module BasicParseLib2 where
import Char
-- basic type and data definitions
data Expr = Lit Int | Op Ops Expr Expr
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Ops = Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Mod
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Parse a b = [a] -> [(b,[a])]
-- some basic parsers
none :: Parse a b
none inp = []
succeed :: b -> Parse a b
succeed val inp = [(val,inp)]
spot :: (a -> Bool) -> Parse a a
spot p [] = []
spot p (x:xs)
| p x = [(x,xs)]
| otherwise = []
token :: Eq a => a -> Parse a a
token a = spot (==a)
-- combining parsers
alt :: Parse a b -> Parse a b -> Parse a b
alt p1 p2 inp = p1 inp ++ p2 inp
infixr 5 >*>
(>*>) :: Parse a b -> Parse a c -> Parse a (b,c)
(>*>) p1 p2 inp = [((y,z),rem2)|(y,rem1) <- p1 inp, (z,rem2) <- p2 rem1]
build :: Parse a b -> (b -> c) -> Parse a c
build p f inp = [(f x,rem)|(x,rem) <- p inp]
list :: Parse a b -> Parse a [b]
list p = (succeed []) `alt` ((p >*> list p) `build` (uncurry (:)))
neList :: Parse a b -> Parse a [b]
neList p = (p `build` (:[])) `alt` ((p >*> neList p) `build` (uncurry (:)))
optional :: Parse a b -> Parse a [b]
optional p = (succeed []) `alt` (p `build` (:[]))
nTimes :: Int -> Parse a b -> Parse a [b]
nTimes n p
| n==0 = succeed []
| otherwise = ((p >*> nTimes (n - 1) p) `build` (uncurry (:)))
spotWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> Parse a [a]
spotWhile p = return.last.(list (spot p))
-- a parser for expressions
parser:: Parse Char Expr
parser = litParse `alt` opExpParse
opExpParse = (token '(' >*> parser >*> spot isOp >*> parser >*> token ')' )
`build` makeExpr
makeExpr (_,(e1,(bop,(e2,_)))) = Op (charToOp bop) e1 e2
litParse = ((optional (token '~')) >*> (neList (spot isDigit)))
`build` (charlistToExpr . uncurry (++))
isOp :: Char -> Bool
isOp x = elem x "+-*/%"
charToOp :: Char -> Ops
charToOp op =
case op of
'+' -> Add
'-' -> Sub
'*' -> Mul
'/' -> Div
'%' -> Mod
otherwise -> error ("Unexpected char " ++ [op] ++ " in charToOp")
charlistToExpr ('~':chlist) = Lit (negate (read chlist::Int))
charlistToExpr chlist = Lit (read chlist::Int)
topLevel :: Parse a b -> [a] -> b
topLevel p inp = case results of
[] -> error "parse unsucessful"
_ -> head results
results = [found | (found, []) <- p inp]