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# $Id: tomcatv6Tools.properties,v 1.2 2008/11/28 12:31:28 saueree Exp $
# Portions Copyrighted 2010-2012 ForgeRock Inc
# Locale resources for Tools for Agent for Tomcat 6.0
# ------------------------ INST FINDER INTERACTIONS ----------------------------
INT_CONFIG_DIR_DESC=Enter the complete path to the directory \
which is used by Tomcat Server to store \
its configuration Files. This directory uniquely \
identifies the Tomcat Server instance that \
is secured by this Agent.
INT_CONFIG_DIR_PROMPT=Enter the Tomcat Server Config Directory Path
INT_CONFIG_DIR_SUMMARY_DESC=Tomcat Server Config Directory
INT_CONFIG_DIR_HELP=The configuration directory of Tomcat \
Server is a unique directory per instance of \
the Tomcat Server where configuration \
files associated with that instance of the \
application server are stored. This directory \
contains files like web.xml, server.xml \
etc., which govern the runtime behavior of \
your Tomcat Server.
INT_CONFIG_DIR_ERROR=ERROR: Invalid Tomcat Server Config \
directory . Please try again.
INT_GLOBAL_WEB_XML_DESC=Choose yes to deploy the policy agent in \
the global web.xml file.
INT_GLOBAL_WEB_XML_PROMPT=Install agent filter in global web.xml ?
INT_GLOBAL_WEB_XML_SUMMARY_DESC=Tomcat global web.xml filter install
INT_GLOBAL_WEB_XML_HELP=By deploying the agent in the global web.xml \
all the application in the Tomcat container will \
be protected without having their individual \
deployment descriptor files modified. Choose yes to \
install the agent in this mode.
INT_GLOBAL_WEB_XML_ERROR=Failed to modify global web.xml file
INT_CATALINA_HOME_DESC=$CATALINA_HOME environment variable is the \
root of the tomcat installation.
INT_CATALINA_HOME_PROMPT=Enter the $CATALINA_HOME environment variable
INT_CATALINA_HOME_HELP= $CATALINA_HOME environment variable is the root \
of the tomcat installation. Its value is displayed \
when the startup.sh script is invoked.This variable \
is defined in the catalina.sh script.
INT_CATALINA_HOME_ERROR=Invalid directory specified for the \
$CATALINA_HOME environment variable
# Welcome message for the installer
WELCOME_MESSAGE= Welcome to the OpenAM Policy Agent for Apache \
Tomcat 6.0 Servlet/JSP Container
# Exit message for the installer
EXIT_MESSAGE= Thank you for using OpenAM Policy Agent
# Other resources
TOMCAT_ERR_HOME_DIR_NOT_FOUND= Home Directory for Tomcat server could not be calculated :
TOMCAT_ERR_IN_VALID_HOME_DIR= Invalid Home Directory for Tomcat server :
# ******************************************************************************
VA_MSG_TOMCAT_VAL_CONFIG_DIR=Valid Tomcat Server Config directory : {0}
VA_WRN_TOMCAT_IN_VAL_CONFIG_DIR=Invalid Tomcat Server Config directory : {0}
VA_MSG_TOMCAT_VAL_WEB_APP_LOCATION=Valid Tomcat wep application context directories : {0}
VA_WRN_TOMCAT_IN_VAL_WEB_APP_LOCATION=Invalid Tomcat wep application context directory : {0}
# Locale messages for Tasks
TSK_MSG_CONFIGURE_GLOBAL_WEB_XML_EXECUTE=Adding filter to Global deployment descriptor file : {0} ...
TSK_MSG_CONFIGURE_GLOBAL_WEB_XML_ROLLBACK=Removing filter from Global deployment descriptor file : {0} ...
TSK_MSG_CONFIGURE_SERVER_XML_EXECUTE=Adding OpenAM Tomcat Agent Realm to Server XML file : {0} ...
TSK_MSG_CONFIGURE_SERVER_XML_ROLLBACK=Removing OpenAM Tomcat Agent Realm from Server XML file : {0} ...
TSK_MSG_CONFIGURE_WEB_APPS_EXECUTE=Adding OpenAM Tomcat Agent Filter and Form login authentication to selected Web applications ...
TSK_MSG_CONFIGURE_WEB_APPS_ROLLBACK=Removing OpenAM Tomcat Agent Filter and Form login authentication from Web applications ...
TSK_MSG_UPDATE_SET_CLASSPATH_SCRIPT_EXECUTE=Updating the {0} script with the Agent classpath ...
TSK_MSG_UPDATE_SET_CLASSPATH_SCRIPT_ROLLBACK=Removing the agent classpath from {0} script ...
TSK_MSG_UPDATE_SET_ENV_SCRIPT_EXECUTE=Updating the {0} script with the Agent configuration JVM option ...
TSK_MSG_UPDATE_SET_ENV_SCRIPT_ROLLBACK=Removing the agent configuration JVM option from {0} script ...
TSK_MSG_UPDATE_COPY_AGENT_FILES_EXECUTE=Copying the Agent jar/locale files into the classloader directory ...
TSK_MSG_UPDATE_COPY_AGENT_FILES_ROLLBACK=Removing the Agent jar/locale files from the classloader directory ...
TSK_MSG_REMOVE_AGENT_FILES_EXECUTE=Removing the Agent jar/locale files from the classloader directory ...
TSK_MSG_UNCONFIGURE_GLOBAL_WEB_XML_EXECUTE=Removing filter from Global deployment descriptor file : {0} ...
TSK_MSG_UNCONFIGURE_SERVER_XML_EXECUTE=Removing OpenAM Tomcat Agent Realm from Server XML file : {0} ...
TSK_MSG_UNCONFIGURE_WEBAPPS_TASK_EXECUTE=Removing OpenAM Tomcat Agent Filter and Form login authentication from Web applications ...
TSK_MSG_UNCONFIGURE_SERVER_CLASSPATH_EXECUTE=Removing the agent classpath from {0} script ...
VA_MSG_TOMCAT_VAL_TOMCAT_VERSION=Valid tomcat server version
VA_WRN_TOMCAT_IN_VAL_TOMCAT_VERSION=OpenAM Tomcat Agent does not support this tomcat server version