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package com.sun.identity.authentication.callbacks;
import org.forgerock.util.Reject;
* Adds a hidden value callback so that the login form can return values that the are not visually rendered on the page.
* @since 12.0.0
public class HiddenValueCallback implements javax.security.auth.callback.Callback, java.io.Serializable {
private String value;
private final String id;
private final String defaultValue = "";
* Create a new HiddenValueCallback with the id as specified.
* @param id The id for the HiddenValueCallback when it is rendered as an HTML element.
public HiddenValueCallback(String id) {
Reject.ifNull(id, "A HiddenValueCallback must be given an id.");
this.id = id;
* Create a new HiddenValueCallback with the id and initial value as specified.
* @param id The id for the HiddenValueCallback when it is rendered as an HTML element.
* @param value The initial value for the HiddenValueCallback when it is rendered as an HTML element.
public HiddenValueCallback(String id, String value) {
Reject.ifNull(id, "A HiddenValueCallback must be given an id.");
this.id = id;
this.value = value;
* Get the value set on the HiddenValueCallback when it is sent in a REST request.
* @return The value set on the callback.
public String getValue() {
return value;
* Set the value on the HiddenValueCallback.
* @param value The value to set on the callback.
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
* Get the id for the HiddenValueCallback to use when it is rendered as an HTML element.
* @return The id for the callback.
public String getId() {
return id;
* Get the initial default value set on the HiddenValueCallback.
* @return The initial default value.
public java.lang.String getDefaultValue() {
return defaultValue;