!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
!_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Darren Hiebert /dhiebert@users.sourceforge.net/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Exuberant Ctags //
!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL http://ctags.sourceforge.net /official site/
CONF_ALGO zconf.c /^ CONF_ALGO,$/;" e enum:__anon2 file:
CONF_BOOL zconf.c /^ CONF_BOOL,$/;" e enum:__anon2 file:
CONF_COMMENT zconf.c /^ CONF_COMMENT,$/;" e enum:__anon2 file:
CONF_END zconf.c /^ CONF_END = 0,$/;" e enum:__anon2 file:
CONF_FACILITY zconf.c /^ CONF_FACILITY,$/;" e enum:__anon2 file:
CONF_INT zconf.c /^ CONF_INT,$/;" e enum:__anon2 file:
CONF_LEVEL zconf.c /^ CONF_LEVEL,$/;" e enum:__anon2 file:
CONF_NSEC3 zconf.c /^ CONF_NSEC3,$/;" e enum:__anon2 file:
CONF_SERIAL zconf.c /^ CONF_SERIAL,$/;" e enum:__anon2 file:
CONF_STRING zconf.c /^ CONF_STRING,$/;" e enum:__anon2 file:
CONF_TIMEINT zconf.c /^ CONF_TIMEINT,$/;" e enum:__anon2 file:
CONF_VERSION zconf.c /^ CONF_VERSION,$/;" e enum:__anon2 file:
ISCOMMENT zconf.c 68;" d file:
ISDELIM zconf.c 70;" d file:
ISTRUE zconf.c 66;" d file:
KEYGEN_COMPMODE dki.c 231;" d file:
KEYGEN_COMPMODE dki.c 233;" d file:
KEYSET_FILE_PFX zkt-signer.c 747;" d file:
KeyWords ncparse.c /^static struct KeyWords {$/;" s file:
MAXFNAME log.c 98;" d file:
STRCONFIG_DELIMITER zconf.c 632;" d file:
TAINTEDCHARS misc.c 60;" d file:
TOK_DELEGATION ncparse.c 59;" d file:
TOK_DIR ncparse.c 49;" d file:
TOK_FILE ncparse.c 62;" d file:
TOK_FORWARD ncparse.c 58;" d file:
TOK_HINT ncparse.c 57;" d file:
TOK_INCLUDE ncparse.c 50;" d file:
TOK_MASTER ncparse.c 54;" d file:
TOK_SLAVE ncparse.c 55;" d file:
TOK_STRING ncparse.c 48;" d file:
TOK_STUB ncparse.c 56;" d file:
TOK_TYPE ncparse.c 53;" d file:
TOK_UNKNOWN ncparse.c 64;" d file:
TOK_VIEW ncparse.c 60;" d file:
TOK_ZONE ncparse.c 52;" d file:
a domaincmp.c /^ char *a;$/;" m struct:__anon1 file:
add2zonelist zkt-signer.c /^static int add2zonelist (const char *dir, const char *view, const char *zone, const char *file)$/;" f file:
addkeydb zfparse.c /^int addkeydb (const char *file, const char *keydbfile)$/;" f
age2str misc.c /^char *age2str (time_t sec)$/;" f
ageflag zkt-keyman.c /^int ageflag = 0;$/;" v
ageflag zkt-ls.c /^int ageflag = 0;$/;" v
allflag zkt-conf.c /^static int allflag = 0;$/;" v file:
b domaincmp.c /^ char *b;$/;" m struct:__anon1 file:
bind94_dynzone zkt-signer.c 130;" d file:
bind96_dynzone zkt-signer.c 131;" d file:
bold_off tcap.c /^static const char *bold_off = "";$/;" v file:
bold_on tcap.c /^static const char *bold_on = "";$/;" v file:
bool2str zconf.c /^static const char *bool2str (int val)$/;" f file:
check_keydb_timestamp zkt-signer.c /^static int check_keydb_timestamp (dki_t *keylist, time_t reftime)$/;" f file:
checkconfig zconf.c /^int checkconfig (const zconf_t *z)$/;" f
cmdln zconf.c 73;" d file:
cmpfile misc.c /^int cmpfile (const char *file1, const char *file2)$/;" f
colortab tcap.c /^static char colortab[8][31+1];$/;" v file:
compversion zconf.c /^static int compversion;$/;" v file:
config zconf.c /^static zconf_t *config;$/;" v file:
config zkt-signer.c /^static zconf_t *config;$/;" v file:
confpara zconf.c /^static zconf_para_t confpara[] = {$/;" v file:
copy_keyset zkt-signer.c /^static void copy_keyset (const char *dir, const char *domain, const zconf_t *conf)$/;" f file:
copyfile misc.c /^int copyfile (const char *fromfile, const char *tofile, const char *dnskeyfile)$/;" f
copyzonefile misc.c /^int copyzonefile (const char *fromfile, const char *tofile, const char *dnskeyfile)$/;" f
create_parent_file rollover.c /^static int create_parent_file (const char *fname, int phase, int ttl, const dki_t *dkp)$/;" f file:
create_parent_file zkt-keyman.c /^static int create_parent_file (const char *fname, int phase, int ttl, const dki_t *dkp)$/;" f file:
createkey zkt-keyman.c /^static void createkey (const char *keyname, const dki_t *list, const zconf_t *conf)$/;" f file:
ctype_t zconf.c /^} ctype_t;$/;" t typeref:enum:__anon2 file:
def zconf.c /^static zconf_t def = {$/;" v file:
dirflag zkt-keyman.c /^static int dirflag = 0;$/;" v file:
dirflag zkt-ls.c /^static int dirflag = 0;$/;" v file:
dirname zkt-signer.c /^static const char *dirname = NULL;$/;" v file:
dist_and_reload nscomm.c /^int dist_and_reload (const zone_t *zp, int what)$/;" f
dki_add dki.c /^dki_t *dki_add (dki_t **list, dki_t *new)$/;" f
dki_age dki.c /^int dki_age (const dki_t *dkp, time_t curr)$/;" f
dki_algo dki.c /^time_t dki_algo (const dki_t *dkp)$/;" f
dki_algo2sstr dki.c /^char *dki_algo2sstr (int algo)$/;" f
dki_algo2str dki.c /^char *dki_algo2str (int algo)$/;" f
dki_allcmp dki.c /^int dki_allcmp (const dki_t *a, const dki_t *b)$/;" f
dki_alloc dki.c /^static dki_t *dki_alloc ()$/;" f file:
dki_cmp dki.c /^int dki_cmp (const dki_t *a, const dki_t *b)$/;" f
dki_destroy dki.c /^dki_t *dki_destroy (dki_t *dkp)$/;" f
dki_estr dki.c /^static char dki_estr[255+1];$/;" v file:
dki_exptime dki.c /^time_t dki_exptime (const dki_t *dkp)$/;" f
dki_find dki.c /^const dki_t *dki_find (const dki_t *list, int ksk, int status, int no)$/;" f
dki_findalgo dki.c /^const dki_t *dki_findalgo (const dki_t *list, int ksk, int alg, int status, int no)$/;" f
dki_free dki.c /^void dki_free (dki_t *dkp)$/;" f
dki_freelist dki.c /^void dki_freelist (dki_t **listp)$/;" f
dki_gentime dki.c /^time_t dki_gentime (const dki_t *dkp)$/;" f
dki_geterrstr dki.c /^const char *dki_geterrstr ()$/;" f
dki_getflag dki.c /^dk_flag_t dki_getflag (const dki_t *dkp, time_t curr)$/;" f
dki_isactive dki.c /^int dki_isactive (const dki_t *dkp)$/;" f
dki_isdepreciated dki.c /^int dki_isdepreciated (const dki_t *dkp)$/;" f
dki_isksk dki.c /^int dki_isksk (const dki_t *dkp)$/;" f
dki_ispublished dki.c /^int dki_ispublished (const dki_t *dkp)$/;" f
dki_isrevoked dki.c /^int dki_isrevoked (const dki_t *dkp)$/;" f
dki_lifetime dki.c /^time_t dki_lifetime (const dki_t *dkp)$/;" f
dki_lifetimedays dki.c /^ushort dki_lifetimedays (const dki_t *dkp)$/;" f
dki_namecmp dki.c /^int dki_namecmp (const dki_t *a, const dki_t *b)$/;" f
dki_new dki.c /^dki_t *dki_new (const char *dir, const char *name, int ksk, int algo, int bitsize, const char *rfile, int lf_days)$/;" f
dki_prt_comment dki.c /^int dki_prt_comment (const dki_t *dkp, FILE *fp)$/;" f
dki_prt_dnskey dki.c /^int dki_prt_dnskey (const dki_t *dkp, FILE *fp)$/;" f
dki_prt_dnskey_raw dki.c /^int dki_prt_dnskey_raw (const dki_t *dkp, FILE *fp)$/;" f
dki_prt_dnskeyttl dki.c /^int dki_prt_dnskeyttl (const dki_t *dkp, FILE *fp, int ttl)$/;" f
dki_prt_trustedkey dki.c /^int dki_prt_trustedkey (const dki_t *dkp, FILE *fp)$/;" f
dki_read dki.c /^dki_t *dki_read (const char *dirname, const char *filename)$/;" f
dki_readdir dki.c /^int dki_readdir (const char *dir, dki_t **listp, int recursive)$/;" f
dki_readfile dki.c /^static int dki_readfile (FILE *fp, dki_t *dkp)$/;" f file:
dki_remove dki.c /^dki_t *dki_remove (dki_t *dkp)$/;" f
dki_revnamecmp dki.c /^int dki_revnamecmp (const dki_t *a, const dki_t *b)$/;" f
dki_search dki.c /^const dki_t *dki_search (const dki_t *list, int tag, const char *name)$/;" f
dki_setexptime dki.c /^time_t dki_setexptime (dki_t *dkp, time_t sec)$/;" f
dki_setflag dki.c /^dk_flag_t dki_setflag (dki_t *dkp, dk_flag_t flag)$/;" f
dki_setlifetime dki.c /^ushort dki_setlifetime (dki_t *dkp, int days)$/;" f
dki_setstat dki.c /^static int dki_setstat (dki_t *dkp, int status, int preserve_time)$/;" f file:
dki_setstatus dki.c /^int dki_setstatus (dki_t *dkp, int status)$/;" f
dki_setstatus_preservetime dki.c /^int dki_setstatus_preservetime (dki_t *dkp, int status)$/;" f
dki_status dki.c /^dk_status_t dki_status (const dki_t *dkp)$/;" f
dki_statusstr dki.c /^const char *dki_statusstr (const dki_t *dkp)$/;" f
dki_tadd dki.c /^dki_t *dki_tadd (dki_t **tree, dki_t *new, int sub_before)$/;" f
dki_tagcmp dki.c /^int dki_tagcmp (const dki_t *a, const dki_t *b)$/;" f
dki_tfree dki.c /^void dki_tfree (dki_t **tree)$/;" f
dki_time dki.c /^time_t dki_time (const dki_t *dkp)$/;" f
dki_timecmp dki.c /^int dki_timecmp (const dki_t *a, const dki_t *b)$/;" f
dki_tsearch dki.c /^const dki_t *dki_tsearch (const dki_t *tree, int tag, const char *name)$/;" f
dki_unsetflag dki.c /^dk_flag_t dki_unsetflag (dki_t *dkp, dk_flag_t flag)$/;" f
dki_writeinfo dki.c /^static int dki_writeinfo (const dki_t *dkp, const char *path)$/;" f file:
domain_canonicdup misc.c /^char *domain_canonicdup (const char *s)$/;" f
domaincmp domaincmp.c /^int domaincmp (const char *a, const char *b)$/;" f
domaincmp_dir domaincmp.c /^int domaincmp_dir (const char *a, const char *b, int subdomain_above)$/;" f
dosigning zkt-signer.c /^static int dosigning (zone_t *zonelist, zone_t *zp)$/;" f file:
dupconfig zconf.c /^zconf_t *dupconfig (const zconf_t *conf)$/;" f
dyn_update_freeze nscomm.c /^int dyn_update_freeze (const char *domain, const zconf_t *z, int freeze)$/;" f
dynamic_zone zkt-signer.c /^static int dynamic_zone = 0; \/* dynamic zone ? *\/$/;" v file:
error misc.c /^void error (char *fmt, ...)$/;" f
ex domaincmp.c /^} ex[] = {$/;" v typeref:struct:__anon1 file:
exptimeflag zkt-keyman.c /^int exptimeflag = 0;$/;" v
exptimeflag zkt-ls.c /^int exptimeflag = 0;$/;" v
extern dki.c 59;" d file:
extern dki.c 61;" d file:
extern domaincmp.c 43;" d file:
extern domaincmp.c 45;" d file:
extern log.c 55;" d file:
extern log.c 57;" d file:
extern misc.c 56;" d file:
extern misc.c 58;" d file:
extern ncparse.c 44;" d file:
extern ncparse.c 46;" d file:
extern nscomm.c 45;" d file:
extern nscomm.c 47;" d file:
extern rollover.c 57;" d file:
extern rollover.c 59;" d file:
extern soaserial.c 53;" d file:
extern soaserial.c 55;" d file:
extern tcap.c 31;" d file:
extern tcap.c 33;" d file:
extern zconf.c 61;" d file:
extern zconf.c 63;" d file:
extern zfparse.c 58;" d file:
extern zfparse.c 60;" d file:
extern zkt.c 49;" d file:
extern zkt.c 51;" d file:
extern zone.c 53;" d file:
extern zone.c 55;" d file:
fatal misc.c /^void fatal (char *fmt, ...)$/;" f
file_age misc.c /^int file_age (const char *fname)$/;" f
file_mtime misc.c /^time_t file_mtime (const char *fname)$/;" f
fileexist misc.c /^int fileexist (const char *name)$/;" f
filesize misc.c /^size_t filesize (const char *name)$/;" f
first zconf.c 74;" d file:
force zkt-signer.c /^static int force = 0;$/;" v file:
freeconfig zconf.c /^zconf_t *freeconfig (zconf_t *conf)$/;" f
genkey rollover.c /^static dki_t *genkey (dki_t **listp, const char *dir, const char *domain, int ksk, const zconf_t *conf, int status)$/;" f file:
genkey2 rollover.c /^static dki_t *genkey2 (dki_t **listp, const char *dir, const char *domain, int ksk, const zconf_t *conf, int status)$/;" f file:
gensalt misc.c /^int gensalt (char *salt, size_t saltsize, int saltbits, unsigned int seed)$/;" f
get_exptime rollover.c /^static time_t get_exptime (dki_t *key, const zconf_t *z)$/;" f file:
get_parent_phase rollover.c /^static int get_parent_phase (const char *file)$/;" f file:
get_parent_phase zkt-keyman.c /^static int get_parent_phase (const char *file)$/;" f file:
get_ttl zfparse.c /^static long get_ttl (const char *s)$/;" f file:
getdefconfname misc.c /^const char *getdefconfname (const char *view)$/;" f
getnameappendix misc.c /^const char *getnameappendix (const char *progname, const char *basename)$/;" f
gettok ncparse.c /^static int gettok (FILE *fp, char *val, size_t valsize)$/;" f file:
goto_labelstart domaincmp.c 48;" d file:
headerflag zkt-keyman.c /^int headerflag = 1;$/;" v
headerflag zkt-ls.c /^int headerflag = 1;$/;" v
html tcap.c /^static int html = 0;$/;" v file:
in_strarr misc.c /^int in_strarr (const char *str, char *const arr[], int cnt)$/;" f
inc_errstr soaserial.c /^const char *inc_errstr (int err)$/;" f
inc_serial soaserial.c /^int inc_serial (const char *fname, int use_unixtime)$/;" f
inc_soa_serial soaserial.c /^static int inc_soa_serial (FILE *fp, int use_unixtime)$/;" f file:
is1 tcap.c /^static const char *is1 = "";$/;" v file:
is2 tcap.c /^static const char *is2 = "";$/;" v file:
is_defined zkt-signer.c 132;" d file:
is_directory misc.c /^int is_directory (const char *name)$/;" f
is_dotfilename misc.c /^int is_dotfilename (const char *name)$/;" f
is_exec_ok misc.c /^int is_exec_ok (const char *prog)$/;" f
is_keyfilename misc.c /^int is_keyfilename (const char *name)$/;" f
is_multiline_rr zfparse.c /^static const char *is_multiline_rr (int *multi_line_rr, const char *p)$/;" f file:
is_parentdirsigned rollover.c /^static int is_parentdirsigned (const zone_t *zonelist, const zone_t *zp)$/;" f file:
is_soa_rr soaserial.c /^static int is_soa_rr (const char *line)$/;" f file:
iscmdline zconf.c 77;" d file:
iscompatible zconf.c 78;" d file:
isinlist strlist.c /^int isinlist (const char *str, const char *list)$/;" f
isparentdomain domaincmp.c /^int isparentdomain (const char *child, const char *parent, int level)$/;" f
issubdomain domaincmp.c /^int issubdomain (const char *child, const char *parent)$/;" f
italic_off tcap.c /^static const char *italic_off = "";$/;" v file:
italic_on tcap.c /^static const char *italic_on = "";$/;" v file:
ksk5011status rollover.c /^int ksk5011status (dki_t **listp, const char *dir, const char *domain, const zconf_t *z)$/;" f
ksk_roll zkt-keyman.c /^static void ksk_roll (const char *keyname, int phase, const dki_t *list, const zconf_t *conf)$/;" f file:
kskdomain zkt-keyman.c /^static char *kskdomain = "";$/;" v file:
kskflag zkt-keyman.c /^int kskflag = 1;$/;" v
kskflag zkt-ls.c /^int kskflag = 1;$/;" v
kskrollover rollover.c /^static int kskrollover (dki_t *ksk, zone_t *zonelist, zone_t *zp)$/;" f file:
kskstatus rollover.c /^int kskstatus (zone_t *zonelist, zone_t *zp)$/;" f
kw ncparse.c /^} kw[] = {$/;" v typeref:struct:KeyWords file:
label zconf.c /^ char *label; \/* the name of the paramter *\/$/;" m struct:__anon3 file:
labellist zkt-keyman.c /^char *labellist = NULL;$/;" v
labellist zkt-ls.c /^char *labellist = NULL;$/;" v
last zconf.c 75;" d file:
level log.c /^ lg_lvl_t level;$/;" m struct:__anon4 file:
lg_args log.c /^void lg_args (lg_lvl_t level, int argc, char * const argv[])$/;" f
lg_close log.c /^int lg_close ()$/;" f
lg_errcnt log.c /^static long lg_errcnt;$/;" v file:
lg_fileopen log.c /^static FILE *lg_fileopen (const char *path, const char *name)$/;" f file:
lg_fp log.c /^static FILE *lg_fp;$/;" v file:
lg_fpsave log.c /^static FILE *lg_fpsave;$/;" v file:
lg_geterrcnt log.c /^long lg_geterrcnt ()$/;" f
lg_lvl2str log.c /^const char *lg_lvl2str (lg_lvl_t level)$/;" f
lg_lvl2syslog log.c /^lg_lvl_t lg_lvl2syslog (lg_lvl_t level)$/;" f
lg_mesg log.c /^void lg_mesg (int priority, char *fmt, ...)$/;" f
lg_minfilelevel log.c /^static int lg_minfilelevel;$/;" v file:
lg_minsyslevel log.c /^static int lg_minsyslevel;$/;" v file:
lg_open log.c /^int lg_open (const char *progname, const char *facility, const char *syslevel, const char *path, const char *file, const char *filelevel)$/;" f
lg_progname log.c /^static const char *lg_progname;$/;" v file:
lg_reseterrcnt log.c /^long lg_reseterrcnt ()$/;" f
lg_seterrcnt log.c /^long lg_seterrcnt (long value)$/;" f
lg_str2lvl log.c /^lg_lvl_t lg_str2lvl (const char *name)$/;" f
lg_str2syslog log.c /^int lg_str2syslog (const char *facility)$/;" f
lg_symtbl_t log.c /^} lg_symtbl_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon4 file:
lg_syslogging log.c /^static int lg_syslogging;$/;" v file:
lg_zone_end log.c /^int lg_zone_end ()$/;" f
lg_zone_start log.c /^int lg_zone_start (const char *dir, const char *domain)$/;" f
lifetime zkt-keyman.c /^int lifetime = 0;$/;" v
lifetime zkt-ls.c /^int lifetime = 0;$/;" v
lifetimeflag zkt-keyman.c /^int lifetimeflag = 0;$/;" v
lifetimeflag zkt-ls.c /^int lifetimeflag = 0;$/;" v
linkfile misc.c /^int linkfile (const char *fromfile, const char *tofile)$/;" f
list_dnskey zkt.c /^static void list_dnskey (const dki_t **nodep, const VISIT which, int depth)$/;" f file:
list_key zkt.c /^static void list_key (const dki_t **nodep, const VISIT which, int depth)$/;" f file:
list_trustedkey zkt.c /^static void list_trustedkey (const dki_t **nodep, const VISIT which, int depth)$/;" f file:
ljustflag zkt-keyman.c /^int ljustflag = 0;$/;" v
ljustflag zkt-ls.c /^int ljustflag = 0;$/;" v
loadconfig zconf.c /^zconf_t *loadconfig (const char *filename, zconf_t *z)$/;" f
loadconfig_fromstr zconf.c /^zconf_t *loadconfig_fromstr (const char *str, zconf_t *z)$/;" f
logfile zkt-signer.c /^static const char *logfile = NULL;$/;" v file:
logflush misc.c /^void logflush ()$/;" f
logmesg misc.c /^void logmesg (char *fmt, ...)$/;" f
long_options zkt-conf.c /^static struct option long_options[] = {$/;" v typeref:struct:option file:
long_options zkt-keyman.c /^static struct option long_options[] = {$/;" v typeref:struct:option file:
long_options zkt-ls.c /^static struct option long_options[] = {$/;" v typeref:struct:option file:
long_options zkt-signer.c /^static struct option long_options[] = {$/;" v typeref:struct:option file:
lopt_usage zkt-conf.c 306;" d file:
lopt_usage zkt-conf.c 309;" d file:
lopt_usage zkt-keyman.c 334;" d file:
lopt_usage zkt-keyman.c 337;" d file:
lopt_usage zkt-ls.c 314;" d file:
lopt_usage zkt-ls.c 317;" d file:
lopt_usage zkt-signer.c 341;" d file:
lopt_usage zkt-signer.c 344;" d file:
loptstr zkt-conf.c 307;" d file:
loptstr zkt-conf.c 310;" d file:
loptstr zkt-keyman.c 335;" d file:
loptstr zkt-keyman.c 338;" d file:
loptstr zkt-ls.c 315;" d file:
loptstr zkt-ls.c 318;" d file:
loptstr zkt-signer.c 342;" d file:
loptstr zkt-signer.c 345;" d file:
main domaincmp.c /^main (int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
main log.c /^int main (int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
main misc.c /^main (int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
main ncparse.c /^main (int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
main soaserial.c /^main (int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
main strlist.c /^main (int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
main tcap.c /^main (int argc, const char *argv[])$/;" f
main zconf.c /^main (int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
main zfparse.c /^int main (int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
main zkt-conf.c /^int main (int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
main zkt-keyman.c /^int main (int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
main zkt-ls.c /^int main (int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
main zkt-signer.c /^int main (int argc, char *const argv[])$/;" f
main zkt-soaserial.c /^int main (int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
maxcolor tcap.c /^static int maxcolor;$/;" v file:
name ncparse.c /^ char *name;$/;" m struct:KeyWords file:
namedconf zkt-signer.c /^static const char *namedconf = NULL;$/;" v file:
new_keysetfiles zkt-signer.c /^static int new_keysetfiles (const char *dir, time_t zone_signing_time)$/;" f file:
noexec zkt-signer.c /^static int noexec = 0;$/;" v file:
origin zkt-signer.c /^static const char *origin = NULL;$/;" v file:
parent zkt.c /^const dki_t *parent;$/;" v
parse_namedconf ncparse.c /^int parse_namedconf (const char *filename, const char *chroot_dir, char *dir, size_t dirsize, int (*func) ())$/;" f
parseconfigline zconf.c /^static void parseconfigline (char *buf, unsigned int line, zconf_t *z)$/;" f file:
parsedir zkt-signer.c /^static int parsedir (const char *dir, zone_t **zp, const zconf_t *conf)$/;" f file:
parsedirectory zkt-keyman.c /^static int parsedirectory (const char *dir, dki_t **listp)$/;" f file:
parsedirectory zkt-ls.c /^static int parsedirectory (const char *dir, dki_t **listp, int sub_before)$/;" f file:
parsefile zkt-keyman.c /^static void parsefile (const char *file, dki_t **listp)$/;" f file:
parsefile zkt-ls.c /^static void parsefile (const char *file, dki_t **listp, int sub_before)$/;" f file:
parsetag zkt-keyman.c /^static const char *parsetag (const char *str, int *tagp)$/;" f file:
parseurl misc.c /^void parseurl (char *url, char **proto, char **host, char **port, char **para)$/;" f
parsezonefile zfparse.c /^int parsezonefile (const char *file, long *pminttl, long *pmaxttl, const char *keydbfile)$/;" f
pathflag zkt-keyman.c /^int pathflag = 0;$/;" v
pathflag zkt-ls.c /^int pathflag = 0;$/;" v
pathname misc.c /^char *pathname (char *path, size_t size, const char *dir, const char *file, const char *ext)$/;" f
prepstrlist strlist.c /^char *prepstrlist (const char *str, const char *delim)$/;" f
printconfig zconf.c /^int printconfig (const char *fname, const zconf_t *z)$/;" f
printconfigdiff zconf.c /^int printconfigdiff (const char *fname, const zconf_t *ref, const zconf_t *z)$/;" f
printconfigline zconf.c /^static void printconfigline (FILE *fp, zconf_para_t *cp)$/;" f file:
printkeyinfo zkt.c /^static void printkeyinfo (const dki_t *dkp, const char *oldpath)$/;" f file:
printserial zkt-soaserial.c /^static void printserial (const char *fname, unsigned long serial)$/;" f file:
printzone ncparse.c /^int printzone (const char *dir, const char *view, const char *zone, const char *file)$/;" f
progname domaincmp.c /^const char *progname;$/;" v
progname log.c /^const char *progname;$/;" v
progname misc.c /^const char *progname;$/;" v
progname ncparse.c /^char *progname;$/;" v
progname soaserial.c /^const char *progname;$/;" v
progname tcap.c /^static const char *progname;$/;" v file:
progname zconf.c /^const char *progname;$/;" v
progname zfparse.c /^const char *progname;$/;" v
progname zkt-conf.c /^const char *progname;$/;" v
progname zkt-keyman.c /^const char *progname;$/;" v
progname zkt-ls.c /^const char *progname;$/;" v
progname zkt-signer.c /^const char *progname;$/;" v
progname zkt-soaserial.c /^static const char *progname;$/;" v file:
put tcap.c /^static int put (int c)$/;" f file:
r1 tcap.c /^static const char *r1 = "";$/;" v file:
r2 tcap.c /^static const char *r2 = "";$/;" v file:
read_serial_fromfile zkt-soaserial.c /^static int read_serial_fromfile (const char *fname, unsigned long *serial)$/;" f file:
recflag zkt-keyman.c /^static int recflag = RECURSIVE;$/;" v file:
recflag zkt-ls.c /^static int recflag = RECURSIVE;$/;" v file:
register_key zkt-signer.c /^static void register_key (dki_t *list, const zconf_t *z)$/;" f file:
reload_zone nscomm.c /^int reload_zone (const char *domain, const zconf_t *z)$/;" f
reloadflag zkt-signer.c /^static int reloadflag = 0;$/;" v file:
res domaincmp.c /^ int res;$/;" m struct:__anon1 file:
searchitem zkt.c /^static int searchitem;$/;" v file:
searchkw ncparse.c /^static int searchkw (const char *keyword)$/;" f file:
searchresult zkt.c /^static const dki_t *searchresult;$/;" v file:
serialtime soaserial.c /^static ulong serialtime (time_t sec)$/;" f file:
set_all_varptr zconf.c /^static void set_all_varptr (zconf_t *cp, const zconf_t *cp2)$/;" f file:
set_bind94_dynzone zkt-signer.c 128;" d file:
set_bind96_dynzone zkt-signer.c 129;" d file:
set_keylifetime zkt.c /^static void set_keylifetime (const dki_t **nodep, const VISIT which, int depth)$/;" f file:
set_varptr zconf.c /^static int set_varptr (char *entry, void *ptr, const void *ptr2)$/;" f file:
setconfigpar zconf.c /^int setconfigpar (zconf_t *config, char *entry, const void *pval)$/;" f
setconfigversion zconf.c /^void setconfigversion (int version)$/;" f
setglobalflags zkt-keyman.c /^static void setglobalflags (zconf_t *config)$/;" f file:
setglobalflags zkt-ls.c /^static void setglobalflags (zconf_t *config)$/;" f file:
setminmax zfparse.c /^static void setminmax (long *pmin, long val, long *pmax)$/;" f file:
short_options zkt-conf.c 73;" d file:
short_options zkt-keyman.c 88;" d file:
short_options zkt-ls.c 92;" d file:
short_options zkt-ls.c 94;" d file:
short_options zkt-signer.c 68;" d file:
short_options zkt-signer.c 70;" d file:
sign_zone zkt-signer.c /^static int sign_zone (const zone_t *zp)$/;" f file:
skiplabel zfparse.c /^static const char *skiplabel (const char *s)$/;" f file:
skipws zfparse.c /^static const char *skipws (const char *s)$/;" f file:
sopt_usage zkt-conf.c 304;" d file:
sopt_usage zkt-keyman.c 332;" d file:
sopt_usage zkt-ls.c 312;" d file:
sopt_usage zkt-signer.c 339;" d file:
splitpath misc.c /^const char *splitpath (char *path, size_t psize, const char *filename)$/;" f
start_timer misc.c /^time_t start_timer ()$/;" f
stop_timer misc.c /^time_t stop_timer (time_t start)$/;" f
str log.c /^ const char *str;$/;" m struct:__anon4 file:
str_chop misc.c /^char *str_chop (char *str, char c)$/;" f
str_delspace misc.c /^char *str_delspace (char *s)$/;" f
str_untaint misc.c /^char *str_untaint (char *str)$/;" f
strfindstr soaserial.c /^static const char *strfindstr (const char *str, const char *search)$/;" f file:
subdomain_before_parent zkt-ls.c /^int subdomain_before_parent = 1;$/;" v
symtbl log.c /^static lg_symtbl_t symtbl[] = {$/;" v file:
syslog_level log.c /^ int syslog_level;$/;" m struct:__anon4 file:
tag_search zkt.c /^static void tag_search (const dki_t **nodep, const VISIT which, int depth)$/;" f file:
tc_attr tcap.c /^int tc_attr (FILE *fp, tc_att_t attr, int on)$/;" f
tc_color tcap.c /^static int tc_color (FILE *fp, int color)$/;" f file:
tc_end tcap.c /^int tc_end (FILE *fp, const char *term)$/;" f
tc_init tcap.c /^int tc_init (FILE *fp, const char *term)$/;" f
tc_outfp tcap.c /^static FILE *tc_outfp;$/;" v file:
tc_printattr tcap.c /^static int tc_printattr (FILE *fp, const char *attstr)$/;" f file:
term zkt-ls.c /^static const char *term = NULL;$/;" v file:
testflag zkt-conf.c /^static int testflag = 0;$/;" v file:
time2isostr misc.c /^char *time2isostr (time_t sec, int precision)$/;" f
time2str misc.c /^char *time2str (time_t sec, int precision)$/;" f
timeflag zkt-keyman.c /^int timeflag = 1;$/;" v
timeflag zkt-ls.c /^int timeflag = 1;$/;" v
timeint2str zconf.c /^const char *timeint2str (unsigned long val)$/;" f
timestr zkt-soaserial.c /^static char *timestr (time_t sec)$/;" f file:
timestr2time misc.c /^time_t timestr2time (const char *timestr)$/;" f
tok ncparse.c /^ int tok;$/;" m struct:KeyWords file:
tok2str ncparse.c /^static const char *tok2str (int tok)$/;" f file:
touch misc.c /^int touch (const char *fname, time_t sec)$/;" f
trustedkeyflag zkt-ls.c /^static int trustedkeyflag = 0;$/;" v file:
type zconf.c /^ ctype_t type; \/* the parameter type *\/$/;" m struct:__anon3 file:
unprepstrlist strlist.c /^char *unprepstrlist (char *list, char delimc)$/;" f
usage zkt-conf.c /^static void usage (char *mesg)$/;" f file:
usage zkt-keyman.c /^static void usage (char *mesg, zconf_t *cp)$/;" f file:
usage zkt-ls.c /^static void usage (char *mesg, zconf_t *cp)$/;" f file:
usage zkt-signer.c /^static void usage (char *mesg, zconf_t *conf)$/;" f file:
usage zkt-soaserial.c /^static void usage (const char *msg)$/;" f file:
used_since zconf.c /^ short used_since; \/* compability (from version; 0 == command line) *\/$/;" m struct:__anon3 file:
used_till zconf.c /^ short used_till; \/* compability (to version) *\/$/;" m struct:__anon3 file:
var zconf.c /^ void *var; \/* pointer to the parameter variable *\/$/;" m struct:__anon3 file:
var2 zconf.c /^ const void *var2; \/* pointer to a second parameter variable *\/$/;" m struct:__anon3 file:
verbmesg misc.c /^void verbmesg (int verblvl, const zconf_t *conf, char *fmt, ...)$/;" f
verbose zkt-signer.c /^static int verbose = 0;$/;" v file:
view zkt-conf.c /^static const char *view = "";$/;" v file:
view zkt-keyman.c /^static const char *view = "";$/;" v file:
view zkt-ls.c /^static const char *view = "";$/;" v file:
viewname zkt-signer.c /^static const char *viewname = NULL;$/;" v file:
writeflag zkt-conf.c /^static int writeflag = 0;$/;" v file:
writekeyfile zkt-signer.c /^static int writekeyfile (const char *fname, const dki_t *list, int key_ttl)$/;" f file:
zconf_para_t zconf.c /^} zconf_para_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon3 file:
zkt_list_dnskeys zkt.c /^void zkt_list_dnskeys (const dki_t *data)$/;" f
zkt_list_keys zkt.c /^void zkt_list_keys (const dki_t *data)$/;" f
zkt_list_trustedkeys zkt.c /^void zkt_list_trustedkeys (const dki_t *data)$/;" f
zkt_search zkt.c /^const dki_t *zkt_search (const dki_t *data, int searchtag, const char *keyname)$/;" f
zkt_setkeylifetime zkt.c /^void zkt_setkeylifetime (dki_t *data)$/;" f
zone_add zone.c /^zone_t *zone_add (zone_t **list, zone_t *new)$/;" f
zone_alloc zone.c /^static zone_t *zone_alloc ()$/;" f file:
zone_cmp zone.c /^static int zone_cmp (const zone_t *a, const zone_t *b)$/;" f file:
zone_estr zone.c /^static char zone_estr[255+1];$/;" v file:
zone_free zone.c /^void zone_free (zone_t *zp)$/;" f
zone_freelist zone.c /^void zone_freelist (zone_t **listp)$/;" f
zone_geterrstr zone.c /^const char *zone_geterrstr ()$/;" f
zone_new zone.c /^zone_t *zone_new (zone_t **zp, const char *zone, const char *dir, const char *file, const char *signed_ext, const zconf_t *cp)$/;" f
zone_print zone.c /^int zone_print (const char *mesg, const zone_t *z)$/;" f
zone_readdir zone.c /^int zone_readdir (const char *dir, const char *zone, const char *zfile, zone_t **listp, const zconf_t *conf, int dyn_zone)$/;" f
zone_search zone.c /^const zone_t *zone_search (const zone_t *list, const char *zone)$/;" f
zonelist zkt-signer.c /^static zone_t *zonelist = NULL; \/* must be static global because add2zonelist use it *\/$/;" v file:
zskflag zkt-keyman.c /^int zskflag = 1;$/;" v
zskflag zkt-ls.c /^int zskflag = 1;$/;" v
zskstatus rollover.c /^int zskstatus (dki_t **listp, const char *dir, const char *domain, const zconf_t *z)$/;" f