* Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* https://opensso.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html or
* opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
* Header Notice in each file and include the License file
* at opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt.
* If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
* with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
* your own identifying information:
* "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
* $Id: AuthClientUtils.java,v 1.40 2010/01/22 03:31:01 222713 Exp $
* Portions Copyrighted 2010-2016 ForgeRock AS.
package com.sun.identity.authentication.client;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import com.iplanet.am.util.AMClientDetector;
import com.iplanet.am.util.SystemProperties;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.SessionException;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.SessionID;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.share.SessionEncodeURL;
import com.iplanet.services.cdm.AuthClient;
import com.iplanet.services.cdm.Client;
import com.iplanet.services.cdm.ClientsManager;
import com.iplanet.services.naming.ServerEntryNotFoundException;
import com.iplanet.services.naming.WebtopNaming;
import com.iplanet.services.util.Crypt;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOException;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOTokenManager;
import com.sun.identity.authentication.AuthContext;
import com.sun.identity.authentication.service.AMAuthErrorCode;
import com.sun.identity.authentication.service.AuthException;
import com.sun.identity.authentication.util.ISAuthConstants;
import com.sun.identity.common.DNUtils;
import com.sun.identity.common.FQDNUtils;
import com.sun.identity.common.HttpURLConnectionManager;
import com.sun.identity.common.ISLocaleContext;
import com.sun.identity.common.RequestUtils;
import com.sun.identity.common.ResourceLookup;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdUtils;
import com.sun.identity.policy.PolicyException;
import com.sun.identity.policy.PolicyUtils;
import com.sun.identity.policy.plugins.AuthSchemeCondition;
import com.sun.identity.security.AdminTokenAction;
import com.sun.identity.security.EncodeAction;
import com.sun.identity.session.util.SessionUtils;
import com.sun.identity.shared.Constants;
import com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug;
import com.sun.identity.shared.encode.Base64;
import com.sun.identity.shared.encode.CookieUtils;
import com.sun.identity.shared.encode.URLEncDec;
import com.sun.identity.shared.locale.Locale;
import com.sun.identity.sm.SMSEntry;
import com.sun.identity.sm.SMSException;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ServiceSchema;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ServiceSchemaManager;
import org.forgerock.openam.security.whitelist.ValidGotoUrlExtractor;
import org.forgerock.openam.session.SessionServiceURLService;
import org.forgerock.openam.shared.security.whitelist.RedirectUrlValidator;
import org.forgerock.openam.utils.ClientUtils;
import org.forgerock.openam.utils.StringUtils;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class AuthClientUtils {
public static final String DEFAULT_CLIENT_TYPE ="genericHTML";
public static final String COMPOSITE_ADVICE = "sunamcompositeadvice";
private static final String DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE="text/html";
private static final String DEFAULT_FILE_PATH = "html";
private static final String DEFAULT_COOKIE_SUPPORT = "true";
private static final String DSAME_VERSION="7.0";
public static final String ERROR_MESSAGE = "Error_Message";
public static final String ERROR_TEMPLATE = "Error_Template";
public static final String MSG_DELIMITER= "|";
public static final String BUNDLE_NAME="amAuth";
private static final String HTTP_REFERER = "Referer";
private static boolean setRequestEncoding = false;
private static AMClientDetector clientDetector;
private static Client defaultClient;
private static volatile ResourceBundle bundle;
private static final boolean urlRewriteInPath =
public static final String templatePath =
new StringBuilder().append(Constants.FILE_SEPARATOR)
private static final String rootSuffix = SMSEntry.getRootSuffix();
protected static final RedirectUrlValidator<String> REDIRECT_URL_VALIDATOR =
new RedirectUrlValidator<String>(ValidGotoUrlExtractor.getInstance());
private static SessionServiceURLService sessionServiceURLService = SessionServiceURLService.getInstance();
// dsame version
private static String dsameVersion =
SystemProperties.get(Constants.AM_VERSION, DSAME_VERSION);
// If true, version header will be added to responses, default is false
private static final boolean isVersionHeaderEnabled =
SystemProperties.getAsBoolean(Constants.AM_VERSION_HEADER_ENABLED, false);
/* Constants.AM_COOKIE_NAME is the AM Cookie which
* gets set when the user has authenticated
private static String cookieName=
/* Constants.AM_AUTH_COOKIE_NAME is the Auth Cookie which
* gets set during the authentication process.
private static String authCookieName=
/* Constants.AM_DIST_AUTH_COOKIE_NAME is the Auth Cookie which
* gets set during the authentication process.
private static String distAuthCookieName=
private static String serviceURI = getServiceURI() + "/UI/Login";
private static String serverURL = null;
static Debug utilDebug = Debug.getInstance("amAuthClientUtils");
private static String[] ignoreList = {
"IDtoken0", "IDtoken1", "IDtoken2", "IDButton", "AMAuthCookie", "encoded", "IDToken3"
private static boolean useCache = Boolean.getBoolean(SystemProperties.get(
Constants.URL_CONNECTION_USE_CACHE, "false"));
private static boolean isSessionHijackingEnabled =
Constants.IS_ENABLE_UNIQUE_COOKIE, "false")).booleanValue();
private static String hostUrlCookieName =
private static String hostUrlCookieDomain =
private static final String distAuthCluster =
SystemProperties.get(Constants.DISTAUTH_CLUSTER, "");
private static ArrayList distAuthClusterList = new ArrayList();
private static final String distAuthSites =
SystemProperties.get(Constants.AM_DISTAUTH_SITES, "");
private static Map<String, Set<String>> distAuthSitesMap = new HashMap();
private static final List<String> RETAINED_HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS = new ArrayList<String>();
private static final List<String> RETAINED_HTTP_HEADERS = new ArrayList<String>();
static {
// Initialzing variables
String installTime =
SystemProperties.get(AdminTokenAction.AMADMIN_MODE, "false");
if (installTime.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) {
clientDetector = new AMClientDetector();
if (isClientDetectionEnabled()) {
defaultClient = ClientsManager.getDefaultInstance();
bundle = Locale.getInstallResourceBundle(BUNDLE_NAME);
String proto = SystemProperties.get(Constants.DISTAUTH_SERVER_PROTOCOL);
String host = null;
String port = null;
if (proto != null && proto.length() != 0 ) {
host = SystemProperties.get(Constants.DISTAUTH_SERVER_HOST);
port = SystemProperties.get(Constants.DISTAUTH_SERVER_PORT);
} else {
proto = SystemProperties.get(Constants.AM_SERVER_PROTOCOL);
host = SystemProperties.get(Constants.AM_SERVER_HOST);
port = SystemProperties.get(Constants.AM_SERVER_PORT);
serverURL = proto + "://" + host + ":" + port;
if(distAuthCluster.length() != 0){
try {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
"AuthClientUtils.static(): "
+ "Cluster List is: " + distAuthCluster);
if (distAuthCluster.indexOf(",") != -1) {
StringTokenizer distAuthServersList =
new StringTokenizer(distAuthCluster, ",");
while (distAuthServersList.hasMoreTokens()) {
String distAuthServer =
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
utilDebug.error("AuthClientUtils.static(): " +
if (distAuthSites.length() != 0) {
try {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
"AuthClientUtils.static(): "
+ "Dist Auth Site list is: " + distAuthSites);
if (distAuthSites.indexOf(",") != -1) {
StringTokenizer distAuthSitesList =
new StringTokenizer(distAuthSites, ",");
while (distAuthSitesList.hasMoreTokens()) {
String distAuthServer =
if (distAuthServer.indexOf("=") != -1) {
String distAuthServerName =
distAuthServer.substring(0, distAuthServer.indexOf("="));
String distAuthSiteName =
distAuthServer.substring(distAuthServer.indexOf("=") + 1);
Set<String> distAuthSet = distAuthSitesMap.get(distAuthSiteName);
if (distAuthSet == null) {
distAuthSet = new HashSet<String>();
distAuthSitesMap.put(distAuthSiteName, distAuthSet);
} else {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthClientUtils.static(): " +
"invalid dist auth server entry: " + distAuthServer);
} else {
if (distAuthSites.indexOf("=") != -1) {
String distAuthServerName =
distAuthSites.substring(0, distAuthSites.indexOf("="));
String distAuthSiteName =
distAuthSites.substring(distAuthSites.indexOf("=") + 1);
Set<String> distAuthSet = new HashSet<String>();
distAuthSitesMap.put(distAuthSiteName, distAuthSet);
} else {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthClientUtils.static(): " +
"invalid dist auth server entry: " + distAuthSites);
} catch (Exception ex) {
utilDebug.error("AuthClientUtils.static(): " +
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthClientUtils.static(): " +
"dist auth server to site: " + distAuthSitesMap);
//configuration sanity check
//configuration sanity check
//we need to ensure that set-cookie headers are always retained for the response.
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Retained request headers: " + RETAINED_HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS);
utilDebug.message("Retained response headers: " + RETAINED_HTTP_HEADERS);
* Protected constructor to prevent any instances being created
* Needs to be protected to allow subclass AuthUtils
protected AuthClientUtils() {
private static List<String> getHeaderNameListForProperty(String property) {
String value = SystemProperties.get(property);
if (value != null) {
return asList(value.toLowerCase().split(","));
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
public static Hashtable parseRequestParameters(
HttpServletRequest request) {
return (decodeHash(request));
private static Hashtable decodeHash(HttpServletRequest request) {
Hashtable data = new Hashtable();
String clientEncoding = request.getCharacterEncoding();
String encoding = (clientEncoding != null) ? clientEncoding : "UTF-8";
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthUtils::decodeHash: clientEncoding='{}', encoding='{}'", clientEncoding, encoding);
Enumeration<String> names = request.getParameterNames();
boolean base64Encoded = Boolean.parseBoolean(request.getParameter("encoded"));
while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = names.nextElement();
String value = request.getParameter(name);
if (value == null) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthUtils::decodeHash parameter '{}' is null", name);
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("SunQueryParamsString")){
// This will normally be the case when browser back button is
// used and the form is posted again with the base64 encoded
// parameters
if (!value.isEmpty()){
String decodedValue = Base64.decodeAsUTF8String(value);
if (decodedValue == null && utilDebug.warningEnabled()) {
utilDebug.warning("Parameter ['{}']='{}' should be base64 encoded", name, value);
value = decodedValue;
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthUtils::decodeHash base 64 decoded '{}'='{}'", name, value);
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value, "&");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String str = st.nextToken();
if (str.indexOf("=") != -1 ) {
int index = str.indexOf("=");
String parameter = str.substring(0,index);
String parameterValue = str.substring(index + 1);
putDecodedValue(data, parameter, parameterValue, encoding);
} else if (name.equals(RedirectUrlValidator.GOTO) || name.equals(RedirectUrlValidator.GOTO_ON_FAIL)){
// Again this will be the case when browser back
// button is used and the form is posted with the
// base64 encoded parameters including goto
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthUtils::decodeHash '{}'='{}', encoded='{}'", name, value, base64Encoded);
if (base64Encoded) {
String decodedValue = Base64.decodeAsUTF8String(value);
if (decodedValue == null && utilDebug.warningEnabled()) {
utilDebug.warning("As parameter 'encoded' is true, parameter ['{}']='{}' should be base64" +
" encoded", name, value);
value = decodedValue;
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthUtils::decodeHash base 64 decoded '{}'='{}'", name, value);
putDecodedValue(data, name, value, encoding);
} else{
putDecodedValue(data, name, value, encoding);
}// while
return (data);
* Returns the Logout cookie.
* @param sid Session ID.
* @param cookieDomain Cookie domain.
* @return logout cookie string.
public static Cookie getLogoutCookie(SessionID sid, String cookieDomain) {
String logoutCookieString = getLogoutCookieString(sid);
Cookie logoutCookie = createCookie(logoutCookieString, cookieDomain);
return (logoutCookie);
* Returns the encrpted Logout cookie string .
* The format of this cookie is:
* <code>LOGOUT@protocol@servername@serverport@sessiondomain</code>.
* @param sid the SessionID
* @return encrypted logout cookie string.
public static String getLogoutCookieString(SessionID sid) {
String logout_cookie = null;
try {
logout_cookie = (String) AccessController.doPrivileged(
new EncodeAction(
"LOGOUT" + "@" +
sid.getSessionServerProtocol() + "@" +
sid.getSessionServer() + "@" +
sid.getSessionServerPort() + "@" +
sid.getSessionDomain(), Crypt.getHardcodedKeyEncryptor()));
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Logout cookie : " + logout_cookie);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Error creating cookie : " + e.getMessage());
return (logout_cookie );
* Returns Cookie to be set in the response.
* @param cookieValue value of cookie
* @param cookieDomain domain for which cookie will be set.
* @return Cookie object.
public static Cookie createCookie(String cookieValue, String cookieDomain) {
String cookieName = getCookieName();
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("cookieName='{}', cookieValue='{}', cookieDomain='{}'", cookieName, cookieValue,
return (createCookie(cookieName,cookieValue,cookieDomain));
public static String getQueryOrgName(HttpServletRequest request,
String org) {
String queryOrg = null;
if ((org != null) && (org.length() != 0)) {
queryOrg = org;
} else {
if (request != null) {
queryOrg = request.getServerName();
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("queryOrg is :" + queryOrg);
return queryOrg;
// print cookies in the request
// use for debugging purposes
public static void printCookies(HttpServletRequest req) {
Cookie ck[] = req.getCookies();
if (ck == null) {
utilDebug.message("No Cookie in header");
for (int i = 0; i < ck.length; ++i) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Received Cookie: '{}'='{}'", ck[i].getName(), ck[i].getValue());
public static void printHash(Hashtable reqParameters) {
try {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthRequest: In printHash" + reqParameters);
if (reqParameters == null) {
Enumeration Edata = reqParameters.keys();
while (Edata.hasMoreElements()) {
Object key = Edata.nextElement();
Object value = reqParameters.get(key);
utilDebug.message("printHash Key is : " + key);
if (value instanceof String[]) {
String tmp[] = (String[])value;
for (int ii=0; ii < tmp.length; ii++) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("printHash : String[] keyname '{}'='{}'", key, tmp[ii]);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.warning("Exception: printHash :" , e);
public static void setlbCookie(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws AuthException {
String cookieName = getlbCookieName();
if (cookieName != null && cookieName.length() != 0) {
Set<String> domains = getCookieDomainsForRequest(request);
if (!domains.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator it = domains.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
String domain = (String)it.next();
Cookie cookie = createlbCookie(domain);
CookieUtils.addCookieToResponse(response, cookie);
} else {
CookieUtils.addCookieToResponse(response, createlbCookie(null));
* Creates a Cookie with the <code>cookieName</code>,
* <code>cookieValue</code> for the cookie domains specified.
* @param cookieName is the name of the cookie
* @param cookieValue is the value fo the cookie
* @param cookieDomain Domain for which the cookie is to be set.
* @return the cookie object.
public static Cookie createCookie(String cookieName, String cookieValue, String cookieDomain) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("cookieName='{}', cookieValue='{}', cookieDomain='{}'", cookieName, cookieValue,
Cookie cookie = null;
try {
// hardcoded need to read from attribute and set cookie for all domains
cookie = CookieUtils.newCookie(cookieName, cookieValue, "/", cookieDomain);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Error creating cookie. : " + e.getMessage());
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("createCookie Cookie is set : " + cookie);
return cookie;
public static void clearlbCookie(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {
String cookieName = getlbCookieName();
if (cookieName != null && cookieName.length() != 0) {
Set<String> domains = getCookieDomainsForRequest(request);
if (!domains.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator it = domains.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
String domain = (String)it.next();
Cookie cookie = createCookie(
cookieName, "LOGOUT", 0, domain);
} else {
createCookie(cookieName, "LOGOUT", 0, null));
/* return the the error message for the error code */
public static String getErrorMessage(String errorCode) {
return getErrorVal(errorCode, ERROR_MESSAGE);
/* return the the error template for the error code */
public static String getErrorTemplate(String errorCode) {
return getErrorVal(errorCode,ERROR_TEMPLATE);
public static boolean checkForCookies(HttpServletRequest req) {
// came here if cookie not found , return false
return CookieUtils.getCookieValueFromReq(req,getAuthCookieName()) != null
|| CookieUtils.getCookieValueFromReq(req,getCookieName()) != null;
// Get Original Redirect URL for Auth to redirect the Login request
public static String getOrigRedirectURL(HttpServletRequest request, SessionID sessID) {
try {
String sidString = null;
if (sessID != null) {
sidString = sessID.toString();
SSOTokenManager manager = SSOTokenManager.getInstance();
SSOToken ssoToken = manager.createSSOToken(sidString);
if (manager.isValidToken(ssoToken)) {
utilDebug.message("Valid SSOToken");
return REDIRECT_URL_VALIDATOR.getRedirectUrl(ssoToken.getProperty(ISAuthConstants.ORGANIZATION),
REDIRECT_URL_VALIDATOR.getAndDecodeParameter(request, RedirectUrlValidator.GOTO),
} catch (Exception e) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Error in getOrigRedirectURL:", e);
return null;
return null;
* Adds Logout cookie to URL.
* @param url is the url to be rewritten with the logout cookie
* @param logoutCookie is the logoutCookie String
* @param isCookieSupported is a boolean which indicates whether
* cookie support is true or false
* @return URL with the logout cookie appended to it.
public static String addLogoutCookieToURL(
String url,
String logoutCookie,
boolean isCookieSupported) {
String logoutURL = null;
if ((logoutCookie == null) || (isCookieSupported)) {
logoutURL = url;
} else {
StringBuilder cookieString = new StringBuilder();
if (url.indexOf("?") != -1) {
} else {
logoutURL = cookieString.toString();
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("cookieString is : "+ cookieString);
return logoutURL;
* Returns the Session ID for the request.
* The cookie in the request for invalid sessions
* is in authentication cookie, <code>com.iplanet.am.auth.cookie</code>,
* and for active/inactive sessions in <code>com.iplanet.am.cookie</code>.
* @param request HttpServletRequest object.
* @return session id for this request.
private static SessionID getSidFromCookie(HttpServletRequest request) {
SessionID sessionID = null;
//Let's check the URL first in case this is a forwarded request from Federation. URL should have precedence
//over the actual cookie value, so this way a new federated auth can always start with a clear auth session.
String sidValue = SessionEncodeURL.getSidFromURL(request, getAuthCookieName());
if (sidValue == null) {
sidValue = CookieUtils.getCookieValueFromReq(request, getAuthCookieName());
if (sidValue != null && !sidValue.isEmpty()) {
sessionID = new SessionID(sidValue);
utilDebug.message("sidValue from Auth Cookie");
return sessionID;
* Returns the Session ID for this request. If Authetnication Cookie and
* Valid AM Cookie are there and request method is GET then use Valid
* AM Cookie else use Auth Cookie. The cookie in the request for invalid
* sessions is in auth cookie, <code>com.iplanet.am.auth.cookie</code>,
* and for active/inactive sessions in <code>com.iplanet.am.cookie</code>.
* @param request HTTP Servlet Request.
* @return Session ID for this request.
public static SessionID getSessionIDFromRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
boolean isGetRequest= (request !=null &&
SessionID amCookieSid = new SessionID(request);
SessionID authCookieSid = getSidFromCookie(request);
SessionID sessionID;
if (authCookieSid == null) {
sessionID = amCookieSid;
} else {
if (isGetRequest) {
sessionID = amCookieSid;
} else {
sessionID = authCookieSid;
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthUtils:returning sessionID:" + sessionID);
return sessionID;
* Returns <code>true</code> if the request has the
* <code>arg=newsession</code> query parameter.
* @param reqDataHash Request Data Hashtable.
* returns <code>true</code> if this parameter is present.
public static boolean newSessionArgExists(Hashtable reqDataHash) {
String arg = (String) reqDataHash.get("arg");
boolean newSessionArgExists =
(arg != null) && arg.equals("newsession");
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("newSessionArgExists : " + newSessionArgExists);
return newSessionArgExists;
// Get the AuthContext.IndexType given string index type value
public static AuthContext.IndexType getIndexType(String strIndexType) {
AuthContext.IndexType indexType = null;
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("getIndexType : strIndexType = " + strIndexType);
if (strIndexType != null) {
if (strIndexType.equalsIgnoreCase("user")) {
indexType = AuthContext.IndexType.USER;
} else if (strIndexType.equalsIgnoreCase("role")) {
indexType = AuthContext.IndexType.ROLE;
} else if (strIndexType.equalsIgnoreCase("service")) {
indexType = AuthContext.IndexType.SERVICE;
} else if (strIndexType.equalsIgnoreCase("module_instance")) {
indexType = AuthContext.IndexType.MODULE_INSTANCE;
} else if (strIndexType.equalsIgnoreCase("level")) {
indexType = AuthContext.IndexType.LEVEL;
} else if (strIndexType.equalsIgnoreCase("composite_advice")) {
indexType = AuthContext.IndexType.COMPOSITE_ADVICE;
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("getIndexType : IndexType = " + indexType);
return indexType;
// Get the index name given index type from the existing valid session
public static String getIndexName(SSOToken ssoToken,
AuthContext.IndexType indexType) {
String indexName = "";
try {
if (indexType == AuthContext.IndexType.USER) {
indexName = ssoToken.getProperty("UserToken");
} else if (indexType == AuthContext.IndexType.ROLE) {
indexName = ssoToken.getProperty("Role");
} else if (indexType == AuthContext.IndexType.SERVICE) {
indexName = ssoToken.getProperty("Service");
} else if (indexType == AuthContext.IndexType.MODULE_INSTANCE) {
indexName =
} else if (indexType == AuthContext.IndexType.LEVEL) {
indexName = ssoToken.getProperty("AuthLevel");
} catch (Exception e) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Error in getIndexName :"+ e.toString());
return indexName;
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("getIndexName : IndexType='{}', IndexName='{}'", indexType, indexName);
return indexName;
// Get the first or latest index name from the string of index names
// separated by "|".
private static String getLatestIndexName(String indexName) {
String firstIndexName = indexName;
if (indexName != null) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(indexName,"|");
if (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
firstIndexName = (String)st.nextToken();
return firstIndexName;
// search valve in the String
public static boolean isContain(String value, String key) {
if (value == null) {
return (false);
try {
if (value.indexOf("|") != -1) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value, "|");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
if ((st.nextToken()).equals(key)) {
return true;
} else {
if (value.trim().equals(key.trim())) {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
utilDebug.error("AuthClientUtils.isContain: error : ", e);
return false;
// Method to check if this is Session Upgrade
public static boolean checkSessionUpgrade(
SSOToken ssoToken,Hashtable reqDataHash) {
utilDebug.message("Check Session upgrade!");
String tmp = null;
String value = null;
boolean upgrade = false;
try {
if (reqDataHash.get("user")!=null) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthClientUtils.checkSessionUpgrade: user");
tmp = (String) reqDataHash.get("user");
value = ssoToken.getProperty("UserToken");
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("user='{}', userToken ='{}'", tmp, value);
if (!tmp.equals(value)) {
upgrade = true;
} else if (reqDataHash.get("role")!=null) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthClientUtils.checkSessionUpgrade: role");
tmp = (String) reqDataHash.get("role");
value = ssoToken.getProperty("Role");
if (!isContain(value, tmp)) {
upgrade = true;
} else if (reqDataHash.get("service")!=null &&
reqDataHash.get(Constants.COMPOSITE_ADVICE) == null) {
if(utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
tmp = (String) reqDataHash.get("service");
value = ssoToken.getProperty("Service");
if (!isContain(value, tmp)) {
upgrade = true;
} else if (reqDataHash.get("module")!=null) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
tmp = (String) reqDataHash.get("module");
value = ssoToken.getProperty("AuthType");
if (!isContain(value, tmp)) {
upgrade = true;
} else if (reqDataHash.get("authlevel")!=null) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("checksessionUpgrade: authlevel");
int i = Integer.parseInt((String)reqDataHash.get("authlevel"));
if (i>Integer.parseInt(ssoToken.getProperty("AuthLevel"))) {
upgrade = true;
} else if ( reqDataHash.get(Constants.COMPOSITE_ADVICE) != null ) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("checksessionUpgrade: composite advice");
upgrade = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
utilDebug.message("Exception in checkSessionUpgrade : ", e);
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Check session upgrade : " + upgrade);
return upgrade;
* Tells whether the incoming request corresponds to a session upgrade or ForceAuth.
* @param request The incoming HttpServletRequest.
* @return <code>true</code> if the request corresponds to a session upgrade or ForceAuth, <code>false</code>
* otherwise.
public static boolean isSessionUpgradeOrForceAuth(HttpServletRequest request) {
Hashtable reqDataHash = parseRequestParameters(request);
boolean isForceAuth = forceAuthFlagExists(reqDataHash);
if (!isForceAuth) {
try {
SSOTokenManager tokenManager = SSOTokenManager.getInstance();
SSOToken token = tokenManager.createSSOToken(request);
return checkSessionUpgrade(token, reqDataHash);
} catch (SSOException ssoe) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Unable to create sso token for isSessionUpgrade check: ", ssoe);
return isForceAuth;
public static String getCookieURLForSessionUpgrade(HttpServletRequest request) {
String cookieURL = null;
try {
SSOTokenManager tokenManager = SSOTokenManager.getInstance();
SSOToken token = tokenManager.createSSOToken(request);
Hashtable reqDataHash = parseRequestParameters(request);
if (tokenManager.isValidToken(token)) {
cookieURL = getCookieURL(new SessionID(token.getTokenID().toString()));
if (cookieURL != null && !isLocalServer(cookieURL, true)
&& (forceAuthFlagExists(reqDataHash)
|| checkSessionUpgrade(token, reqDataHash))) {
return cookieURL;
} catch (SSOException ssoe) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("SSOException occurred while checking session upgrade case", ssoe);
return null;
public static String getCookieURL(SessionID sessionID) {
String cookieURL = null;
try {
URL sessionServerURL = sessionServiceURLService.getSessionServiceURL(sessionID);
cookieURL = sessionServerURL.getProtocol()
+ "://" + sessionServerURL.getHost() + ":"
+ Integer.toString(sessionServerURL.getPort()) + serviceURI;
} catch (SessionException se) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("LoginServlet error in Session : ", se);
return cookieURL;
public static boolean isClientDetectionEnabled() {
boolean clientDetectionEnabled = false;
if (clientDetector != null) {
clientDetectionEnabled = clientDetector.isDetectionEnabled();
} else {
utilDebug.message("getClientDetector,Service does not exist");
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("clientDetectionEnabled = " + clientDetectionEnabled);
return clientDetectionEnabled;
* Returns the client type. If client detection is enabled then
* client type is determined by the <code>ClientDetector</code> class otherwise
* <code>defaultClientType</code> set in
* <code>iplanet-am-client-detection-default-client-type</code>
* is assumed to be the client type.
* @param req HTTP Servlet Request.
* @return client type.
public static String getClientType(HttpServletRequest req) {
if (isClientDetectionEnabled() && (clientDetector != null)) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("clienttype = " + clientDetector.getClientType(req));
return (clientDetector.getClientType(req));
return (getDefaultClientType());
* Get default client
public static String getDefaultClientType() {
String defaultClientType = DEFAULT_CLIENT_TYPE;
if (defaultClient != null) {
try {
defaultClientType = defaultClient.getClientType();
// add observer, so auth will be notified if the client changed
// defClient.addObserver(this);
} catch (Exception e) {
utilDebug.error("getDefaultClientType Error : ", e);
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("getDefaultClientType, ClientType = " + defaultClientType);
return defaultClientType;
* return the client Object associated with a clientType
* default instance is returned if the instance could not be found
private static Client getClientInstance(String clientType) {
if (!clientType.equals(getDefaultClientType())) {
try {
return AuthClient.getInstance(clientType, null);
} catch (Exception ce) {
utilDebug.warning("getClientInstance: clientType='{}'", clientType, ce);
return defaultClient;
* Returns the requested property from clientData (example fileIdentifer).
* @param clientType
* @param property
* @return the requested property from clientData.
private static String getProperty(String clientType, String property) {
if (clientDetector == null || !isClientDetectionEnabled()) {
return null;
try {
return (getClientInstance(clientType).getProperty(property));
} catch (Exception ce) {
// which means we did not get the client Property
utilDebug.warning("Error retrieving Client Data : property='{}'", property, ce);
// if this was not the default client type then lets
// try to get the default client Property
return getDefaultProperty(property);
* return the requested property for default client
public static String getDefaultProperty(String property) {
try {
return (defaultClient.getProperty(property));
} catch (Exception ce) {
utilDebug.warning("Could not get property='{}'", property, ce);
return (null);
* return the charset associated with the clientType
public static String getCharSet(String clientType,java.util.Locale locale) {
String charset = Client.CDM_DEFAULT_CHARSET;
if (isClientDetectionEnabled()) {
try {
charset = getClientInstance(clientType).getCharset(locale);
} catch (Exception ce) {
if (utilDebug.warningEnabled()) {
utilDebug.warning("AuthClientUtils.getCharSet:Client data was not found, setting charset to UTF-8.");
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthClientUtils.getCharSet: Charset from Client is charset='{}'", charset);
} else {
return (charset);
* return the filePath associated with a clientType
public static String getFilePath(String clientType) {
String filePath = getProperty(clientType,"filePath");
if (filePath == null) {
return filePath;
* return the contentType associated with a clientType
* if no contentType found then return the default
public static String getContentType(String clientType) {
String contentType = getProperty(clientType,"contentType");
if (contentType == null) {
return contentType;
* for url rewriting with session id we need to know whether
* cookies are supported
* RFE 4412286
public static String getCookieSupport(String clientType) {
String cookieSup = getProperty(clientType, "cookieSupport");
if (cookieSup == null) {
return cookieSup;
* determine if this client is an html client
public static boolean isGenericHTMLClient(String clientType) {
String type = getProperty(clientType,"genericHTML");
return type == null || "true".equals(type);
/* return true if cookiSupport is true or cookieDetection
* mode has been detected .This is used to determine
* whether cookie should be set in response or not.
public static boolean isSetCookie(String clientType) {
boolean setCookie = setCookieVal(clientType, "true");
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("setCookie : " + setCookie);
return setCookie;
/* checks the cookieDetect , cookieSupport values to
* determine if cookie should be rewritten or set.
public static boolean setCookieVal(String clientType,String value) {
String cookieSupport = getCookieSupport(clientType);
boolean cookieDetect = getCookieDetect(cookieSupport);
boolean cookieSup = ((cookieSupport !=null) &&
(cookieSupport.equalsIgnoreCase(value) ||
boolean setCookie = (cookieSup || cookieDetect) ;
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("cookieSupport='{}', cookieDetect='{}', setCookie='{}'", cookieSupport, cookieDetect,
return setCookie;
/** Returns true if cookieDetect mode else false.
* @param cookieSupport , whether cookie is supported or not.
* @return true if cookieDetect mode else false
public static boolean getCookieDetect(String cookieSupport) {
boolean cookieDetect
= ((cookieSupport == null) ||
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("CookieDetect : " + cookieDetect);
return cookieDetect;
* Extracts the client URL from the String passed
* URL passed is in the format clientType | URL
* @param urlString is a String , a URL
* @param index is the position of delimiter "|"
* @return Returns the client URL.
public static String getClientURLFromString(String urlString,int index,
HttpServletRequest request) {
String clientURL = null;
if (urlString != null) {
String clientTypeInUrl = urlString.substring(0,index);
if ((clientTypeInUrl != null) &&
(clientTypeInUrl.equals(getClientType(request)))) {
if (urlString.length() > index) {
clientURL = urlString.substring(index+1);
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Client URL is :" + clientURL);
return clientURL;
/* return true if cookieSupport is false and cookie Detect
* mode (which is rewrite as well as set cookie the first
* time). This determines whether url should be rewritten
* or not.
public static boolean isUrlRewrite(String clientType) {
boolean rewriteURL = setCookieVal(clientType,"false");
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("rewriteURL : " + rewriteURL);
return rewriteURL;
public static String getDSAMEVersion() {
return dsameVersion;
public static boolean isVersionHeaderEnabled() {
return isVersionHeaderEnabled;
/**Returns the Auth Cookie Name.
* @return authCookieName, a String,the auth cookie name.
public static String getAuthCookieName() {
return authCookieName;
/**Returns the Dist Auth Cookie Name.
* @return authCookieName, a String, the dist auth cookie name.
public static String getDistAuthCookieName() {
return distAuthCookieName;
public static String getCookieName() {
return cookieName;
public static String getlbCookieName() {
String loadBalanceCookieName = null;
if (SystemProperties.isServerMode()) {
loadBalanceCookieName = SystemProperties.get(
} else {
loadBalanceCookieName = SystemProperties.get(
utilDebug.message("AuthClientUtils.getlbCookieName() loadBalanceCookieName is:"
+ loadBalanceCookieName);
return loadBalanceCookieName;
public static String getlbCookieValue() {
if (SystemProperties.isServerMode()) {
try {
return WebtopNaming.getLBCookieValue(WebtopNaming.getAMServerID());
} catch (Exception e) {
utilDebug.message("AuthClientUtils.getlbCookieValue(). Can't get the lbCookie value.", e);
return null;
} else {
return SystemProperties.get(Constants.AM_DISTAUTH_LB_COOKIE_VALUE);
* Return the set of cookie domains configured in Platform settings. Whenever possible, use
* {@link #getCookieDomainsForRequest(HttpServletRequest)} instead.
* @return The set of configured cookie domains. May contain null.
public static Set<String> getCookieDomains() {
Set<String> cookieDomains = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
try {
SSOToken token = AccessController.doPrivileged(
try {
ServiceSchemaManager scm = new ServiceSchemaManager("iPlanetAMPlatformService",token);
ServiceSchema psc = scm.getGlobalSchema();
Map attrs = psc.getAttributeDefaults();
cookieDomains = (Set)attrs.get(ISAuthConstants.PLATFORM_COOKIE_DOMAIN_ATTR);
} catch (SMSException ex) {
// Ignore the exception and leave cookieDomains empty;
utilDebug.message("getCookieDomains - SMSException ");
if (cookieDomains == null) {
cookieDomains = Collections.singleton(null);
} catch (SSOException ex) {
// unable to get SSOToken
utilDebug.message("getCookieDomains - SSOException ");
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled() && (!cookieDomains.isEmpty())) {
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("CookieDomains : ");
for (String cookieDomain : cookieDomains) {
message.append(" '").append(cookieDomain).append("'");
return cookieDomains;
* Find the cookie domains from the cookie domain list based on the hostname of the incoming request.
* @param request HttpServletRequest request.
* @return Set of the matching cookie domains. May contain null.
public static Set<String> getCookieDomainsForRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
Set<String> domains = getCookieDomains();
if (request == null) {
return domains;
domains = CookieUtils.getMatchingCookieDomains(request, domains);
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthClientUtils:getCookieDomainsForRequest returns " + domains);
return domains;
/* This method returns the organization DN.
* The organization DN is deteremined based on
* the query parameters "org" OR "domain" OR
* the server host name. For backward compatibility
* the orgname will be determined from requestURI
* in the case where either query params OR server host
* name are not valid and orgDN cannot be found.
* The orgDN is determined based on and in order,by the SDK:
* 1. OrgDN - organization dn.
* 2. Domain - check if org is a domain by trying to get
* domain component
* 3 Org path- check if the orgName passed is a path (eg."/suborg1")
* 4. URL - check if the orgName passed is a DNS alias (URL).
* 5. If no orgDN is found null is returned.
* @param orgParam is the org or domain query param ,
* or the server host name
* @param noQueryParam is a boolean indicating that the
* the request did not have query.
* @param request is the HttpServletRequest object
* @return A String which is the organization DN
public static String getOrganizationDN(String orgParam,boolean noQueryParam,
HttpServletRequest request) {
String orgName = null;
SSOToken token = (SSOToken) AccessController.doPrivileged(
// try to get the host name if org or domain Param is null
try {
orgName = IdUtils.getOrganization(token,orgParam);
if ((orgName != null) && (orgName.length() != 0)) {
orgName = orgName.toLowerCase();
} catch (Exception oe) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Could not get orgName", oe);
// if orgName is null then match the DNS Alias Name
// to the full url ie. proto:/server/amserver/UI/Login
// This is for backward compatibility
if (((orgName == null) || orgName.length() == 0) && (noQueryParam)) {
if (request != null) {
String url = request.getRequestURL().toString();
int index = url.indexOf(";");
if (index != -1) {
orgParam = stripPort(url.substring(0,index));
} else {
orgParam = stripPort(url);
try {
orgName = IdUtils.getOrganization(token,orgParam);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Could not get orgName='{}'", orgParam, e);
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("getOrganizationDN : orgParam.='{}', orgDN='{}'", orgParam, orgName);
return orgName;
/** This method determines the org parameter
* and determines the organization DN based on
* query parameters.
* The organization DN is determined based on
* the policy advice OR
* the query parameters "org" OR "domain" OR
* the server host name. For backward compatibility
* the orgname will be determined from requestURI
* in the case where either query params OR server host
* name are not valid and orgDN cannot be found.
* The orgDN is determined based on and in order,by the SDK:
* 1. OrgDN - organization dn.
* 2. Domain - check if org is a domain by trying to get
* domain component
* 3 Org path- check if the orgName passed is a path (eg."/suborg1")
* 4. URL - check if the orgName passed is a DNS alias (URL).
* 5. Policy Advice will be checked for realm advice, or realm component in
* the advice
* 6. If no orgDN is found null is returned.
* @param request HTTP Servlet Request object.
* @param requestHash Query Hashtable.
* @return Organization DN.
public static String getDomainNameByRequest(
HttpServletRequest request,
Hashtable requestHash) {
boolean noQueryParam=false;
String realm = getRealmFromPolicyAdvice(requestHash);
if (realm == null) {
realm = getRealmFromAttribute(request);
String orgParam = getOrgParam(requestHash);
if (realm != null) {
//Policy Advice has precedence over GET parameter
orgParam = realm;
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("orgParam='{}'", orgParam);
// try to get the host name if org or domain Param is null
if ((orgParam == null) || (orgParam.length() == 0)) {
noQueryParam= true;
orgParam = request.getServerName();
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Hostname='{}'", orgParam);
String orgDN = getOrganizationDN(orgParam,noQueryParam,request);
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("orgDN='{}'", orgDN);
return orgDN;
private static String getRealmFromAttribute(HttpServletRequest request) {
return (String) request.getAttribute(ISAuthConstants.REALM_PARAM);
* Returns the org or domain parameter passed as a query in the request.
* @param requestHash Hashtable containing the query parameters
* @return organization name.
public static String getOrgParam(Hashtable<String, String> requestHash) {
String orgParam = null;
if (requestHash != null && !requestHash.isEmpty()) {
orgParam = requestHash.get(ISAuthConstants.DOMAIN_PARAM);
if (orgParam == null || orgParam.length() == 0) {
orgParam = requestHash.get(ISAuthConstants.ORG_PARAM);
if (orgParam == null || orgParam.length() == 0) {
orgParam = requestHash.get(ISAuthConstants.REALM_PARAM);
return orgParam;
static String stripPort(String in) {
try {
URL url = new URL(in);
return url.getProtocol() + "://" + url.getHost()+ url.getFile();
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("URL='{}' is mal formed", in, ex);
return in;
* Returns <code>true</code> if the host name in the URL is valid.
* @param hostName Host name.
* @return <code>true</code> if the host name in the URL is valid.
public static boolean isValidFQDNRequest(String hostName) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("hostName is : " + hostName);
boolean retVal = FQDNUtils.getInstance().isHostnameValid(hostName);
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
if (retVal) {
utilDebug.message("hostname and fqdnDefault match returning true");
} else {
utilDebug.message("hostname and fqdnDefault don't match");
utilDebug.message("retVal is : " + retVal);
return retVal;
* Returns the valid hostname from the fqdn map and constructs the correct
* URL. The request will be forwarded to the new URL.
* @param partialHostName Partial host name.
* @param servletRequest HTTP Servlet Request.
public static String getValidFQDNResource(String partialHostName, HttpServletRequest servletRequest) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Get mapping for " + partialHostName);
// get mapping from table
String validHostName =
if (validHostName == null) {
validHostName = partialHostName;
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("fully qualified hostname :" + validHostName);
String requestURL = constructURL(validHostName,servletRequest);
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Request URL :" + requestURL);
return requestURL;
/* get the host name from the servlet request's host header or
* get it using servletRequest:getServerName() in the case
* where host header is not found
public static String getHostName(HttpServletRequest servletRequest) {
// get the host header
String hostname = servletRequest.getHeader("host");
if (hostname != null) {
int i = hostname.indexOf(":");
if (i != -1) {
hostname = hostname.substring(0,i);
} else {
hostname = servletRequest.getServerName();
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Returning host name : " + hostname);
return hostname;
/* construct the url */
static String constructURL(String validHostName,
HttpServletRequest servletRequest) {
String scheme =
int port = servletRequest.getServerPort();
String requestURI = servletRequest.getRequestURI();
String queryString = servletRequest.getQueryString();
StringBuilder urlBuffer = new StringBuilder();
if (queryString != null) {
String urlString = urlBuffer.toString();
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("returning new url : " + urlString);
return urlString;
private static boolean ignoreParameter(String parameter) {
boolean ignore = false;
for (int i = 0; i < ignoreList.length; i++) {
if (parameter.equalsIgnoreCase(ignoreList[i])) {
ignore = true;
return ignore;
public static String constructLoginURL(HttpServletRequest request) {
StringBuilder loginURL = new StringBuilder(serviceURI);
StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder();
String clientEncoding = request.getCharacterEncoding();
String encoding = (clientEncoding != null) ? clientEncoding : "UTF-8";
boolean encoded = Boolean.parseBoolean(request.getParameter("encoded"));
if (request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.forward.servlet_path") != null) {
//this is a forwarded request, we should only save the forwarded URL.
if (queryString.length() > 0) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("constructLoginURL: Returning login url for forwarded request: " + loginURL);
return loginURL.toString();
Enumeration parameters = request.getParameterNames();
for ( ; parameters.hasMoreElements() ;) {
String parameter = (String)parameters.nextElement();
if(utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("constructLoginURL:parameter: "+parameter);
// This will nornally be the case when browser back button is
// used and the form is posted again with the base64 encoded
// parameters
if (parameter.equalsIgnoreCase("SunQueryParamsString")) {
String queryParams = request.getParameter(parameter);
if ((queryParams != null) && (queryParams.length()>0)){
String decodedQueryParams = Base64.decodeAsUTF8String(queryParams);
if (decodedQueryParams == null && utilDebug.warningEnabled()) {
utilDebug.warning("Parameter ['{}']='{}' should be base64 encoded", parameter, queryParams);
queryParams = decodedQueryParams;
if ((queryParams != null) &&
(queryParams.length()>0)) {
if(utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("constructLoginURL: value: " + queryParams);
// This function will encode all the parameters in
// SunQueryParamsString
queryParams = URLencodedSunQueryParamsString(queryParams,encoding);
} else {
String value = request.getParameter(parameter);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) {
if ((RedirectUrlValidator.GOTO.equals(parameter) ||
RedirectUrlValidator.GOTO_ON_FAIL.equals(parameter)) && encoded) {
// Again this will be the case when browser back
// button is used and the form is posted with the
// base64 encoded parameters including goto
String decodedValue = Base64.decodeAsUTF8String(value);
if (decodedValue == null && utilDebug.warningEnabled()) {
utilDebug.warning("As parameter 'encoded' is true, parameter ['{}']='{}' should be base64" +
" encoded", parameter, value);
value = decodedValue;
if(utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("constructLoginURL: Base64 decoded "+parameter+"='{}'", value);
.append(URLEncDec.encode(getCharDecodedField(value, encoding)));
if (parameters.hasMoreElements()) {
if(queryString.length() > 0){
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthClientUtils.constructLoginURL()returning URLEncoded login url : " + loginURL);
return loginURL.toString();
* This method takes in a String representing query parameters, and
* URL encodes "sunamcompositeadvice" parameter out of it.
private static String URLencodedCompositeAdvice(String queryParams) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(400);
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(queryParams, "&");
String adviceString = null;
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String str = st.nextToken();
if (str.indexOf(COMPOSITE_ADVICE) != -1 ) {
adviceString = str;
} else {
int index = adviceString.indexOf("=");
String value = adviceString.substring(index+1);
return sb.toString();
* This method takes in a String representing base64 decoded
* SunQueryParamsString and URL encodes all the parameters
* included in its value
protected static String URLencodedSunQueryParamsString(String queryParams,
String encoding){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(400);
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(queryParams, "&");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String str = st.nextToken();
if (str.indexOf("=") != -1) {
int index = str.indexOf("=");
String parameter = str.substring(0,index);
String value = str.substring(index+1);
value = getCharDecodedField(value, encoding);
return sb.toString();
// Get Original Redirect URL for Auth to redirect the Login request
public static SSOToken getExistingValidSSOToken(SessionID sessID) {
SSOToken ssoToken = null;
try {
if (sessID != null) {
String sidString = sessID.toString();
SSOTokenManager manager = SSOTokenManager.getInstance();
SSOToken currentToken = manager.createSSOToken(sidString);
if (manager.isValidToken(currentToken)) {
ssoToken = currentToken;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Error in getExistingValidSSOToken", e);
return ssoToken;
return ssoToken;
// Check for Session Timed Out
// If Session is Timed Out Exception is thrown
public static boolean isTimedOut(SessionID sessID) {
boolean isTimedOut = false;
try {
if (sessID != null) {
String sidString = sessID.toString();
SSOTokenManager manager = SSOTokenManager.getInstance();
SSOToken currentToken = manager.createSSOToken(sidString);
if (manager.isValidToken(currentToken)) {
isTimedOut = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e.getMessage().indexOf("Session timed out") != -1) {
isTimedOut = true;
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Session Timed Out :" + isTimedOut);
return isTimedOut;
public static String getErrorVal(String errorCode,String type) {
if (Locale.getDefaultLocale() != bundle.getLocale()) {
bundle = Locale.getInstallResourceBundle(BUNDLE_NAME);
String errorMsg=null;
String templateName=null;
String resProperty = bundle.getString(errorCode);
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("errorCod='{}', resProperty='{}'", errorCode, resProperty);
if ((resProperty != null) && (resProperty.length() != 0)) {
int commaIndex = resProperty.indexOf(MSG_DELIMITER);
if (commaIndex != -1) {
templateName =
errorMsg = resProperty.substring(0,commaIndex);
} else {
errorMsg = resProperty;
if (ERROR_MESSAGE.equals(type)) {
return errorMsg;
} else if (ERROR_TEMPLATE.equals(type)) {
return templateName;
} else {
return null;
public static boolean isCookieSupported(HttpServletRequest req) {
boolean cookieSupported = true;
String cookieSupport = getCookieSupport(getClientType(req));
if ((cookieSupport != null) && "false".equals(cookieSupport)) {
cookieSupported = false;
return cookieSupported;
public static boolean isCookieSet(HttpServletRequest req) {
boolean cookieSet = false;
String cookieSupport = getCookieSupport(getClientType(req));
boolean cookieDetect = getCookieDetect(cookieSupport);
if (isClientDetectionEnabled() && cookieDetect) {
cookieSet = true;
return cookieSet;
public static Cookie createCookie(String name, String value, int maxAge, String cookieDomain) {
Cookie pCookie = CookieUtils.newCookie(name, value, "/", cookieDomain);
if (maxAge >= 0) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("pCookie='{}'", pCookie);
return pCookie;
public static Cookie createlbCookie(String cookieDomain) throws AuthException {
Cookie lbCookie = null;
try {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("cookieDomain : " + cookieDomain);
String cookieName = getlbCookieName();
String cookieValue = getlbCookieValue();
lbCookie =
cookieName, cookieValue, -1, cookieDomain);
return (lbCookie);
} catch (Exception e) {
utilDebug.message("Unable to create Load Balance Cookie");
throw new AuthException(AMAuthErrorCode.AUTH_ERROR, null);
* Returns the Cookie object created based on the <code>cookieName</code>,
* Session ID and <code>cookieDomain</code>.
* If <code>AuthContext,/code> status is not <code>SUCCESS</code> then
* cookie is created with authentication cookie Name, else AM Cookie Name
* will be used to create cookie.
* @param ac the AuthContext object
* @param cookieDomain the cookie domain for creating cookie.
* @return Cookie object.
public static Cookie getCookieString(AuthContext ac, String cookieDomain) {
Cookie cookie = null;
String cookieName = getAuthCookieName();
String cookieValue = serverURL + serviceURI;
try {
if (ac.getStatus() == AuthContext.Status.SUCCESS) {
cookieName = getCookieName();
cookieValue = ac.getAuthIdentifier();
utilDebug.message("Create AM cookie");
cookie = createCookie(cookieName,cookieValue,cookieDomain);
if (CookieUtils.isCookieSecure()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Error getCookieString : ", e);
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Cookie is : " + cookie);
return cookie;
( Returns URL with the cookie value in the URL. The cookie in the
* re-written URL will have the AM cookie if session is active/inactive
* and authentication cookie if session is invalid.
* @param url URL to be encoded.
* @param request HTTP Servlet Request.
* @param ac Authentication Context.
* @return the encoded URL.
public static String encodeURL(
String url,
HttpServletRequest request,
AuthContext ac) {
if (isCookieSupported(request)) {
return (url);
String cookieName = getAuthCookieName();
if (ac.getStatus() == AuthContext.Status.SUCCESS) {
cookieName = getCookieName();
String encodedURL = url;
if (urlRewriteInPath) {
encodedURL = encodeURL(url,SessionUtils.SEMICOLON,false, cookieName,ac.getAuthIdentifier());
} else {
encodedURL = encodeURL(url,SessionUtils.QUERY,true, cookieName,ac.getAuthIdentifier());
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("encodeURL : URL='{}', \nRewritten URL='{}'", url, encodedURL);
return encodedURL;
private static String encodeURL(String url, short encodingScheme,boolean escape,
String cookieName, String strSessionID) {
String cookieStr = SessionEncodeURL.createCookieString(cookieName,strSessionID);
return SessionEncodeURL.encodeURL(cookieStr,url, encodingScheme,escape);
* Returns the resource based on the default values.
* @param request HTTP Servlet Request.
* @param fileName name of the file
* @param locale Locale used for the search.
* @param servletContext Servlet Context for server
* @return Path to the resource.
public static String getDefaultFileName(
HttpServletRequest request,
String fileName,
java.util.Locale locale,
ServletContext servletContext) {
String strlocale = "";
if (locale != null) {
strlocale = locale.toString();
String filePath = getFilePath(getClientType(request));
String fileRoot = getFileRoot();
String orgDN;
try {
orgDN = getDomainNameByRequest(request, parseRequestParameters(request));
} catch (Exception ex) {
//in case we are unable to determine the realm from the incoming
//requests, let's fallback to top level realm
orgDN = getOrganizationDN("/", false, request);
String orgFilePath = getOrgFilePath(orgDN);
String templateFile = null;
try {
templateFile = ResourceLookup.getFirstExisting(servletContext, fileRoot, strlocale, orgFilePath, filePath,
fileName, templatePath);
} catch (Exception e) {
templateFile = new StringBuilder()
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("getDefaultFileName:templateFile is :" + templateFile);
return templateFile;
/* get the root suffix , eg. o= isp */
public static String getRootSuffix() {
// rootSuffix is already normalized in SMSEntry
return rootSuffix;
/* get the root dir to start lookup from./<default org>
* default is /default
protected static String getFileRoot() {
String fileRoot = ISAuthConstants.DEFAULT_DIR;
String rootOrgName = DNUtils.DNtoName(rootSuffix);
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("rootOrgName is : " + rootOrgName);
if (rootOrgName != null) {
fileRoot = rootOrgName;
return (fileRoot);
/* insert chartset in the filename */
private static String getCharsetFileName(String fileName) {
ISLocaleContext localeContext = new ISLocaleContext();
String charset = localeContext.getMIMECharset();
if (fileName == null) {
return (null);
int i = fileName.indexOf(".");
String charsetFilename = null;
if (i != -1) {
charsetFilename = fileName.substring(0, i) + "_" + charset +
} else {
charsetFilename = fileName + "_" + charset;
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("charsetFilename is : "+ charsetFilename);
return charsetFilename;
/* retrieve the resource (file) using resource lookup */
public static String getResourceLocation(String fileRoot, String localeName,
String orgFilePath,String filePath,String filename,String templatePath,
ServletContext servletContext,HttpServletRequest request) {
String resourceName = null;
String clientType = getClientType(request);
if ((clientType != null) &&
(!clientType.equals(getDefaultClientType()))) {
// non-HTML client
String charsetFileName = getCharsetFileName(filename);
resourceName =
if (resourceName == null) {
resourceName = ResourceLookup.getFirstExisting(servletContext,
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("resourceName='{}'", resourceName);
return resourceName;
/* constructs the filePath parameter for FileLookUp
* filePath = indexName (service name) + clientPath (eg. html).
public static String getFilePath(HttpServletRequest request, AuthContext.IndexType indexType, String indexName) {
String filePath = getFilePath(getClientType(request));
String serviceName = null;
StringBuilder filePathBuffer = new StringBuilder();
// only if index name is service type then need it
// as part of the filePath since service can have
// have different auth template
if (AuthContext.IndexType.SERVICE.equals(indexType)) {
serviceName = indexName;
if (filePath == null && serviceName == null) {
return null;
if (filePath != null && !filePath.isEmpty()) {
if (serviceName != null && !serviceName.isEmpty()) {
// To avoid issues with case-sensitive filesystems, always use the lowercase version of the serviceName
String newFilePath = filePathBuffer.toString();
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("FilePath='{}'", newFilePath);
return newFilePath;
/* retrieves the org path to search resource
* eg. if orgDN = o=org1,o=org11,o=org12,dc=iplanet,dc=com
* then orgFilePath will be org12/org11/org1
public static String getOrgFilePath(String orgDN) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("getOrgFilePath : orgDN is: " + orgDN);
String normOrgDN = DNUtils.normalizeDN(orgDN);
String orgPath = null;
if (normOrgDN != null) {
StringBuilder orgFilePath = new StringBuilder();
String remOrgDN = normOrgDN;
String orgName = null;
while ((remOrgDN != null) && (remOrgDN.length() != 0)
&& !remOrgDN.equals(getRootSuffix())) {
orgName = DNUtils.DNtoName(remOrgDN);
orgFilePath = orgFilePath.insert(0,
int i = remOrgDN.indexOf(",");
if (i != -1) {
remOrgDN = remOrgDN.substring(i+1);
} else {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("remOrgDN is : "+ remOrgDN);
orgPath = orgFilePath.toString();
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("getOrgFilePath: orgPath is : " + orgPath);
return orgPath;
* Returns the File name based on the given input values.
* @param fileName Name of the file.
* @param localeName Locale name.
* @param orgDN Organization distinguished name.
* @param servletRequest HTTP Servlet Request.
* @param servletContext Servlet Context for server.
* @param indexType AuthContext Index Type.
* @param indexName index name associated with the index type.
* @return File name of the resource.
public static String getFileName(
String fileName,
String localeName,
String orgDN,
HttpServletRequest servletRequest,
ServletContext servletContext,
AuthContext.IndexType indexType,
String indexName
) {
String fileRoot = getFileRoot();
String templateFile = null;
try {
// get the filePath Client filePath + serviceName
String filePath = getFilePath(servletRequest,indexType,indexName);
String orgFilePath = getOrgFilePath(orgDN);
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Calling ResourceLookup: filename='{}', defaultOrg='{}'," +
" locale='{}', filePath='{}', orgPath='{}'",
fileName, fileRoot, localeName, filePath, orgFilePath);
templateFile = getResourceLocation(fileRoot,localeName,orgFilePath,
} catch (Exception e) {
utilDebug.message("Error getting File : ", e);
templateFile = new StringBuilder()
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("File/Resource is : " + templateFile);
return (templateFile);
public static String getAuthCookieValue(HttpServletRequest request) {
//Let's check the URL first in case this is a forwarded request from Federation. URL should have precedence
//over the actual cookie value, so this way a new federated auth can always start with a clear auth session.
String isForward = (String) request.getAttribute(Constants.FORWARD_PARAM);
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthClientUtils.getAuthCookieValue: is forward = " + isForward);
String ret = null;
if (Constants.FORWARD_YES_VALUE.equals(isForward)) {
ret = SessionEncodeURL.getSidFromURL(request, getAuthCookieName());
return ret == null ? CookieUtils.getCookieValueFromReq(request, getAuthCookieName()) : ret;
* @deprecated use {@link #getDomainNameByRequest(
* javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, java.util.Hashtable)} instead.
public static String getDomainNameByRequest(Hashtable requestHash) {
String realm = getRealmFromPolicyAdvice(requestHash);
String orgParam = getOrgParam(requestHash);
if (realm != null) {
//Policy Advice has precedence over GET parameter
orgParam = realm;
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("orgParam='{}'", orgParam);
// try to get the host name if org or domain Param is null
if ((orgParam == null) || (orgParam.length() == 0)) {
orgParam = "/";
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("defaultOrg : " + orgParam);
String orgDN = getOrganizationDN(orgParam,false,null);
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("orgDN is " + orgDN);
return orgDN;
* Parses the policy condition advice and checks for realm advices
* @param requestHash Request parameters
* @return realm defined in the policy advice, if defined - or nullđ
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if more than one realm is defined within
* the advice
* @see com.sun.identity.authentication.util.AMAuthUtils
private static String getRealmFromPolicyAdvice(Hashtable<String, String> requestHash) {
String advice = requestHash.get(COMPOSITE_ADVICE);
if (advice == null) {
return null;
try {
String decodedXml = URLDecoder.decode(advice, "UTF-8");
return getRealmFromPolicyAdvice(decodedXml);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
utilDebug.error("Unable to URLdecode condition advice using UTF-8");
return null;
* Parses the policy condition advice and checks for realm advices
* @param advice The policy advice XML
* @return realm defined in the policy advice, if defined - or nullđ
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if more than one realm is defined within
* the advice
* @see com.sun.identity.authentication.util.AMAuthUtils
public static String getRealmFromPolicyAdvice(String advice) {
String realm = null;
try {
Map<String, Set<String>> adviceMap = PolicyUtils.parseAdvicesXML(advice);
if (adviceMap != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : adviceMap.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
Set<String> value = entry.getValue();
for (String adv : value) {
String tmpRealm = null;
if (key.equals(AuthSchemeCondition.AUTHENTICATE_TO_REALM_CONDITION_ADVICE)) {
tmpRealm = adv;
} else {
//AMAuthUtils is not present at DAS, so let's parse
//the advice manually
int idx = adv.indexOf(':');
if (idx != -1) {
tmpRealm = adv.substring(0, idx);
if (realm == null) {
realm = tmpRealm;
} else if (tmpRealm != null && !realm.equalsIgnoreCase(tmpRealm)) {
//NB: this method is also used when the engine wants
//to show the error page from the correct realm, hence
//this will fail twice, resulting in a generic error
throw new IllegalArgumentException("More than one realm defined in the Policy Advice");
} catch (PolicyException pe) {
utilDebug.error("Unable to parse policy condition advices", pe);
return realm;
// Check whether the request is coming to the server who created the
// original Auth request or session
public static boolean isLocalServer(String cookieURL, boolean isServer) {
boolean local = false;
try {
String urlStr = serverURL + serviceURI;
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("This server URL='{}', Server URL from cookie='{}'", urlStr, cookieURL);
if ((urlStr != null) && (cookieURL != null) &&
(cookieURL.equalsIgnoreCase(urlStr))) {
local = true;
if (!local && isServer && (cookieURL != null)) {
int uriIndex = cookieURL.indexOf(serviceURI);
String tmpCookieURL = cookieURL;
if (uriIndex != -1) {
tmpCookieURL = cookieURL.substring(0,uriIndex) +
Set<String> platformList = WebtopNaming.getPlatformServerList();
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("search CookieURL='{}', platform server List='{}' ", tmpCookieURL, platformList);
// if cookie URL is not in the Platform server list then
// consider as new authentication for that local server
if (!platformList.contains(tmpCookieURL)) {
local = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Error isLocalServer : " + e.getMessage());
return local;
// Check whether the request is coming to the server who created the
// original Auth request or session
// This method needs to be merged with the one above.
public static boolean isLocalServer(String cookieURL, String inputURI) {
int uriIndex = cookieURL.indexOf(inputURI);
String tmpCookieURL = cookieURL;
if (uriIndex != -1) {
tmpCookieURL = cookieURL.substring(0,uriIndex);
return isLocalServer(tmpCookieURL + serviceURI, true);
public static boolean isServerMemberOfLocalSite(String cookieURL) {
boolean isSiteMember = false;
try {
if (!distAuthSitesMap.isEmpty()) {
String localSiteID = WebtopNaming.getSiteID(WebtopNaming.getAMServerID());
if (localSiteID == null) {
if (utilDebug.warningEnabled()) {
utilDebug.warning("AuthClientUtils::isServerMemberOfLocalSite:" +
"unable to determine local site id: " + WebtopNaming.getAMServerID());
return false;
String localSiteName = WebtopNaming.getSiteNameById(localSiteID);
if (localSiteName != null) {
Set distAuthForSite = distAuthSitesMap.get(localSiteName);
if (distAuthForSite == null) {
if (utilDebug.warningEnabled()) {
utilDebug.warning("AuthClientUtils::isServerMemberOfLocalSite:" +
"unable to determine distAuthForSite: " + localSiteName);
return false;
if (distAuthForSite.contains(cookieURL)) {
isSiteMember = true;
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthClientUtils::isServerMemberOfLocalSite:" +
"local URL " + cookieURL + " found in local site " +
} else {
isSiteMember = true;
} else {
isSiteMember = true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
utilDebug.error("AuthClientUtils::isServerMemberOfLocalSite: ", ex);
return isSiteMember;
* Sends the request to the original Auth server and receives the result
* data.
* @param request HttpServletRequest to be sent
* @param response HttpServletResponse to be received
* @param cookieURL URL of the original authentication server to be
* connected
* @return HashMap of the result data from the original server's response
public static Map<String, Object> sendAuthRequestToOrigServer(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, String cookieURL) {
Map<String, Object> origRequestData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// Print request Headers
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
Enumeration<String> requestHeaders = request.getHeaderNames();
while (requestHeaders.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = requestHeaders.nextElement();
Enumeration value = (Enumeration) request.getHeaders(name);
message.append("Header name='").append(name).append("', Value='").append(value).append("'\n");
// Open URL connection
HttpURLConnection conn = null;
OutputStream out = null;
String strCookies = null;
URL authURL = null;
try {
String queryString = request.getQueryString();
if (queryString != null) {
authURL = new URL(cookieURL + "?" + queryString);
} else {
authURL = new URL(cookieURL);
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Connecting to : " + authURL);
conn = HttpURLConnectionManager.getConnection(authURL);
// We should preserve the original host, so the target server will also see the accessed URL
// If we don't do this the server might going to deny the request because of invalid domain access.
conn.setRequestProperty("Host", request.getHeader("host"));
List<Cookie> cookies = removeLocalLoadBalancingCookie(asList(request.getCookies()));
// replay cookies
strCookies = getCookiesString(cookies);
if (strCookies != null) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Sending cookies : " + strCookies);
conn.setRequestProperty("Cookie", strCookies);
// Sending Output to Original Auth server...
utilDebug.message("SENDING DATA ... ");
copyRequestHeaders(request, conn);
if (request.getMethod().equals("GET")) {
} else {
//First we should find out what GET parameters do we have.
Map<String, Set<String>> queryParams = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
if (queryString != null) {
for (String param : queryString.split("&")) {
int idx = param.indexOf('=');
if (idx != -1) {
String paramName = param.substring(0, idx);
String paramValue = param.substring(idx + 1);
Set<String> values = queryParams.get(paramName);
if (values == null) {
values = new HashSet<String>();
queryParams.put(paramName, values);
"Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
// merged parameter list containing both GET and POST parameters
Map<String, String[]> params = request.getParameterMap();
Map<String, Set<String>> postParams = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
for (Map.Entry<String, String[]> entry : params.entrySet()) {
if (queryParams.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
// TODO: do we need to care about params that can be both in GET and POST?
} else {
postParams.put(entry.getKey(), new HashSet<String>(asList(entry.getValue())));
String postData = getFormData(postParams);
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Request data : " + postData);
if (postData.trim().length() > 0) {
out = conn.getOutputStream();
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(out);
pw.print(postData); // here we "send" the request body
// Receiving input from Original Auth server...
utilDebug.message("RECEIVING DATA ... ");
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Response Code='{}', Response Message='{}' ", conn.getResponseCode(),
// Check response code
if (conn.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
// Input from Original servlet...
StringBuilder in_buf = new StringBuilder();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"));
int len;
char[] buf = new char[1024];
while ((len = in.read(buf,0,buf.length)) != -1) {
String in_string = in_buf.toString();
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Received response data : " + in_string);
} else {
utilDebug.warning("Response code for proxied auth is NOT OK");
String client_type = conn.getHeaderField("AM_CLIENT_TYPE");
if (client_type != null) {
origRequestData.put("AM_CLIENT_TYPE", client_type);
String redirect_url = conn.getHeaderField("Location");
if (redirect_url != null) {
try {
URL gotoURL = new URL(redirect_url);
if (isSameServer(authURL, gotoURL)) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Relative redirect detected");
//relative redirect happened
String path = gotoURL.getPath();
String query = gotoURL.getQuery();
redirect_url = (path != null ? path : "") + (query != null ? "?" + gotoURL.getQuery() : "");
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("sendAuthRequestToOrigServer(): Setting redirect URL to: " + redirect_url);
origRequestData.put("AM_REDIRECT_URL", redirect_url);
} catch (MalformedURLException murle) {
//fallback to original handling
origRequestData.put("AM_REDIRECT_URL", redirect_url);
String content_type = conn.getHeaderField("Content-Type");
if (content_type != null) {
origRequestData.put("CONTENT_TYPE", content_type);
origRequestData.put("RESPONSE_CODE", conn.getResponseCode());
//replay received headers to the original response
copyResponseHeaders(conn.getHeaderFields(), response);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
//the catcher will log the exception
origRequestData.put("EXCEPTION", ioe);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (utilDebug.warningEnabled()) {
utilDebug.warning("send exception : " , e);
} finally {
if (out != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("send IOException : ", ioe);
return origRequestData;
* Filter the load balancing cookie if it points to this server to avoid potential infinite redirect loop.
private static List<Cookie> removeLocalLoadBalancingCookie(final List<Cookie> cookies) {
final String lblCookieName = getlbCookieName();
final String lblCookieValue = getlbCookieValue();
final List<Cookie> filteredCookies = new ArrayList<>();
for (final Cookie cookie : cookies) {
if (!Objects.equals(cookie.getName(), lblCookieName)
&& !Objects.equals(cookie.getValue(), lblCookieValue)) {
return filteredCookies;
private static boolean isSameServer(URL url1, URL url2) {
int port1 = url1.getPort() != -1 ? url1.getPort() : url1.getDefaultPort();
int port2 = url2.getPort() != -1 ? url2.getPort() : url2.getDefaultPort();
return url1.getProtocol().equals(url2.getProtocol())
&& url1.getHost().equalsIgnoreCase(url2.getHost())
&& port1 == port2;
private static void copyRequestHeaders(HttpServletRequest request, HttpURLConnection conn) {
utilDebug.message("AuthClientUtils.copyRequestHeaders: starting to copy request headers");
Enumeration<String> headerNames = request.getHeaderNames();
while (headerNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String headerName = headerNames.nextElement();
if (headerName != null && RETAINED_HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS.contains(headerName.toLowerCase())) {
Enumeration<String> values = request.getHeaders(headerName);
while (values.hasMoreElements()) {
String value = values.nextElement();
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Copying header for proxied request: " + headerName + ": " + value);
conn.addRequestProperty(headerName, value);
private static void copyResponseHeaders(Map<String, List<String>> headers, HttpServletResponse response) {
for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : headers.entrySet()) {
String headerName = entry.getKey();
if (headerName != null && RETAINED_HTTP_HEADERS.contains(headerName.toLowerCase())) {
List<String> headerValues = entry.getValue();
if (headerValues != null) {
for (String headerValue : headerValues) {
response.addHeader(headerName, headerValue);
// Gets the request form data in the form of string
private static String getFormData(Map<String, Set<String>> params) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : params.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
for (String value : entry.getValue()) {
sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() -1);
// Get cookies string from HTTP request object
private static String getCookiesString(List<Cookie> cookies) {
StringBuilder cookieStr = null;
String strCookies = null;
// Process Cookies
if (cookies != null) {
for (final Cookie cookie : cookies) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("Cookie name='{}', value='{}'", cookie.getName(), cookie.getValue());
if (cookieStr == null) {
cookieStr = new StringBuilder();
} else {
if (cookieStr != null) {
strCookies = cookieStr.toString();
return (strCookies);
* Sets server cookie to <code>HttpServletResponse</code> object
* @param aCookie auth context associated with lb cookie
* @param response <code>true</code> if it is persistent
* @throws AuthException if it fails to create pcookie
public static void setServerCookie(Cookie aCookie,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws AuthException {
String cookieName = aCookie.getName();
String cookieValue = aCookie.getValue();
if (cookieName != null && cookieName.length() != 0) {
Set<String> domains = getCookieDomainsForRequest(request);
if (!domains.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator it = domains.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
String domain = (String)it.next();
Cookie cookie = createCookie(cookieName, cookieValue,
CookieUtils.addCookieToResponse(response, cookie);
} else {
* Sets the redirectBackUrlCookie to be set as OpenAM
* server URL when redirecting to external web site during authentication
* process.
* @param cookieName auth context associated with lb cookie
* @param cookieValue auth context associated with lb cookie
* @param response <code>true</code> if it is persistent
* @throws AuthException if it fails to create this cookie
public static void setRedirectBackServerCookie(String cookieName,
String cookieValue, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws AuthException {
if (cookieName != null && cookieName.length() != 0) {
Set<String> domains = getCookieDomainsForRequest(request);
if (!domains.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator it = domains.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
String domain = (String)it.next();
Cookie cookie = createCookie(cookieName, cookieValue,
CookieUtils.addCookieToResponse(response, cookie);
} else {
* Clears server cookie.
* @param cookieName Cookie Name.
* @param response HTTP Servlet Response.
public static void clearServerCookie(String cookieName,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("In clear server Cookie = " + cookieName);
if (cookieName != null && cookieName.length() != 0) {
Set<String> domains = getCookieDomainsForRequest(request);
if (!domains.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator it = domains.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
String domain = (String)it.next();
Cookie cookie =
createCookie(cookieName, "LOGOUT", 0, domain);
utilDebug.message("In clear server Cookie added cookie");
} else {
createCookie(cookieName, "LOGOUT", 0, null));
utilDebug.message("In clear server added cookie no domain");
// Returns Query String from request parameters Map
public static String getQueryStrFromParameters(Map paramMap) {
StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
if (paramMap != null && !paramMap.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator i = paramMap.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry)i.next();
String key = (String)me.getKey();
String value = (String)me.getValue();
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
return (buff.toString());
* Checks whether OpenAM session cookie has to be made
* persistent.
* Only if value of <code>true</code> is providued for HTTP query
* parameter <code>Constants.PERSIST_AM_COOKIE</code> and this property is
* enabled or if persistent cookies are set globally.
* If either of these are true, AM session cookie will be made persistent
* @param reqDataHash http request parameters and values
* @return <code>true</code> if AM session cookie has to be made persistent,
* otherwise returns <code>false</code>
public static boolean persistAMCookie(Hashtable reqDataHash) {
String globalPersistCookieString = SystemProperties.get(
boolean globalPersist =
if (globalPersist) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthUtils.persistAMCookie(): Set globally ");
return true;
boolean persistCookie = false;
String persistCookieString
= (String)reqDataHash.get(Constants.PERSIST_AM_COOKIE);
String allowRequestPersistString = SystemProperties.get(
boolean allowRequestPersist =
if (allowRequestPersist && (persistCookieString != null)) {
= (Boolean.valueOf(persistCookieString)).booleanValue();
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthUtils.persistAMCookie(): " + persistCookie);
return persistCookie;
* Returns true if the request has the ForceAuth=<code>true</code>
* query parameter or composite advise.
* @return true if this parameter is present otherwise false.
public static boolean forceAuthFlagExists(Hashtable reqDataHash) {
String force = (String) reqDataHash.get("ForceAuth");
boolean forceFlag = (Boolean.valueOf(force)).booleanValue();
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthUtils.forceFlagExists : " + forceFlag);
if (forceFlag == false) {
if ( reqDataHash.get(Constants.COMPOSITE_ADVICE) != null ) {
String tmp = (String)reqDataHash.
forceFlag =
return forceFlag;
* Returns true if the composite Advice has the ForceAuth element
* @return true if this parameter is present otherwise false.
public static boolean checkForForcedAuth(String xmlCompositeAdvice) {
boolean returnForcedAuth = false;
try {
String decodedAdviceXML = URLDecoder.decode(xmlCompositeAdvice);
Map adviceMap = PolicyUtils.parseAdvicesXML(decodedAdviceXML);
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthUtils.checkForForcedAuth : decoded XML "
+ "= " + decodedAdviceXML);
utilDebug.message("AuthUtils.checkForForcedAuth : result Map = "
+ adviceMap);
if (adviceMap != null) {
if (adviceMap.containsKey(AuthSchemeCondition.
returnForcedAuth = true;
} catch (com.sun.identity.policy.PolicyException polExp) {
utilDebug.error("AuthUtils.checkForForcedAuth : Error in "
+ "Policy XML parsing ",polExp );
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthUtils.checkForForcedAuth: returnForcedAuth"+
"= " + returnForcedAuth);
return returnForcedAuth;
* Returns the service URI
* @return a String the Service URI
public static String getServiceURI() {
if (SystemProperties.isServerMode()) {
return SystemProperties.get(Constants.AM_SERVICES_DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTOR);
} else {
return SystemProperties.get(Constants.AM_DISTAUTH_DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTOR);
public static void setHostUrlCookie(HttpServletResponse response) {
if (isSessionHijackingEnabled) {
String hostUrlCookieValue = null;
try {
String siteID = WebtopNaming.getSiteID(
hostUrlCookieValue = WebtopNaming.getServerFromID(siteID);
String uri = SystemProperties.get(
hostUrlCookieValue = hostUrlCookieValue.substring(0,
(hostUrlCookieValue.length() - uri.length()));
} catch(ServerEntryNotFoundException e) {
utilDebug.message("AuthClientUtils.setHostUrlCookie:", e);
if (hostUrlCookieValue == null ||
hostUrlCookieValue.length() == 0) {
String authServerProtocol = SystemProperties.get(
String authServer = SystemProperties.get(
String authServerPort = SystemProperties.get(
hostUrlCookieValue = authServerProtocol + "://" +
authServer + ":" + authServerPort;
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthClientUtils.setHostUrlCookie: " +
"hostUrlCookieName = " + hostUrlCookieName +
", hostUrlCookieDomain = " + hostUrlCookieDomain +
", hostUrlCookieValue = " + hostUrlCookieValue);
// Create Cookie
try {
Cookie cookie = createCookie(hostUrlCookieName,
hostUrlCookieValue, hostUrlCookieDomain);
CookieUtils.addCookieToResponse(response, cookie);
} catch (Exception e) {
utilDebug.message("AuthClientUtils.setHostUrlCookie:", e);
public static void clearHostUrlCookie(HttpServletResponse response) {
if (isSessionHijackingEnabled) {
// Create Cookie
try {
Cookie cookie = createCookie(hostUrlCookieName,
"LOGOUT", hostUrlCookieDomain);
} catch (Exception e) {
utilDebug.message("AuthClientUtils.clearHostUrlCookie:", e);
public static boolean isDistAuthServerTrusted(String distAuthServerLoginURL){
return distAuthClusterList.contains(distAuthServerLoginURL);
* Returns the resource URL. The method checks value for "resourceURL"
* parameter first, if not present, checks value for "goto" parameter.
* If none exists, returns null.
* @param request HttpServletRequest object
* @return resourceURL based on the query parameters, returns null if
* resource URL could not be found.
public static String getResourceURL(HttpServletRequest request) {
String resourceUrl = request.getParameter(
if (resourceUrl == null) {
resourceUrl =
return resourceUrl;
* Returns an environment map which contains all query parameters
* and HTTP headers. Keys of the map are String, values of the map are
* Sets of String.
* @param request HttpServletRequest object.
* @return environment Map whose key is String, and value is Set of String.
public static Map getEnvMap(HttpServletRequest request) {
Map envParameters = new HashMap();
// add all query parameters
String strIP = ClientUtils.getClientIPAddress(request);
if (strIP != null) {
Set ipSet = new HashSet(1);
ipSet.add((String) strIP);
Enumeration enum1 = request.getParameterNames();
while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
String paramName = (String) enum1.nextElement();
String[] values = request.getParameterValues(paramName);
if (values != null) {
Set set = new HashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
set.add((String) values[i]);
if (!set.isEmpty()) {
envParameters.put(paramName, set);
// add all headers
enum1 = request.getHeaderNames();
if (enum1 != null) {
while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String) enum1.nextElement();
Enumeration enum2 = request.getHeaders(name);
Set values = new HashSet();
while (enum2.hasMoreElements()) {
if (!values.isEmpty()) {
envParameters.put(name, values);
return envParameters;
* Returns unescaped text. This method replaces "&#124;" with "|".
* @param text String to be unescaped.
* @return unescape special character text.
public static String unescapePipe(String text) {
return text.replaceAll("&#124;", "|");
* Replaces <code>|</code> with "&#124;".
* @return String with the special "|" character replaced with "&#124;".
public static String escapePipe(String text) {
// escape "|" as it will be used as separator
int i = text.indexOf("|");
if (i != -1) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int len = 0;
if (text != null) {
len = text.length();
sb.append(text.substring(0, i));
for (; i < len; i++) {
if (text.charAt(i) == '|') {
} else {
text = sb.toString();
return text;
* Returns the data from Realm qualified data. This could be authentication
* scheme or authentication level or service.
* @param realmQualifedData Realm qualified data. This could be Realm
* qualified authentication scheme or authentication level or service.
* @return String representing data. This could be authentication
* scheme or authentication level or service.
public static String getDataFromRealmQualifiedData(
String realmQualifedData){
String data = null;
if (realmQualifedData != null && realmQualifedData.length() != 0) {
int index = realmQualifedData.indexOf(ISAuthConstants.COLON);
if (index != -1) {
data = realmQualifedData.substring(index + 1).trim();
} else {
data = realmQualifedData;
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("realmQualifedData : " + realmQualifedData );
utilDebug.message("DataFromRealmQualifiedData : " + data );
return data;
* Determines whether Zero Page Login (ZPL) should be allowed for this request. This includes checking whether
* ZPL is enabled for this AuthContext and, if so, whether the HTTP Referer header on the request matches the
* ZPL whitelist. POST requests are always enabled, but are still subject to the Referer whitelist.
* @param config the ZPL configuration.
* @param request the HTTP request.
* @return true if ZPL is allowed, otherwise false.
public static boolean isZeroPageLoginAllowed(ZeroPageLoginConfig config, HttpServletRequest request) {
final boolean isPost = "POST".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getMethod());
if (!isPost && !config.isEnabled()) {
return false;
final String referer = request.getHeader(HTTP_REFERER);
final Set<String> whitelist = config.getRefererWhitelist();
if (referer == null) {
return config.isAllowedWithoutReferer();
return whitelist.isEmpty() || whitelist.contains(referer);
* Decode the value
* @param strIn
* @param charset
* @return an empty string if strIn is null. Use UTF-8 if the charset is empty or null. Return the original
* string if the decoding failed.
private static String getCharDecodedField(String strIn, String charset) {
if (strIn == null) {
return "";
if (charset == null || charset.isEmpty()) {
charset = "UTF-8";
try {
// Translate the individual field values in the encoding value.
// Do not use getBytes() instead convert unicode into bytes by
// casting. Using getBytes() results in conversion into platform
// encoding. It appears to work in C locale because default
// encoding is 8859-1 but fails in other locales like Japanese,
// Chinese.
int len = strIn.length();
byte buf[] = new byte[len];
int i = 0;
int offset = 0;
char[] carr = strIn.toCharArray();
while (i < len) {
buf[offset++] = (byte) carr[i++];
return new String(buf, 0, offset, charset);
} catch (Exception ex) {
utilDebug.error("AuthClientUtils.getCharDecodedField():", ex);
return strIn;
* Put the value in the map. The value will be char decoded with the correct encoding.
* If for any reason, the value is empty, this function won't add the value to the map. So no Null or empty value
* will added to the map
* @param data the map where you want to add the value
* @param name the value key name
* @param value the value you want to add in the map.
* @param encoding the encoding charset. If null, UTF-8 will be used
private static void putDecodedValue(Map<String, String> data, String name, String value, String encoding) {
if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthUtils::putDecodedValue the '" + name + "' value is null or empty'");
String decodedValue = getCharDecodedField(value, encoding);
if (decodedValue.isEmpty()) {
if (utilDebug.messageEnabled()) {
utilDebug.message("AuthUtils::putDecodedValue decoding with encoding '" + encoding + "' is empty");
data.put(name, decodedValue);