* Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2004-2007, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2016, 2017 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
/* $Id: tsigconf.c,v 1.35 2011/01/11 23:47:12 tbox Exp $ */
/*! \file */
#include <config.h>
#include <isc/base64.h>
#include <isc/buffer.h>
#include <isc/mem.h>
#include <isc/string.h>
#include <isc/util.h>
#include <isccfg/cfg.h>
#include <dns/tsig.h>
#include <dns/result.h>
#include <named/log.h>
#include <named/config.h>
#include <named/tsigconf.h>
static isc_result_t
add_initial_keys(const cfg_obj_t *list, dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring,
isc_mem_t *mctx)
dns_tsigkey_t *tsigkey = NULL;
const cfg_listelt_t *element;
const cfg_obj_t *key = NULL;
const char *keyid = NULL;
unsigned char *secret = NULL;
int secretalloc = 0;
int secretlen = 0;
isc_result_t ret;
isc_stdtime_t now;
isc_uint16_t bits;
for (element = cfg_list_first(list);
element != NULL;
element = cfg_list_next(element))
const cfg_obj_t *algobj = NULL;
const cfg_obj_t *secretobj = NULL;
dns_name_t keyname;
dns_name_t *alg;
const char *algstr;
char keynamedata[1024];
isc_buffer_t keynamesrc, keynamebuf;
const char *secretstr;
isc_buffer_t secretbuf;
key = cfg_listelt_value(element);
keyid = cfg_obj_asstring(cfg_map_getname(key));
algobj = NULL;
secretobj = NULL;
(void)cfg_map_get(key, "algorithm", &algobj);
(void)cfg_map_get(key, "secret", &secretobj);
INSIST(algobj != NULL && secretobj != NULL);
* Create the key name.
dns_name_init(&keyname, NULL);
isc_buffer_constinit(&keynamesrc, keyid, strlen(keyid));
isc_buffer_add(&keynamesrc, strlen(keyid));
isc_buffer_init(&keynamebuf, keynamedata, sizeof(keynamedata));
ret = dns_name_fromtext(&keyname, &keynamesrc, dns_rootname,
DNS_NAME_DOWNCASE, &keynamebuf);
if (ret != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
goto failure;
* Create the algorithm.
algstr = cfg_obj_asstring(algobj);
if (ns_config_getkeyalgorithm(algstr, &alg, &bits)
cfg_obj_log(algobj, ns_g_lctx, ISC_LOG_ERROR,
"key '%s': has a unsupported algorithm '%s'",
keyid, algstr);
goto failure;
secretstr = cfg_obj_asstring(secretobj);
secretalloc = secretlen = strlen(secretstr) * 3 / 4;
secret = isc_mem_get(mctx, secretlen);
if (secret == NULL) {
goto failure;
isc_buffer_init(&secretbuf, secret, secretlen);
ret = isc_base64_decodestring(secretstr, &secretbuf);
if (ret != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
goto failure;
secretlen = isc_buffer_usedlength(&secretbuf);
ret = dns_tsigkey_create(&keyname, alg, secret, secretlen,
ISC_FALSE, NULL, now, now,
mctx, ring, &tsigkey);
isc_mem_put(mctx, secret, secretalloc);
secret = NULL;
if (ret != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
goto failure;
* Set digest bits.
dst_key_setbits(tsigkey->key, bits);
return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
cfg_obj_log(key, ns_g_lctx, ISC_LOG_ERROR,
"configuring key '%s': %s", keyid,
if (secret != NULL)
isc_mem_put(mctx, secret, secretalloc);
return (ret);
ns_tsigkeyring_fromconfig(const cfg_obj_t *config, const cfg_obj_t *vconfig,
isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_tsig_keyring_t **ringp)
const cfg_obj_t *maps[3];
const cfg_obj_t *keylist;
dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring = NULL;
isc_result_t result;
int i;
REQUIRE(ringp != NULL && *ringp == NULL);
i = 0;
if (config != NULL)
maps[i++] = config;
if (vconfig != NULL)
maps[i++] = cfg_tuple_get(vconfig, "options");
maps[i] = NULL;
result = dns_tsigkeyring_create(mctx, &ring);
if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
return (result);
for (i = 0; ; i++) {
if (maps[i] == NULL)
keylist = NULL;
result = cfg_map_get(maps[i], "key", &keylist);
if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
result = add_initial_keys(keylist, ring, mctx);
if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
goto failure;
*ringp = ring;
return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
return (result);