DNSIND WG Edward Lewis
May Update: RFC 2535 Jerry Scharf
Catagory: I-D ISC
April 1, 1999
The Zone Key Referral
Status of this Memo
This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.
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This draft expires on October 1, 1999
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Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All rights
Notes on this document
This section will only appear in the -00.txt edition of this draft.
This document originated in the DNSSEC working group in June 1998. The
discussion of the issues in this draft were tabled until the publication
of the then current DNSSEC drafts as RFCs.
The first version of this document lists a third author, John Gilmore.
He is listed as an author because he was one of the initiators of what is
proposed. In this and following versions he is only listed in the
Acknowledgements (as opposed to being an author) as he has not been
involved in the writing/editing of the draft. This has been done to
avoid assigning his name to a document he may not have a chance to read,
this is not intended as a slight on his efforts.
When commenting on this draft, please be aware that some terms used here
are up for negotiation before progressing - such as "thief" and "road
block" appearing later in the draft. Comments which are left justified
were added during the re-issuing of the draft, they add context that
may have been lost over time.
A new type of key is defined to address the problems of
performance in large delegeted zones and issues of liability of
registrars with regards to the storing of public keys belonging
to zone cuts. This new key type also brings DNSSEC more in line
with the DNS treatment of zone cuts and speeds recovery in
handling privatekey exposure.
The new type of key is a referral record that is stored, signed,
at the parent zone's place for the delegation point. A resolver
receiving this record is being informed that there are genuine
public keys at the child's authoritative name servers. The
parent no longer needs to store the child's public keys locally.
1 Introduction
There are a number of different reasons for the proposal of this
new key type. Reasons include:
o the performance impact that RFC 2535 has on name servers
o the problem of updating a widely delegated parent zone on demand
o statements in RFC 2181 on authoritative data at delegations
o perceived liability of the operator of a name server or registry
To address these issues, which are expanded upon below, a new
key type is proposed - a "zone key referral" - to join the user
key, host key, and zone key types defined in RFC 2535.
1.1 Performance Issues
A sample zone will be used to illustrate the problem. The
example will part from reality mostly in the length of zone
names, which changes the size of the owner and resource record
data fields.
# $ORIGIN test.
# @ IN SOA <SOA data>
# IN SIG SOA <by test.>
# IN KEY <1024 bit zone key>
# IN SIG KEY <by test.>
# IN SIG KEY <by .>
# IN NS ns.test.
# IN SIG NS <by test.>
# IN NXT my-org.test. NS SOA SIG KEY NXT
# IN SIG NXT <by test.>
# my-org IN KEY <1024 bit zone key>
# IN KEY <1024 bit zone key>
# IN SIG KEY <by test.>
# IN NS ns1.my-org.test.
# IN NS ns2.my-org.test.
# IN NXT them.test. NS SIG KEY NXT
# IN SIG NXT <by test.>
# them IN KEY 0xC100 3 1
# IN SIG KEY <by test.>
# IN NS ns1.them.test.
# IN NS ns2.them.test.
# IN SIG NXT <by test.>
In this zone file fragment, "my-org" is a delegation point of
interest with two registered public keys. Presumably, one key
is for signatures generated currently and the other is for still
living and valid but older signatures. "them" is another
delegation point, with a NULL key. This signifies that this zone
is unsecured.
To analyze the performance impact of the storing of keys, the
number of bytes used to represent the RRs in the procotol format
is used. The actual number of bytes stored will likely be
higher, accounting for data structure overhead and alignment.
The actual number of bytes transferred will be lower due to DNS
name compression.
The number of bytes for my-org's two 1024-bit keys, two NS
records, NXT and the associated signatures is 526. The bytes
needed for them (with the NULL key) is 346. Currently, there
are close to 2 million entries in com., so if we take my-org as
a typical domain, over 1GB on memory will be needed for com.
The zone keys used in the example are set to 1024 bits. This
number may range from as low as 512 bits upwards to over 3000
bits. To scale the above numbers to a different key size,
multiply the difference in key sizes by 4 for my-org and by 2
for them, and adjust the numbers accordingly.
The increased size of the data held for the zone cuts will have
two impacts at the transport and below layers. Bandwidth beyond
that currently needed will be used to carry the KEY records.
The inclusion of all of the child's keys will also push DNS over
the UDP size limit and start using TCP - which could cause
critical problems for current heavily used name servers, like
the roots.
Another impact, not illustrated by the example, is the frequency
of updates. If each time a public key for my-org is added or
deleted, the SOA serial number will have to increase, and the
SOA signed again. If an average zone changes its keys(s) once
per month, there will be on average 45 updates per minute in a
zone of 2 million delegations.
(The multiple algorithms issue is an extension of multiple keys. The
example should be updated to show at least a DSS key as well as an RSA
1.2 Security Incident Recovery (w/ respect to keys only)
Once a zone administrator is alerted that any key's private
counterpart has been discovered (exposed), the first action to
be taken is to stop advertising the public key in DNS. This
doesn't end the availability of the key - it will be residing in
caches - but is the closest action resembling revokation
available in DNS.
Stopping the advertisement in the zone's name servers is as
quick as altering the master file and restarting the name
server. Having to do this in two places will will only delay
the time until the recovery is complete.
For example, a registrar of a top level domain has decided to
update its zone only on Mondays and Fridays due to the size of
the zone. A customer/delegatee is the victim of a break in, in
which one of the items taken is the file of private keys used to
sign DNS data. If this occurs on a Tuesday, the thief has until
Friday to use the keys before they disappear from the DNS, even
if the child stops publishing them immediately.
If the public key set is in the parent zone, and the parent zone
is not able to make the change quickly, the public key cannot be
revoked quickly. If the parent only refers to there being a key
at the child zone, then the child has the agility to change the
keys - even issue a NULL key, which will force all signatures in
the zone to become suspect.
1.3 DNS Clarifications
RFC 2181, section 6, clarifies the status of data appearing at a
zone cut. Data at a zone cut is served authoritatively from the
servers listed in the NS set present at the zone cut. The data
is not (necessarily) served authoritatively from the parent.
(The exception is in servers handling both the parent and child
Section 6 also mentions that there are two exceptions created by
DNSSEC, the NXT single record set and the KEY set. This
proposal addresses the exception relating to the KEY set,
limiting its severity (but falling short of removing it
altogether). By limiting the exception, we will be simplifying
1.4 Liability
Liability is a legal concept, so it is not wise to attempt an
engineering solution to it. However, the perceived liability
incurred in using DNSSEC by registrars may prevent the adoption
of DNSSEC. Hence DNSSEC should be engineered in such a away to
address the concern.
One source of liability is the notion that by advertising a
public key for a child zone, a parent zone is providing a
service of security. With that comes responsibility. By having
the parent merely indicate that a child has a key (or has no
key), the parent is providing less in the way of security. If
the parent is wrong, the potential loss is less. Instead of
falsely authenticated data, configuration errors will be
apparent to the resolving client.
2 The Proposal
The proposal is to introduce a new key type which indicates
whether the delegated zone is running secured or not. Running
secured is either a zone signed with at least one key, an
experimental zone, or a zone with only NULL keys published.
The Zone Referral Key will resemble the NULL key in syntax.
There will be a flags field, an algorithm field, and a protocol
field, but no public key material. The Referral Key is signed
by the parent zone, as was the public key set in RFC 2065.
There is only one Referral Key RR present.
The Referral Key flags field will have the following values:
Field Bit(s) Value Meaning
A/C 0- 1 0b01 indicates a key will be found
0b11 indicates a key will not be found
0b?0 error (referral cannot encrypt)
XT 2 0 no extended flags are needed
Z 4- 5 0 must be zero for all keys
NAMTYP 6- 7 0b11 this is a referral to a zone key
Z 8-11 0 must be zero for all keys
SIG 12-15 0 must be zero for a referral key
The legal values of the flags field are (in summary):
Hex Value Indicates
0x4300 The delegation has a key record set
0xC300 The delegation has no key record
Other values are not valid for Referral Keys (but may be valid
for other keys).
The Protocol field must be set to 3, the DNSSEC protocol value.
The Algorithm field must be 0.
The algorithm is not important at this point. So long as the searcher
knows to expect a key set at the delegated zone's apex, a secure chain
is possible. One the key set is retrieved and verified, then the
algorithms used in the delegated zone are known. (The issue is that a
zone may be signed in algorithm 1 and not 3, 3 and not 1, both, etc.,
and a secure resolver must know this in order to set signature arrival
2.1 Example
The Referral key for my-org.test. and them.test. would appear as
the following in the zone master file:
my-org.test. IN KEY 0x4300 3 0
them.test. IN KEY 0xC300 3 0
In the example introduced earlier, the master file would change
to the following.
# $ORIGIN test.
# @ IN SOA <SOA data>
# IN SIG SOA <by test.>
# IN KEY <1024 bit zone key>
# IN SIG KEY <by test.>
# IN SIG KEY <by .>
# IN NS ns.test.
# IN SIG NS <by test.>
# IN NXT my-org.test. NS SOA SIG KEY NXT
# IN SIG NXT <by test.>
# my-org IN KEY 0x4300 3 0
# IN SIG KEY <by test.>
# IN NS ns1.my-org.test.
# IN NS ns2.my-org.test.
# IN NXT them.test. NS SIG KEY NXT
# IN SIG NXT <by test.>
# them IN KEY 0xC300 3 1
# IN SIG KEY <by test.>
# IN NS ns1.them.test.
# IN NS ns2.them.test.
# IN SIG NXT <by test.>
3 Analysis
By removing the public keys from the parent's master file, the
parent is no longer a road block during an emergency removal of
keys. A parent zone is unchanged as a zone changes from NULL
keys to experimental keys to fully signed. The parent is also
not providing a security service, other than to authentically
claim the existence of a KEY record set - akin to the "hints" of
the name servers.
The change also improves the prospect for performance. The need
for multiple KEY RR's, each one on the order of 100 bytes, is
removed and replaced by a single KEY RR of the order of 25
bytes. Saving bytes reduces the need to use TCP to avoid
truncated responses. Also, the need for updating the zone drops
- no longer will there be updates for each key change.
As far as the statements by RFC 2181 conerning authority levels,
the Referral Key is not authortative and would be superseeded by
a verified set of the real zone keys. The only caveat is that
once the verified set of keys expire (assuming the parent has to
learn the keys from another server), the Referal Key must
reappear. This is an example of what has been labelled "mount-
like semantics."
[No reference for mount-like semantics has yet been found.]
The last point is important. This requires the "mount-like
semantics" that have been discussed for the BIND name servers.
Once hints are overridden by learned, authorititative and
verified data, the hints are not discarded. Hints in this state
are stored and become visible when the learned data expires.
4 IANA Considerations
Other than using a new value in the flags field of the KEY RR,
no new number assignments are needed. The flags field is not
under the control of IANA as of yet. There are no requirements
placed on IANA by this draft.
5 Security Considerations
There has been some debate about whether the Referral key should
be treated as a hint - just like the NS records. If so, then
there is no need to sign the Referral Key, and an unsigned
(hence non-authenticated) security record is of little value.
So, is the Referral Key even needed?
Authentication in DNSSEC is done from the data "back" towards a
trusted point - e.g., "up" to the root. Since the
authentication is done by going repeatedly from child to parent,
why bother having the parent indicate the status of the child?
The answer is in the scenario in which a resolver somewhere has
obtained data which fails the verification process. Perhaps the
signature is wrong, a key in the chain of trust is unavailable,
the set should have had a signature, but none is found (or vice
versa), or the trail of signed-by names is not acceptable. In
this case, the resolver needs to find the authoritative zone,
its status and its name server set.
If a zone is being attacked by a masquerader, and parents do not
make any statements about the security of child zones, then an
easy and successfull attack may occur. An attacker only needs
to supply either fake name server records or glue records to
redirect queries.
While this attack will not be stopped as far as denial of
service, the masquerader can be stopped from being accepted as
an authoritative source if the parent of the zone claims the
child is secure and signs the public keys of the true child and
not the masquerader.
The masquerader cannot successfully claim that the zone is
unsigned, because it must have a zone key signed by the parent.
NULL or not, the key would not be trusted by the resolver,
assuming the parent has not also been duped. The resolver,
sensing this, should report an error or security incident, and
not accept data.
6 Acknowledgements
John Gilmore originally raised the issues that have led to this
7 Author's addresses
Edward Lewis Jerry Scharf
<lewis@tislabs.com> <scharf@vix.com>
3060 Washinton Rd (Rte 97)
Glenwood, MD 21738
8 References
RFC 2181 "Clarifications to the DNS Specification", Elz and Bush
RFC 2535 "Domain Name System Security Extensions", Eastlake
9 Full Copyright Statement
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This draft expires on October 1, 1999