* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
* the License file at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable, add the following below the CDDL
* Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying
* information: "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
* Copyright 2015 ForgeRock AS.
package org.forgerock.openam.core.rest.sms;
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.*;
import static org.forgerock.json.resource.Responses.newResourceResponse;
import static org.forgerock.util.promise.Promises.newResultPromise;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Set;
import com.google.inject.assistedinject.Assisted;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOException;
import com.sun.identity.authentication.service.AuthD;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepoException;
import com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug;
import com.sun.identity.sm.SMSException;
import com.sun.identity.sm.SchemaType;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ServiceConfig;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ServiceConfigManager;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ServiceSchema;
import org.forgerock.services.context.Context;
import org.forgerock.json.JsonValue;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ActionRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ActionResponse;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.CreateRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.DeleteRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.InternalServerErrorException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.NotFoundException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.NotSupportedException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.PatchRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.QueryRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.QueryResourceHandler;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.QueryResponse;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ReadRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.RequestHandler;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ResourceException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ResourceResponse;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.UpdateRequest;
import org.forgerock.openam.utils.StringUtils;
import org.forgerock.util.Reject;
import org.forgerock.util.promise.Promise;
* A CREST singleton provider for SMS schema config.
* @since 13.0.0
public class SmsSingletonProvider extends SmsResourceProvider implements RequestHandler {
final ServiceSchema dynamicSchema;
private final SmsJsonConverter dynamicConverter;
SmsSingletonProvider(@Assisted SmsJsonConverter converter, @Assisted("schema") ServiceSchema schema,
@Assisted("dynamic") @Nullable ServiceSchema dynamicSchema, @Assisted SchemaType type,
@Assisted List<ServiceSchema> subSchemaPath, @Assisted String uriPath,
@Assisted boolean serviceHasInstanceName, @Named("frRest") Debug debug) {
super(schema, type, subSchemaPath, uriPath, serviceHasInstanceName, converter, debug);
Reject.ifTrue(type != SchemaType.GLOBAL && type != SchemaType.ORGANIZATION, "Unsupported type: " + type);
this.dynamicSchema = dynamicSchema;
if (dynamicSchema != null) {
this.dynamicConverter = new SmsJsonConverter(dynamicSchema);
} else {
this.dynamicConverter = null;
* Reads config for the singleton instance referenced, and returns the JsonValue representation.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> handleRead(Context serverContext,
ReadRequest readRequest) {
String resourceId = resourceId();
try {
ServiceConfig config = getServiceConfigNode(serverContext, resourceId);
String realm = realmFor(serverContext);
JsonValue result = withExtraAttributes(realm, convertToJson(realm, config));
return newResultPromise(newResourceResponse(resourceId, String.valueOf(result.hashCode()), result));
} catch (SMSException e) {
debug.warning("::SmsCollectionProvider:: SMSException on create", e);
return new InternalServerErrorException("Unable to create SMS config: " + e.getMessage()).asPromise();
} catch (SSOException e) {
debug.warning("::SmsCollectionProvider:: SSOException on create", e);
return new InternalServerErrorException("Unable to create SMS config: " + e.getMessage()).asPromise();
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
return e.asPromise();
protected Map<String, Set<String>> getDynamicAttributes(String realm) {
return AuthD.getAuth().getOrgServiceAttributes(realm, serviceName);
* Augments the provided {@code JsonValue} to include any dynamic attributes, if present.
* @param value The {@code JsonValue} to augment.
* @return The same {@code JsonValue} after is has been augmented.
protected JsonValue withExtraAttributes(String realm, JsonValue value) {
if (dynamicConverter != null) {
value.add("dynamic", dynamicConverter.toJson(realm, getDynamicAttributes(realm)).getObject());
return value;
private void updateDynamicAttributes(Context context, JsonValue value) throws SMSException, SSOException,
IdRepoException, ResourceException {
String realm = realmFor(context);
Map<String, Set<String>> dynamic = dynamicConverter.fromJson(realm, value.get("dynamic"));
if (SchemaType.GLOBAL.equals(type)) {
} else {
AuthD.getAuth().setOrgServiceAttributes(realm, serviceName, dynamic);
* Updates config for the singleton instance referenced, and returns the JsonValue representation.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> handleUpdate(Context serverContext,
UpdateRequest updateRequest) {
String resourceId = resourceId();
if (dynamicSchema != null) {
try {
updateDynamicAttributes(serverContext, updateRequest.getContent());
} catch (SMSException e) {
debug.warning("::SmsCollectionProvider:: SMSException on create", e);
return new InternalServerErrorException("Unable to update SMS config: " + e.getMessage()).asPromise();
} catch (SSOException e) {
debug.warning("::SmsCollectionProvider:: SSOException on create", e);
return new InternalServerErrorException("Unable to update SMS config: " + e.getMessage()).asPromise();
} catch (IdRepoException e) {
debug.warning("::SmsCollectionProvider:: IdRepoException on create", e);
return new InternalServerErrorException("Unable to update SMS config: " + e.getMessage()).asPromise();
} catch (ResourceException e) {
return e.asPromise();
try {
ServiceConfig config = getServiceConfigNode(serverContext, resourceId);
String realm = realmFor(serverContext);
saveConfigAttributes(config, convertFromJson(updateRequest.getContent(), realm));
JsonValue result = withExtraAttributes(realm, convertToJson(realm, config));
return newResultPromise(newResourceResponse(resourceId, String.valueOf(result.hashCode()), result));
} catch (SMSException e) {
debug.warning("::SmsCollectionProvider:: SMSException on create", e);
return new InternalServerErrorException("Unable to create SMS config: " + e.getMessage()).asPromise();
} catch (SSOException e) {
debug.warning("::SmsCollectionProvider:: SSOException on create", e);
return new InternalServerErrorException("Unable to create SMS config: " + e.getMessage()).asPromise();
} catch (ResourceException e) {
return e.asPromise();
* Deletes config for the singleton instance referenced.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> handleDelete(Context serverContext,
DeleteRequest deleteRequest) {
try {
ServiceConfigManager scm = getServiceConfigManager(serverContext);
if (subSchemaPath.isEmpty()) {
if (type == SchemaType.GLOBAL) {
} else {
} else {
ServiceConfig parent = parentSubConfigFor(serverContext, scm);
return newResultPromise(newResourceResponse(resourceId(), "0", json(object(field("success", true)))));
} catch (SMSException e) {
debug.warning("::SmsCollectionProvider:: SMSException on create", e);
return new InternalServerErrorException("Unable to create SMS config: " + e.getMessage()).asPromise();
} catch (SSOException e) {
debug.warning("::SmsCollectionProvider:: SSOException on create", e);
return new InternalServerErrorException("Unable to create SMS config: " + e.getMessage()).asPromise();
* Creates config for the singleton instance referenced, and returns the JsonValue representation.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> handleCreate(Context serverContext,
CreateRequest createRequest) {
final String realm = realmFor(serverContext);
try {
Map<String, Set<String>> attrs = convertFromJson(createRequest.getContent(), realm);
ServiceConfigManager scm = getServiceConfigManager(serverContext);
ServiceConfig config;
if (subSchemaPath.isEmpty()) {
if (type == SchemaType.GLOBAL) {
config = scm.createGlobalConfig(attrs);
} else {
config = scm.createOrganizationConfig(realm, attrs);
} else {
ServiceConfig parent = parentSubConfigFor(serverContext, scm);
parent.addSubConfig(resourceId(), lastSchemaNodeName(), -1, attrs);
config = parent.getSubConfig(lastSchemaNodeName());
JsonValue result = withExtraAttributes(realm, convertToJson(realm, config));
return newResultPromise(newResourceResponse(resourceId(), String.valueOf(result.hashCode()), result));
} catch (SMSException e) {
debug.warning("::SmsCollectionProvider:: SMSException on create", e);
return new InternalServerErrorException("Unable to create SMS config: " + e.getMessage()).asPromise();
} catch (SSOException e) {
debug.warning("::SmsCollectionProvider:: SSOException on create", e);
return new InternalServerErrorException("Unable to create SMS config: " + e.getMessage()).asPromise();
} catch (ResourceException e) {
return e.asPromise();
public Promise<ActionResponse, ResourceException> handleAction(Context context, ActionRequest request) {
return super.handleAction(context, request);
protected JsonValue createSchema(Context context) {
JsonValue result = super.createSchema(context);
if (dynamicSchema != null) {
Map<String, String> attributeSectionMap = getAttributeNameToSection(dynamicSchema);
ResourceBundle console = ResourceBundle.getBundle("amConsole");
String serviceType = dynamicSchema.getServiceType().getType();
String sectionOrder = getConsoleString(console, "sections." + serviceName + "." + serviceType);
List<String> sections = new ArrayList<String>();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sectionOrder)) {
addAttributeSchema(result, "/properties/dynamic/", dynamicSchema, sections, attributeSectionMap,
console, serviceType, context);
return result;
* Gets the referenced {@link ServiceConfig} for the current request.
* @param serverContext The request context.
* @param resourceId The name of the config. If this is root Schema config, this will be null. Otherwise, it will
* be the name of the schema type.
* @return The instance retrieved from the service manager layer.
* @throws SMSException From downstream service manager layer.
* @throws SSOException From downstream service manager layer.
* @throws NotFoundException If the config being addressed doesn't exist.
protected ServiceConfig getServiceConfigNode(Context serverContext, String resourceId) throws SSOException,
SMSException, NotFoundException {
ServiceConfigManager scm = getServiceConfigManager(serverContext);
ServiceConfig result;
if (subSchemaPath.isEmpty()) {
if (type == SchemaType.GLOBAL) {
result = getGlobalConfigNode(scm, resourceId);
} else {
result = scm.getOrganizationConfig(realmFor(serverContext), resourceId);
if ((result == null || !result.exists()) && dynamicSchema == null) {
throw new NotFoundException();
} else {
ServiceConfig config = parentSubConfigFor(serverContext, scm);
result = checkedInstanceSubConfig(serverContext, resourceId, config);
if (result == null || !result.exists()) {
throw new NotFoundException();
return result;
* Gets the referenced global {@link ServiceConfig} for the current request.
* @param scm The {@code ServerConfigManager} instance.
* @param resourceId The name of the config. If this is root Schema config, this will be null. Otherwise, it will
* be the name of the schema type.
* @return The global instance retrieved from the service manager layer.
* @throws SMSException From downstream service manager layer.
* @throws SSOException From downstream service manager layer.
* @throws NotFoundException If the config being addressed doesn't exist.
protected ServiceConfig getGlobalConfigNode(ServiceConfigManager scm, String resourceId) throws SSOException,
SMSException, NotFoundException {
ServiceConfig result = scm.getGlobalConfig(resourceId);
if (result == null) {
throw new NotFoundException();
return result;
protected JsonValue convertToJson(String realm, ServiceConfig config) {
if (config == null) {
return json(object());
} else {
return converter.toJson(realm, config.getAttributes());
protected JsonValue preprocessJsonValue(JsonValue value) {
return value;
private Map<String, Set<String>> convertFromJson(JsonValue value, String realm) throws ResourceException {
return converter.fromJson(realm, value);
protected void saveConfigAttributes(ServiceConfig config, Map<String, Set<String>> attributes) throws SSOException,
SMSException {
if (config != null) {
* Gets the resource ID. For root Schema config, this will be null. Otherwise, it will be the name of the schema
* type this provider addresses.
private String resourceId() {
return subSchemaPath.isEmpty() ? null : lastSchemaNodeName();
public Promise<QueryResponse, ResourceException> handleQuery(Context serverContext, QueryRequest queryRequest,
QueryResourceHandler handler) {
return new NotSupportedException("query operation not supported").asPromise();
public Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> handlePatch(Context serverContext,
PatchRequest patchRequest) {
return new NotSupportedException("patch operation not supported").asPromise();