# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# $Id: Backend.py 1634 2013-04-12 15:36:36Z amelung $
# Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
# This file is part of ECSpooler.
import traceback
import sys, os, threading, signal
import logging
import socket, xmlrpclib
from os.path import join, dirname, abspath
from types import StringTypes, DictionaryType
# local imports
from lib.Service import Service
from lib.data.BackendJob import BackendJob
from lib.data.BackendResult import BackendResult
from lib.util import errorcodes
LOG = logging.getLogger()
class Backend(Service):
Backend is the basic class of all backends. It implements an
XMLRPC server, which is waiting for test jobs.
Backend implementations should be derived from this class by implementing
the _process_execute method and defining their own input and test schema.
# resourcestring
#ERROR_AUTH_FAILED = "Authorization failed"
# set in subclasses !!
id = ''
name = ''
schema = None
testSchema = None
version = ''
def __init__(self, params, versionFile=__file__):
@params dict with all parameters which must be set for a backend
Service.__init__(self, params.get('host', None),
params.get('port', None))
# set version from backend's version.txt
self.version = file(join(abspath(dirname(versionFile)), 'version.txt'), 'r').read()
except IOError, ioe:
# write warn message, but do nothing else
assert self.id != '', 'A valid ID is required for this backend.'
assert self.name != '', 'A valid name is required for this backend.'
#assert self.version != '', 'A valid version is required for this backend.'
# we use current machine’s IP address
self.url = 'http://%s:%d' % (socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()), self.port) #(self.host, self.port))
assert self.schema != None, \
'A input schema is required for this backend'
assert self.testSchema != None, \
'A test schema is required for this backend'
self.spooler = params.get('spooler', None)
self.auth = params.get('auth', None)
assert self.spooler and type(self.spooler) in StringTypes, \
"Backend requires a correct 'spooler' option"
#assert self.auth and type(self.auth) == type({}), \
assert self.auth and type(self.auth) == DictionaryType, \
"Backend requires a correct 'auth' option"
# set spoolerID to None; it will be set if backend was successfully
# registered to a spooler
self._spoolerId = None
def _registerFunctions(self):
def _manageBeforeStart(self):
"""Registers the backend using the given spooler data.
spooler = xmlrpclib.Server(self.spooler)
LOG.debug("Registering backend '%s (%s)' at '%s'" %
(self.id, self.version, self.spooler))
spoolerId = spooler.addBackend(self.auth,
self._spoolerId = spoolerId
return True
except Exception, e:
LOG.error("Can't add backend to spooler: %s: %s" %
(sys.exc_info()[0], e))
return False
def _manageBeforeStop(self):
@see: AbstractServer._manageBeforeStop()
LOG.debug("Removing backend '%s (%s)' from ECSpooler '%s'" %
(self.id, self.url, self.spooler,))
spooler = xmlrpclib.Server(self.spooler)
spooler.removeBackend(self.auth, self.id, self.url)
except socket.error, serr:
LOG.warn("Socket error: %s (%s)" % (serr, self.spooler))
except xmlrpclib.Fault, err:
LOG.warn("XMLRPC error: %s (%s)" % (err, self.spooler,))
# -- public methods used by backendctl -------------------------------------
# xmlrpc
def shutdown(self, auth, backendId):
Shutting down the backend. This method is called from spooler or
another client. Authentication is required.
@return: a tuple
if not self._authenticate(auth):
#return (-210, self.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
raise Exception(errorcodes.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
backendId = backendId.lower()
if backendId != self.id:
msg = "No such backend '%s' at '%s:%d'" % \
(backendId, self.host, self.port)
raise Exception(msg)
LOG.debug("Calling 'self._stop(%s, %s)'" % (signal.SIGTERM, None))
# start a new thread to stop the backend but let this method some time
# to return a value to the spooler or other calling client
sT = threading.Timer(0.5, self._stop, (signal.SIGTERM, None))
return "Signal '%s' sent" % signal.SIGTERM
# -- public methods (for spoolers/frontends) ------------------------------
def getStatus(self, auth, backendId):
Returns a dictionary with some status information about
this backend. In case the authentication fails, a
AuthorizationFailedException will be raised.
@param: auth authorization information
@return: a dictionary with backendId, name, version, host, and port infos
# FIXME: dirty hack!
if auth and not self._authenticate(auth):
#return(-210, self.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
raise Exception(errorcodes.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
backendId = backendId.lower()
if backendId != self.id:
msg = "No such backend '%s' at '%s:%d'" % \
(backendId, self.host, self.port)
raise Exception(msg)
return {
'pid': os.getpid(),
'id': self.id,
'name': self.name,
'version': self.version,
'host': self.host,
'port': self.port,
'spooler': self.spooler,
def getInputSchema(self, auth):
Return the input schema defined for this backend.
@return: the input schema as string
# FIXME: add authentification
return str(self.schema)
def getTestSchema(self, auth):
Return the test schema defined for this backend.
@return: the test schema as string
# FIXME: add authentification
return str(self.testSchema)
def getInputFields(self, auth):
Returns a dictionary where keys are the field names and the values
are all the properties defined by the input schema.
# FIXME: add authentification
result = {}
for field in self.schema.fields():
#log.debug('Processing field: %s' % field)
result[field.getName()] = field.getAllProperties()
#log.debug("Return value: %s" % result)
return result
def getTestFields(self, auth):
Returns a dictionary where keys are the ids and the values are the
label of all definied tests in testSchema.
# FIXME: add authentification
result = {}
for test in self.testSchema.fields():
result[test.getName()] = test.label
return result
def execute(self, authdata, jobdata):
Call _process_execute which executes the job.
@param: authdata: authorization information
@param: jobdata: all relevant job data
@return: a dictionary with at least result value and message
# check authentication
if not self._authenticate(authdata):
#return(-210, self.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
raise Exception(errorcodes.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
# create a test job with the given data
job = BackendJob(data=jobdata)
# start testing
result = self._process_execute(job)
except Exception, e:
msg = 'Internal error: %s: %s' % (sys.exc_info()[0], e)
result = BackendResult(-200, msg)
return result.getData()
# -- methodes which must be overwritten in subclasses ---------------------
def _process_execute(self, job):
Executes a test job with the given test data. This method must be
overridden in subclasses.
@param: job: a BackendJob object with all relevant test data
@return: a BackendResult object with at least result value and message
raise NotImplementedError("Method 'process_execute' must be "
"implemented by subclass")
# -- internal or private methodes (used or overwritten in subclasses) -----
def _getTests(self, job):
@return: a list of test specifications depending on the ids given
in the job data
result = []
#log.debug('job: %s' % job.getData())
if job.has_key('tests'):
# user has selected one or more tests
testIds = job['tests']
for testId in testIds:
# # not tests selected by the user, taking all available
# result = self.testSchema.fields()
#log.debug('Following tests will be used %s: ' % result)
return result
def _authenticate(self, data):
Checks the authorization information.
@return: True if given authorization data is valid, otherwise False.
#return True
if self._spoolerId == None:
LOG.error("Authorization failed: Invalid spooler connection settings")
return False
if not data or (type(data) != dict):
LOG.error("Authorization failed: Invalid data")
return False
if data.has_key('srv_id') and data['srv_id'] == self._spoolerId:
return True
if (data == self.auth):
return True
return False