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# $Id: amClientDetection.properties,v 1.2 2008/06/25 05:40:35 qcheng Exp $
# Portions Copyrighted 2011 ForgeRock AS
iplanet-am-client-detection-service-description=Client Detection
a100=Client Types
a101=Default Client Type
a101.help=The name of the client type selected if no client match is found.
a102=Client Detection Class
a102.help=The default client detection plug-in implementation.
a102.help.txt=The client detection plug-in is used to determine the client type. The client type is a name that uniquely identifies \
the client to OpenAM. The plug-in scans the HTTP request from the client in order to determine the name of the client type.<br/><br/>\
The implementation must implement the following interface:<br/><br/><code>com.iplanet.services.cdm.ClientDetectionInterface</code>
a103=Enable Client Detection
a103.help=Enable/Disable the Client Detection Framework in OpenAM
a103.help.txt=The Client Detection Framework can be used to identify the type of the client and deliver different content in the \
Authentication User Interface based on the client type. The default client type is HTML.<br/><br/>\
<i>NB </i>This functionality is disabled in OpenAM; customisation is required before it can be enabled.
unknown_key=Requested key is not available in the client properties.
null_key=Null key passed to get the client properties.
null_clientType=client type is null.
unknown_clientType=Requested client type does not exist.
update_error=Notification error occurred before the update was finished. Repeat the operation.