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# $Id: amSession.properties,v 1.7 2009/02/19 05:49:41 bhavnab Exp $
# Portions Copyrighted 2011-2016 ForgeRock AS.
unexpectedResponse=Unexpected number of responses received.
unexpectedSession=Unexpected number of sessions received.
invalidSessionID=Invalid session ID.
invalidSessionState=Session state is invalid.
protectedPropertyNoClientToken=Cannot set protected property without client identification token.
protectedPropertyNoSSOTokenMgrInstance=Cannot get SSOTokenManager instance to validate client token.
protectedPropertyInvalidClientToken=Cannot set protected property as client token is invalid.
protectedPropertyNoAdminToken=Cannot retrieve admin token to validate against client token.
protectedPropertyNoPermission=Client does not have permission to set protected property. Rejected session update request.
unexpectedEOF=Unexpected end of file.
readRandomDeviceFailed=Reading random device failed.
noPrivilege=No privilege to perform this operation.
sessionNotObtained=Session was not obtained.
unknownRequestMethod=Unknown request method.
sessionTimedOut=Session timed out.
sessionNotTimedOut=Session has not timed out.
propertyMustBeSet=Properties com.iplanet.am.localserver.{protocol,host,port} must be set in failover mode.
restrictionViolation=Illegal attempt to use a restricted token.
appTokenInvalid=Application token passed in, is invalid.
emptyTrustedSourceList=No entries found in trusted source list or platform server list.
unsupportedFunction=Function is not supported.
SessionTableNotFound=Session table does not exist in session store.
getValidSessionsError=Failed to get the valid sessions from the specified server.
restrictedTokensUnsupported=Restricted tokens are not supported for stateless sessions.
a101=Maximum Session Time
a101.help=In minutes.
a102=Maximum Idle Time
a102.help=In minutes.
a103=Maximum Caching Time
a103.help=In minutes.
a104=Session Service Status
a105=Maximum Number of Search Results
a105.help=Do not set this attribute to a large value (greater than 1000) unless sufficient system resources are allocated.
a106=Timeout for Search
a106.help=In seconds.
a107=Session Failover
a108=Session Store User
a109=Session Store Password
a110=Session Cluster Server List
a111=Maximum Wait Time
a111.help=Read Timeout for retrieving the session (in milliseconds).
a112=JDBC Driver Impl Class Name
a113.help=Specify LDAP URL for distinct Session Failover Persistence. If using Embedded OpenDJ or External Configuration Store for Session Persistence, leave this field blank.
a114=Minimum Pool Size
a115=Maximum Pool Size
a116=Enable Property Change Notifications
a117=Enable Quota Constraints
a118=Active User Sessions
a118.help=Maximum number of concurrent sessions allowed for a user.
a119=Read Timeout for Quota Constraint
a119.help=Maximum Wait Time for retrieving session count (in milliseconds).
a119b=Resulting behavior if session quota exhausted
a119b.help=DENY_ACCESS (the new session creation request will be denied)<br/>DESTROY_NEXT_EXPIRING (the next expiring session will be destroyed)<br/>DESTROY_OLDEST_SESSION (the oldest session will be destroyed)<br/>DESTROY_OLD_SESSIONS (all previous sessions will be destroyed)
a119c=Deny user login when session repository is down
a119c.help=This attribute takes effect only when the session quota constraint is enabled.
a120=Notification Properties
a120.help=Send Notifications for these properties when modified.
a121=Session Persistence and High Availability Failover Enabled
a121.help=Enabling provides full Session persistence and when coupled with a clustered environment provides Session High availability Failover as well.
a121b=DN Restriction Only Enabled
a121b.help=If enabled, OpenAM will not perform DNS lookups when checking restrictions in cookie hijacking mode.
a121c.session.reduced.crosstalk.enabled=Reduced Crosstalk Enabled
a121c.session.reduced.crosstalk.enabled.help=If enabled then OpenAM instances will avoid talking to each other to \
resolve non-local sessions, and use session persistence instead. Defaults to on if session persistence is enabled. \
Will be silently disabled if session persistence is disabled.
a121d.session.destroy.logout.broadcast=Session Logout/Destroy Broadcast
a121d.session.destroy.logout.broadcast.help=When a session is logged out or destroyed, this can be broadcast to other \
servers so that they can block any requests that arrive before reduced crosstalk replication has taken place.
a121e.session.reduced.crosstalk.purge.delay=Reduced Crosstalk Purge Delay
a121e.session.reduced.crosstalk.purge.delay.help=The number of minutes to retain a copy of a session in a \
destroyed state in order to block any requests that arrive before reduced crosstalk replication has taken place.
a122=Enable Session Trimming
a123=Session Timeout Handler implementations
a123.help=Here you can list your session timeout handler implementations. You need to supply fully qualified names for the impl classes.
a124=Signing Algorithm Type
a124.help=Algorithm used to sign stateless session JWT in order to detect tampering.
a124.help.txt=NONE - No signature.<br/>\
HS256 - HMAC using SHA-256 hash algorithm.<br/>\
HS384 - HMAC using SHA-384 hash algorithm.<br/>\
HS512 - HMAC using SHA-512 hash algorithm.<br/>\
RS256 - RSA using SHA-256 hash algorithm.
a125=Signing HMAC Shared Secret
a125.help=Base64 encoded key used by HS256, HS384 and HS512.
a126=Signing RSA Certificate Alias
a126.help=Name of a certificate containing public-private key pair used by RS256.
a126.help.txt=Certificate will be retrieved from the keystore referenced by the property com.sun.identity.saml.xmlsig.keystore
a127=Encryption Algorithm Type
a127.help=Algorithm used to encrypt stateless session JWT in order to hide its contents.
a127.help.txt=NONE - No encryption.<br/>\
RSA - The content will be encrypted using AES-128 in CBC mode with HMAC-SHA-256 for message authentication, \
using a random Content Encryption Key (CEK). The CEK is encrypted using the configured RSA public key.
a128=Encryption RSA Certificate Alias
a128.help=Name of a certificate containing public-private key pair used for encryption.
a128.help.txt=Certificate will be retrieved from the keystore referenced by the property com.sun.identity.saml.xmlsig.keystore
a129=Enable Session Blacklisting
a129.help=If enabled then sessions will be blacklisted on the server on logout until the session expires.
a129.help.txt=It is recommended to enable this setting if the maximum session time is high. State is stored in the \
core token store (CTS) until the session token expires in order to ensure that session tokens cannot continue to \
be used. Requires a server restart for changes to take effect.
a130=Session Blacklist Cache Size
a130.help=Number of blacklisted sessions to cache in memory to speed up blacklist checks and reduce load on the CTS.
a131=Blacklist Poll Interval (seconds)
a131.help=How frequently to poll for session blacklist changes from other servers, in seconds.
a131.help.txt=How often each server will poll the CTS for session blacklist changes from other servers. This is used \
to maintain a highly compressed view of the overall current session blacklist improving performance. A lower number\
will reduce the delay for blacklisted sessions to propagate to all servers at the cost of increased CTS load. Set \
to 0 to disable this feature completely.
a132=Blacklist Purge Delay (minutes)
a132.help=Length of time to blacklist sessions beyond their expiry time.
a132.help.txt=Allows additional time to account for clock skew to ensure that a session has expired before it is \
removed from the blacklist.
p101=Get All Valid Sessions
p102=Destroy a Session
p103=Add a Session Listener on All Sessions
choiceBroadcastToLocalSite=Broadcast only to local site servers
choiceBroadcastToAllSites=Broadcast to servers in all sites