* Copyright (C) 2011-2013, 2016 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
/* $Id$ */
* Main rpz test DNS server.
options {
query-source address;
port 5300;
pid-file "named.pid";
statistics-file "named.stats";
session-keyfile "session.key";
listen-on {; };
listen-on-v6 { none; };
notify no;
response-policy {
zone "bl" max-policy-ttl 100;
zone "bl-2";
zone "bl-given" policy given recursive-only yes;
zone "bl-passthru" policy passthru;
zone "bl-no-op" policy no-op; # obsolete for passthru
zone "bl-disabled" policy disabled;
zone "bl-nodata" policy nodata recursive-only no;
zone "bl-nxdomain" policy nxdomain;
zone "bl-cname" policy cname txt-only.tld2.;
zone "bl-wildcname" policy cname *.tld4.;
zone "bl-garden" policy cname a12.tld2.;
zone "bl-drop" policy drop;
zone "bl-tcp-only" policy tcp-only;
zone "bl.tld2";
min-ns-dots 0
qname-wait-recurse yes
key rndc_key {
secret "1234abcd8765";
algorithm hmac-sha256;
controls {
inet port 9953 allow { any; } keys { rndc_key; };
zone "." { type hint; file "hints"; };
zone "bl." {type master; file "bl.db";
allow-update {any;};};
zone "bl-2." {type master; file "bl-2.db";
allow-update {any;};};
zone "bl-given." {type master; file "bl-given.db";
allow-update {any;};};
zone "bl-passthru." {type master; file "bl-passthru.db";
allow-update {any;};};
zone "bl-no-op." {type master; file "bl-no-op.db";
allow-update {any;};};
zone "bl-disabled." {type master; file "bl-disabled.db";
allow-update {any;};};
zone "bl-nodata." {type master; file "bl-nodata.db";
allow-update {any;};};
zone "bl-nxdomain." {type master; file "bl-nxdomain.db";
allow-update {any;};};
zone "bl-cname." {type master; file "bl-cname.db";
allow-update {any;};};
zone "bl-wildcname." {type master; file "bl-wildcname.db";
allow-update {any;};};
zone "bl-garden." {type master; file "bl-garden.db";
allow-update {any;};};
zone "bl-drop." {type master; file "bl-drop.db";
allow-update {any;};};
zone "bl-tcp-only." {type master; file "bl-tcp-only.db";
allow-update {any;};};
zone "bl.tld2." {type slave; file "bl.tld2.db"; masters {;};
request-ixfr no; masterfile-format text;};
zone "crash1.tld2" {type master; file "crash1";};
zone "crash2.tld3." {type master; file "crash2";};