#ifndef LIB_EVENT_H
#define LIB_EVENT_H
/* event.h name is probably a bit too generic, so lets avoid using it. */
#include <sys/time.h>
struct event;
/* Hierarchical category of events. Each event can belong to multiple
categories. For example [ lib-storage/maildir, syscall/io ]. The categories
are expected to live as long as they're used in events. */
struct event_category {
struct event_category *parent;
const char *name;
/* TRUE after an event with this category is sent the first time */
bool registered;
enum event_field_value_type {
struct event_field {
const char *key;
enum event_field_value_type value_type;
struct {
const char *str;
intmax_t intmax;
struct timeval timeval;
} value;
struct event_add_field {
const char *key;
/* The first non-0/NULL value is used. */
const char *value;
intmax_t value_intmax;
struct timeval value_timeval;
struct event_passthrough {
/* wrappers to event_set_*() and event_add_*() for passthrough events,
so these can be chained like:
event_create_passthrough(parent)->name("name")->...->event() */
struct event_passthrough *
(*append_log_prefix)(const char *prefix);
struct event_passthrough *
(*replace_log_prefix)(const char *prefix);
struct event_passthrough *
(*set_name)(const char *name);
struct event_passthrough *
(*set_source)(const char *filename,
unsigned int linenum, bool literal_fname);
struct event_passthrough *
struct event_passthrough *
(*add_categories)(struct event_category *const *categories);
struct event_passthrough *
(*add_category)(struct event_category *category);
struct event_passthrough *
(*add_fields)(const struct event_add_field *fields);
struct event_passthrough *
(*add_str)(const char *key, const char *value);
struct event_passthrough *
(*add_int)(const char *key, intmax_t num);
struct event_passthrough *
(*add_timeval)(const char *key, const struct timeval *tv);
struct event *(*event)(void);
/* Create a new empty event under the parent event, or NULL for root event. */
struct event *event_create(struct event *parent, const char *source_filename,
unsigned int source_linenum);
#define event_create(parent) \
event_create((parent), __FILE__, __LINE__)
/* This is a temporary "passthrough" event. Its main purpose is to make it
easier to create temporary events as part of the event parameter in
e_error(), e_warning(), e_info() or e_debug(). These passthrough events are
automatically freed when the e_*() call is finished. Because this makes the
freeing less obvious, it should be avoided outside e_*()'s event parameter.
The passthrough events also change the API to be more convenient towards
being used in a parameter. Instead of having to use e.g.
event_add_str(event_set_name(event_create(parent), "name"), "key", "value")
the event_passthrough API can be a bit more readable as:
add_str("key", "value")->event(). The passthrough event is converted to
a normal event at the end with the event() call. Note that this API works
by modifying the last created passthrough event, so it's not possible to
have multiple passthrough events created in parallel. */
struct event_passthrough *
event_create_passthrough(struct event *parent, const char *source_filename,
unsigned int source_linenum);
#define event_create_passthrough(parent) \
event_create_passthrough((parent), __FILE__, __LINE__)
/* Reference the event. Returns the event parameter. */
struct event *event_ref(struct event *event);
/* Unreference the event. If the reference count drops to 0, the event is
freed. The current global event's refcount must not drop to 0. */
void event_unref(struct event **event);
/* Set the event to be the global default event used by i_error(), etc.
Returns the event parameter. The event must be explicitly popped before
it's freed.
The global event stack is also an alternative nonpermanent hierarchy for
events. For example the global event can be "IMAP command SELECT", which
can be used for filtering events that happen while the SELECT command is
being executed. However, for the created struct mailbox the parent event
should be the mail_user, not the SELECT command. Otherwise everything else
that happens afterwards to the selected mailbox would also count towards
SELECT. This means that events shouldn't be using the current global event
as their parent event. */
struct event *event_push_global(struct event *event);
/* Pop the global event. Assert-crash if the current global event isn't the
given event parameter. Returns the new global event. */
struct event *event_pop_global(struct event *event);
/* Returns the current global event. */
struct event *event_get_global(void);
/* Set the appended log prefix string for this event. All the parent events'
log prefixes will be concatenated together when logging. */
struct event *
event_set_append_log_prefix(struct event *event, const char *prefix);
/* Replace the full log prefix string for this event. The parent events' log
prefixes won't be used. */
struct event *event_replace_log_prefix(struct event *event, const char *prefix);
/* Set the event's name. The name is specific to a single sending of an event,
and it'll be automatically cleared once the event is sent. This should
typically be used only in a parameter to e_debug(), etc. */
struct event *
event_set_name(struct event *event, const char *name);
/* Set the source filename:linenum to the event. If literal_fname==TRUE,
it's assumed that __FILE__ has been used and the pointer is stored directly,
otherwise the filename is strdup()ed. */
struct event *
event_set_source(struct event *event, const char *filename,
unsigned int linenum, bool literal_fname);
/* Always include the source path:line in the log replies. This is
especially useful when logging about unexpected syscall failures, because
it allow quickly finding which of the otherwise identical syscalls in the
code generated the error. */
struct event *event_set_always_log_source(struct event *event);
/* Add NULL-terminated list of categories to the event. The categories pointer
doesn't need to stay valid afterwards, but the event_category structs
themselves must be. Returns the event parameter. */
struct event *
event_add_categories(struct event *event,
struct event_category *const *categories);
/* Add a single category to the event. */
struct event *
event_add_category(struct event *event, struct event_category *category);
/* Add key=value field to the event. If a key already exists, it's replaced.
Child events automatically inherit key=values from their parents at the
time the event is sent. So changing a key in parent will change the values
in the child events as well. Returns the event parameter. */
struct event *
event_add_str(struct event *event, const char *key, const char *value);
struct event *
event_add_int(struct event *event, const char *key, intmax_t num);
struct event *
event_add_timeval(struct event *event, const char *key,
const struct timeval *tv);
/* Same as event_add_str/int(), but do it via event_field struct. The fields
terminates with key=NULL. Returns the event parameter. */
struct event *
event_add_fields(struct event *event, const struct event_add_field *fields);
/* Returns the parent event, or NULL if it doesn't exist. */
struct event *event_get_parent(struct event *event);
/* Get the event's creation time. */
void event_get_create_time(struct event *event, struct timeval *tv_r);
/* Get the time when the event was last sent. Returns TRUE if time was
returned, FALSE if event has never been sent. */
bool event_get_last_send_time(struct event *event, struct timeval *tv_r);
/* Returns field for a given key, or NULL if it doesn't exist. If the key
isn't found from the event itself, find it from parent events. */
const struct event_field *
event_find_field(struct event *event, const char *key);
/* Returns the given key's value as string, or NULL if it doesn't exist.
If the field isn't stored as a string, the result is allocated from
data stack. */
const char *
event_find_field_str(struct event *event, const char *key);
/* Returns all key=value fields that the event has.
Parent events' fields aren't returned. */
const struct event_field *
event_get_fields(struct event *event, unsigned int *count_r);
/* Return all categories that the event has.
Parent events' categories aren't returned. */
struct event_category *const *
event_get_categories(struct event *event, unsigned int *count_r);
/* Export the event into a tabescaped string, so its fields are separated
with TABs and there are no NUL, CR or LF characters. */
void event_export(const struct event *event, string_t *dest);
/* Import event. The string is expected to be generated by event_export().
All the used categories must already be registered.
Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on invalid string. */
bool event_import(struct event *event, const char *str, const char **error_r);
/* Same as event_import(), but string is already split into an array
of strings via *_strsplit_tabescaped(). */
bool event_import_unescaped(struct event *event, const char *const *args,
const char **error_r);
/* The event wasn't sent after all - free everything related to it.
Most importantly this frees any passthrough events. Typically this shouldn't
need to be called. */
void event_send_abort(struct event *event);
/* Explicitly register an event category. It must not be in use by any events
at this point. This is normally necessary only when unloading an plugin
that has registered an event category. */
void event_category_unregister(struct event_category *category);
void lib_event_init(void);
void lib_event_deinit(void);