#ifndef _GRAPH_H
#define _GRAPH_H 1
#include <cdt.h>
typedef struct _grnode_s Grnode_t;
typedef struct _gredge_s Gredge_t;
typedef struct _graph_s Graph_t;
typedef struct _grdisc_s Grdisc_t;
typedef struct _grdata_s Grdata_t;
typedef struct _gralgo_s Gralgo_t;
typedef Grdata_t* (*Grdata_f)_ARG_((Gralgo_t*, int, Grdata_t*));
typedef int (*Grevent_f)_ARG_((Graph_t*, int, Void_t*, Grdisc_t*));
struct _grnode_s
{ Dtlink_t hold; /* CDT object holder */
Void_t* label; /* unique node label */
Gredge_t* oedge; /* list of outgoing edges */
Gredge_t* iedge; /* list of incoming edges */
Gredge_t* elist; /* edge list being traversed */
Grnode_t* fold; /* group in union-find struct */
Grnode_t* link; /* for temporary link list */
Grdata_t* data; /* list of algorithm data */
struct _gredge_s
{ Dtlink_t hold; /* CDT object holder */
Grnode_t* tail; /* tail of edge */
Grnode_t* head; /* head of edge */
Void_t* label; /* (tail,head,label) ids edge */
Gredge_t* onext; /* link for node->oedge */
Gredge_t* inext; /* link for node->iedge */
Gredge_t* link; /* for temporary link list */
Grdata_t* data; /* list of algorithm data */
struct _graph_s
{ Grdisc_t* disc; /* graph discipline */
int type; /* directed or undirected */
Dtdisc_t nddc; /* CDT discipline for nodes */
Dt_t* nodes; /* set of nodes */
Dtdisc_t eddc; /* CDT discipline for edges */
Dt_t* edges; /* set of edges */
Grdata_t* data; /* list of algorithm data */
struct _grdisc_s
{ ssize_t nodesz; /* size to allocate Grnode_t */
ssize_t edgesz; /* size to allocate Gredge_t */
ssize_t graphsz; /* size to allocate Graph_t */
Grevent_f eventf; /* event handling function */
struct _grdata_s
{ Grdata_t* next; /* link list of these */
Gralgo_t* algo; /* data is for this algorithm */
struct _gralgo_s
{ Grdata_f dataf; /* to create/delete algo data */
int type;
/* type of graph */
#define GR_DIRECTED 0
/* discipline events */
#define GR_OPENING 001000
#define GR_CLOSING 002000
#define GR_NODE 000001 /* node operation */
#define GR_EDGE 000002 /* edge operation */
#define GR_GRAPH 000004 /* graph operation */
/* Given s_t a struct type, e_t an element in s_t, and a_d an address of e_t,
** GROFFSETOF returns the offset of e_t in s_t, and
** GRSTRUCTOF returns the address of the struct that contains e_t.
#define GROFFSETOF(_st,_e) ((ssize_t)(&((_st*)0)->_e))
#define GRSTRUCTOF(_st,_e,_a) (_st*)((unsigned char*)(_a) - GROFFSETOF(_st,_e))
/* to initialize a discipline structure */
#define GRDISC(dc, nsz, esz, gsz, evf) \
((dc)->nodesz = (nsz), (dc)->edgesz = (esz), \
(dc)->graphsz = (gsz), (dc)->eventf = (evf) )
/* big number */
#define GR_INFINITY ((~((unsigned int)0)) >> 1 )
/* for internal use of node,edge,graph types */
#define _Grnode(oo) ((Grnode_t*)(oo))
#define _Gredge(oo) ((Gredge_t*)(oo))
#define _Grgraph(oo) ((Grgraph_t*)(oo))
#if _BLD_vgraph && defined(__EXPORT__)
#define extern __EXPORT__
extern Graph_t* gropen _ARG_((Grdisc_t*, int));
extern int grclose _ARG_((Graph_t*));
extern int grrestore _ARG_((Graph_t*));
extern Grnode_t* grnode _ARG_((Graph_t*, Void_t*, int));
extern Gredge_t* gredge _ARG_((Graph_t*, Grnode_t*, Grnode_t*, Void_t*, int));
extern Grnode_t* grfold _ARG_((Grnode_t*, Grnode_t*));
extern Grnode_t* _grfind _ARG_((Grnode_t*));
extern Grdata_t* _grdata _ARG_((Grdata_t**, Gralgo_t*, int));
#undef extern
/* return the representative node for a collapsed set of nodes */
#define grfind(nn) (_Grnode(nn)->fold == _Grnode(nn) ? _Grnode(nn) : _grfind(_Grnode(nn)) )
/* return the data associated with algorithm 'al' for the given object */
#define grdtnode(oo,al) \
((_Grnode(oo)->data && _Grnode(oo)->data->algo == (al)) ? _Grnode(oo)->data : \
_grdata(&_Grnode(oo)->data, (al), GR_NODE) )
#define grdtedge(oo,al) \
((_Gredge(oo)->data && _Gredge(oo)->data->algo == (al)) ? _Gredge(oo)->data : \
_grdata(&_Gredge(oo)->data, (al), GR_EDGE) )
#define grdtgraph(oo,al) \
((_Grgraph(oo)->data && _Grgraph(oo)->data->algo == (al)) ? _Grgraph(oo)->data : \
_grdata(&_Grgraph(oo)->data, (al), GR_GRAPH) )
/* for traversing all adjacent edges */
#define gradjacent(n) ((n)->elist = (n)->oedge)
#define grnextedge(n,e) ((n)->elist == (n)->iedge ? (e)-> inext : \
((e)->onext ? (e)->onext : ((n)->elist = (n)->iedge)) )
* Functions germane to the algorithm to compute an optimum branching.
#if _BLD_vgraph && defined(__EXPORT__)
#define extern extern __EXPORT__
#if !_BLD_vgraph && defined(__IMPORT__)
#define extern extern __IMPORT__
extern Gralgo_t* Grbranching;
#undef extern
#if _BLD_vgraph && defined(__EXPORT__)
#define extern __EXPORT__
extern ssize_t grbranching _ARG_((Graph_t*));
extern ssize_t grbrweight _ARG_((Gredge_t*, ssize_t));
#undef extern
#endif /*_GRAPH_H*/