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# $Id: ssoPatch.properties,v 1.4 2009/03/10 23:54:14 veiming Exp $
# Portions Copyrighted 2012 ForgeRock Inc
# Portions Copyrighted 2012 Open Source Solution Technology Corporation
usage=Usage:\nssopatch\n --help|-?\n [--locale|-l]\n\nssopatch\n --war-file|-o\n [--manifest|-m]\n [--locale|-l]\n\nssopatch\n --war-file|-o\n --war-file-compare|-c\n [--staging|-s]\n [--locale|-l]\n [--override|-r]\n [--overwrite|-w]\n\nOptions:\n --help|-?\n Print this usage. This is a unary option.\n --war-file|-o\n Path to the WAR file. opensso.war file which has been previously\n deployed.\n --manifest|-m\n Path to manifest file to create. Manifest file will be generated from\n --war-file when this option is provided.\n --war-file-compare|-c\n Path to the WAR file to compare against. It will be compared against\n --war-file when this option is provided.\n --staging|-s\n Path to the staging area. Staging area where the files will be written.\n --war-file-compare is compared against --war-file and the result will be\n written to this directory.\n --locale|-l\n Locale to be used. Default system locale is used if this is not set.\n --overwrite|-w\n Option to overwrite existing staging area. This is a unary option.\n Default is false.\n --override|-r\n Option to override revision checking. This is a unary option.\n Default is false.\n\
invalid-option=Invalid option, {0}.
incorrect-format=Incorrect format.
patch-generating=Generating Manifest for:
patch-retrieve=Retrieving Manifest from inside:
patch-compare=Comparing manifest of
patch-modified=File updated in new war
patch-missing=File was removed from original war
patch-added=File not in new war
patch-identical=Files are identical!
patch-original=Original manifest:
patch-new=New manifest:
patch-not-in-manifest=File in original war but not in original manifest
patch-from-new=. Staging area using new war version
patch-from-orig=. Staging area using original war version
patch-customized=File customized
patch-custom-rm=File was customized in original, but not found in new war
patch-override=Use '--override' option to override this check.
patch-supported=Versions are compatible
patch-not-supported=Patching of these wars is not supported.
patch-need-custom=May require manual customization.
exception-read-error=Error reading file!
exception-path-exists=Directory exists! Specify a new staging area!
exception-no-manifest=Manifest file not found in war file!
exception-no-create=Could not generate manifest file!
exception-no-src=Source file must be specified!
exception-bad-args=Incompatible arguments!