* Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
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* $Id: ResponseSet.java,v 1.2 2008/06/25 05:41:35 qcheng Exp $
* Portions Copyrighted [2011] [ForgeRock AS]
package com.iplanet.services.comm.share;
import java.util.Vector;
* This <code>ResponseSet</code> class represents a ResponseSet XML document.
* The ResponseSet DTD is defined as the following:
* </p>
* <pre>
* &lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;&gt;
* &lt; !-- This DTD is used by PLL --&gt;
* &lt; !DOCTYPE ResponseSet [
* &lt; !ELEMENT ResponseSet(Response)+&gt;
* &lt; !ATTLIST ResponseSet
* reqid CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
* &lt; !ELEMENT Response(#PCDATA)*&gt;
* &lt; !ATTLIST Response
* dtdid CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;
* ]&gt;
* </pre>
* </p>
* Each ResponseSet object contains a version, service ID, response set ID, the
* original request set ID, and a collection of Response objects. The
* ResponseSet views each Response object as a String. This makes it possible
* that the content of the Response object can be another XML document. The PLL
* provides a reference Response DTD. Please see class Response for details on
* the Response DTD. This class also provides a method to aggregate each
* Response object and returns a ResponseSet XML document based on the
* ResponseSet DTD mentioned above.
* @see com.iplanet.services.comm.share.Response
public class ResponseSet {
static final char QUOTE = '\"';
static final char NL = '\n';
static final String BEGIN_CDATA = "<![CDATA[";
static final String END_CDATA = "]]>";
private String responseSetVersion = null;
private String serviceID = null;
private String requestSetID = null;
private Vector responseVector = new Vector();
* This constructor is used primarily at the server side to construct a
* ResponseSet object for a given service. Individual response shall be
* added to this object by calling addResponse method.
* @param service
* The name of the service.
public ResponseSet(String service) {
serviceID = service;
responseSetVersion = "1.0";
* This constructor is used by ResponseSetParser to reconstruct a
* ResponseSet object.
ResponseSet() {
* This method is used primarily at the client side to reconstruct a
* ResponseSet object based on the XML document received from server. The
* DTD of this XML document is described above.
* @param xml
* The ResponseSet XML document String.
public static ResponseSet parseXML(String xml) {
// Parse the XML document and extract the XML objects out of the
// XML document
ResponseSetParser parser = new ResponseSetParser(xml);
return parser.parseXML();
* Sets the original RequestSet ID for this object.
* @param id The original RequestSet ID.
public void setRequestSetID(String id) {
requestSetID = id;
* Gets the Response objects contained in this object.
* @return A Vector of Response objects.
public Vector getResponses() {
return responseVector;
* Adds a Response object to this object.
* @param response A reference to a Response object.
public void addResponse(Response response) {
* Returns an XML ResponseSet document in String format. The returned String
* is formatted based on the ResponseSet DTD by aggregating each Response
* object in this object.
* @return An XML ResponseSet document in String format.
public String toXMLString() {
StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(300);
xml.append("<?xml version=").append(QUOTE).append("1.0").append(QUOTE)
.append(" encoding=").append(QUOTE).append("UTF-8").append(
QUOTE).append(" standalone=").append(QUOTE).append(
xml.append("<ResponseSet vers=").append(QUOTE).append(
responseSetVersion).append(QUOTE).append(" svcid=").append(
QUOTE).append(serviceID).append(QUOTE).append(" reqid=")
for (int i = 0; i < responseVector.size(); i++) {
Response res = (Response) responseVector.elementAt(i);
if (res.getDtdID() != null) {
xml.append(" dtdid=").append(QUOTE).append(res.getDtdID())
return (xml.toString());
* The following methods are used by ResponseParser to reconstruct a
* ResponseSet object.
void setResponseSetVersion(String ver) {
responseSetVersion = ver;
void setServiceID(String id) {
serviceID = id;