* Copyright (c) 2010-2015 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
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* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
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package com.sun.identity.agents.tools.tomcat.v6;
import com.sun.identity.install.tools.configurator.IStateAccess;
import com.sun.identity.install.tools.util.ConfigUtil;
import com.sun.identity.install.tools.util.Debug;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
* @author Steve Ferris steve.ferris@forgerock.com
public class AgentFilesBase implements IConstants, IConfigKeys {
protected String _catalinaHomeDir = null;
protected String _agentLibPath;
protected String _agentLocalePath;
protected String _catalinaCommonLibDir;
protected static final String[] localeExts = new String[] { "txt", "properties" };
protected static final String[] libJarFiles = new String[] { "agent.jar", "openssoclientsdk.jar" };
protected void getAgentConfigLocation(IStateAccess stateAccess) {
_agentLibPath = ConfigUtil.getLibPath();
_agentLocalePath = ConfigUtil.getLocaleDirPath();
_catalinaHomeDir = (String) stateAccess.get(STR_KEY_CATALINA_HOME_DIR);
_catalinaCommonLibDir = _catalinaHomeDir + STR_FORWARD_SLASH
protected boolean removeAgentFiles(IStateAccess stateAccess) {
boolean status = false;
status = removeAgentJarFiles();
status = removeAgentLocaleFiles() && status;
status = removeAgentAppWar() && status;
return status;
protected Collection<File> listAgentLocaleFiles() {
return FileUtils.listFiles(new File(_agentLocalePath), localeExts, false);
protected boolean removeAgentJarFiles() {
boolean status = false;
for (int i = 0; i < libJarFiles.length; i++) {
Debug.log("AgentFilesBase.removeAgentJarFiles(): " +
" Removing file " + libJarFiles[i]);
File file = new File(_catalinaCommonLibDir + STR_FORWARD_SLASH + libJarFiles[i]);
status = file.delete();
return status;
protected boolean removeAgentLocaleFiles() {
boolean status = false;
for (File localeFile : listAgentLocaleFiles()) {
Debug.log("AgentFilesBase.removeAgentLocaleFiles(): " +
" Removing file " + _catalinaCommonLibDir + STR_FORWARD_SLASH +
File toDelete = new File(_catalinaCommonLibDir + STR_FORWARD_SLASH + localeFile.getName());
status = toDelete.delete();
return status;
protected boolean removeAgentAppWar() {
String agentAppWar = new StringBuilder(_catalinaHomeDir).append(File.separator)
Debug.log("AgentFilesBase.removeAgentAppWar(): Removing file " + agentAppWar);
File file = new File(agentAppWar);
return file.delete();