<draft-ietf-dnsind-verify-00.txt> February 1999
Verifying Resource Records Without Knowing Their Contents
Status of This Memo
This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.
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documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas,
and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute
working documents as Internet-Drafts.
Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
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DNSSEC [RFC2065] provides a mechanism to cryptographically verify a
DNS resource record provided we can get it into canonical form.
The problem is how do we do this without knowing the contents of all
resource record types?
This document provides one possible solution to this problem.
1 - Terminology
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
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INTERNET-DRAFT draft-ietf-dnsind-verify-00.txt February 1998
2 - Method
In order to be able to canonicalise a resource record a resolver needs
to know where in the data domain names exist so that the resolver can
decompress the domain names and convert the uppercase ASCII in ordinary
labels to lowercase prior to the data being feed into the encryption
This document propose that all new resource record types defined MUST
have a header at the start of the data section locating where the domain
names are in the data section. A new resource record for the purpose of
this document is any type NOT referenced in section 3 Old Types. Meta
queries such as MAILA (254), MAILB (253), AXFR (252) and IXFR (251) are
not covered by this document as they do not return data of this type.
This table would be a series of unsigned 16 bit words in network order.
The first word contains the length of the table as 16 bit words not
counting the first word. Subsequent words contain the offset from the
start of the data to the start of relevent domain name in the data
assuming all domain names are uncompressed. Offsets in the table are in
the same order as domain names in the data.
3 Old Types
The following types are deemed old and are NOT covered by this document.
A (1), NS (2), MD (3), MF (4), CNAME (5), SOA (6), MB (7), MG (8), MR
(9), NULL (10), WKS (11), PTR (12), HINFO (13), MINFO (14), MX (15), TXT
(16), RP (17), AFSDB (18), X25 (19), ISDN (20), RT (21), NSAP (22),
NSAP-PTR (23), SIG (24), KEY (25), PX (26), GPOS (27), AAAA (28), LOC
(29), NXT (30), EID (31), NIMLOC (32), SRV (33), ATMA (34), NAPTR (35),
KX (36), CERT (37), A6 (38), DNAME (39), UINFO (100), UID (101), GID
(102), UNSPEC (103), OPT (XXX), TKEY (249) and TSIG (250).
4 Security Considerations
It is believed that this document does not introduce any significant
additional security threats other that those that already exist when
using data from the DNS but rather enhances security by allowing new
resource record types to be checked by security aware resolvers.
5 IANA Considerations
This document places no requirements apon IANA.
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INTERNET-DRAFT draft-ietf-dnsind-verify-00.txt February 1998
Eastlake, D. 3rd. and Kaufman, C,. "Domain Name System Security
Extensions," RFC 2065, January 1997
Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Lev�
els," BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997
Author's Address
Mark Andrews
Internet Software Consortium
1 Seymour St.
Dundas Valley
NSW 2117
+61 2 9871 4742
Expires August 1999 [Page 3]