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package com.iplanet.dpro.session.service.cluster;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.SessionException;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.SessionID;
* API for querying status of servers in cluster.
* Extracted from SessionService class as part of first-pass refactoring to improve SessionService adherence to SRP.
* @since 13.0.0
public interface ClusterMonitor {
* Indicates if the specified site is up.
* @param siteId A possibly null Site Id.
* @return True if the Site is up, False if it failed to respond to a query.
boolean isSiteUp(String siteId);
* Indicates if the specified server is up.
* @param serverId server id
* @return true if server is up, false otherwise
boolean checkServerUp(String serverId);
* Identify the host (aka home or authoritative) server for the provided session.
* If the currently assigned host server for the session is found to be down, this method uses a
* deterministic algorithm to select a new one from those known to the clustering servive
* based on the session's STORAGE_KEY.
* This is the key method of "internal request routing".
* @param sessionId SessionID for which the home server is to be found
* @return server id for the server instance determined to be the current host
* @throws SessionException
String getCurrentHostServer(SessionID sessionId) throws SessionException;
* Signals that the ClusterMonitor instance should shutdown. Once called the instance
* will not receive any further calls.
void shutdown();