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# Portions Copyrighted 2011 ForgeRock AS
# Portions Copyrighted 2013 Syntegrity.
# Portions Copyrighted 2013-2014 ForgeRock Inc.
# Portions Copyrighted 2014 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
device-print-service-description=Device Print
a000=Authentication Level
a000.help=The authentication level associated with this module.
a000.help.txt=Each authentication module has an authentication level that can be used to indicate the level of security \
associated with the module; 0 is the lowest (and the default).
a001=Profile expiration days
a001.help=Profile will be removed when exceed this time period
a002=Maximum stored profile quantity
a002.help=No more than specified profiles quantity will be stored in user record
a004=Automatically store new profiles
a004.help=Select this checkbox to assume user consent to store every new profile
a004.help.txt=If this checkbox is selected user won't be prompted for storing new profiles. After successful OTP \
confirmation profile will be stored automatically.
a006=Persistent cookie expire time in days
a006.help=Persistent cookie will be replaced with the new one after this time period
a007=Persistent cookie penalty points
a007.help=Penalty points added when current cookie doesn't match stored cookie
a007.help.txt=Stored cookie value is generated separately for each browser which was used as client. Thanks to flash \
cookie all browsers with installed flash plugin share the same cookie, thus penalty points won't be added if the user \
uses other browser with flash plugin installed on the same device. Penalty points will be added to the final result \
if current value is missing whereas in the corresponding stored value is present or current value differs from the \
corresponding stored value
a009=User agent penalty points
a009.help=Penalty points added when current user agent doesn't match stored user agent
a009.help.txt=Entire user agent values are compared without parsing it. Keep in mind that even change of browser \
version will trigger that. Penalty points will be added to the final result if value current value is missing whereas \
in the corresponding stored value is present or current value differs from the corresponding stored value
a010=Installed fonts penalty points
a010.help=Penalty points added when current installed fonts don't match stored value
a010.help.txt=Entire installed fonts attribute values are compared without parsing it. Keep in mind that even adding \
one new font will trigger that. Penalty points will be added to the final result if value current value is missing \
whereas in the corresponding stored value is present or current value differs from the corresponding stored value
a011=Installed plugins penalty points
a011.help=Penalty points added when current installed plugins don't match stored value
a011.help.txt=Entire installed plugins attribute values are compared without parsing it. Keep in mind that even adding \
one new plugin will trigger that. Penalty points will be added to the final result if value current value is missing \
whereas in the corresponding stored value is present or current value differs from the corresponding stored value
a012=Screen color depth penalty points
a012.help=Penalty points added when current screen color depth doesn't match stored value
a012.help.txt=Penalty points will be added to the final result if value current value is missing whereas in the \
corresponding stored value is present or current value differs from the corresponding stored value
a013=Screen resolution penalty points
a013.help=Penalty points added when current screen resolution doesn't match stored value
a013.help.txt=Penalty points will be added to the final result if value current value is missing whereas in the \
corresponding stored value is present or current value differs from the corresponding stored value
a014=Timezone penalty points
a014.help=Penalty points added when current time zone doesn't match stored value
a014.help.txt=Penalty points will be added to the final result if value current value is missing whereas in the \
corresponding stored value is present or current value differs from the corresponding stored value
a015=Allowed location range
a015.help=Tolerable range expressed in miles
a015.help.txt=User can be at most X miles away from the point stored in the profile
a016=User-Agent version ignore
a016.help=If differences in versions should be ignored during comparison
a016.help.txt=If not set, any change in e.g. version of browser will mark browser as different
a017=Max number of tolerated different installed fonts
a018=Max tolerated percentage difference between installed fonts
a019=Max number of tolerated different installed plugins
a020=Max tolerated percentage difference between installed plugins
a021=Persistent cookie required
a022=User agent required
a023=Installed plugins required
a024=Installed fonts required
a025=Geolocation required
a026=Screen parameters required
a027=Time zone required
a028=Location penalty points
a028.help=Penalty points added when current location doesn't match stored value
a028.help.txt=Penalty points will be added to the final result if value current value is missing whereas in the \
corresponding stored value is present or current value differs from the corresponding stored value
a029=Maximum tolerated penalty points.
a029.help=The maximum allowed penalty points before a stored Device Print will not match the current Device Print.
otpinvalid=The OTP code enter is not correct.
otpcallbackconfirmationunknown=Unknown confirmation choice.
invalidauthstate=Invalid Authentication State.
# HOTP Attributes
a501=SMS Gateway Implementation Class
a501.help=The Device Print authentication module uses this class to send SMS messages.
a501.help.txt=The SMS gateway class must implement the following interface<br/><br/>\
a502=Mail Server Host Name
a502.help=The name of the mail server; OpenAM will use SMTP to send the messages.
a503=Mail Server Host Port
a503.help=The port of the mail server.
a503.help.txt=The default port for SMTP is 25, if using SSL the default port is 465.
a504=Mail Server Authentication Username
a504.help=The username to use if the mail server is using SMTP authentication
a505=Mail Server Authentication Password
a505.help=The password to use if the mail server is using SMTP authentication
a506=Mail Server Secure Connection
a506.help=This setting controls whether the authentication module communicates with the mail server using SSL/TLS
a5061=Email From Address
a5061.help=Emails from the Device Print authentication module will come from this address.
a507=One Time Password Validity Length
a507.help=This One Time Password will remain valid for this period (in minutes)
a508=One Time Password Length
a508.help=The length of the generated One Time Password (in digits)
a509=One Time Password Delivery
a509.help=The mechanism used to deliver the One Time Password
a510=Mobile Phone Number Attribute Name
a510.help=This is the attribute name used for a requested text message
a511=Mobile Carrier Attribute Name
a511.help=This setting establishes the carrier used to send text messages
a511.help.txt=The code is different for each carrier. For example, if you will use Verizon as your carrier, you would \
enter @vtext.com or vtext.com in this field. Contact your carrier to find out the specific code should be used and \
find out whether they require country codes for the service.
a512=Email Attribute Name
a512.help=This is the attribute name used by the OTP to email the user
a520=Auto Send OTP Code
a520.help=Select this checkbox if the OTP should be sent automatically
nonssl=Non SSL/TLS
both=SMS and E-mail
authFailed=Authentication Failed
incorrectState=Incorrect State
messageSubject=OpenAM One Time Password
messageContent=Your OpenAM One Time Password :
send.failure=An error occurred while sending the One Time Password code, please contact the system administrator
send.success=Please type in your One Time Password:
authModuleNotSetUpWithUsername=Device Print Authentication Module not set up behind another Authentication Module \
which sets the user's username. The Device Print Authentication module is not set up correctly.