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# Copyright 2014 ForgeRock AS.
openam-validation-service-description = Validation Service
a100 = Valid goto URL Resources
a100.help=List of Valid goto URL resources
a100.help.txt=By default OpenAM will redirect the user to the URL specified in the goto parameter supplied to the \
authentication interface. To enhance security, a list of valid URL resources can be specified here so OpenAM can \
validate the goto URL against them. OpenAM will only redirect a user if the goto URL matches any of the resources \
specified in this setting. If no setting is present, it is assumed that the goto URL is valid. The resources defined \
here can have the "*" wildcard defined, where "*" matches all characters except "?" . Example values for this setting \
would involve:\n<ul><li>http://app.example.com:80/*</li><li>http://app.example.com:80/*?*</li></ul>