# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# $Id: Keywords.py 1634 2013-04-12 15:36:36Z amelung $
# Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
# This file is part of ECSpooler.
from __future__ import division
import sys, re
import logging
from types import StringType, UnicodeType
# local imports
from lib.Backend import Backend
from lib.data.BackendResult import BackendResult
from lib.util.BackendSchema import InputField
from lib.util.BackendSchema import RepeatField
from lib.util.BackendSchema import Schema
from lib.util.BackendSchema import TestEnvironment
#from backends.keywords import config
LOG = logging.getLogger()
# input schema
inputSchema = Schema((
format = 'boolean',
label = 'Inverted matching',
description = 'Invert the sense of matching, i.e., ' +
'the keywords must not appear in the text and '
'matches result in a lower score.',
i18n_domain = 'EC',
#accessor = # must return a list; default is one element per line
required = True,
label = 'Keywords',
description = 'Enter one or more keywords/regexps. '+
'One keyword/regexp per line.',
i18n_domain = 'EC',
# test environsments
tests = Schema((
label = 'Keywords',
description = 'Exact matching of keywords.',
label = 'Regular Expressions',
description = 'Regexp matching.',
class Keywords(Backend):
The keywords backends was designed to give an example of how
simple a backend can be implemented. This backend checks wether
or not a given number of keywords is used within a student's
submission. Therefore regulare expressions will be created and
executed. The result is a numeric value between 0 and 100 percent;
depending on how many keywords were actually found. As an
altenative teachers can also define regular expressions which will
be executed with the student's submission.
id = 'keywords'
name = 'Keywords'
schema = inputSchema
testSchema = tests
def __init__(self, params, versionFile=__file__):
Backend.__init__(self, params, versionFile)
# -- internal methods used by subclasses ----------------------------------
def _process_execute(self, job):
Executes a test job using the given test data in job.
@param: job: a BackendJob
@return: a BackendResult
@see: lib.Backend._process_execute
@see: lib.data.BackendJob, lib.data.BackendResult
LOG.info('Executing tests (%s)' % job.getId())
result = self._process_doTests(job)
except Exception, e:
msg = 'Internal error: %s: %s' % (sys.exc_info()[0], e)
result = BackendResult(-200, msg)
#log.debug('Returning result: %s' % repr(result))
return result
# -- run tests ------------------------------------------------------------
def _process_doTests(self, job):
For each keyowrd given by the teacher a regular expression
will be created and executed with the student's submission.
@return: a BackendResult object
# test for available test specs
testSpecs = self._getTests(job)
if len(testSpecs) == 0:
msg = 'No test specification selected.'
LOG.warn('%s, %s' % (msg, job.getId()))
return BackendResult(-217, msg)
# test for defined repeat fields in the schema definition
repeatFields = self.schema.filterFields(type='RepeatField')
assert repeatFields, 'No RepeatField found.'
assert len(repeatFields) == 1, 'More than one RepeatField found.'
# test for available test data
repeatField = repeatFields[0]
testdata = repeatField.getAccessor()(job[repeatField.getName()])
if len(testdata) == 0:
msg = 'No test data defined.'
LOG.warn('%s, %s' % (msg, job.getId()))
return BackendResult(-216, msg)
# we have some test data -> lets start the evaluation
submission = job['submission']
assert submission and type(submission) in (StringType,
UnicodeType), \
"Tests require valid 'student solution' (%s)" % \
# define default result values
#feedback = BackendResult.UNKNOWN
matches = 0 # number of keywords found
#solved = 0 # percentage of keywords found
submission = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', submission)
# run selected tests (e.g., "simple", cf. schema definition)
for test in testSpecs:
LOG.debug('Running test: %s' % test.getName())
# run with all test data
for t in testdata:
# t contains a keyword or a regular expression
# submission contains the text
if test.getName() == 'keywords':
t = r'\b' + re.escape(t.strip()) + r'\b'
if re.search(t, submission, re.IGNORECASE):
matches += 1
except Exception, e:
msg = 'Internal error during test: %s: %s' % \
(sys.exc_info()[0], e)
return BackendResult(-215, msg)
# end inner for loop
#end outer for loop
# int/int -> float requires division from __future__!
#solved = int(round(matches/len(testdata) * 100))
solved = 0
if (len(testdata)) != 0:
solved = int(round(matches/len(testdata) * 100))
inverted = job['inverted']
if (inverted == True):
solved = 100 - solved
feedback = '''\nYour automatically determined score: %d of 100.''' % solved
return BackendResult(solved, feedback)
# -- some testing -------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
matches = 0
lenTestdata = 0
solved = 0
if (lenTestdata) != 0:
solved = int(round(matches/lenTestdata * 100))
print "solved:", solved