# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# $Id: HaskellQC.py 1634 2013-04-12 15:36:36Z amelung $
# Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
# This file is part of ECSpooler.
# Changelog #
# 20.03.2009, chbauman:
# version 1.1
# using self.srcFileSuffix instead of hard-coded '.hs'
# preventing multiple result output
# 24.03.2009, chbauman:
# refactored variable 't' to 'propertyTest'
# improved feedback (corporate design)
import sys, os, re
import logging
from types import StringTypes
# local imports
from lib.ProgrammingBackend import EX_OK
from lib.data.BackendJob import BackendJob
from lib.data.BackendResult import BackendResult
from lib.util.BackendSchema import TestEnvironment
from lib.util.BackendSchema import InputField
from lib.util.BackendSchema import Schema
from backends.haskellqc import config
from backends.haskell.Haskell import Haskell
from backends.haskell.Haskell import SYNTAX_TEMPLATE
from backends.haskell.Haskell import GENERIC_TEMPLATE
from backends.haskell.Haskell import RUNHUGS_RE
LOG = logging.getLogger()
# regex to get all property names
PROPERTIES_RE = re.compile(r'(?P<name>prop_[A-Z,a-z,0-9]+\w*)')
# regex to substitute 'prop_' placeholder with the property name
PROP_RE = re.compile(r'\$\{prop_\}')
# regex to identify failed tests
FAILED_RE_KEY = 'params'
FAILED_RE = re.compile(r'(?<=\stests:\n)(?P<%s>.*)(\n)' % FAILED_RE_KEY, re.DOTALL)
PASSED_RE = re.compile(r'OK, (passed \d+ tests?)')
FAILED_TESTS_MESSAGE = 'Your submission failed.'
PASSED_ALL_TESTS_MESSAGE = 'Your submission passed all tests.'
# template for Haskell module containing all QuickCheck properties
module Properties where
import QuickCheck -- e.g. for conditional properties
import Student
# template for wrapper code
module Main where
import QuickCheck
import Properties
main :: IO ()
--main = quickCheck ${prop_}
main = verboseCheck ${prop_}
# input schema
inputSchema = Schema((
required = True,
label = 'QuickCheck properties',
description = 'Enter one or more QuickCheck properties ' +
'(cf. <http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~rjmh/QuickCheck/>).',
i18n_domain = 'EC',
# test environments
testEnvs = Schema((
label = 'Default',
description = 'Default using QuickCheck.',
#test = '',
lineNumberOffset = 2,
compiler = config.INTERPRETER,
interpreter = config.INTERPRETER,
class HaskellQC(Haskell):
Backend for testing Haskell programs using QuickCheck.
id = 'haskellqc'
name = 'Haskell QuickCheck'
version = '1.1'
schema = inputSchema
testSchema = testEnvs
def __init__(self, params, versionFile=__file__):
Haskell.__init__(self, params, versionFile)
def _postProcessCheckSemantic(self, test, message):
Post process QuickCheck result messages.
@param: test:
@param: message:
result = re.sub('/.*/ECSpooler/backends/haskellqc/', '', message)
return result
def _process_checkSemantics(self, job):
@return: a BackendResult object with result code and value
# test for available test specs
testSpecs = self._getTests(job)
if len(testSpecs) == 0:
msg = 'No test specification selected.'
LOG.warn('%s, %s' % (msg, job.getId()))
return BackendResult(-217, msg)
# get student's submission and QuickCheck properties
submission = job['submission']
properties = job['properties']
#assert properties and type(properties) in StringTypes, \
# "Semantic check requires valid 'properties' (%s)" % properties
assert submission and type(submission) in StringTypes, \
"Semantic check requires valid 'student solution' (%s)" % submission
testdata = None
if properties:
testdata = PROPERTIES_RE.findall(properties)
# If a student submitted a function declaration additionally to its
# definition, testdata will contain multiple occurrences of the same
# function name, which causes this backend to output the results
# multiple times, too. By 'setifying' testdata we'll get an array
# of unique entries.
testdata = list(set(testdata))
if (not testdata) or (len(testdata) == 0):
msg = 'No QuickCheck propeties defined.'
LOG.warn('%s, %s' % (msg, job.getId()))
return BackendResult(-216, msg)
submission = GENERIC_TEMPLATE % ('Student', submission)
properties = PROPS_TEMPLATE % (properties)
# define return values
feedback = BackendResult.UNKNOWN
reason = BackendResult.UNKNOWN
solved = True
# run selected test specifications
for test in testSpecs:
if not solved: break
LOG.debug('Running semantic check with test: %s' % test.getName())
# get the interpreter
interpreter = test.interpreter
# write submission and propeties to files
self._writeModule('Student', submission, self.srcFileSuffix, job.getId(), test.encoding)
self._writeModule('Properties', properties, self.srcFileSuffix, job.getId(), test.encoding)
# run with all test data
for propertyTest in testdata:
# add property name
wrapper = PROP_RE.sub(propertyTest, test.semantic)
# execute wrapper code in haskell interpreter
# write module for wrapper
wrapperModule = self._writeModule('wrapper', wrapper,
# execute
exitcode, result = \
# remove all special characters written by runhugs
result = RUNHUGS_RE.sub('', result)
except Exception, e:
msg = 'Internal error during semantic check: %s: %s' % \
(sys.exc_info()[0], e)
return BackendResult(-230, msg)
# an error occured
# FIXME: os.EX_OK is available only for Macintosh and Unix!
if exitcode != EX_OK:
result = "\nYour submission failed. Test " \
"case was: '%s' (%s)" \
"\n\n Received result: %s"\
% (propertyTest, test.getName(),
self._postProcessCheckSemantic(test, result))
return BackendResult(False, result)
# has the students' solution passed this test?
failed = FAILED_RE.search(result)
#passed = PASSED_RE.search(result)
# only consider errornous submissions
if failed:
# store the reason
reason = failed.group(FAILED_RE_KEY)
solved = False
break # means: end testing right now
# end elif
#end else
# end inner for loop
#end out for loop
# does student's submission have all teacher-defined properties?
if solved:
# Yes -> Show that all tests were passed.
# No -> Show that submission failed.
feedback = \
'%s\n\nParameters were: %s.' % (FAILED_TESTS_MESSAGE, reason.replace('\n', ', '))
# TODO: i18n
feedback = feedback
return BackendResult(solved, feedback)
# -- do some testing ----------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
import socket
host = socket.getfqdn()
port = 15060
spooler = 'http://%s:%d' % (socket.getfqdn(), 15050)
auth = {"username":"demo", "password":"foobar"}
params = {'host': host, 'port': port, 'spooler': spooler, 'auth': auth, }
jobdata = {
'submission':'square x = x * x',
'properties': 'prop_square x = (square x) == (x * x)\n where types= x::Int',
'tests': ['default'],
job = BackendJob(data=jobdata)
result = HaskellQC(params)._process_checkSemantics(job)
print result.getValue()
print result.getMessage()