* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
* the License file at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable, add the following below the CDDL
* Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying
* information: "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
* Copyright 2012-2016 ForgeRock AS.
package org.forgerock.openam.core.rest;
import static com.sun.identity.idsvcs.opensso.IdentityServicesImpl.asMap;
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json;
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object;
import static org.forgerock.json.resource.ResourceException.*;
import static org.forgerock.json.resource.Responses.newActionResponse;
import static org.forgerock.json.resource.Responses.newResourceResponse;
import static org.forgerock.openam.core.rest.IdentityRestUtils.*;
import static org.forgerock.openam.core.rest.UserAttributeInfo.*;
import static org.forgerock.openam.rest.RestUtils.*;
import static org.forgerock.util.promise.Promises.newResultPromise;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.security.auth.callback.Callback;
import javax.security.auth.callback.NameCallback;
import javax.security.auth.callback.PasswordCallback;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import com.iplanet.am.util.SystemProperties;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOException;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOTokenManager;
import com.sun.identity.authentication.util.ISAuthConstants;
import com.sun.identity.idm.AMIdentity;
import com.sun.identity.idm.AMIdentityRepository;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepoException;
import com.sun.identity.idsvcs.AccessDenied;
import com.sun.identity.idsvcs.GeneralFailure;
import com.sun.identity.idsvcs.IdentityDetails;
import com.sun.identity.idsvcs.NeedMoreCredentials;
import com.sun.identity.idsvcs.ObjectNotFound;
import com.sun.identity.idsvcs.TokenExpired;
import com.sun.identity.idsvcs.opensso.GeneralAccessDeniedError;
import com.sun.identity.idsvcs.opensso.IdentityServicesImpl;
import com.sun.identity.shared.Constants;
import com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug;
import com.sun.identity.shared.encode.Hash;
import com.sun.identity.sm.SMSException;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ServiceConfig;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ServiceConfigManager;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ServiceNotFoundException;
import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils;
import org.forgerock.guice.core.InjectorHolder;
import org.forgerock.openam.sm.config.ConsoleConfigHandler;
import org.forgerock.services.context.Context;
import org.forgerock.json.JsonValue;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ActionRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ActionResponse;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.BadRequestException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.CollectionResourceProvider;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ConflictException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.CreateRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.DeleteRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ForbiddenException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.InternalServerErrorException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.NotFoundException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.NotSupportedException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.PatchRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.PermanentException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.QueryRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.QueryResourceHandler;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.QueryResponse;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ReadRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ResourceException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ResourceResponse;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.UpdateRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.http.HttpContext;
import org.forgerock.openam.core.CoreWrapper;
import org.forgerock.openam.cts.CTSPersistentStore;
import org.forgerock.openam.cts.exceptions.CoreTokenException;
import org.forgerock.openam.cts.exceptions.DeleteFailedException;
import org.forgerock.openam.forgerockrest.utils.MailServerLoader;
import org.forgerock.openam.forgerockrest.utils.PrincipalRestUtils;
import org.forgerock.openam.rest.RealmContext;
import org.forgerock.openam.rest.RestUtils;
import org.forgerock.openam.security.whitelist.ValidGotoUrlExtractor;
import org.forgerock.openam.services.RestSecurity;
import org.forgerock.openam.services.RestSecurityProvider;
import org.forgerock.openam.services.baseurl.BaseURLProviderFactory;
import org.forgerock.openam.services.email.MailServer;
import org.forgerock.openam.services.email.MailServerImpl;
import org.forgerock.openam.shared.security.whitelist.RedirectUrlValidator;
import org.forgerock.openam.tokens.CoreTokenField;
import org.forgerock.openam.tokens.TokenType;
import org.forgerock.openam.utils.CrestQuery;
import org.forgerock.openam.utils.StringUtils;
import org.forgerock.openam.utils.TimeUtils;
import org.forgerock.util.AsyncFunction;
import org.forgerock.util.Reject;
import org.forgerock.util.promise.Promise;
* A simple {@code Map} based collection resource provider.
public final class IdentityResourceV2 implements CollectionResourceProvider {
private static final String AM_ENCRYPTION_PWD = "am.encryption.pwd";
private static final String SEND_NOTIF_TAG = "IdentityResource.sendNotification() :: ";
private static Debug debug = Debug.getInstance("frRest");
public static final String USER_TYPE = "user";
public static final String GROUP_TYPE = "group";
public static final String AGENT_TYPE = "agent";
private final static RedirectUrlValidator<String> URL_VALIDATOR =
new RedirectUrlValidator<String>(ValidGotoUrlExtractor.getInstance());
// TODO: filters, sorting, paged results.
private final String objectType;
private final RestSecurityProvider restSecurityProvider;
private ServiceConfigManager mailmgr;
private ServiceConfig mailscm;
private Map<String, HashSet<String>> mailattrs;
final static String MAIL_IMPL_CLASS = "forgerockMailServerImplClassName";
final static String MAIL_SUBJECT = "forgerockEmailServiceSMTPSubject";
final static String MAIL_MESSAGE = "forgerockEmailServiceSMTPMessage";
final static String UNIVERSAL_ID = "universalid";
final static String MAIL = "mail";
final static String UNIVERSAL_ID_ABBREV = "uid";
final static String USERNAME = "username";
final static String EMAIL = "email";
final static String TOKEN_ID = "tokenId";
final static String CONFIRMATION_ID = "confirmationId";
final static String CURRENT_PASSWORD = "currentpassword";
final static String USER_PASSWORD = "userpassword";
private final MailServerLoader mailServerLoader;
private final IdentityResourceV1 identityResourceV1;
private final IdentityServicesImpl identityServices;
private final BaseURLProviderFactory baseURLProviderFactory;
private final ConsoleConfigHandler configHandler;
* Creates a backend
public IdentityResourceV2(String userType, MailServerLoader mailServerLoader, IdentityServicesImpl identityServices,
CoreWrapper coreWrapper, RestSecurityProvider restSecurityProvider, ConsoleConfigHandler configHandler,
BaseURLProviderFactory baseURLProviderFactory, Set<UiRolePredicate> uiRolePredicates) {
this(userType, null, null, mailServerLoader, identityServices, coreWrapper, restSecurityProvider,
configHandler, baseURLProviderFactory, uiRolePredicates);
* Enum to lazy init the CTSPersistentStore variable in a thread safe manner.
private enum CTSHolder {
private final CTSPersistentStore cts;
private CTSHolder() {
cts = InjectorHolder.getInstance(CTSPersistentStore.class);
static CTSPersistentStore getCTS() {
return INSTANCE.cts;
// Constructor used for testing...
IdentityResourceV2(String userType, ServiceConfigManager mailmgr, ServiceConfig mailscm,
MailServerLoader mailServerLoader, IdentityServicesImpl identityServices, CoreWrapper coreWrapper,
RestSecurityProvider restSecurityProvider, ConsoleConfigHandler configHandler,
BaseURLProviderFactory baseURLProviderFactory, Set<UiRolePredicate> uiRolePredicates) {
this.objectType = userType;
this.mailmgr = mailmgr;
this.mailscm = mailscm;
this.mailServerLoader = mailServerLoader;
this.restSecurityProvider = restSecurityProvider;
this.configHandler = configHandler;
this.identityResourceV1 = new IdentityResourceV1(userType, mailServerLoader, identityServices, coreWrapper,
restSecurityProvider, configHandler, uiRolePredicates);
this.identityServices = identityServices;
this.baseURLProviderFactory = baseURLProviderFactory;
private IdentityServicesImpl getIdentityServices() {
return identityServices;
* package private for access by UserIdentityResourceV3
JsonValue addRoleInformation(Context context, String resourceId, JsonValue value) {
return identityResourceV1.addRoleInformation(context, resourceId, value);
* Gets the user id from the session provided in the server context
* @param context Current Server Context
private Promise<ActionResponse, ResourceException> idFromSession(final Context context) {
JsonValue result = new JsonValue(new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(1));
SSOToken ssotok;
AMIdentity amIdentity;
try {
SSOTokenManager mgr = SSOTokenManager.getInstance();
ssotok = mgr.createSSOToken(getCookieFromServerContext(context));
amIdentity = new AMIdentity(ssotok);
// build resource
result.put("id", amIdentity.getName());
result.put("realm", getRelativeRealmFromSession(context, amIdentity));
result.put("dn", amIdentity.getUniversalId());
result.put("successURL", ssotok.getProperty(ISAuthConstants.SUCCESS_URL,false));
result.put("fullLoginURL", ssotok.getProperty(ISAuthConstants.FULL_LOGIN_URL,false));
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("IdentityResource.idFromSession() :: Retrieved ID for user={}", amIdentity.getName());
return newResultPromise(newActionResponse(result));
} catch (SSOException e) {
debug.error("IdentityResource.idFromSession() :: Cannot retrieve SSO Token", e);
return new ForbiddenException("SSO Token cannot be retrieved.", e).asPromise();
} catch (IdRepoException ex) {
debug.error("IdentityResource.idFromSession() :: Cannot retrieve user from IdRepo", ex);
return new ForbiddenException("Cannot retrieve id from session.", ex).asPromise();
private String getRelativeRealmFromSession(Context context, AMIdentity amIdentity) {
RealmContext realmContext = context.asContext(RealmContext.class);
String sessionRealm = com.sun.identity.sm.DNMapper.orgNameToRealmName(amIdentity.getRealm());
String baseRealm = realmContext.getDnsAliasRealm();
if (sessionRealm.startsWith(baseRealm)) {
String realm = sessionRealm.substring(baseRealm.length());
if (!realm.startsWith("/")) {
realm = "/" + realm;
return realm;
return sessionRealm;
* Generates a secure hash to use as token ID
* @param resource string that will be used to create random hash
* @return random string
static private String generateTokenID(String resource) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(resource)) {
return null;
return Hash.hash(resource + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(32));
* Generates a CTS REST Token, including realm information in its {@code CoreTokenField.STRING_ONE} field.
* @param resource The resource for which the tokenID will be generated
* @param userId The user's ID, associated with the token
* @param tokenLifeTimeSeconds Length of time from now in second for the token to remain valid
* @param realmName The name of the realm in which this token is valid
* @return the generated CTS REST token
private org.forgerock.openam.cts.api.tokens.Token generateToken(String resource, String userId,
Long tokenLifeTimeSeconds, String realmName) {
Calendar ttl = Calendar.getInstance();
org.forgerock.openam.cts.api.tokens.Token ctsToken = new org.forgerock.openam.cts.api.tokens.Token(
generateTokenID(resource), TokenType.REST);
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(userId)) {
ctsToken.setAttribute(CoreTokenField.STRING_ONE, realmName);
ttl.setTimeInMillis(ttl.getTimeInMillis() + (tokenLifeTimeSeconds*1000));
return ctsToken;
* This method will create a confirmation email that contains a {@link org.forgerock.openam.cts.api.tokens.Token},
* confirmationId and email that was provided in the request.
* @param context Current Server Context
* @param request Request from client to retrieve id
private Promise<ActionResponse, ResourceException> createRegistrationEmail(final Context context, final ActionRequest request, final String realm,
final RestSecurity restSecurity) {
JsonValue result = new JsonValue(new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(1));
final JsonValue jVal = request.getContent();
String emailAddress = null;
String confirmationLink;
String tokenID;
try {
if (restSecurity == null) {
if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
debug.warning("IdentityResource.createRegistrationEmail(): Rest Security not created. " +
"restSecurity={}", restSecurity);
throw new NotFoundException("Rest Security Service not created" );
if (!restSecurity.isSelfServiceRestEndpointEnabled()) {
if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
debug.warning("IdentityResource.createRegistrationEmail(): Self-Registration set to : {}",
throw new NotSupportedException("Legacy Self Service REST Endpoint is not enabled.");
if (!restSecurity.isSelfRegistration()) {
if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
debug.warning("IdentityResource.createRegistrationEmail(): Self-Registration set to : {}",
throw new NotSupportedException("Self Registration is not enabled.");
// Get full deployment URL
HttpContext header = context.asContext(HttpContext.class);
String baseURL = baseURLProviderFactory.get(realm).getRootURL(header);
// Get the email address provided from registration page
emailAddress = jVal.get(EMAIL).asString();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(emailAddress)){
throw new BadRequestException("Email not provided");
String subject = jVal.get("subject").asString();
String message = jVal.get("message").asString();
// Retrieve email registration token life time
Long tokenLifeTime = restSecurity.getSelfRegTLT();
// Create CTS Token
org.forgerock.openam.cts.api.tokens.Token ctsToken = generateToken(emailAddress, "anonymous",
tokenLifeTime, realm);
// Store token in datastore
tokenID = ctsToken.getTokenId();
// Create confirmationId
String confirmationId = Hash.hash(tokenID + emailAddress + SystemProperties.get(AM_ENCRYPTION_PWD));
// Build Confirmation URL
String confURL = restSecurity.getSelfRegistrationConfirmationUrl();
StringBuilder confURLBuilder = new StringBuilder(100);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(confURL)) {
} else if(confURL.startsWith("/")) {
} else {
confirmationLink = confURLBuilder.append("?confirmationId=").append(requestParamEncode(confirmationId))
// Send Registration
sendNotification(emailAddress, subject, message, realm, confirmationLink);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("IdentityResource.createRegistrationEmail() :: Sent notification to={} with subject={}. "
+ "In realm={} for token ID={}", emailAddress, subject, realm, tokenID);
return newResultPromise(newActionResponse(result));
} catch (BadRequestException be) {
debug.warning("IdentityResource.createRegistrationEmail: Cannot send email to {}", emailAddress, be);
return be.asPromise();
} catch (NotFoundException nfe) {
debug.warning("IdentityResource.createRegistrationEmail: Cannot send email to {}", emailAddress, nfe);
return nfe.asPromise();
} catch (NotSupportedException nse) {
if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
debug.warning("IdentityResource.createRegistrationEmail(): Operation not enabled. email={}",
emailAddress, nse);
return nse.asPromise();
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("IdentityResource.createRegistrationEmail: Cannot send email to {}", emailAddress, e);
return new NotFoundException("Email not sent").asPromise();
* Sends email notification to end user
* @param to Resource receiving notification
* @param subject Notification subject
* @param message Notification Message
* @param confirmationLink Confirmation Link to be sent
* @throws Exception when message cannot be sent
private void sendNotification(String to, String subject, String message,
String realm, String confirmationLink) throws ResourceException {
try {
mailmgr = new ServiceConfigManager(RestUtils.getToken(),
mailscm = mailmgr.getOrganizationConfig(realm,null);
mailattrs = mailscm.getAttributes();
} catch (SMSException smse) {
if (debug.errorEnabled()) {
debug.error("{} :: Cannot create service {}", SEND_NOTIF_TAG, MailServerImpl.SERVICE_NAME, smse);
throw new InternalServerErrorException("Cannot create the service: " + MailServerImpl.SERVICE_NAME, smse);
} catch (SSOException ssoe) {
if (debug.errorEnabled()) {
debug.error("{} :: Invalid SSOToken ", SEND_NOTIF_TAG, ssoe);
throw new InternalServerErrorException("Cannot create the service: " + MailServerImpl.SERVICE_NAME, ssoe);
if (mailattrs == null || mailattrs.isEmpty()) {
if (debug.errorEnabled()) {
debug.error("{} :: no attrs set {}", SEND_NOTIF_TAG, mailattrs);
throw new NotFoundException("No service Config Manager found for realm " + realm);
// Get MailServer Implementation class
String attr = mailattrs.get(MAIL_IMPL_CLASS).iterator().next();
MailServer mailServer;
try {
mailServer = mailServerLoader.load(attr, realm);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
debug.error("{} :: Failed to load mail server implementation: {}", SEND_NOTIF_TAG, attr, e);
throw new InternalServerErrorException("Failed to load mail server implementation: " + attr, e);
try {
// Check if subject has not been included
if (StringUtils.isBlank(subject)){
// Use default email service subject
subject = mailattrs.get(MAIL_SUBJECT).iterator().next();
} catch (Exception e) {
if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
debug.warning("{} no subject found ", SEND_NOTIF_TAG, e);
subject = "";
try {
// Check if Custom Message has been included
if (StringUtils.isBlank(message)){
// Use default email service message
message = mailattrs.get(MAIL_MESSAGE).iterator().next();
message = message + System.getProperty("line.separator") + confirmationLink;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
debug.warning("{} no message found", SEND_NOTIF_TAG , e);
message = confirmationLink;
// Send the emails via the implementation class
try {
mailServer.sendEmail(to, subject, message);
} catch (MessagingException e) {
if (debug.errorEnabled()) {
debug.error("{} Failed to send mail", SEND_NOTIF_TAG, e);
throw new InternalServerErrorException("Failed to send mail", e);
* Validates the current goto against the list of allowed gotos, and returns either the allowed
* goto as sent in, or the server's default goto value.
* @param context Current Server Context
* @param request Request from client to confirm registration
/* package private for access by UserIdentityResourceV3
Promise<ActionResponse, ResourceException> validateGoto(final Context context,
final ActionRequest request) {
final JsonValue jVal = request.getContent();
JsonValue result = new JsonValue(new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(1));
try {
SSOTokenManager mgr = SSOTokenManager.getInstance();
SSOToken ssoToken = mgr.createSSOToken(getCookieFromServerContext(context));
String gotoURL = URL_VALIDATOR.getRedirectUrl(ssoToken.getProperty(ISAuthConstants.ORGANIZATION),
URL_VALIDATOR.getValueFromJson(jVal, RedirectUrlValidator.GOTO),
result.put("successURL", gotoURL);
return newResultPromise(newActionResponse(result));
} catch (SSOException ssoe){
if (debug.errorEnabled()) {
debug.error("IdentityResource.validateGoto() :: Invalid SSOToken.", ssoe);
return new ForbiddenException(ssoe.getMessage(), ssoe).asPromise();
* Will validate confirmationId is correct
* @param request Request from client to confirm registration
private Promise<ActionResponse, ResourceException> confirmationIdCheck(final ActionRequest request,
final String realm) {
final String METHOD = "IdentityResource.confirmationIdCheck";
final JsonValue jVal = request.getContent();
String tokenID = "";
String confirmationId;
String email;
String username;
//email or username value used to create confirmationId
String hashComponent = null;
String hashComponentAttr = null;
JsonValue result = new JsonValue(new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(1));
tokenID = jVal.get(TOKEN_ID).asString();
confirmationId = jVal.get(CONFIRMATION_ID).asString();
email = jVal.get(EMAIL).asString();
username = jVal.get(USERNAME).asString();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(confirmationId)) {
if (debug.errorEnabled()) {
debug.error("{} :: Bad Request - confirmationId not found in request.", METHOD);
throw new BadRequestException("confirmationId not provided");
if (StringUtils.isBlank(email) && !StringUtils.isBlank(username)) {
hashComponent = username;
hashComponentAttr = USERNAME;
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(email) && StringUtils.isBlank(username)) {
hashComponent = email;
hashComponentAttr = EMAIL;
if (StringUtils.isBlank(hashComponent)) {
if (debug.errorEnabled()) {
debug.error("{} :: Bad Request - hashComponent not found in request.", METHOD);
throw new BadRequestException("Required information not provided");
if (StringUtils.isBlank(tokenID)) {
if (debug.errorEnabled()) {
debug.error("{} :: Bad Request - tokenID not found in request.", METHOD);
throw new BadRequestException("tokenId not provided");
validateToken(tokenID, realm, hashComponent, confirmationId);
// build resource
result.put(TOKEN_ID, tokenID);
result.put(CONFIRMATION_ID, confirmationId);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("{} :: Confirmed for token '{}' with confirmation '{}'", METHOD, tokenID, confirmationId);
return newResultPromise(newActionResponse(result));
} catch (BadRequestException bre) {
debug.warning("{} :: Cannot confirm registration/forgotPassword for : {}", METHOD, hashComponent, bre);
return bre.asPromise();
} catch (ResourceException re) {
debug.warning("{} :: Resource error for : {}", METHOD, hashComponent, re);
return re.asPromise();
} catch (CoreTokenException cte) {
debug.error("{} :: CTE error for : {}", METHOD, hashComponent, cte);
return new InternalServerErrorException(cte).asPromise();
* Validates a provided token against a selection of criteria to ensure that it's valid for the given
* realm. This function is the validation equiv. of
* {@link IdentityResourceV2#generateToken(String, String, Long, String)}.
* @param tokenID The token ID to retrieve from the store, against which to perform validation
* @param realm The realm under which the current request is being made, must match the realm the token was
* generated by, not null
* @param hashComponent The hash component used to created the confirmationId
* @param confirmationId The confirmationId, not null
* @throws NotFoundException If the token doesn't exist in the store
* @throws CoreTokenException If there were unexpected issues communicating with the CTS
* @throws BadRequestException If the realm or confirmationId were invalid for the token retrieved
private void validateToken(String tokenID, String realm, String hashComponent, String confirmationId)
throws ResourceException, CoreTokenException {
//check expiry
org.forgerock.openam.cts.api.tokens.Token ctsToken = CTSHolder.getCTS().read(tokenID);
if (ctsToken == null || TimeUtils.toUnixTime(ctsToken.getExpiryTimestamp()) < TimeUtils.currentUnixTime()) {
throw ResourceException.getException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_GONE, "Cannot find tokenID: " + tokenID);
// check confirmationId
if (!confirmationId.equalsIgnoreCase(Hash.hash(tokenID + hashComponent +
SystemProperties.get(AM_ENCRYPTION_PWD)))) {
debug.error("IdentityResource.validateToken: Invalid confirmationId : {}", confirmationId);
throw new BadRequestException("Invalid confirmationId", null);
//check realm
if (!realm.equals(ctsToken.getValue(CoreTokenField.STRING_ONE))) {
debug.error("IdentityResource.validateToken: Invalid realm : {}", realm);
throw new BadRequestException("Invalid realm", null);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("Validated token with ID={} in realm={} against confirmationId={}", tokenID, realm,
confirmationId );
* {@inheritDoc}
public Promise<ActionResponse, ResourceException> actionCollection(Context context, ActionRequest request) {
RealmContext realmContext = context.asContext(RealmContext.class);
final String realm = realmContext.getResolvedRealm();
RestSecurity restSecurity = restSecurityProvider.get(realm);
final String action = request.getAction();
if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("idFromSession")) {
return idFromSession(context);
} else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("register")){
return createRegistrationEmail(context,request, realm, restSecurity);
} else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("confirm")) {
return confirmationIdCheck(request, realm);
} else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("anonymousCreate")) {
return anonymousCreate(context, request, realm, restSecurity);
} else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("forgotPassword")) {
return generateNewPasswordEmail(context, request, realm, restSecurity);
} else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("forgotPasswordReset")) {
return anonymousUpdate(context, request, realm);
} else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("validateGoto")) {
return validateGoto(context, request);
} else { // for now this is the only case coming in, so fail if otherwise
return RestUtils.generateUnsupportedOperation();
* Generates the e-mail contents based on the incoming request.
* Will only send the e-mail if all the following conditions are true:
* - Forgotten Password service is enabled
* - User exists
* - User has an e-mail address in their profile
* - E-mail service is correctly configured.
* @param context Non null.
* @param request Non null.
* @param realm Used as part of user lookup.
* @param restSecurity Non null.
private Promise<ActionResponse, ResourceException> generateNewPasswordEmail(final Context context,
final ActionRequest request, final String realm, final RestSecurity restSecurity) {
JsonValue result = new JsonValue(new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(1));
final JsonValue jsonBody = request.getContent();
try {
// Check to make sure forgotPassword enabled
if (restSecurity == null) {
if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
debug.warning("Rest Security not created. restSecurity={}", restSecurity);
throw getException(UNAVAILABLE, "Rest Security Service not created");
if (!restSecurity.isSelfServiceRestEndpointEnabled()) {
if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
debug.warning("Forgot Password set to : {}", restSecurity.isSelfServiceRestEndpointEnabled());
throw getException(UNAVAILABLE, "Legacy Self Service REST Endpoint is not enabled.");
if (!restSecurity.isForgotPassword()) {
if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
debug.warning("Forgot Password set to : {}", restSecurity.isForgotPassword());
throw getException(UNAVAILABLE, "Forgot password is not accessible.");
// Generate Admin Token
SSOToken adminToken = getSSOToken(RestUtils.getToken().getTokenID().toString());
Map<String, Set<String>> searchAttributes = getIdentityServicesAttributes(realm, objectType);
List<String> searchResults = identityServices.search(new CrestQuery("*"), searchAttributes, adminToken);
if (searchResults.isEmpty()) {
throw new NotFoundException("User not found");
} else if (searchResults.size() > 1) {
throw new ConflictException("Multiple users found");
} else {
String username = searchResults.get(0);
IdentityDetails identityDetails = identityServices.read(username,
getIdentityServicesAttributes(realm, objectType), adminToken);
String email = null;
String uid = null;
for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> attribute : asMap(identityDetails.getAttributes()).entrySet()) {
String attributeName = attribute.getKey();
if (MAIL.equalsIgnoreCase(attributeName)) {
if (attribute.getValue() != null && !attribute.getValue().isEmpty()) {
email = attribute.getValue().iterator().next();
} else if (UNIVERSAL_ID.equalsIgnoreCase(attributeName)) {
if (attribute.getValue() != null && !attribute.getValue().isEmpty()) {
uid = attribute.getValue().iterator().next();
// Check to see if user is Active/Inactive
if (!isUserActive(uid)) {
throw new ForbiddenException("Request is forbidden for this user");
// Check if email is provided
if (email == null || email.isEmpty()) {
throw new BadRequestException("No email provided in profile.");
// Get full deployment URL
HttpContext header = context.asContext(HttpContext.class);
String baseURL = baseURLProviderFactory.get(realm).getRootURL(header);
String subject = jsonBody.get("subject").asString();
String message = jsonBody.get("message").asString();
// Retrieve email registration token life time
if (restSecurity == null) {
if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
debug.warning("Rest Security not created. restSecurity={}", restSecurity);
throw new NotFoundException("Rest Security Service not created");
Long tokenLifeTime = restSecurity.getForgotPassTLT();
// Generate Token
org.forgerock.openam.cts.api.tokens.Token ctsToken = generateToken(email, username,
tokenLifeTime, realm);
// Store token in datastore
// Create confirmationId
String confirmationId = Hash.hash(
ctsToken.getTokenId() + username + SystemProperties.get(AM_ENCRYPTION_PWD));
// Build Confirmation URL
String confURL = restSecurity.getForgotPasswordConfirmationUrl();
StringBuilder confURLBuilder = new StringBuilder(100);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(confURL)) {
} else if(confURL.startsWith("/")) {
} else {
String confirmationLink = confURLBuilder.append("?confirmationId=")
// Send Registration
sendNotification(email, subject, message, realm, confirmationLink);
String principalName = PrincipalRestUtils.getPrincipalNameFromServerContext(context);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("IdentityResource.generateNewPasswordEmail :: ACTION of generate new password email "
+ " for username={} in realm={} performed by principalName={}", username, realm,
return newResultPromise(newActionResponse(result));
} catch (ResourceException re) {
// Service not available, Neither or both Username/Email provided, User inactive
debug.warning(re.getMessage(), re);
return re.asPromise();
} catch (Exception e) {
// Intentional - all other errors are considered Internal Error.
debug.error("Internal error", e);
return new InternalServerErrorException("Failed to send mail", e).asPromise();
private Map<String, Set<String>> getAttributeFromRequest(JsonValue jsonBody) throws BadRequestException {
String username = jsonBody.get(USERNAME).asString();
String email = jsonBody.get(EMAIL).asString();
if (username != null && email != null) {
throw new BadRequestException("Both username and email specified - only one allowed in request.");
if (username != null && !username.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.singletonMap(UNIVERSAL_ID_ABBREV, Collections.singleton(username));
if (email != null && !email.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.singletonMap(MAIL, Collections.singleton(email));
throw new BadRequestException("Username or email not provided in request");
* Perform an anonymous update of a user's password using the provided token.
* The token must match a token placed in the CTS in order for the request
* to proceed.
* @param context Non null
* @param request Non null
* @param realm Non null
private Promise<ActionResponse, ResourceException> anonymousUpdate(final Context context,
final ActionRequest request, final String realm) {
final String tokenID;
String confirmationId;
String username;
String nwpassword;
final JsonValue jVal = request.getContent();
tokenID = jVal.get(TOKEN_ID).asString();
confirmationId = jVal.get(CONFIRMATION_ID).asString();
username = jVal.get(USERNAME).asString();
nwpassword = jVal.get("userpassword").asString();
if(username == null || username.isEmpty()){
throw new BadRequestException("username not provided");
if(nwpassword == null || username.isEmpty()) {
throw new BadRequestException("new password not provided");
validateToken(tokenID, realm, username, confirmationId);
// update Identity
SSOToken admin = RestUtils.getToken();
// Update instance with new password value
return updateInstance(admin, jVal, realm)
.thenAsync(new AsyncFunction<ActionResponse, ActionResponse, ResourceException>() {
public Promise<ActionResponse, ResourceException> apply(ActionResponse response) {
// Only remove the token if the update was successful, errors will be set in the handler.
try {
// Even though the generated token will eventually timeout, delete it after a successful read
// so that the reset password request cannot be made again using the same token.
} catch (DeleteFailedException e) {
// Catch this rather than letting it stop the process as it is possible that between successfully
// reading and deleting, the token has expired.
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("Deleting token " + tokenID + " after a successful " +
"read failed due to " + e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (CoreTokenException cte) { // For any unexpected CTS error
debug.error("Error performing anonymousUpdate", cte);
return new InternalServerErrorException(cte.getMessage(), cte).asPromise();
return newResultPromise(response);
} catch (BadRequestException bre) { // For any malformed request.
debug.warning("Bad request received for anonymousUpdate ", bre);
return bre.asPromise();
} catch (ResourceException re) {
debug.warning("Error performing anonymousUpdate", re);
return re.asPromise();
} catch (CoreTokenException cte) { // For any unexpected CTS error
debug.error("Error performing anonymousUpdate", cte);
return new InternalServerErrorException(cte).asPromise();
* Updates an instance given a JSON object with User Attributes
* @param admin Token that has administrative privileges
* @param details Json Value containing details of user identity
* @return A successful promise if the update was successful
private Promise<ActionResponse, ResourceException> updateInstance(SSOToken admin, final JsonValue details, final String realm) {
JsonValue jVal = details;
IdentityDetails newDtls;
String resourceId = jVal.get(USERNAME).asString();
try {
newDtls = jsonValueToIdentityDetails(objectType, jVal, realm);
if (newDtls.getAttributes() == null || newDtls.getAttributes().length < 1) {
throw new BadRequestException("Illegal arguments: One or more required arguments is null or empty");
// update resource with new details
identityServices.update(newDtls, admin);
debug.message("IdentityResource.updateInstance :: Anonymous UPDATE in realm={} for resourceId={}",
realm, resourceId);
// read updated identity back to client
IdentityDetails checkIdent = identityServices.read(resourceId,
getIdentityServicesAttributes(realm, objectType),
// handle updated resource
return newResultPromise(newActionResponse(identityDetailsToJsonValue(checkIdent)));
} catch (final Exception e) {
debug.error("IdentityResource.updateInstance() :: Cannot UPDATE in realm={} for resourceId={}", realm,
resourceId, e);
return new NotFoundException(e.getMessage(), e).asPromise();
private Promise<ActionResponse, ResourceException> anonymousCreate(final Context context,
final ActionRequest request, final String realm, RestSecurity restSecurity) {
final JsonValue jVal = request.getContent();
String tokenID = null;
String confirmationId;
String email;
if (!restSecurity.isSelfRegistration()) {
throw new BadRequestException("Self-registration disabled");
tokenID = jVal.get(TOKEN_ID).asString();
confirmationId = jVal.get(CONFIRMATION_ID).asString();
email = jVal.get(EMAIL).asString();
if (email == null || email.isEmpty()) {
throw new BadRequestException("Email not provided");
// Convert to IDRepo Attribute schema
jVal.put("mail", email);
if (confirmationId == null || confirmationId.isEmpty()) {
throw new BadRequestException("confirmationId not provided");
if (tokenID == null || tokenID.isEmpty()) {
throw new BadRequestException("tokenId not provided");
validateToken(tokenID, realm, email, confirmationId);
// create an Identity
SSOToken admin = RestUtils.getToken();
final String finalTokenID = tokenID;
return createInstance(admin, jVal, realm)
.thenAsync(new AsyncFunction<ActionResponse, ActionResponse, ResourceException>() {
public Promise<ActionResponse, ResourceException> apply(ActionResponse response) {
// Only remove the token if the create was successful, errors will be set in the handler.
try {
// Even though the generated token will eventually timeout, delete it after a successful read
// so that the completed registration request cannot be made again using the same token.
} catch (DeleteFailedException e) {
// Catch this rather than letting it stop the process as it is possible that between successfully
// reading and deleting, the token has expired.
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("IdentityResource.anonymousCreate: Deleting token " + finalTokenID +
" after a successful read failed due to " + e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (CoreTokenException cte) { // For any unexpected CTS error
debug.error("IdentityResource.anonymousCreate(): CTS Error : " + cte.getMessage());
return new InternalServerErrorException(cte.getMessage(), cte).asPromise();
return newResultPromise(response);
} catch (BadRequestException bre) {
debug.warning("IdentityResource.anonymousCreate() :: Invalid Parameter", bre);
return bre.asPromise();
} catch (ResourceException re) {
debug.warning("IdentityResource.anonymousCreate() :: Resource error", re);
return re.asPromise();
} catch (CoreTokenException cte) { // For any unexpected CTS error
debug.error("IdentityResource.anonymousCreate() :: CTS error", cte);
return new InternalServerErrorException(cte).asPromise();
} catch (ServiceNotFoundException snfe) {
// Failure from RestSecurity
debug.error("IdentityResource.anonymousCreate() :: Internal error", snfe);
return new InternalServerErrorException(snfe).asPromise();
* {@inheritDoc}
public Promise<ActionResponse, ResourceException> actionInstance(final Context context,
final String resourceId, final ActionRequest request) {
String action = request.getAction();
if ("changePassword".equalsIgnoreCase(action)) {
RealmContext realmContext = context.asContext(RealmContext.class);
final String realm = realmContext.getResolvedRealm();
JsonValue value = request.getContent();
try {
String userPassword = value.get(USER_PASSWORD).asString();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(userPassword)) {
throw new BadRequestException("'" + USER_PASSWORD + "' attribute not set in JSON content.");
String currentPassword = value.get(CURRENT_PASSWORD).asString();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(currentPassword)) {
throw new BadRequestException("'" + CURRENT_PASSWORD + "' attribute not set in JSON content.");
IdentityRestUtils.changePassword(context, realm, resourceId, currentPassword, userPassword);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
String principalName = PrincipalRestUtils.getPrincipalNameFromServerContext(context);
debug.message("IdentityResource.actionInstance :: ACTION of change password for " + resourceId
+ " in realm " + realm + " performed by " + principalName);
return newResultPromise(newActionResponse(json(object())));
} catch (ResourceException re) {
debug.warning("Cannot change password! " + resourceId + ":" + re);
return re.asPromise();
} else {
return new NotSupportedException(action + " not supported for resource instances").asPromise();
* Creates an a resource using a privileged token
* @param admin Token that has administrative privileges
* @param details resource details that needs to be created
* @return A successful promise containing the identity details if the create was successful
private Promise<ActionResponse, ResourceException> createInstance(SSOToken admin, JsonValue details, final String realm) {
JsonValue jVal = details;
IdentityDetails identity = jsonValueToIdentityDetails(objectType, jVal, realm);
final String resourceId = identity.getName();
return attemptResourceCreation(realm, admin, identity, resourceId)
.thenAsync(new AsyncFunction<IdentityDetails, ActionResponse, ResourceException>() {
public Promise<ActionResponse, ResourceException> apply(IdentityDetails dtls) {
if (dtls != null) {
debug.message("IdentityResource.createInstance :: Anonymous CREATE in realm={} " +
"for resourceId={}", realm, resourceId);
return newResultPromise(newActionResponse(identityDetailsToJsonValue(dtls)));
} else {
return new NotFoundException(resourceId + " not found").asPromise();
* {@inheritDoc}
public Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> createInstance(final Context context,
final CreateRequest request) {
RealmContext realmContext = context.asContext(RealmContext.class);
final String realm = realmContext.getResolvedRealm();
try {
// anyone can create an account add
SSOToken admin = getSSOToken(getCookieFromServerContext(context));
final JsonValue jVal = request.getContent();
String resourceId = request.getNewResourceId();
IdentityDetails identity = jsonValueToIdentityDetails(objectType, jVal, realm);
// check to see if request has included resource ID
if (resourceId != null) {
if (identity.getName() != null) {
if (!resourceId.equalsIgnoreCase(identity.getName())) {
ResourceException be = new BadRequestException("id in path does not match id in request body");
debug.error("IdentityResource.createInstance() :: Cannot CREATE ", be);
return be.asPromise();
} else {
resourceId = identity.getName();
UserAttributeInfo userAttributeInfo = configHandler.getConfig(realm, UserAttributeInfoBuilder.class);
enforceWhiteList(context, request.getContent(), objectType,
final String id = resourceId;
return attemptResourceCreation(realm, admin, identity, resourceId)
.thenAsync(new AsyncFunction<IdentityDetails, ResourceResponse, ResourceException>() {
public Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> apply(IdentityDetails dtls) {
if (dtls != null) {
String principalName = PrincipalRestUtils.getPrincipalNameFromServerContext(context);
debug.message("IdentityResource.createInstance :: CREATE of resourceId={} in realm={} "
+ "performed by principalName={}", id, realm, principalName);
ResourceResponse resource = newResourceResponse(id, "0", identityDetailsToJsonValue(dtls));
return newResultPromise(resource);
} else {
debug.error("IdentityResource.createInstance() :: Identity not found");
return new NotFoundException("Identity not found").asPromise();
} catch (SSOException e) {
return new ForbiddenException(e).asPromise();
} catch (BadRequestException bre) {
return bre.asPromise();
private Promise<IdentityDetails, ResourceException> attemptResourceCreation(String realm, SSOToken admin,
IdentityDetails identity, String resourceId) {
IdentityDetails dtls = null;
try {
// Create the resource
identityServices.create(identity, admin);
// Read created resource
dtls = identityServices.read(resourceId, getIdentityServicesAttributes(realm, objectType), admin);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("IdentityResource.createInstance() :: Created resourceId={} in realm={} by AdminID={}",
resourceId, realm, admin.getTokenID());
} catch (final ObjectNotFound notFound) {
debug.error("IdentityResource.createInstance() :: Cannot READ resourceId={} : Resource cannot be found.",
resourceId, notFound);
return new NotFoundException("Resource not found.", notFound).asPromise();
} catch (final TokenExpired tokenExpired) {
debug.error("IdentityResource.createInstance() :: Cannot CREATE resourceId={} : Unauthorized", resourceId,
return new PermanentException(401, "Unauthorized", null).asPromise();
} catch (final NeedMoreCredentials needMoreCredentials) {
debug.error("IdentityResource.createInstance() :: Cannot CREATE resourceId={} : Token is not authorized",
resourceId, needMoreCredentials);
return new ForbiddenException("Token is not authorized", needMoreCredentials).asPromise();
} catch (final GeneralAccessDeniedError accessDenied) {
debug.error("IdentityResource.createInstance() :: Cannot CREATE " + accessDenied);
return new ForbiddenException().asPromise();
} catch (GeneralFailure generalFailure) {
debug.error("IdentityResource.createInstance() :: Cannot CREATE " +
return new BadRequestException("Resource cannot be created: "
+ generalFailure.getMessage(), generalFailure).asPromise();
} catch (AccessDenied accessDenied) {
debug.error("IdentityResource.createInstance() :: Cannot CREATE " +
return new ForbiddenException("Token is not authorized: " + accessDenied.getMessage(), accessDenied)
} catch (ResourceException re) {
debug.warning("IdentityResource.createInstance() :: Cannot CREATE resourceId={}", resourceId, re);
return re.asPromise();
} catch (final Exception e) {
debug.error("IdentityResource.createInstance() :: Cannot CREATE resourceId={}", resourceId, e);
return new NotFoundException(e.getMessage(), e).asPromise();
return newResultPromise(dtls);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> deleteInstance(final Context context, final String resourceId, final DeleteRequest request) {
return identityResourceV1.deleteInstance(context, resourceId, request);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> patchInstance(final Context context,
final String resourceId, final PatchRequest request) {
return identityResourceV1.patchInstance(context, resourceId, request);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Promise<QueryResponse, ResourceException> queryCollection(final Context context,
final QueryRequest request, final QueryResourceHandler handler) {
return identityResourceV1.queryCollection(context, request, handler);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> readInstance(final Context context,
final String resourceId, final ReadRequest request) {
return identityResourceV1.readInstance(context, resourceId, request);
private boolean checkValidPassword(String username, char[] password, String realm) throws BadRequestException {
if (username == null || password == null) {
throw new BadRequestException("Invalid Username or Password");
try {
Callback[] callbacks = new Callback[2];
NameCallback nc = new NameCallback("dummy");
callbacks[0] = nc;
PasswordCallback pc = new PasswordCallback("dummy", false);
callbacks[1] = pc;
AMIdentityRepository idRepo = new AMIdentityRepository(null, realm);
return idRepo.authenticate(callbacks);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("Failed to verify password for username={}", username, ex.getMessage());
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> updateInstance(final Context context,
final String resourceId, final UpdateRequest request) {
RealmContext realmContext = context.asContext(RealmContext.class);
final String realm = realmContext.getResolvedRealm();
final JsonValue jVal = request.getContent();
final String rev = request.getRevision();
IdentityDetails dtls, newDtls;
ResourceResponse resource;
try {
SSOToken token = getSSOToken(getCookieFromServerContext(context));
// Retrieve details about user to be updated
dtls = identityServices.read(resourceId, getIdentityServicesAttributes(realm, objectType), token);
// Continue modifying the identity if read success
boolean isUpdatingHisOwnPassword = SystemProperties.getAsBoolean(Constants.CASE_SENSITIVE_UUID) ?
token.getProperty(ISAuthConstants.USER_ID).equals(resourceId) :
// If the user wants to modify his password, he should use a different action.
if (isUpdatingHisOwnPassword) {
for (String key : jVal.keys()) {
if (USER_PASSWORD.equalsIgnoreCase(key)) {
return new BadRequestException("Cannot update user password via PUT. "
+ "Use POST with _action=changePassword or _action=forgotPassword.").asPromise();
newDtls = jsonValueToIdentityDetails(objectType, jVal, realm);
if (newDtls.getAttributes() == null || newDtls.getAttributes().length < 1) {
throw new BadRequestException("Illegal arguments: One or more required arguments is null or empty");
if (newDtls.getName() != null && !resourceId.equalsIgnoreCase(newDtls.getName())){
throw new BadRequestException("id in path does not match id in request body");
UserAttributeInfo userAttributeInfo = configHandler.getConfig(realm, UserAttributeInfoBuilder.class);
// Handle attribute change when password is required
// Get restSecurity for this realm
RestSecurity restSecurity = restSecurityProvider.get(realm);
// Make sure user is not admin and check to see if we are requiring a password to change any attributes
Set<String> protectedUserAttributes = new HashSet<>();
if (!protectedUserAttributes.isEmpty() && !isAdmin(context)) {
boolean hasReauthenticated = false;
for (String protectedAttr : protectedUserAttributes) {
JsonValue jValAttr = jVal.get(protectedAttr);
// If attribute is not available set newAttr variable to empty string for use in comparison
String newAttr = (jValAttr.isString()) ? jValAttr.asString() : "";
// Get the value of current attribute
String currentAttr = "";
Map<String, Set<String>> attrs = asMap(dtls.getAttributes());
for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> attribute : attrs.entrySet()) {
String attributeName = attribute.getKey();
currentAttr = attribute.getValue().iterator().next();
// Compare newAttr and currentAttr
if (!currentAttr.equals(newAttr) && !hasReauthenticated) {
// check header to make sure that password is there then check to see if it's correct
String strCurrentPass = RestUtils.getMimeHeaderValue(context, CURRENT_PASSWORD);
if (strCurrentPass != null && !strCurrentPass.isEmpty() &&
checkValidPassword(resourceId, strCurrentPass.toCharArray(), realm)) {
//set a boolean value so we know reauth has been done
hasReauthenticated = true;
//continue will allow attribute(s) change(s)
} else {
throw new BadRequestException("Must provide a valid confirmation password to change " +
"protected attribute (" + protectedAttr + ") from '" + currentAttr + "' to '" +
newAttr + "'");
// update resource with new details
identityServices.update(newDtls, token);
String principalName = PrincipalRestUtils.getPrincipalNameFromServerContext(context);
debug.message("IdentityResource.updateInstance :: UPDATE of resourceId={} in realm={} performed " +
"by principalName={}", resourceId, realm, principalName);
// read updated identity back to client
IdentityDetails checkIdent = identityServices.read(dtls.getName(),
getIdentityServicesAttributes(realm, objectType), token);
return newResultPromise(this.identityResourceV1.buildResourceResponse(resourceId, context, checkIdent));
} catch (final ObjectNotFound onf) {
debug.error("IdentityResource.updateInstance() :: Cannot UPDATE resourceId={} : Could not find the " +
"resource", resourceId, onf);
return new NotFoundException("Could not find the resource [ " + resourceId + " ] to update", onf)
} catch (final NeedMoreCredentials needMoreCredentials) {
debug.error("IdentityResource.updateInstance() :: Cannot UPDATE resourceId={} : Token is not authorized",
resourceId, needMoreCredentials);
return new ForbiddenException("Token is not authorized", needMoreCredentials).asPromise();
} catch (final TokenExpired tokenExpired) {
debug.error("IdentityResource.updateInstance() :: Cannot UPDATE resourceId={} : Unauthorized",
resourceId, tokenExpired);
return new PermanentException(401, "Unauthorized", null).asPromise();
} catch (final AccessDenied accessDenied) {
debug.error("IdentityResource.updateInstance() :: Cannot UPDATE resourceId={} : Access denied",
resourceId, accessDenied);
return new ForbiddenException(accessDenied.getMessage(), accessDenied).asPromise();
} catch (final GeneralFailure generalFailure) {
debug.error("IdentityResource.updateInstance() :: Cannot UPDATE resourceId={}", resourceId, generalFailure);
return new BadRequestException(generalFailure.getMessage(), generalFailure).asPromise();
} catch (BadRequestException bre){
debug.error("IdentityResource.updateInstance() :: Cannot UPDATE resourceId={}", resourceId, bre);
return bre.asPromise();
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
debug.warning("IdentityResource.updateInstance() :: Cannot UPDATE resourceId={} : Could not find the " +
"resource", resourceId, e);
return new NotFoundException("Could not find the resource [ " + resourceId + " ] to update", e)
} catch (ResourceException re) {
debug.warning("IdentityResource.updateInstance() :: Cannot UPDATE resourceId={} ", resourceId, re);
return re.asPromise();
} catch (final Exception e) {
debug.error("IdentityResource.updateInstance() :: Cannot UPDATE resourceId={}", resourceId, e);
return new NotFoundException(e.getMessage(), e).asPromise();
private String requestParamEncode(String toEncode) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
if (toEncode != null && !toEncode.isEmpty()) {
return URLEncoder.encode(toEncode, "UTF-8").replace("+", "%20");
} else {
return toEncode;
* @return the object type
private String getObjectType() {
return objectType;