use strict;
print " It's not enough alone in any case, because the defaults may be\n";
print " coming from the individual *-settings.c in some situations. If you\n";
print " wish to modify defaults, change the other *-settings.c files and\n";
print " just delete this file. This file will be automatically regenerated\n";
print " by make. (This file is distributed in the tarball only because some\n";
print " systems might not have Perl installed.) */\n";
print '#include "lib.h"'."\n";
print '#include "array.h"'."\n";
print '#include "ipwd.h"'."\n";
print '#include "var-expand.h"'."\n";
print '#include "file-lock.h"'."\n";
print '#include "fsync-mode.h"'."\n";
print '#include "hash-format.h"'."\n";
print '#include "net.h"'."\n";
print '#include "unichar.h"'."\n";
print '#include "hash-method.h"'."\n";
print '#include "settings-parser.h"'."\n";
print '#include "all-settings.h"'."\n";
print '#include <stddef.h>'."\n";
print '#include <unistd.h>'."\n";
print '#define CONFIG_BINARY'."\n";
print 'extern buffer_t config_all_services_buf;';
my @services = ();
my @service_ifdefs = ();
my %parsers = {};
my $f;
open($f, $file) || die "Can't open $file: $@";
my $state = 0;
my $file_contents = "";
my $externs = "";
my $code = "";
my %funcs;
my $cur_name = "";
my $ifdef = "";
my $state_ifdef = 0;
while (<$f>) {
my $write = 0;
if ($state == 0) {
/struct setting_define.*\{/ ||
/struct .*_default_settings = \{/) {
} elsif (/^struct service_settings (.*) = \{/) {
if ($ifdef eq "") {
$state_ifdef = 0;
} else {
$_ = $ifdef."\n".$_;
$state_ifdef = 1;
push @services, $1;
push @service_ifdefs, $ifdef;
$cur_name = $2;
$externs .= "extern const struct setting_parser_info $1;\n";
$state = 4;
$code .= $_;
if (/(^#ifdef .*)$/ || /^(#if .*)$/) {
$ifdef = $1;
} else {
$ifdef = "";
if (/#define.*DEF/ || /^#undef.*DEF/ || /ARRAY_DEFINE_TYPE.*_settings/) {
$write = 1;
$state = 2 if (/\\$/);
} elsif ($state == 2) {
$write = 1;
$state = 0 if (!/\\$/);
} elsif ($state == 4) {
$code .= $_;
if ($state == 1) {
if (/\.module_name = "(.*)"/) {
if (/DEFLIST.*".*",(.*)$/) {
my $value = $1;
if ($value =~ /.*&(.*)\)/) {
$externs .= "extern const struct setting_parser_info $1;\n";
} else {
$state = 3;
} elsif ($state == 3) {
if (/.*&(.*)\)/) {
$write = 1;
if (/};/) {
$state = 0;
if ($state_ifdef) {
$_ .= "#endif\n";
$state_ifdef = 0;
$file_contents .= $_ if ($write);
print "/* $file */\n";
print $externs;
print $code;
print $file_contents;
close $f;
print "static struct service_settings *config_all_services[] = {\n";
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@services); $i++) {
my $ifdef = $service_ifdefs[$i];
print "};\n";
print "buffer_t config_all_services_buf = {\n";
print "\tconfig_all_services, sizeof(config_all_services), { NULL, }\n";
print "};\n";
print "const struct setting_parser_info *all_default_roots[] = {\n";
print "\t&master_service_setting_parser_info,\n";
print "\t&master_service_ssl_setting_parser_info,\n";
print "\t&smtp_submit_setting_parser_info,\n";
next if (!$module);
print "\tNULL\n";
print "};\n";
print "const struct setting_parser_info *const *all_roots = all_default_roots;\n";
print "ARRAY_TYPE(service_settings) *default_services = &;\n";