* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 1995-2011 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Phong Vo <kpv@research.att.com> *
* *
#ifndef _VDELHDR_H
#define _VDELHDR_H 1
#include "vdelta01.h"
#if _PACKAGE_ast
#include <ast_std.h>
#if __STD_C
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifdef DEBUG
extern int abort();
#define ASSERT(p) ((p) ? 0 : abort())
#define DBTOTAL(t,v) ((t) += (v))
#define DBMAX(m,v) ((m) = (m) > (v) ? (m) : (v) )
#define ASSERT(p)
#define DBTOTAL(t,v)
#define DBMAX(m,v)
/* short-hand notations */
#define reg register
#define uchar unsigned char
#define uint unsigned int
#define ulong unsigned long
/* default window size - Chosen to suit malloc() even on 16-bit machines. */
#undef MAXINT
#define MAXINT ((int)(((uint)~0) >> 1))
#define MAXWINDOW ((int)(((uint)~0) >> 2))
#define DFLTWINDOW (MAXWINDOW <= (1<<14) ? (1<<14) : (1<<16) )
#define HEADER(w) ((w)/4)
#define M_MIN 4 /* min number of bytes to match */
/* The hash function is s[0]*alpha^3 + s[1]*alpha^2 + s[2]*alpha + s[3] */
#define ALPHA 33
#if 0
#define A1(x,t) (ALPHA*(x))
#define A2(x,t) (ALPHA*ALPHA*(x))
#define A3(x,t) (ALPHA*ALPHA*ALPHA*(x))
#else /* fast multiplication using shifts&adds */
#define A1(x,t) ((t = (x)), (t + (t<<5)) )
#define A2(x,t) ((t = (x)), (t + (t<<6) + (t<<10)) )
#define A3(x,t) ((t = (x)), (t + (t<<5) + ((t+(t<<4))<<6) + ((t+(t<<4))<<11)) )
#define HINIT(h,s,t) ((h = A3(s[0],t)), (h += A2(s[1],t)), (h += A1(s[2],t)+s[3]) )
#define HNEXT(h,s,t) ((h -= A3(s[-1],t)), (h = A1(h,t) + s[3]) )
#define EQUAL(s,t) ((s)[0] == (t)[0] && (s)[1] == (t)[1] && \
(s)[2] == (t)[2] && (s)[3] == (t)[3] )
/* Every instruction will start with a control byte.
** For portability, only 8 bits of the byte are used.
** The bits are used as follows:
** iiii ssss
** ssss: size of data involved.
** iiii: this defines 16 instruction types:
** 0: an ADD instruction.
** 1,2,3: COPY with K_QUICK addressing scheme.
** 4,5: COPY with K_SELF,K_HERE addressing schemes.
** 6,7,8,9: COPY with K_RECENT addressing scheme.
** For the above types, ssss if not zero codes the size;
** otherwise, the size is coded in subsequent bytes.
** 10,11: merged ADD/COPY with K_SELF,K_HERE addressing
** 12,13,14,15: merged ADD/COPY with K_RECENT addressing.
** For merged ADD/COPY instructions, ssss is divided into "cc aa"
** where cc codes the size of COPY and aa codes the size of ADD.
#define VD_BITS 8 /* # bits usable in a byte */
#define S_BITS 4 /* bits for the size field */
#define I_BITS 4 /* bits for the instruction type */
/* The below macros compute the coding for a COPY address.
** There are two caches, a "quick" cache of (K_QTYPE*256) addresses
** and a revolving cache of K_RTYPE "recent" addresses.
** First, we look in the quick cache to see if the address is there.
** If so, we use the cache index as the code.
** Otherwise, we compute from 0, the current location and
** the "recent" cache an address that is closest to the being coded address,
** then code the difference. The type is set accordingly.
** An invariance is 2*K_MERGE + K_QTYPE + 1 == 16
#define K_RTYPE 4 /* # of K_RECENT types */
#define K_QTYPE 3 /* # of K_QUICK types */
#define K_MERGE (K_RTYPE+2) /* # of types allowing add+copy */
#define K_QSIZE (K_QTYPE<<VD_BITS) /* size of K_QUICK cache */
#define K_QUICK 1 /* start of K_QUICK types */
#define K_HERE (K_SELF+1)
#define K_RECENT (K_HERE+1) /* start of K_RECENT types */
#define K_DDECL(quick,recent,rhere) /* cache decls in vdelta */ \
int quick[K_QSIZE]; int recent[K_RTYPE]; int rhere/*;*/
#define K_UDECL(quick,recent,rhere) /* cache decls in vdupdate */ \
long quick[K_QSIZE]; long recent[K_RTYPE]; int rhere/*;*/
#define K_INIT(quick,recent,rhere) \
{ quick[rhere=0] = (1<<7); \
while((rhere += 1) < K_QSIZE) quick[rhere] = rhere + (1<<7); \
recent[rhere=0] = (1<<8); \
while((rhere += 1) < K_RTYPE) recent[rhere] = (rhere+1)*(1<<8); \
#define K_UPDATE(quick,recent,rhere,copy) \
{ quick[copy%K_QSIZE] = copy; \
if((rhere += 1) >= K_RTYPE) rhere = 0; recent[rhere] = copy; \
#define VD_ISCOPY(k) ((k) > 0 && (k) < (K_RECENT+K_RTYPE) )
#define K_ISMERGE(k) ((k) >= (K_RECENT+K_RTYPE))
#define A_SIZE ((1<<S_BITS)-1) /* max local ADD size */
#define A_ISLOCAL(s) ((s) <= A_SIZE ) /* can be coded locally */
#define A_LPUT(s) (s) /* coded local value */
#define A_PUT(s) ((s) - (A_SIZE+1) ) /* coded normal value */
#define A_ISHERE(i) ((i) & A_SIZE) /* locally coded size */
#define A_LGET(i) ((i) & A_SIZE)
#define A_GET(s) ((s) + (A_SIZE+1) )
#define C_SIZE ((1<<S_BITS)+M_MIN-2) /* max local COPY size */
#define C_ISLOCAL(s) ((s) <= C_SIZE ) /* can be coded locally */
#define C_LPUT(s) ((s) - (M_MIN-1) ) /* coded local value */
#define C_PUT(s) ((s) - (C_SIZE+1) ) /* coded normal value */
#define C_ISHERE(i) ((i) & ((1<<S_BITS)-1)) /* size was coded local */
#define C_LGET(i) (((i) & ((1<<S_BITS)-1)) + (M_MIN-1) )
#define C_GET(s) ((s) + (C_SIZE+1) )
#define K_PUT(k) ((k) << S_BITS)
#define K_GET(i) ((i) >> S_BITS)
/* coding merged ADD/COPY instructions */
#define A_TINY 2 /* bits for tiny ADD */
#define A_TINYSIZE (1<<A_TINY) /* max tiny ADD size */
#define A_ISTINY(s) ((s) <= A_TINYSIZE )
#define A_TPUT(s) ((s) - 1)
#define A_TGET(i) (((i) & (A_TINYSIZE-1)) + 1)
#define C_TINY 2 /* bits for tiny COPY */
#define C_TINYSIZE ((1<<C_TINY) + M_MIN-1) /* max tiny COPY size */
#define C_ISTINY(s) ((s) <= C_TINYSIZE)
#define C_TPUT(s) (((s) - M_MIN) << A_TINY)
#define C_TGET(i) ((((i) >> A_TINY) & ((1<<C_TINY)-1)) + M_MIN )
#define K_TPUT(k) (((k)+K_MERGE) << S_BITS)
#define MEMCPY(to,from,n) \
switch(n) \
{ default: memcpy((Void_t*)to,(Void_t*)from,(size_t)n); \
to += n; from += n; break; \
case 7 : *to++ = *from++; \
case 6 : *to++ = *from++; \
case 5 : *to++ = *from++; \
case 4 : *to++ = *from++; \
case 3 : *to++ = *from++; \
case 2 : *to++ = *from++; \
case 1 : *to++ = *from++; \
case 0 : break; \
/* Below here is code for a buffered I/O subsystem to speed up I/O */
#define I_SHIFT 7
#define I_MORE (1<<I_SHIFT) /* continuation bit */
#define I_CODE(n) ((uchar)((n)&(I_MORE-1)) ) /* get lower bits */
/* structure to do buffered IO */
typedef struct _vdio_s
{ uchar* next;
uchar* endb;
uchar* data;
int size;
long here;
Vddisc_t* delta;
uchar buf[512];
} Vdio_t;
#define ENDB(io) ((io)->endb)
#define NEXT(io) ((io)->next)
#define HERE(io) ((io)->here)
#define DATA(io) ((io)->data)
#define SIZE(io) ((io)->size)
#define DELTA(io) ((io)->delta)
#define READF(io) ((io)->delta->readf)
#define WRITEF(io) ((io)->delta->writef)
#define REMAIN(io) (ENDB(io) - NEXT(io))
#define INIT(io,delta) ((io)->endb = (io)->next = (io)->data = NIL(uchar*), \
(io)->size = 0, (io)->here = 0, (io)->delta = (delta) )
#define VDPUTC(io,c) ((REMAIN(io) > 0 || (*_Vdflsbuf)(io) > 0) ? \
(int)(*(io)->next++ = (uchar)(c)) : -1 )
#define VDGETC(io) ((REMAIN(io) > 0 || (*_Vdfilbuf)(io) > 0) ? \
(int)(*(io)->next++) : -1 )
typedef struct _vdbufio_s
{ int(* vdfilbuf)_ARG_((Vdio_t*));
int(* vdflsbuf)_ARG_((Vdio_t*));
ulong(* vdgetu)_ARG_((Vdio_t*, ulong));
int(* vdputu)_ARG_((Vdio_t*, ulong));
int(* vdread)_ARG_((Vdio_t*, uchar*, int));
int(* vdwrite)_ARG_((Vdio_t*, uchar*, int));
} Vdbufio_t;
#define _Vdfilbuf _Vdbufio_01.vdfilbuf
#define _Vdflsbuf _Vdbufio_01.vdflsbuf
#define _Vdgetu _Vdbufio_01.vdgetu
#define _Vdputu _Vdbufio_01.vdputu
#define _Vdread _Vdbufio_01.vdread
#define _Vdwrite _Vdbufio_01.vdwrite
extern Vdbufio_t _Vdbufio_01;
#if !_PACKAGE_ast
extern Void_t* memcpy _ARG_((Void_t*, const Void_t*, size_t));
extern Void_t* malloc _ARG_((size_t));
extern void free _ARG_((Void_t*));
#endif /*_VDELHDR_H*/