<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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$Id: sample_service.xml,v 1.1 2008/11/22 02:41:21 ak138937 Exp $
Document : sample_service.xml
This serves as sample XML for defining service manifests.
Every service should supply this XML service manifest to
the framework.
service id : unique id to distinguish this service
name : name associated with this service
clazz: fully qualified name of the class that implements
this service.
<service id="SampleService" name="Sample Service"
typeofservice defines whether its a core service or application service.
Valid inputs are 'core', 'application'. All services implemented under
plugin directory should have the value as 'application'.
'realization' defines how the service needs to be realized in the
application. Application UI i.e. GUI/CLI model is based on
categories or domain. The category id, defines the domain of the
test case i.e. server, agent, reports etc. The operation is the
feature implemented under the given domain/category. There can
be multiple operations under a given domain/category.
<category id="sample" operation="SampleCommand-1" "name="Sample-1" />
<category id="sample" operation="SampleCommand-2" "name="Sample-2" />
Defines the list of libraries/classes and resources to be loaded for
this service. Relative paths defined here are assumed to be relative
to the service home i.e. <ZIP_ROOT>/services.