* Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* https://opensso.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html or
* opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
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* $Id: CircleOfTrustManager.java,v 1.13 2009/10/28 23:58:56 exu Exp $
package com.sun.identity.cot;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import com.sun.identity.federation.meta.IDFFCOTUtils;
import com.sun.identity.federation.meta.IDFFMetaException;
import com.sun.identity.federation.meta.IDFFMetaManager;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug;
import com.sun.identity.plugin.configuration.ConfigurationManager;
import com.sun.identity.plugin.configuration.ConfigurationInstance;
import com.sun.identity.plugin.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import com.sun.identity.saml2.meta.SAML2COTUtils;
import com.sun.identity.saml2.meta.SAML2MetaException;
import com.sun.identity.saml2.meta.SAML2MetaManager;
import com.sun.identity.wsfederation.meta.WSFederationCOTUtils;
import com.sun.identity.wsfederation.meta.WSFederationMetaException;
import com.sun.identity.wsfederation.meta.WSFederationMetaManager;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
* This class has methods to manage the circle of trust.
public class CircleOfTrustManager {
private static final String SUBCONFIG_ID = "cot";
private static final int SUBCONFIG_PRIORITY = 0;
private static ConfigurationInstance configInstStatic;
private static Debug debug = COTUtils.debug;
private ConfigurationInstance configInst;
private Object callerSession = null;
static {
try {
configInstStatic = ConfigurationManager.getConfigurationInstance(
} catch (ConfigurationException ce) {
"COTManager.static: Unable to get COT service config",ce);
configInstStatic = null;
if (configInstStatic != null) {
try {
configInstStatic.addListener(new COTServiceListener());
} catch (ConfigurationException ce) {
debug.error("COTManager.static: Unable to add " +
"ConfigurationListener for COT service.",ce);
* Constructor for <code>COTManager</code>.
* @throws COTException if unable to construct <code>COTManager</code>.
public CircleOfTrustManager() throws COTException {
configInst = configInstStatic;
if (configInst == null) {
throw new COTException("nullConfig", null);
* Constructor for <code>COTManager</code>.
* @param callerToken session token of the caller
* @throws COTException if unable to construct <code>COTManager</code>.
public CircleOfTrustManager(Object callerToken) throws COTException {
try {
configInst = ConfigurationManager.getConfigurationInstance(
COTConstants.COT_CONFIG_NAME, callerToken);
callerSession = callerToken;
} catch (ConfigurationException ce) {
throw new COTException("nullConfig", null);
* Creates a circle of trust.
* @param realm the realm under which the circle of trust will be created.
* @param cotDescriptor the circle of trust descriptor object to be created.
* @throws COTException if unable to create the circle of trust.
public void createCircleOfTrust(String realm,
CircleOfTrustDescriptor cotDescriptor)
throws COTException {
String classMethod = "COTManager.createCircleOfTrust: ";
if (cotDescriptor == null) {
throw new COTException("nullCot", null);
String entityId = null;
if (realm == null) {
realm = "/";
String name = cotDescriptor.getCircleOfTrustName();
if ((name == null) || (name.trim().length() == 0)) {
String[] data = { realm };
throw new COTException("invalidCOTName", null);
if (getAllCirclesOfTrust(realm).contains(name)) {
debug.error(classMethod + "Circle of trust already exists" + name);
String[] data = { name, realm };
throw new COTException("cotExists",data);
Map attrs = cotDescriptor.getAttributes();
// Filter out the entityid which does not exist in the system
Map tpMap = checkAndSetTrustedProviders(realm, cotDescriptor);
// update the extended entity config
if (tpMap != null) {
updateEntityConfig(realm, name, COTConstants.SAML2,
(Set) tpMap.get(COTConstants.SAML2));
updateEntityConfig(realm, name, COTConstants.IDFF,
(Set) tpMap.get(COTConstants.IDFF));
updateEntityConfig(realm, name, COTConstants.WS_FED,
(Set) tpMap.get(COTConstants.WS_FED));
// create the cot node
try {
configInst.createConfiguration(realm, name, attrs);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message( classMethod + "circle of trust is created.");
String[] data = {name, realm};
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
debug.error(classMethod, e);
String[] data = { e.getMessage(), name, realm };
throw new COTException(e);
* This method filters out invalid entities from the trusted provider list.
private Map checkAndSetTrustedProviders(String realm,
CircleOfTrustDescriptor cotDescriptor) throws COTException {
Set tp = cotDescriptor.getTrustedProviders();
Map map = null;
if ((tp != null) && !tp.isEmpty()) {
map = COTUtils.trustedProviderSetToProtocolMap(tp, realm);
retainValidEntityIDs(map, COTConstants.SAML2, realm);
retainValidEntityIDs(map, COTConstants.IDFF, realm);
retainValidEntityIDs(map, COTConstants.WS_FED, realm);
return map;
* Retains only valid entity ID for a specific protocol
private void retainValidEntityIDs(Map map, String protocol, String realm)
throws COTException {
Set pSet = (Set) map.get(protocol);
if ((pSet != null) && !pSet.isEmpty()) {
Set entityIds = getAllEntities(realm, protocol);
if ((entityIds == null) || entityIds.isEmpty()) {
// no valid entity exists for this protocol, clear the map
} else {
if (!entityIds.containsAll(pSet)) {
if (entityIds.retainAll(pSet)) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
+ " Following entity id: "
+ entityIds + " are valid and will be added to "
+ "the circle of trust");
map.put(protocol, entityIds);
* Modifies the attributes of a circle of trust.
* @param realm the realm the circle of trust is in.
* @param cotDescriptor circle of trust descriptor that contains
* the new set of attributes
* @throws COTException if unable to modify the circle of trust.
public void modifyCircleOfTrust(String realm,
CircleOfTrustDescriptor cotDescriptor)
throws COTException {
String classMethod = "COTManager.modifyCircleOfTrust :";
if (cotDescriptor == null) {
throw new COTException("nullCot", null);
if (realm == null) {
realm = "/";
String name = cotDescriptor.getCircleOfTrustName();
try {
Map attrs = cotDescriptor.getAttributes();
configInst.setConfiguration(realm, name, attrs);
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
debug.error(classMethod, e);
String[] data = { e.getMessage(), name, realm };
throw new COTException(e);
* Returns a set of names of all circle of trusts.
* @param realm The realm under which the circle of trust resides.
* @return Set of names of all circle of trusts.
* @throws COTException if unable to read circle of trust.
public Set getAllCirclesOfTrust(String realm)
throws COTException {
Set valueSet = null;
Set cotSet = new HashSet();
if (realm == null) {
realm = COTConstants.ROOT_REALM;
String classMethod = "COTManager.getAllCircleOfTrust: ";
try {
valueSet = configInst.getAllConfigurationNames(realm);
if ((valueSet != null) && !valueSet.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator iter = valueSet.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
String name = (String) iter.next();
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
debug.error(classMethod, e);
String[] data = { e.getMessage(), realm };
throw new COTException(e);
return cotSet;
* Checks if the federation protocol type is valid.
* @param protocolType the federation protocol to be checked.
* @retrun true if the protocol type if valid.
* @throws COTException if the circle of trust type is not valid.
boolean isValidProtocolType(String protocolType) throws COTException {
String classMethod = "COTManager:isValidProtocolType";
if (!COTUtils.isValidProtocolType(protocolType)) {
debug.error(classMethod +"Invalid protocol Type " + protocolType);
String[] data = { protocolType };
throw new COTException("invalidProtocolType", data);
return true;
* Returns a set of entity identities based on the circle of
* trust type IDFF or SAML2, or WS_FED
* @param realm the realm name.
* @param type the protocol type.
* @throws COTExcepton if the circle of trust type is invalid.
Set getAllEntities(String realm, String type) throws COTException {
Set entityIds = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
if (type != null) {
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(COTConstants.IDFF)) {
entityIds = getIDFFEntities(realm);
} else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(COTConstants.SAML2)) {
entityIds = getSAML2Entities(realm);
} else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(COTConstants.WS_FED)) {
entityIds = getWSFedEntities(realm);
} else {
String[] data = { type };
throw new COTException("invalidProtocolType",data);
return entityIds;
* Returns a set of all IDFF entity identifiers under a realm.
Set getIDFFEntities(String realm) throws COTException {
try {
IDFFMetaManager idffMetaMgr = new IDFFMetaManager(callerSession);
return idffMetaMgr.getAllEntities(realm);
} catch (IDFFMetaException idffe) {
throw new COTException(idffe);
* Returns a set of all SAML2 identifiers
Set getSAML2Entities(String realm) throws COTException {
try {
SAML2MetaManager saml2MetaMgr = null;
if (callerSession != null) {
saml2MetaMgr = new SAML2MetaManager(callerSession);
} else {
saml2MetaMgr = new SAML2MetaManager();
return saml2MetaMgr.getAllEntities(realm);
} catch (SAML2MetaException sme) {
throw new COTException(sme);
* Returns a set of all WSFED identifiers
Set getWSFedEntities(String realm) throws COTException {
try {
WSFederationMetaManager wsfedMetaMgr = null;
if (callerSession != null) {
wsfedMetaMgr = new WSFederationMetaManager(callerSession);
} else {
wsfedMetaMgr = new WSFederationMetaManager();
return wsfedMetaMgr.getAllEntities(realm);
} catch (WSFederationMetaException sme) {
throw new COTException(sme);
* Updates the trusted providers list in the entity configuration.
* The Circle of Trust type determines whether the entiry is an
* IDFF or SAML2 provider.
* @param realm the realm in which the entity configuration is in.
* @param cotName the name of the circle of trust.
* @param protocolType the federation protocol type , IDFF or SAML2.
* @param trustedProvider a set of trusted provider identifiers to
* be updated in the entity configuration.
* @throws COTException if there is an error updating the entity
* configuration.
void updateEntityConfig(String realm, String cotName, String protocolType,
Set trustedProviders) throws COTException {
if (protocolType.equalsIgnoreCase(COTConstants.IDFF)) {
} else if (protocolType.equalsIgnoreCase(COTConstants.SAML2)) {
} else if (protocolType.equalsIgnoreCase(COTConstants.WS_FED)) {
} else {
String[] args = { protocolType };
throw new COTException("invalidProtocolType",args);
* Updates the entity configuration.
* The Circle of Trust type determines whether the entiry is an
* IDFF or SAML2 provider.
* @param realm the realm in which the entity configuration is in.
* @param cotName the name of the circle of trust.
* @param protocolType the federation protocol type , IDFF or SAML2.
* @param entityID the entity identifier.
* @throws COTException if there is an error updating the entity
* configuration.
void updateEntityConfig(String realm, String cotName, String protocolType,
String entityID) throws COTException,JAXBException {
if (protocolType.equalsIgnoreCase(COTConstants.IDFF)) {
try {
(new IDFFCOTUtils(callerSession)).updateEntityConfig(
} catch (IDFFMetaException idffe) {
throw new COTException(idffe);
} else if (protocolType.equalsIgnoreCase(COTConstants.SAML2)) {
try {
(new SAML2COTUtils(callerSession)).updateEntityConfig(
} catch (SAML2MetaException idffe) {
throw new COTException(idffe);
} else if (protocolType.equalsIgnoreCase(COTConstants.WS_FED)) {
try {
(new WSFederationCOTUtils(callerSession)).updateEntityConfig(
realm,cotName, entityID);
} catch (WSFederationMetaException e) {
throw new COTException(e);
} else {
String[] args = { protocolType };
throw new COTException("invalidProtocolType",args);
* Remove circle of trust from the entity configuration.
* @param realm the realm name.
* @param cotName the circle of trust name.
* @param protocolType the federation protocol type.
* @param entityID the entity identifier to be updated.
* @throws COTException if there is error updating entity configuration.
* @throws JAXBException if there is error retrieving entity configuration.
void removeFromEntityConfig(
String realm,
String cotName,
String protocolType,
String entityID
) throws COTException, JAXBException {
if (protocolType.equalsIgnoreCase(COTConstants.IDFF)) {
try {
(new IDFFCOTUtils(callerSession)).removeFromEntityConfig(
realm, cotName,entityID);
} catch (IDFFMetaException idme) {
throw new COTException(idme);
} else if (protocolType.equalsIgnoreCase(COTConstants.SAML2)) {
try {
(new SAML2COTUtils(callerSession)).removeFromEntityConfig(
realm,cotName, entityID);
} catch (SAML2MetaException sme) {
throw new COTException(sme);
} else if (protocolType.equalsIgnoreCase(COTConstants.WS_FED)) {
try {
(new WSFederationCOTUtils(callerSession)).removeFromEntityConfig
(realm, cotName, entityID);
} catch (WSFederationMetaException e) {
throw new COTException(e);
} else {
String[] data = { protocolType };
throw new COTException("invalidProtocolType",data);
* Updates the IDFF Entity Configuration.
* @param realm the realm name.
* @param cotName the circle of trust name.
* @param trustedProviders set of trusted provider names.
* @throws COTException if there is an error updating the configuration.
void updateIDFFEntityConfig(String realm,String cotName,
Set trustedProviders) throws COTException {
String classMethod = "COTManager:updateIDFFEntityConfig";
IDFFCOTUtils idffCotUtils = new IDFFCOTUtils(callerSession);
String entityId = null;
if (trustedProviders != null && !trustedProviders.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator iter =
trustedProviders.iterator();iter.hasNext();) {
entityId = (String) iter.next();
try {
idffCotUtils.updateEntityConfig(realm, cotName, entityId);
} catch (IDFFMetaException idfe) {
throw new COTException(idfe);
} catch (JAXBException jbe) {
debug.error(classMethod, jbe);
String[] data = { jbe.getMessage(),cotName,
throw new COTException(jbe);
* Updates the SAML2 Entity Configuration.
* @param realm the realm name.
* @param cotName the circle of trust name.
* @param trustedProviders set of trusted provider names.
* @throws COTException if there is an error updating the configuration.
void updateSAML2EntityConfig(String realm,String cotName,
Set trustedProviders) throws COTException {
String classMethod = "COTManager:updateSAML2EntityConfig";
String entityId = null;
SAML2COTUtils saml2CotUtils= new SAML2COTUtils(callerSession);
if (trustedProviders != null && !trustedProviders.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator iter = trustedProviders.iterator();
iter.hasNext();) {
entityId = (String) iter.next();
try {
} catch (SAML2MetaException sme) {
throw new COTException(sme);
} catch (JAXBException e) {
debug.error(classMethod, e);
String[] data = {e.getMessage(),cotName,entityId,realm};
throw new COTException(e);
* Updates the WSFederation Entity Configuration.
* @param realm the realm name.
* @param cotName the circle of trust name.
* @param trustedProviders set of trusted provider names.
* @throws COTException if there is an error updating the configuration.
void updateWSFedEntityConfig(String realm,String cotName,
Set trustedProviders) throws COTException {
String classMethod = "COTManager:updateWSFedEntityConfig";
String entityId = null;
WSFederationCOTUtils wsfedCotUtils= new WSFederationCOTUtils(
if (trustedProviders != null && !trustedProviders.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator iter = trustedProviders.iterator();
iter.hasNext();) {
entityId = (String) iter.next();
try {
} catch (WSFederationMetaException sme) {
throw new COTException(sme);
} catch (JAXBException e) {
debug.error(classMethod, e);
String[] data = {e.getMessage(),cotName,entityId,realm};
throw new COTException(e);
* Adds entity identifier to a circle of trust under the realm.
* @param realm The realm under which the circle of trust will be
* modified.
* @param cotName the name of the circle of trust.
* @param protocolType the federation protcol type the entity supports.
* @param entityId the entity identifier.
* @throws COTException if unable to add member to the
* circle of trust.
public void addCircleOfTrustMember(String realm, String cotName,
String protocolType, String entityId)
throws COTException {
addCircleOfTrustMember(realm, cotName, protocolType, entityId, true);
* Adds entity identifier to a circle of trust under the realm.
* @param realm The realm under which the circle of trust will be
* modified.
* @param cotName the name of the circle of trust.
* @param protocolType the federation protcol type the entity supports.
* @param entityId the entity identifier.
* @param addToEntityConfig if true, add the cotname to the entity config.
* @throws COTException if unable to add member to the
* circle of trust.
public void addCircleOfTrustMember(String realm, String cotName,
String protocolType, String entityId, boolean addToEntityConfig)
throws COTException {
String classMethod = "COTManager.addCircleOfTrustMember: ";
if (realm == null) {
realm = "/";
if ((cotName == null) || (cotName.trim().length() == 0)) {
String[] data = { realm };
throw new COTException("invalidCOTName", null);
if ((entityId == null) || (entityId.trim().length() == 0)) {
String[] data = { realm };
throw new COTException("invalidEntityID", null);
try {
Map attrs = configInst.getConfiguration(realm, cotName);
//validate protocol type
// add the cot to the entity config descriptor
if (addToEntityConfig) {
updateEntityConfig(realm, cotName, protocolType, entityId);
// add the entityid to the cot
CircleOfTrustDescriptor cotDesc;
if (attrs == null) {
cotDesc = new CircleOfTrustDescriptor(cotName, realm, "active");
} else {
cotDesc = new CircleOfTrustDescriptor(cotName, realm, attrs);
if (!cotDesc.add(entityId, protocolType)) {
debug.error(classMethod +
"fail to add entityid to the circle of trust."
+ entityId + " in Realm " + realm);
String[] args = { realm , entityId };
throw new COTException("addCOTFailed", args);
} else {
modifyCircleOfTrust(realm, cotDesc);
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
debug.error(classMethod, e);
String[] data = { e.getMessage(), cotName, entityId, realm };
throw new COTException(e);
} catch (JAXBException jbe) {
debug.error(classMethod, jbe);
String[] data = { jbe.getMessage(),cotName,entityId,
throw new COTException(jbe);
* Removes entity from circle of trust under the realm.
* @param realm the realm to which the circle of trust belongs.
* @param cotName the circle of trust name.
* @param protocolType the federation protocol type.
* @param entityId the entity identifier.
* @throws COTException if there is an error removing entity from the
* circle of trust.
public void removeCircleOfTrustMember(String realm,String cotName,
String protocolType, String entityId)
throws COTException {
removeCircleOfTrustMember(realm, cotName, protocolType, entityId, true);
* Removes entity from circle of trust under the realm.
* @param realm the realm to which the circle of trust belongs.
* @param cotName the circle of trust name.
* @param protocolType the federation protocol type.
* @param entityId the entity identifier.
* @param rmEntityConfig flag indicate needs to remove cot from
* entity config or not.
* @throws COTException if there is an error removing entity from the
* circle of trust.
public void removeCircleOfTrustMember(String realm,String cotName,
String protocolType, String entityId, boolean rmEntityConfig)
throws COTException {
String classMethod = "COTManager.removeCircleOfTrustMember: ";
if ((cotName == null) || (cotName.trim().length() == 0)) {
String[] data = { cotName, realm };
throw new COTException("invalidCOTName", null);
if ((entityId == null) || (entityId.trim().length() == 0)) {
String[] data = {cotName, entityId, realm };
throw new COTException("invalidEntityID", null);
if (realm == null) {
realm = COTConstants.ROOT_REALM;
try {
// Remove the cot from the cotlist attribute in
// the entity config.
if (rmEntityConfig) {
removeFromEntityConfig(realm, cotName, protocolType, entityId);
// Remove entity id from the cot
CircleOfTrustDescriptor cotDesc;
Map attrs = configInst.getConfiguration(realm, cotName);
if (attrs == null) {
cotDesc = new CircleOfTrustDescriptor(cotName, realm,
} else {
cotDesc = new CircleOfTrustDescriptor(cotName, realm, attrs);
if (!cotDesc.remove(entityId, protocolType)) {
debug.error(classMethod +
"fail to remove entityid from the circle of trust." +
String[] data = { entityId , realm };
throw new COTException("removeCOTFailed", data);
} else {
modifyCircleOfTrust(realm, cotDesc);
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
debug.error(classMethod, e);
String[] data = { e.getMessage(), cotName, entityId, realm };
throw new COTException(e);
} catch (JAXBException jaxbe) {
debug.error(classMethod, jaxbe);
String[] data = { jaxbe.getMessage(), cotName, entityId, realm};
throw new COTException(jaxbe);
* Lists trusted providers in a circle of trust under the realm.
* @param realm The realm under which the circle of trust will be
* modified.
* @param cotName the name of the circle of trust
* @param protocolType the federation protocol for the entities.
* @return Set of trusted providers or null if no member in the
* circle of trust
* @throws COTException if unable to list member in the
* circle of trust.
public Set listCircleOfTrustMember(String realm, String cotName,
String protocolType) throws COTException {
String classMethod = "COTManager.listCircleOfTrustMember: ";
if ((cotName == null) || (cotName.trim().length() == 0)) {
String[] data = { realm };
throw new COTException("invalidCOTName", null);
if (realm == null) {
realm = "/";
Set trustedProviders = new HashSet();
try {
CircleOfTrustDescriptor cotDesc = null;
Map attrs = configInst.getConfiguration(realm, cotName);
if (attrs == null) {
return null;
} else {
cotDesc = new CircleOfTrustDescriptor(cotName, realm, attrs);
trustedProviders = cotDesc.getTrustedProviders(protocolType);
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
debug.error(classMethod, e);
String[] data = { e.getMessage(), cotName, realm};
throw new COTException(e);
return trustedProviders;
* Deletes the circle of trust under the realm.
* @param realm The realm under which the circle of trust resides.
* @param cotName Name of the circle of trust.
* @throws COTException if unable to delete the circle of trust.
public void deleteCircleOfTrust(String realm, String cotName)
throws COTException {
String classMethod = "COTManager.deleteCircleOfTrust:" ;
if (realm == null) {
realm = "/";
String[] data = { cotName, realm };
try {
Set trustProviders = null;
Map attrs = configInst.getConfiguration(realm, cotName);
if (attrs != null) {
CircleOfTrustDescriptor cotDesc=
new CircleOfTrustDescriptor(cotName, realm, attrs);
trustProviders = cotDesc.getTrustedProviders();
if (attrs == null || trustProviders == null ||
trustProviders.isEmpty()) {
configInst.deleteConfiguration(realm, cotName, null);
} else {
debug.error(classMethod + "Delete circle of trust" +
" is not allowed since it contains members.");
String[] args = { cotName , realm };
throw new COTException("deleteCOTFailedHasMembers", args);
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
debug.error(classMethod, e);
String[] args = { e.getMessage(), cotName, realm };
throw new COTException(e);
* Returns the circle of trust under the realm.
* @param realm The realm under which the circle of trust resides.
* @param name Name of the circle of trust.
* @return <code>SAML2CircleOfTrustDescriptor</code> containing the
* attributes of the given CircleOfTrust.
* @throws COTException if unable to retrieve the circle of trust.
public CircleOfTrustDescriptor getCircleOfTrust(String realm, String name)
throws COTException {
String classMethod = "COTManager.getCircleOfTrust :";
if (realm == null) {
realm = "/";
isValidCOTName(realm, name);
String[] data = { name, realm };
CircleOfTrustDescriptor cotDesc = COTCache.getCircleOfTrust(realm,name);
if (cotDesc != null) {
LogUtil.access(Level.FINE, LogUtil.COT_FROM_CACHE, data);
} else {
try {
Map attrs = configInst.getConfiguration(realm, name);
if (attrs == null) {
cotDesc = new CircleOfTrustDescriptor(name, realm,
} else {
cotDesc = new CircleOfTrustDescriptor(name, realm, attrs);
COTCache.putCircleOfTrust(realm, name, cotDesc);
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
debug.error(classMethod, e);
data[0] = e.getMessage();
data[1] = name;
data[2] = realm;
throw new COTException(e);
return cotDesc;
* Returns a set of names of all active circle of trusts.
* @param realm The realm under which the circle of trust resides.
* @return Set of names of all active circle of trusts.
* @throws COTException if the names of
* circle of trusts cannot be read.
public Set getAllActiveCirclesOfTrust(String realm)
throws COTException {
String classMethod = "COTManager.getAllActiveCirclesOfTrust: ";
Set activeAuthDomains = new HashSet();
try {
Set valueSet = configInst.getAllConfigurationNames(realm);
if ((valueSet != null) && !valueSet.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator iter = valueSet.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
String name = (String)iter.next();
Map attrMap = configInst.getConfiguration(realm, name);
if (COTUtils.getFirstEntry(attrMap,
COTConstants.ACTIVE)) {
} catch (ConfigurationException se) {
debug.error(classMethod, se);
String[] data = { se.getMessage(), realm };
throw new COTException(se);
return activeAuthDomains;
* Determines if entity is in the circle of trust under the realm.
* @param realm The realm under which the circle of trust resides.
* @param name Name of the Circle of Trust.
* @param protocolType the federation protocol type of the entity.
* @param entityId the entity identifier.
* @return true if the entity is in the specified circle of trust
public boolean isInCircleOfTrust(String realm, String name,
String protocolType, String entityId) {
Set tProviders = new HashSet();
try {
CircleOfTrustDescriptor cotd = getCircleOfTrust(realm, name);
Set pSet = cotd.getTrustedProviders(protocolType);
return ((pSet != null) && !pSet.isEmpty()
&& pSet.contains(entityId));
} catch (Exception me) {
debug.error("COTManager.isInCircleOfTrust", me);
String[] data = {me.getMessage(), name, entityId , realm };
return false;
* Validates the circle of trust name.
* @param realm the realm the circle of trust is in.
* @param name the circle of trust name.
* @return true if circle of trust name is valid.
* @throws <code>COTException</code> if the circle of trust name is invalid.
boolean isValidCOTName(String realm,String name) throws COTException {
String classMethod = "COTManager.isValidCOTName: ";
if ((name == null) || (name.trim().length() == 0) ||
!getAllCirclesOfTrust(realm).contains(name)) {
debug.error(classMethod + "invalid circle of trust name :" + name);
String[] data = {realm , name};
throw new COTException("invalidCOTName", data);
return true;
* Checks if circle of trust status is active.
boolean isActiveCOT(String cotStatus) {
return (cotStatus != null &&
* Returns a map of circle of trust name and the value
* of the <code>sun-fm-trusted-providers</code> attribute
* The key in the map is the circle of trust name and
* value is a set of providers retreived from the attribute.
* @return a map where the key is the cirle of trust name
* and value is Set of providers retrieved from
* the <code>sun-fm-trusted-providers</code> attribute.
* @throws COTException if there is an error retrieving the
* trusted providers.
* TODO : cache this
public Map getIDFFCOTProviderMapping(String realm) throws COTException {
String classMethod = "COTManager.getAllActiveCirclesOfTrust: ";
Map cotMap = new HashMap();
if (realm == null) {
realm = COTConstants.ROOT_REALM;
try {
Set valueSet = configInst.getAllConfigurationNames(realm);
if ((valueSet != null) && !valueSet.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator iter = valueSet.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
String name = (String)iter.next();
Map attrMap = configInst.getConfiguration(realm, name);
String cotStatus = COTUtils.getFirstEntry(attrMap,
if (isActiveCOT(cotStatus)) {
Set trustedProviders = (Set) attrMap.get(
Map map = COTUtils.trustedProviderSetToProtocolMap(
trustedProviders, "/");
Set idffSet = (Set) map.get(COTConstants.IDFF);
if ((idffSet != null) && !idffSet.isEmpty()) {
cotMap.put(name, idffSet);
} catch (ConfigurationException se) {
debug.error(classMethod, se);
String[] data = { se.getMessage(), COTConstants.IDFF , realm };
throw new COTException(se);
return cotMap;