# $Id: idn.conf.sample.in,v 1.1 2003/06/04 00:26:45 marka Exp $
# Sample file for idnkit configuration file (idn.conf).
# `idn-encoding' entry specifies the encoding name used as the encoding
# of multilingualized names by resolvers and DNS servers. Currently, the
# following encodings are available:
# Punycode
# UTF-8
# <codeset names your iconv_open() accepts>
# If you enabled extra ace feature, following IDN encoding can be used.
# AMC-ACE-Z (old name of Punycode)
# syntax)
# idn-encoding <encoding>
idn-encoding Punycode
# `nameprep' entry specifies the version of NAMEPREP.
# idnkit currently supports the following version:
# RFC3491 -- name preparation scheme described in the
# RFC3491
# syntax)
# nameprep <nameprep version>
nameprep RFC3491
# `local-map' entry specifies TLD (top level domain) based local mapping
# schemes, which is performed before NAMEPREP. Available schemes are:
# <nameprep version> -- nameprep version
# filemap:<pathname> -- read mapping rules from a file
# syntax)
# local-map <tld> <scheme> ...
# If the TLD of the domain name matches <tld>, local mapping specified
# by <scheme> is performed on the name. Otherwise no mapping are
# performed. Multiple schemes can be specified; they are applied in
# turn.
# There are two special <tld>s for specifying a default mapping rule
# and a mapping rule for local names (domain names containing no
# dots). If <tld> is `.', its schemes are applied to domain names
# whose TLD does not match any TLDs specified in local-map entries.
# If <tld> is `-', its schemes are applied to domain names which
# contain no dots.
#local-map - filemap:/some/where/local.map
#local-map . filemap:/some/where/default.map
local-map .jp filemap:@mapdir@/jp.map