null) {
if (minorVersion == IFSConstants.FF_11_PROTOCOL_MINOR_VERSION) {
if (authContextCompType != null
&& authContextCompType.length() != 0) {
int len = urlEncodedAuthnReq.length() - 1;
if (urlEncodedAuthnReq.charAt(len) == '&') {
urlEncodedAuthnReq = urlEncodedAuthnReq.deleteCharAt(len);
return urlEncodedAuthnReq.toString();
* Returns a Base64 Encoded String.
* @return a Base64 Encoded String.
* @throws FSMsgException if there is an error encoding
* the string.
public String toBASE64EncodedString() throws FSMsgException {
if((providerId == null) || (providerId.length() == 0)){
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAuthnRequest.toBASE64EncodedString: "
+ "providerId is null in the request with requestId:"
+ requestID);
String[] args = { requestID };
throw new FSMsgException("nullProviderIdWRequestId",args);
if ((requestID == null) || (requestID.length() == 0)) {
requestID = SAMLUtils.generateID();
if (requestID == null) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAuthnRequest.toBASE64EncodedString: "
+ "couldn't generate RequestID.");
throw new FSMsgException("errorGenerateID",null);
return Base64.encode(this.toXMLString().getBytes());
* Returns <code>FSAuthnRequest</code> object. The
* object is creating by parsing the <code>HttpServletRequest</code>
* object.
* @param request the <code>HttpServletRequest</code> object.
* @throws FSMsgException if there is an error
* creating <code>FSAuthnRequest</code> object.
public static FSAuthnRequest parseURLEncodedRequest(
HttpServletRequest request) throws FSMsgException {
FSAuthnRequest retAuthnRequest = new FSAuthnRequest();
String authReqID = request.getParameter(IFSConstants.AUTH_REQUEST_ID);
if (authReqID == null || authReqID.length() == 0) {
throw new FSMsgException("nullAuthnRequestID",null);
retAuthnRequest.requestID = authReqID;
String instantString =
if (instantString == null || instantString.length() == 0) {
String[] args = { IFSConstants.ISSUE_INSTANT };
throw new FSMsgException("missingAttribute",args);
retAuthnRequest.issueInstant =
} catch (ParseException e){
throw new FSMsgException("parseError",null);
retAuthnRequest.majorVersion =
retAuthnRequest.minorVersion =
String providerId = request.getParameter(IFSConstants.PROVIDER_ID);
if (providerId == null || providerId.length() == 0) {
throw new FSMsgException("nullProviderIdInRequest",null);
} else{
FSUtils.debug.message("ProviderID of the sender: " + providerId);
retAuthnRequest.providerId = providerId;
retAuthnRequest.affiliationID =
String forceAuthn = request.getParameter(IFSConstants.FORCE_AUTHN_ELEM);
if ( forceAuthn != null && forceAuthn.length() != 0
&& (forceAuthn.equals(IFSConstants.TRUE)
|| forceAuthn.equals(IFSConstants.ONE))) {
retAuthnRequest.forceAuthn = true;
} else {
retAuthnRequest.forceAuthn = false;
String isPassive = request.getParameter(IFSConstants.IS_PASSIVE_ELEM);
if (isPassive != null && isPassive.length() != 0 &&
(isPassive.equals(IFSConstants.TRUE) ||
retAuthnRequest.isPassive = true;
} else {
retAuthnRequest.isPassive = false;
if (retAuthnRequest.minorVersion
String nameIDPolicy =
if (nameIDPolicy != null &&
) {
retAuthnRequest.federate = true;
retAuthnRequest.nameIDPolicy = nameIDPolicy;
} else {
String federate = request.getParameter(IFSConstants.FEDERATE);
if (federate != null &&
federate.length() != 0 &&
federate.equals(IFSConstants.ONE))) {
retAuthnRequest.federate = true;
} else {
retAuthnRequest.federate = false;
String protocolProfile =
if (protocolProfile != null && protocolProfile.length() != 0) {
retAuthnRequest.protocolProfile = protocolProfile;
String relayState = request.getParameter(IFSConstants.RELAY_STATE);
if(relayState != null && relayState.length() != 0) {
String authnContextComparison =
if(authnContextComparison != null &&
authnContextComparison.length() != 0) {
String authType = retAuthnRequest.getAuthContextCompType();
if(! (authType.equals(IFSConstants.MINIMUM) ||
authType.equals(IFSConstants.EXACT) ||
authType.equals(IFSConstants.MAXIMUM) ||
authType.equals(IFSConstants.BETTER)) ) {
throw new FSMsgException("wrongInput",null);
retAuthnRequest.authnContext =
request, retAuthnRequest.getMinorVersion());
retAuthnRequest.scoping = FSScoping.parseURLEncodedRequest(request);
Extension extension = Extension.parseURLEncodedRequest(request,
QUERY_STRING_EXTENSION_PREFIX, retAuthnRequest.getMinorVersion());
if (extension != null) {
retAuthnRequest.extensions = new ArrayList();
return retAuthnRequest;
* Returns <code>FSAuthnRequest</code> object. The object
* is created by parsing an Base64 encode authentication
* request string.
* @param encodedReq the encode string
* @throws FSMsgException if there is an error
* creating <code>FSAuthnRequest</code> object.
public static FSAuthnRequest parseBASE64EncodedString(String encodedReq)
throws FSMsgException {
if (encodedReq != null && encodedReq.length() != 0) {
String decodedAuthnReq = new String(Base64.decode(encodedReq));
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
"FSAuthnRequest.parseBASE64EncodedString: "
+ "decoded input string: " + decodedAuthnReq);
return parseXML(decodedAuthnReq);
} else{
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
"FSAuthnRequest.parseBASE64EncodedString: "
+ "null String passed in as argument.");
throw new FSMsgException("nullInput",null);
* Signs the Request.
* @param certAlias the Certificate Alias.
* @throws XMLSignatureException if <code>FSAuthnRequest</code>
* cannot be signed.
public void signXML(String certAlias) throws SAMLException {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAuthnRequest.signXML: Called");
if (signed) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAuthnRequest.signXML: "
+ "the assertion is "
+ "already signed.");
throw new SAMLResponderException(FSUtils.BUNDLE_NAME,
if (certAlias == null || certAlias.length() == 0) {
throw new SAMLResponderException(
XMLSignatureManager manager = XMLSignatureManager.getInstance();
if (minorVersion == IFSConstants.FF_11_PROTOCOL_MINOR_VERSION) {
signatureString = manager.signXML(this.toXMLString(true, true),
certAlias, (String) null, IFSConstants.ID,
this.id, false);
} else if(minorVersion ==
signatureString =
manager.signXML(this.toXMLString(true, true),
certAlias, (String) null, IFSConstants.REQUEST_ID,
this.getRequestID(), false);
} else {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("invalid minor version.");
signature =
XMLUtils.toDOMDocument(signatureString, FSUtils.debug)
signed = true;
xmlString = this.toXMLString(true, true);
} catch(Exception e){
throw new SAMLResponderException(
* Unsupported Method.
public void signXML() throws SAMLException {
throw new SAMLException(
* Sets the Signature of the Element passed.
* @param elem the Document Element.
* @return true if success otherwise false.
public boolean setSignature(Element elem) {
signatureString = XMLUtils.print(elem);
return super.setSignature(elem);