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# $Id: workflowMessages.properties,v 1.20 2010/01/04 19:10:50 veiming Exp $
# Portions Copyrighted 2013-2015 ForgeRock AS.
# Portions Copyrighted 2015 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
ajax.user.privilege.invalid=User does not have privileges to perform this task.
file.upload.size.limit.exceeded=Size limit Exceeded. Please verify your metadata file and try again.
button.backtoLogin=Back To Login
meta-data-required=Metadata file is required.
both-meta-extended-data-required=Both meta and extended data files are required.
missing-realm=Realm is required.
missing-cot=Circle of Trust is required.
missing-metaalias=MetaAlias is required.
missing-entity-id=Entity Id is required.
metaalias-no-prefix-with-realm=Meta Alias, {0} needs to be prefixed with realm.
invalid-metaalias-slash=Meta Alias is invalid.
unable-get-cot=Unable to get circle of trust.
import-entity-exception-invalid-descriptor=Invalid meta data.
meta-data-required=Metadata is required.
import-entity-exception-invalid-descriptor=Invalid meta data.
meta-data-required=Meta data is required.
entityId-required=Entity Identifier is required.
assertion.consumer-required=Assertion Consumer URL is required.
assertion.consumer-invalid=Assertion Consumer URL is invalid.
file-not-found=File, {0} not found.
domain.is.empty =Domain Name is Empty!
attributemapping.is.empty=Attribute Mapping Table is empty!
sp.entity.id.not.specified=Service Provider entity id not specified!
idp.configured=Identity provider is configured.<br />You can modify the provider's profile under the Federation tab.
sp.configured=Service provider is configured.<br />You can modify the provider's profile under the Federation tab.
invalid-extended-data-cot=Unable to get valid set of Circle of Trust because Extended Metadata is invalid.
unable.to.reach.url=Unable to reach, {0}.
malformedurl={0} is not a well formed URL.
cannot.locate.idp=Cannot locate Identity Provider, {0}.
cannot.locate.idp.loginURL=Cannot locate Login URL for Identity Provider, {0}.
cannot.locate.sp=Cannot locate Service Provider, {0}.
cannot.locate.sp.loginURL=Cannot locate Login URL for Service Provider, {0}.
federation.connectivity.test=Federation Connectivity Test
validate.initializing=Please wait while we initialize this test.
validate.title.setup.failed=Unable to test federation connectivity.
validate.title.auth.idp=Enter authentication information for Identity Provider, {0}
validate.help.auth.idp.passed=Authenticated to Identity Provider.
validate.help.auth.idp.failed=Unable to authenticate to Identity Provider.
validate.auth.idp.again=Try authenticating again
validate.title.auth.sp=Enter authentication information for Service Provider. {0}
validate.help.auth.sp.passed=Authenticated to Service Provider.
validate.help.auth.sp.failed=Unable to authenticate to Service Provider.
validate.auth.sp.again=Try authenticating again
validate.title.account.linking=The system is testing for the ability to link account
validate.wait.account.linking=Testing for the ability to link account
validate.help.account.linking.passed=Account is linked
validate.help.account.linking.failed=Unable to link Account
validate.title.single.logout=The system is testing for single logout
validate.wait.single.logout=Testing for single logout
validate.help.single.logout.passed=Single logout succeeded
validate.help.single.logout.failed=single logout failed
validate.title.single.login_hosted=Testing Single Sign On. Enter authentication information for Identity Provider
validate.title.single.login_remote=Testing Single Sign On. Enter authentication information for Identity Provider
validate.wait.single.login=Testing for single sign on
validate.help.single.login.passed=Single sign on is working
validate.help.single.login.failed=single sign on is not working
validate.help.single.login.again=Try login again
validate.title.account.termination=Testing for account termination
validate.help.account.termination.passed=Account termination is working
validate.help.account.termination.failed=Account termination is not working
validate.wait.account.termination=Testing for account termination
validate.report.title=Connectivity Test Results
validate.report.task.label.idp=Identity Provider
validate.report.task.label.sp=Service Provider
validate.report.task.auth.idp=Identity Provider Authentication
validate.report.task.auth.sp=Service Provider Authentication
validate.report.task.account.linking=Account Linking
validate.report.task.single.logout=Single Log Out
validate.report.task.single.login=Single Sign On
validate.report.task.account.termination=Account Unlinking
validator.report.auth.idp.not.tested=Not Tested
validator.report.auth.idp.passed=Able to authenticated to IDP.
validator.report.auth.idp.failed=Unable to authenticated to identity provider. The most common reasons for this failure are:<ol><li>You may have entered an invalid user name or password. If the default setting has not been changed, then you should be able to use "demo" as the user name and "changeit" as the password.</li><li>There may be a configuration error. If you are the Admin, you can check the "amAuth" debug file and "amAuthentication.error" log file for more details.</li></ol>
validator.report.auth.sp.not.tested=Not Tested
validator.report.auth.sp.passed=Able to authenticated to SP
validator.report.auth.sp.failed=Unable to authenticated to service provider. The most common reasons for this failure are:<ol><li>You may have entered an invalid user name or password. If the default setting has not been changed, then you should be able to use "demo" as the user name and "changeit" as the password.</li><li>There may be a configuration error. If you are the Admin, you can check the "amAuth" debug file and "amAuthentication.error" log file for more details.</li></ol>
validator.report.account.linking.not.tested=Not Tested
validator.report.account.linking.passed=Account Linking successful.
validator.report.account.linking.failed=Unable to link the accounts. The most common reasons for this error are:<ol><li>The SAMLv2 attribute schema may not be loaded. To correct this error you will need to load SAMLv2 attribute schema file and use the ldapmodify command to load the file which is located inside openam.war as "WEB-INF/template/openfm/fam_sds_schema.ldif"</li><li>You may not have permission to perform this task. You need to contact the administrator to change your permission level.</li><li>The User datastore may not have been configured correctly. To correct this error, go to console, Access Control -> Realms -> Data Stores to make sure the data store is configured correctly. For additional details about data store configuration please reference the administration guide.</li><li>If you are the Admin, you can check the "libSAML2" debug file and "SAML2.error" log file for more details.</li></ol>
validator.report.single.logout.not.tested=Not Tested
validator.report.single.logout.passed=Single Log Out successful
validator.report.single.logout.failed=Single Log Out Failed.<ol><li>The session has timed out at the other end you should access the remote endpoint to check if there is valid session.</li><li>There is a connectivity problem. Verify that the endpoint (the URL to access the request) is up and running. The single logout URL is specfied in the metadata.</li></ol><span style="background-color:#333333">If you are the Admin, you can check the "libSAML2" debug file and "SAML2.error" log file for more details</span>
validator.report.single.login.not.tested=Not tested
validator.report.single.login.passed=Single Sign On successful
validator.report.single.login.failed=Single Sign On Failed. The most common reasons for this failure are:<ol><li>No signing key is configured on identity provider side. You need to re-configure identity provider metadata to have the signing key. NOTE: This only applies if this is POST profile, if this is not a POST profile then this is not the reason for the error.</li><li>The service provider is unable to connect to identity provider using SOAP channel if this is an Artifact profile, you will need to make sure the service provider host is able to connect to identity provider host, this is a typical case in load balancer setup where there are multiple service providers configured behind one load balancer.</li></ol><span style="background-color:#333333">If you are the Admin, you can check the "libSAML2" debug file and "SAML2.error" log file for more details</span>
validator.report.account.termination.not.tested=Not Tested
validator.report.account.termination.passed=Account Unlinking successful
validator.report.account.termination.failed=Account Unlinking Failed. The most common reasons for this failure are:<ol><li>There is a connectivity problem. Verify that the endpoint (the URL to access the request) is active; and the single logout URL is specfied in the metadata.</li><li>The user account is not linked on the remote provider, check the account linking on the remote provider. Access your datastore, to check if the both sun-fm-saml2-nameid-infokey and sun-fm-saml2-nameid-info attributes are presented in their entries.</li></ol><span style="background-color:#333333">If you are the Admin, you can check the "libSAML2" debug file and "SAML2.error" log file for more details</span>
validate.footer.auth.idp=Hint: user name can be demo and password is changeit. Unless default configuration is altered after the product is configured.
validate.footer.auth.sp=Hint: user name can be demo and password is changeit. Unless default configuration is altered after the product is configured.
validate.footer.account.linking=Please wait attempting to link user accounts.
validate.footer.single.logout=Please wait attempting to perform single logout
validate.footer.single.login=Please login in 30 seconds. Hint: user name can be demo and password is changeit. Unless default configuration is altered after the product is configured.
validate.footer.account.termination=Please wait attempting to unlink user accounts.
validator.title.auth.failed=Authentication failed.
validator.message.auth.failed=The most common reasons for this error are:<ol><li>You may have entered an invalid user name or password. If the default setting has not been changed, then you should be able to use "demo" as the user name and "changeit" as the password.</li><li>There may be a configuration error. If you are the Admin, you can check the "amAuth" debug file and "amAuthentication.error" log file for more details.</li></ol>
validator.link.auth.failed=Back to Authentication
Fedlet.created=Your file has been saved to your openam folder: {0}.<p>You can send this file to the Service Provider (or use it locally for demo purposes). The .zip file will enable the SP to become federated as quickly as they can deploy the Fedlet into their application.</p>
directory.already.exist=Directory {0} already existed.
reg-no-service=No Registration Service Available.
reg-create-soa-err=Error creating Sun Online Account: {0}
reg-process-exc=Registration Process exception: {0}
reg-no-service-waccount=No Registration Service (with existing account)
reg-execute-registration-exc=Error executing registration: {0}
reg-execute-no-domains=No domains found to which to register
reg-to-domain-error=Error registering to Domain {0}
reg-domain-not-found=Domain {0} not found
reg-no-domains=No Domains found
reg-to-def-domain-error=Error registering to default Domain, message: {0}
reg-usrname-pswd-rqd=UserName and password are both required
reg-emailadr-no-username=Must specify an EmailAddr if no UserName specified
reg-pswd-req=Password is required
reg-cfm-pswd-req=Confirm Password is required
reg-pswd-no-match=Passwords do not match
reg-get-reg-svc-error=Error getting Registration Service: {0}
reg-get-reg-svc-proxy-error=Error getting Registration Service through proxy {0}: {1}
#Configure Social AuthN
missing-type=Missing Social Authentication type.
missing-clientId=Client ID is required.
missing-clientSecret=Client Secret is required.
missing-clientSecretConfirm=Client Secret confirmation is required.
secrets-doesnt-match=The client secrets do not match.
missing-redirectUrl=Redirect URL is required.
invalid-redirectUrl=Invalid Redirect URL.
social.authn.configured={0} Social Authentication successfully configured.<br/><br/>Created {1} (module)<br/>Created {2} (chain)<br/>Updated {3} (service)
social-service-error=An error occurred while persisting social authentication configuration.
missing-provider-name=Provider Name is required.
missing-image-url=Image URL is required.
missing-authn-endpoint-url=Missing authentication endpoint URL
missing-access-token-endpoint-url=Missing access token endpoint URL
missing-user-profile-service-url=Missing user profile service URL
missing-scope=Missing scope
missing-access-token-profile-service-parameter=Missing access token profile service parameter name
missing-redirect-url=Missing redirect URL
missing-account-mapper-class=Missing account mapper class name
missing-account-mapper-config=Missing account mapper configuration
missing-attribute-mapper-class=Missing attribute mapper class name
missing-attribute-mapper-config=Missing attribute mapper configuration
auth-module-exists=Cannot create authentication module "{0}" as a module with this name already exists.
auth-chain-exists=Cannot create authentication chain "{0}" as a chain with this name already exists.
# Configure OAuth2
oauth2.provider.configured=Successfully configured OAuth2 {0} for realm {1}.<br/>{2}
oauth2.provider.policy.created=A policy was created on the realm for the authorization end point. The policy name is: {0}
oauth2.provider.policy.exists=A policy for the authorization end point already exists in the realm with name: {0}
oauth2.provider.policy.failed=An error occurred while trying to create a policy for the authorization end point.
oauth2.provider.resourceType.error=Resource type called URL could not be found for {0} application. Policy was not created.
oauth2.provider.create.error=An error occurred while trying to create the OAuth2 Provider.
oauth2.provider.created.uma=and UMA
# CreateSoapSTSDeployment
soap.sts.deployment.workflow.error.missing.param=The {0} parameter must be specified in the configuration page.
soap.sts.deployment.workflow.error.no.base.directory=The {0} directory must be created, and contain the openam-soap-sts-server*.war file \
containing the the soap-sts bits, any specified custom .wsdl files, and any specified KeyStore files.
soap.sts.deployment.workflow.error.read.exception.soap.sts.server.jar.file=Exception caught reading in the openam-soap-sts-server*.war file. \
The exception: {0}.
soap.sts.deployment.workflow.error.no.soap.sts.server.jar.file=No .war file with beginning with openam-soap-sts-server was found in the \
soapstsdeployment subdirectory of the OpenAM base config directory.
soap.sts.deployment.workflow.error.exception.creating.output.war.path=Exception caught creating output war path: {0}.
soap.sts.deployment.workflow.error.output.jar.open.error=Exception caught opening output .war file: {0}.
soap.sts.deployment.workflow.error.exception.transferring.jar.file.contents=Exception caught transferring .war file contents: {0}.
soap.sts.deployment.workflow.error.exception.generating.internal.keystore=Exception caught generating internal KeyStore: {0}.
soap.sts.deployment.workflow.error.exception.writing.wsdl.or.keystore.state=Exception caught writing wsdl or KeyStore state: {0}.
soap.sts.deployment.workflow.complete=A deployment-ready .war file can be found here: {0}.