#include "net.h"
struct setting_parser_info;
struct setting_parser_context;
struct master_service;
struct master_service_settings {
const char *base_dir;
const char *state_dir;
const char *log_path;
const char *info_log_path;
const char *debug_log_path;
const char *log_timestamp;
const char *log_debug;
const char *syslog_facility;
const char *import_environment;
const char *stats_writer_socket_path;
uoff_t config_cache_size;
bool version_ignore;
bool shutdown_clients;
bool verbose_proctitle;
const char *haproxy_trusted_networks;
unsigned int haproxy_timeout;
struct master_service_settings_input {
const struct setting_parser_info *const *roots;
const char *config_path;
bool preserve_environment;
bool preserve_user;
bool preserve_home;
bool never_exec;
bool use_sysexits;
bool parse_full_config;
const char *module;
const char *service;
const char *username;
struct ip_addr local_ip, remote_ip;
const char *local_name;
struct master_service_settings_output {
/* if service was not given for lookup, this contains names of services
that have more specific settings */
const char *const *specific_services;
/* some settings for this service (or if service was not given,
all services) contain local/remote ip/host specific settings
(but this lookup didn't necessarily return any of them). */
bool service_uses_local:1;
bool service_uses_remote:1;
/* returned settings contain settings specific to given
local/remote ip/host */
bool used_local:1;
bool used_remote:1;
/* Config couldn't be read because we don't have enough permissions.
The process probably should be restarted and the settings read
before dropping privileges. */
bool permission_denied:1;
extern const struct setting_parser_info master_service_setting_parser_info;
/* Try to open the config socket if it's going to be needed later by
master_service_settings_read*() */
void master_service_config_socket_try_open(struct master_service *service);
int master_service_settings_read(struct master_service *service,
const struct master_service_settings_input *input,
struct master_service_settings_output *output_r,
const char **error_r);
int master_service_settings_read_simple(struct master_service *service,
const struct setting_parser_info **roots,
const char **error_r) ATTR_NULL(2);
/* destroy settings parser and clear service's set_pool, so that
master_service_settings_read*() can be called without freeing memory used
by existing settings structures. */
pool_t master_service_settings_detach(struct master_service *service);
const struct master_service_settings *
master_service_settings_get(struct master_service *service);
void **master_service_settings_get_others(struct master_service *service);
void **master_service_settings_parser_get_others(struct master_service *service,
const struct setting_parser_context *set_parser);
struct setting_parser_context *
master_service_get_settings_parser(struct master_service *service);
int master_service_set(struct master_service *service, const char *line);
/* Returns TRUE if -o key=value parameter was used. Setting keys in overrides
and parameter are unaliased before comparing. */
bool master_service_set_has_config_override(struct master_service *service,
const char *key);
/* Parse log_debug setting into an event filter. */
int master_service_log_debug_parse(struct event_filter *filter, const char *str,
const char **error_r);