- Copyright (C) 2018 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
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<!-- Generated by doc/misc/docbook-zoneopt.pl -->
<command>zone</command> <replaceable>string</replaceable> [ <replaceable>class</replaceable> ] {
<command>type</command> forward;
<command>delegation-only</command> <replaceable>boolean</replaceable>;
<command>forward</command> ( first | only );
<command>forwarders</command> [ port <replaceable>integer</replaceable> ] [ dscp <replaceable>integer</replaceable> ] { ( <replaceable>ipv4_address</replaceable> | <replaceable>ipv6_address</replaceable> ) [ port <replaceable>integer</replaceable> ] [ dscp <replaceable>integer</replaceable> ]; ... };