# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# $Id: Install.py 835 2007-06-27 15:05:17Z amelung $
# Copyright (c) 2007 Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
# This file is part of ECReviewBox.
from StringIO import StringIO
from Products.Archetypes.Extensions.utils import installTypes, install_subskin
from Products.Archetypes.public import listTypes
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.ECReviewBox.config import *
def installDependencies(self, out):
Tests wether or not depending products are available and installed. If
not, we will try to install them.
qi = getToolByName(self, 'portal_quickinstaller')
for product in DEPENDENCIES:
if qi.isProductInstallable(product):
if not qi.isProductInstalled(product):
out.write("Warnig: Depending product '%s' ist not installable." %
def setupWorkflow(self, out):
Assign ECAutoAssignement objects to ec_assignment_workflow.
wf_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_workflow')
if 'ec_assignment_workflow' in wf_tool.objectIds():
wf_tool.setChainForPortalTypes((ECR_NAME,), ECA_WF_NAME)
# in case the workflows have changed, update all workflow-aware objects
out.write("Assigned '%s' to %s.\n" % (ECR_TITLE, ECA_WF_NAME))
out.write("Failed to assign '%' to %s.\n" % (ECR_TITLE, ECA_WF_NAME))
def install(self):
Installs the product.
out = StringIO()
# install depending products
installDependencies(self, out)
# install types
installTypes(self, out, listTypes(PRODUCT_NAME), PRODUCT_NAME)
# install subskins
install_subskin(self, out, GLOBALS)
# install workflows
setupWorkflow(self, out)
# install tools
# register tool to Plone's preferences panel
# enable portal_factory for given types
factory_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_factory')
] + factory_tool.getFactoryTypes().keys()
print >> out, "Successfully installed %s." % PRODUCT_NAME
return out.getvalue()
def uninstall(self, reinstall):
Uninstalls the product.
out = StringIO()
print >> out, "Successfully uninstalled %s." % PRODUCT_NAME
return out.getvalue()