# recommended setup information wrt. security and Solaris:
ecsadm:ecsadm EC Spooler/Backend Software Manager, i.e. able to install
Software updates, change ECSpooler related files
ecsd:ecsd The identity under which the Spooler Service is running
ecsbd:ecsbd The identity under which the Backend Services are running
noaccess:noaccess The identity, under which the tests aka compiler/
interpreter are invoked by the backend
FILEs and DIRs:
File containing the user:password information required to issue spooler
commands when the -a option is used
Permissions: 0640 ecsadm:ecsd
Working directory of the spooler (see option -w)
Permissions: 0770 ecsd:ecsadm
Directory containing spooler logfiles (see option -L)
Permissions: 0770 ecsd:ecsadm
Directory containing spooler data (see option -v)
Permissions: 0770 ecsd:ecsadm
Directory containing temp files of the spooler (see option -t)
Permissions: 0770 ecsd:ecsadm or 0700 ecsd:ecsd
File containing the user:password information required to issue backend
commands when the -a option is used
Permissions: 0640 ecsadm:ecsbd
Working directory of the backends (see option -w)
Permissions: 0770 ecsbd:ecsadm
Directory containing backend logfiles (see option -L)
Permissions: 0770 ecsbd:ecsadm
Directory containing data of backends (see option -v)
Permissions: 0770 ecsbd:ecsadm
Directory containing temp files of the backends (see option -t)
Permissions: 0771 ecsbd:ecsadm or 0711 ecsbd:ecsbd
TASKS System-Administrator (only once):
cd /data/ecs/ECSpooler/startup
# uninstall obsolete services
while true; do
grep 'instance name' *.manifest | cut -f2 -d\' | \
while read INST ; do
if [ "$INST" = "default" ]; then
svcadm disable ec/spooler
svccfg delete ec/spooler
svcadm disable "backend:${INST}"
svccfg delete "backend:${INST}"
svcs -a | /usr/xpg4/bin/grep -q '/ec/'
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
sleep 2
+ rm -rf /var/svc/log/application-ec-*
# re-import
for f in *.manifest ; do
svccfg import $f
+ mkdir -p /etc/svc/method
+ cp ec_backends.method /etc/svc/method/ec-backend
+ chmod 755 /etc/svc/method/ec-backend
# change backend user
svcs -a | /usr/xpg4/bin/grep '/ec/backend:' | cut -f2- -d/ | \
while read FMRI ; do
echo "/$FMRI"
svccfg -s "$FMRI" setprop options/user="$BE_USER"
svcadm refresh "/$FMRI"
# get all required projects:
find backends -name "*.sh" -exec grep 'newtask -p' {} + | \
awk '{ print $4 }' | sort | uniq
# ProjectName maxVal ...
CommonLisp 64MB 20 100KB 4MB 10 20 \
Erlang 64MB 20 100KB 4MB 10 20 \
Haskell 64MB 20 100KB 4MB 10 20 \
Java 64MB 20 100KB 4MB 10 20 \
Prolog 64MB 20 100KB 4MB 10 20 \
Python 64MB 20 100KB 4MB 10 20 \
Scheme 64MB 20 100KB 4MB 10 20 \
# remove old and add new projects
set -- $proj
while [ $# -ge 6 ]; do
+ projdel "$1" 2>&1 | grep -v 'does not exist'
+ projadd -U ecsbd,noaccess -c "$1 EC Backend" \
-K "process.max-data-size=(priv,$2,deny)" \
-K "process.max-file-descriptor=(priv,$3,deny)" \
-K "process.max-file-size=(priv,$4,deny)" \
-K "process.max-stack-size=(priv,$5,deny)" \
-K "task.max-cpu-time=(priv,$6,signal=KILL)" \
-K "task.max-lwps=(priv,$7,deny)" \
shift 7
+ touch /etc/ecsbd
+ chown ecsadm:ecsbd /etc/ecsbd
+ chmod 0640 /etc/ecsbd
+ chmod 0640 /data/ecs/ECSpooler/etc/passwd
# make sure, that the following entries are
# in /etc/security/prof_attr:
EC Backend:::EduComponents Backend:
# in /etc/security/exec_attr - run newtask as noaccess:noaccess :
EC Backend:suser:cmd:::/usr/bin/newtask:uid=60002;gid=60002
# in /etc/user_attr:
ecsbd::::profiles=EC Backend
TASKS Service-Operator:
Service operators should have 'solaris.smf.manage.ecs' authorization (see
/etc/user_attr and/or /etc/security/prof_attr), otherwise *.manifest files
need to be adapted.
per default ALL Services are disabled after import!
svcadm {enable|disable|refresh|restart} spooler
svcadm {enable|disable|refresh|restart} :haskell etc. for backends
To check, which EC backends are installed, do:
svcs -a | grep '/ec/'
To list the configuration in use, do:
svccfg export {spooler|backend}
To let the spooler listen on all network interfaces of a machine, do:
svccfg -s spooler:default setprop options/host=
svcadm refresh spooler; svcadm restart spooler
Troubleshooting bzgl. 'service l�uft nicht':
To see, what is not running, do:
svcs -xv
tail -100 /var/svc/application-ec-spooler:default.log or
tail -100 /var/svc/application-ec-backend:haskell.log etc.
Further information wrt. SMF:
To test recent ECSpooler on IWS/Sunpool Solaris machines, do:
+ ecsadm
cd /data/ecs/ECSpooler
source startup/env_iws.tcsh
rm -rf /tmp/backends.test
Update code:
setenv CVS_RSH ssh
setenv CVSROOT :ext:$user@$cvshost:/var/cvs
cd /data/ecs/ECSpooler
cvs update
cd /data/ecs
cvs co ECSpooler