.fp 5 CW
.TH VCODEX 3 "Jun 26 2007"
\fBVcodex\fR \- Data transformation for compression, encryption, etc.
.de Tp
.ne 2
.de Ss
.ne 2
.SS "\\$1"
.de Cs
.ft 5
.de Ce
.ft 1
.de Sh
.ne 4
.SS "\\$1"
.ta 1.0i 2.0i 3.0i 4.0i 5.0i
#include <vcodex.h>
libvcodex.a -lvcodex
Vcodex_t* vcopen(Vcdisc_t* disc, Vcmethod_t* meth,
Void_t* init, Vcodex_t* coder, int flags);
Vcodex_t* vccreate(char* spec, int flags);
ssize_t vcextract(Vcodex_t* vc, Void_t** datap);
Vcodex_t* vcrestore(Vcodex_t* vc, Void_t* data,
size_t size);
int vcclose(Vcodex_t* vc);
ssize_t vcapply(Vcodex_t* vc, Void_t* data,
size_t size, Void_t** output);
ssize_t vcrecode(Vcodex_t* vc, Vcchar_t** datap,
ssize_t* sizep, ssize_t head);
size_t vcundone(Vcodex_t* vc);
Vcchar_t* vcbuffer(Vcodex_t* vc, Vcchar_t* trunc,
ssize_t size, ssize_t head);
int vctellbuf(Vcodex_t* vc, Vcbuffer_f bufferf);
Vccontext_t* vcinitcontext(Vcodex_t* vc, Vccontext_t* ctxt);
Vccontext_t* vcfreecontext(Vcodex_t* vc, Vccontext_t* ctxt);
type vcgetcontext(vc, type);
typedef struct _vcmethod_s
{ Vcapply_f encodef; /* function to encode a data set */
Vcapply_f decodef; /* function to decode a data set */
int (*eventf)(Vcodex_t*, int, Void_t*);
char* name; /* the name of the transform */
char* desc; /* a description of the transform */
Vcmtarg_t* args; /* arguments usable with vcopen() */
ssize_t window; /* suggested window size */
int type; /* VC_MTSOURCE */
} Vcmethod_t;
.ne 5
typedef struct _vcmtarg_s
{ char* name; /* the name of the argument */
char* desc; /* a description of the argument */
Void_t* data; /* any associated data */
} Vcmtarg_t;
.ne 5
typedef struct _vcmtcode_s
{ Vcchar_t* data; /* encoded data of a handle */
ssize_t size; /* size of encoded data */
Vcodex_t* coder; /* reconstructed coder */
} Vcmtcode_t;
#define VC_OPENING
#define VC_CLOSING
#define VC_EXTRACT
#define VC_RESTORE
int vcaddmeth(Vcmethod_t** list, ssize_t size);
Vcmethod_t* vcgetmeth(char* name, int type);
int vcwalkmeth(Vcwalk_f walkf, Void_t* disc);
char* vcgetident(Vcmethod_t* meth, char* buf, ssize_t size);
char* vcgetmtarg(char* data, char* val, ssize_t vlsz,
Vcmtarg_t* list, Vcmtarg_t** arg);
int vcsetmtarg(Vcodex_t* vc, char* name, void* val,
int type);
type vcgetmtdata(Vcodex_t* vc, type);
void vcsetmtdata(Vcodex_t* vc, data);
Vcmethod_t* Vcdelta;
Vcmethod_t* Vcsieve;
Vcmethod_t* Vchamming;
Vcmethod_t* Vchuffman;
Vcmethod_t* Vchuffgroup;
Vcmethod_t* Vchuffpart;
Vcmethod_t* Vcrle;
Vcmethod_t* Vcmtf;
Vcmethod_t* Vcbwt;
Vcmethod_t* Vcmap;
Vcmethod_t* Vctranspose;
Vcmethod_t* Vctable;
Vcmethod_t* Vcrdb;
Vcmethod_t* Vcrelation;
.ne 8
typedef int (*Vcevent_f)(Vcodex_t*, int, Void_t*, Vcdisc_t*);
typedef struct
{ Void_t* data; /* additional data, e.g., source */
size_t size; /* size of the additional data */
Vcevent_f eventf; /* event handler */
} Vcdisc_t;
#define VC_OPENING
#define VC_CLOSING
#define VC_DISC
Vcdisc_t* vcdisc(Vcodex_t* vc, Vcdisc_t* disc);
Vcdisc_t* vcgetdisc(Vcodex_t* vc);
typedef struct
{ Vcchar_t type;
Vcchar_t size;
Vcchar_t mode;
} Vcdinst_t;
typedef struct
{ Vcinst_t inst1;
Vcinst_t inst2;
} Vcdcode_t;
typedef struct
{ Vcchar_t s_near;
Vcchar_t s_same;
Vcdcode_t code[256];
} Vcdtable_t;
ssize_t vcdputtable(Vcdtable_t* tbl, Void_t* buf, size_t n);
int vcdgettable(Vcdtable_t* tbl, Void_t* buf, size_t n);
typedef struct {...} Vcwindow_t;
typedef struct {...} Vcwmethod_t;
typedef int (*Vcwevent_f)(Vcw_t* vcw, int type, Void_t* data,
Vcwdisc_t* disc);
typedef struct
{ Sfio_t* srcf; /* source file */
Sfio_t* tarf; /* target file */
Vcwevent_f eventf; /* event handler */
} Vcwdisc_t;
.ne 7
typedef struct
{ int type; /* VCD_[SOURCE|TARGET]FILE */
Void_t* wdata; /* window data */
ssize_t wsize; /* window length */
Sfoff_t wpos; /* starting position in file */
ssize_t msize; /* data size to be matched */
} Vcwmatch_t;
Vcwmethod_t* Vcwmirror; /* match by file positions */
Vcwmethod_t* Vcwvote; /* match by n-gram frequencies */
Vcwmethod_t* Vcwprefix; /* use prefix matching */
Vcwindow_t* vcwopen(Vcwdisc_t* disc, Vcwmethod_t* meth);
int vcwclose(Vcwindow_t* vcw);
Vcwmatch_t* vcwapply(Vcwindow_t* vcw, Void_t* data,
size_t size, Sfoff_t pos);
ssize_t vcwfeedback(Vcwindow_t* vcw, ssize_t size);
Vcwmethod_t* vcwgetmeth(char* name);
int vcwwalkmeth(Vcwalk_f walkf, Void_t* disc);
ssize_t vchsize(ssize_t* freq, ssize_t* size, int* runb);
ssize_t vchbits(ssize_t* size, Vcbits_t* bits);
int vchcopy(Vcodex_t* vc, ssize_t* freq,
ssize_t* size, ssize_t maxs);
ssize_t vchputcode(ssize_t* size, ssize_t maxs,
Vcchar_t* data, size_t dtsz);
ssize_t vchgetcode(ssize_t* size, ssize_t maxs,
Vcchar_t* data, size_t dtsz);
#define VCTBL_CEE /* conditional empirical entropy */
#define VCTBL_RLE /* run-length compressive entropy */
#define VCTBL_LEFT /* left to right dependency */
#define VCTBL_RIGHT /* right to left dependency */
#define VCTBL_SINGLE /* use a single predictor only */
.ne 5
typedef struct _vctblcolumn_s /* column specifications */
{ ssize_t index; /* column index */
ssize_t pred1; /* <0 if self compressing */
ssize_t pred2; /* >=0 if supporting pred1 */
} Vctblcolumn_t;
typedef struct _vctblplan_s /* transform plan */
{ ssize_t ncols; /* # of columns or row size */
Vctblcolumn_t* trans; /* the plan to transform data */
} Vctblplan_t;
Vctblplan_t* vctblmakeplan(Void_t* data, size_t size,
size_t ncols, int flags);
void vctblfreeplan(Vctblplan_t* plan);
ssize_t vctblencodeplan(Vctblplan_t* plan, Void_t** codep);
Vctblplan_t* vctbldecodeplan(Void_t* code, size_t cdsz);
#define VCRD_FIELD /* given data is field-oriented */
#define VCRD_FULL /* make fields or records full */
#define VCRD_FIXED /* fixed-length field */
#define VCRD_DOT /* field was of the form x.y... */
#define VCRD_SLASH /* like above but form x.y.../z */
.ne 9
typedef struct _vcrdsepar_s
{ int fsep; /* computed field separator */
int rsep; /* record separator */
ssize_t size; /* actual amount of data used */
ssize_t recn; /* total number of records */
ssize_t recf; /* # records containing an fsep */
double allz; /* (entropy)size for all data */
double fldz; /* total (entropy)size by fields */
} Vcrdsepar_t;
.ne 7
typedef struct _vcrdinfo_s
{ ssize_t recn; /* number of records, if known */
ssize_t fldn; /* number of fields, if known */
ssize_t* flen; /* field lengths, if known */
int fsep; /* field separator, if needed */
int rsep; /* record separator, if needed */
} Vcrdinfo_t;
.ne 4
typedef struct _vcrdrecord_s
{ Vcchar_t* data; /* data in a field for a record */
ssize_t dtsz; /* size of data */
} Vcrdrecord_t;
.ne 8
typedef struct _vcrdfield_s
{ int type; /* field type data */
Vcrdrecord_t* rcrd; /* list of records for this field */
ssize_t maxz; /* maximum size of any record */
ssize_t* vect; /* transform vector by this field */
Vcchar_t* data; /* field data if allocated here */
Vcchar_t* exdt; /* space for extracted data */
} Vcrdfield_t;
.ne 9
typedef struct _vcrdtable_s
{ Vcrdinfo_t* info; /* information on table data */
ssize_t parz; /* size of parsed data */
ssize_t recn; /* number of records */
ssize_t fldn; /* number of fields */
Vcrdfield_t* fld; /* list of fields */
ssize_t* vtmp; /* temp space of recn elements */
Vcchar_t* exdt; /* space for extracted data */
} Vcrdtable_t;
.ne 4
typedef struct _vcrdplan_s
{ ssize_t fldn; /* number of fields */
ssize_t pred[]; /* predictor list */
} Vcrdplan_t;
ssize_t vcrdsepar(Vcrdsepar_t* rds, ssize_t nrds,
Vcchar_t* data, ssize_t dtsz, int rsep);
Vcrdtable_t* vcrdparse(Vcrdinfo_t* info,
Vcchar_t* data, ssize_t dtsz, int type);
void vcrdclose(Vcrdtable_t* tbl);
ssize_t vcrdfield(Vcrdtable_t* tbl, ssize_t f, ssize_t n,
Vcchar_t* data, ssize_t dtsz);
int vcrdattrs(Vcrdtable_t* tbl, ssize_t f, int attrs,
int type);
ssize_t vcrdsize(Vcrdtable_t* tbl);
ssize_t vcrdextract(Vcrdtable_t* tbl, ssize_t f,
Vcchar_t** datap, int type);
typedef ssize_t (*Vcrdweight_f)(Vcchar_t* str1, ssize_t n1,
Vcchar_t* str2, ssize_t n2);
ssize_t vcrdweight(Vcrdtable_t* tbl, ssize_t f,
ssize_t* vect, Vcrdweight_f wghtf);
int vcrdvector(Vcrdtable_t* tbl, ssize_t f,
Vcchar_t* trdt, ssize_t dtsz, int type);
Vcrdplan_t* vcrdmakeplan(Vcrdtable_t* tbl, Vcrdweight_t wghtf);
void vcrdfreeplan(Vcrdplan_t* plan);
int vcrdexecplan(Vcrdtable_t* tbl, Vcrdplan_t* plan,
int type);
typedef struct _vcsfx_s
{ ssize_t* idx; /* sorted suffix array */
ssize_t* inv; /* inverted index/rank */
Vcchar_t* str; /* string to be sorted */
size_t nstr; /* length of string */
} Vcsfx_t;
Vcsfx_t* vcsfxsort(const Void_t* str, size_t nstr);
ssize_t vcperiod(const Void_t* data, size_t dtsz);
#define VCLZ_MAP
typedef ssize_t (*Vclzparse_f)(Vclzparse_t* vcpa, int type,
Vclzmatch_t* mtch, ssize_t n);
typedef struct _vclzmatch_s
{ ssize_t tpos; /* position in target string */
ssize_t mpos; /* position of matched data */
ssize_t size; /* length of match */
} Vclzmatch_t;
.ne 10
typedef struct _vclzparse_s
{ Vclzparse_f parsef; /* to process a set of segments */
Vcchar_t* src; /* source string to learn from */
ssize_t nsrc; /* length of source data */
Vcchar_t* tar; /* target string to be parsed */
ssize_t ntar; /* length of target data */
ssize_t mmin; /* minimum required match length */
Vcchar_t* cmap; /* array to map bytes to bytes */
int type; /* VCLZ_REVERSE|VCLZ_MAP */
} Vclzparse_t;
int vclzparse(Vclzparse_t* vcpa, ssize_t bound);
void vcioinit(Vcio_t* io, Vcchar_t* buf, int n);
size_t vciosize(Vcio_t* io);
size_t vciomore(Vcio_t* io);
Vcchar_t* vciodata(Vcio_t* io);
Vcchar_t* vcionext(Vcio_t* io);
Vcchar_t* vcioskip(Vcio_t* io, int n);
void vciomove(Vcio_t* to, Vcio_t* from, int n);
ssize_t vcioputc(Vcio_t* io, int c);
int vciogetc(Vcio_t* io);
ssize_t vcioputu(Vcio_t* io, Vcint_t v);
Vcint_t vciogetu(Vcio_t* io);
ssize_t vcioputm(Vcio_t* io, Vcint_t v, Vcint_t max);
Vcint_t vciogetm(Vcio_t* io, Vcint_t max);
ssize_t vcioput2(Vcio_t* io, Vcint_t v,
Vcchar_t a, Vcchar_t b);
Vcint_t vcioget2(Vcio_t* io, Vcchar_t a, Vcchar_t b);
ssize_t vcioputg(Vcio_t* io, Vcint_t v);
Vcint_t vciogetg(Vcio_t* io);
ssize_t vcioputlist(Vcio_t* io, Vcint_t* list, ssize_t n);
Vcint_t vciogetlist(Vcio_t* io, Vcint_t* list, ssize_t n);
ssize_t vcioputs(Vcio_t* io, Void_t* s, size_t len);
ssize_t vciogets(Vcio_t* io, Void_t* s, size_t len);
.ne 2
void vciosetb(Vcio_t* io, Vcbits_t bits, ssize_t nbit,
int type);
void vcioendb(Vcio_t* io, Vcbits_t bits, ssize_t nbit,
int type);
void vciofilb(Vcio_t* io, Vcbits_t bits, ssize_t nbit);
Vcbits_t vciodelb(Vcio_t* io, Vcbits_t bits, ssize_t nbit,
ssize_t ndel);
void vcioflsb(Vcio_t* io, Vcbits_t bits, ssize_t nbit);
Vcbits_t vcioaddb(Vcio_t* io, Vcbits_t bits, ssize_t nbit,
Vcbits_t add, ssize_t nadd);
.ne 12
typedef void (*Vcsferror_f)(const char*);
typedef struct _vcsfdata_s
{ int type; /* various processing modes */
char* trans; /* transformation specification */
char* window; /* window specification */
char* source; /* source file to delta against */
Vcsferror_f errorf; /* to process errors */
} Vcsfdata_t;
Vcsfio_t* vcsfio(Sfio_t* sf, Vcsfdata_t* sfdt, int type);
ssize_t vcsfread(Vcsfio_t* vcsf, Void_t* buf, size_t n);
ssize_t vcsfwrite(Vcsfio_t* vcsf, Void_t* buf, size_t n);
int vcsfsync(Vcsfio_t* vcsf);
int vcsfclose(Vcsfio_t* vcsf);
void vcaddalias(char** list);
char* vcgetalias(char* name, char* spec, ssize_t size);
int vcwalkalias(Vcwalk_f walkf, Void_t* disc);
double vclog(size_t v);
size_t vclogi(size_t v);
size_t vcsizeu(Vcint_t v);
Vcint_t vcatoi(char* buf);
ssize_t vcitoa(Vcint_t v, char* buf, ssize_t n);
Vcint_t vcintcode(Vcint_t v, Vcint_t near,
Vcint_t min, Vcint_t max, int type);
char* vcstrcode(char* s, char* buf, ssize_t n);
typedef int (*Vccompare_f)(void* elt1, void* elt2, void* disc);
void vcqsort(void* list, ssize_t nelts, ssize_t eltsize,
Vccompare_f comparf, void* disc);
ssize_t vcbcktsort(ssize_t* idx, ssize_t* tmp, ssize_t n,
Vcchar_t*, ssize_t* maxc);
char* vcsubstring(char* data, int separ,
char* buf, ssize_t bufsz, int type);
\fIVcodex\fP provides a collection of data transforms including
compression, differencing and encryption via a discipline and method
(see \fIThe Discipline and Method Architecture for Reusable Libraries\fP,
Software Practice & Experience, v.30, pp.107-128, 2000).
.Ss " Void_t*"
This type is used to pass data between \fIVcodex\fP and application code.
\f5Void_t\fP is defined as \f5void\fP for ANSI-C and C++
and \f5char\fP for older compilation environments.
.Ss " Vcchar_t"
This defines the type of bytes as manipulated by Vcodex.
.Ss " Vcint_t"
This defines an integer type of maximum supported size.
.Ss " Vcbits_t"
This defines an integer type suitable for bit manipulation and I/O.
.Ss " Vcdisc_t"
This defines the type of a discipline structure.
.Ss " Vcmethod_t"
This defines the type of a data transform.
.Ss " Vcmtarg_t"
This defines the type of a structure describing arguments to a method.
.Ss " Vcwalk_f"
This defines the type of a function to be invoked while walking
some list of data structures. Its prototype is:
int (*Vcwalk_f)(Void_t* obj, char* name, char* value, Void_t* disc);
This is the object being walked. For example, if the list of methods
is being walked, this would be a pointer to a \f5Vcmethod_t\fP object.
\f5name, value\fP:
The name and value of the object being walked.
The structure passed along to the invoking walk function.
See also \f5vcwalkmeth()\fP and \f5vcwalkalias()\fP.
.Ss " Vcodex_t"
This defines the type of a Vcodex handle.
.Ss " Vcodex_t* vcopen(Vcdisc_t* disc, Vcmethod_t* meth, Void_t* init, Vcodex_t* coder, int flags)"
\f5vcopen()\fP creates a handle to process data.
It returns the new handle on success or \f5NULL\fP on failure.
A discipline structure to describe data (see DISCIPLINE section).
a data transform method (see METHODS section).
Any additional parameters for the given method.
This specifies a \fIcontinuation coder\fP, i.e.,
another handle to process various data parts produced by
the main transform.
This gives the bit values to control behaviors of the new handle.
Exactly one of \f5VC_ENCODE\fP and \f5VC_DECODE\fP should be specified
to indicate whether the handle is used for encoding or decoding.
The bit \f5VC_CLOSECODER\fP, if specified, indicates that
the continuation coder, if any, should be closed on handle closing.
.Ss " vccreate(char* spec, int flags);"
This function creates a composite handle based on the specification of
a sequence of methods. It returns the composite handle on success and \f5NULL\fP on failure.
See section ALIAS PROCESSING for the syntax of a specification.
.Ss " ssize_t vcextract(Vcodex_t* vc, Void_t** datap)"
This function extract data from a composite encoding handle \f5vc\fP
that can be used later by \f5vcrestore()\fP to construct a composite decoder.
The data is returned in \f5*storep\fP.
\f5vcextract()\fP returns the data length on success and \f5-1\fP on failure.
.Ss " Vcodex_t* vcrestore(Vcodex_t* vc, Void_t* data, size_t size)"
\f5vcrestore()\fP constructs a composite decoding handle from the given data.
It returns the handle on success and \f5NULL\fP on failure.
.Ss " int vcclose(Vcodex_t* vc)"
This closes the \f5vc\fP handle,
meaning to free all associated memory resources.
\f5vcclose()\fP returns \f50\fP on success or \f5-1\fP on error.
.Ss " ssize_t vcapply(Vcodex_t* vc, Void_t* data, size_t size, Void_t** output)"
This applies the data transform associated with \f5vc\fP
to the given \f5data\fP.
If the handle was opened for decoding,
the given \f5data\fP and \f5size\fP should
match exactly the previously encoded result.
\f5vcapply()\fP returns the length of the output data buffer or
\f5-1\fP on failure.
If \f5output == NULL\fP, only the size of the result will be returned.
If \f5output != NULL\fP, the transformed data will be returned
in \f5*output\fP (see also \f5vcundone()\fP below.)
Note that each call to \f5vcapply()\fP returns a separate buffer
of encoded or decoded data. These buffers should be freed as soon
as the respective data have been consumed. See \f5vcbuffer()\fP for
how to do that.
.Ss " ssize_t vcrecode(Vcodex_t* vc, Vcchar_t** datap, ssize_t* sizep, ssize_t head);"
This function is intended to be used by method writers for continuation of
data process in secondary coders. It invokes \f5vcapply()\fP
on the continuation coder to transform the data given
in \f5*datap\fP and \f5*sizep\fP. The transformed data and its size are returned
in the same arguments. \f5head\fP, if positive, causes buffer allocation in secondary
coders to leave that much room in front of the transformed data.
In this way, successive calls of \f5vcrecode()\fP can leave an accumulated amount
of header space for adding data later by the callers.
\f5vcrecode()\fP returns the size of the transformed data on success and \f5-1\fP on error.
.Ss " size_t vcundone(Vcodex_t* vc);"
Certain methods (e.g., \f5Vctable\fP) may not process all given data.
After a successful \f5vcapply()\fP call (i.e., it returns
a non-negative value),
the call \f5vcundone()\fP tells the amount of data left unprocessed.
.Ss " Vcchar_t* vcbuffer(Vcodex_t* vc, Vcchar_t* trunc, ssize_t size, ssize_t head);"
This function manages the buffer pool for a handle.
It always returns \f5NULL\fP on freeing buffers.
For buffer allocation, it returns the allocated buffer or \f5NULL\fP on failure.
When \f5trunc != NULL\fP, it specifies a buffer in \f5vc\fP
or one of the continuation coders to be truncated down to \f5size\fP or freed
if \f5size < 0\fP.
When \f5trunc == NULL\fP, there are two cases.
If \f5size\fP is negative, all buffers allocated via
\f5vc\fP and continuation coders are freed.
Otherwise, a new buffer of the given \f5size\fP is allocated.
This buffer is guaranteed to have at least \f5n\fP writable
bytes in front of the allocated buffer where \f5n\fP is \f5head\fP
plus some other amount as defined by various \f5vcrecode()\fP calls
during continuation processing.
.Ss " Vcchar_t* vctellbuf(Vcodex_t* vc, Vcbuffer_f bufferf);"
This function walks though all handles
starting from \f5vc\fP calls \f5bufferf()\fP on the lists
of buffers in these handles.
The needed types are:
typedef struct _vcbuffer_s Vcbuffer_t;
struct _vcbuffer_s
{ Vcbuffer_t* next;
size_t size; /* total buffer size */
char* file; /* file allocating it */
int line; /* line number in file */
unsigned char buf[1]; /* actual data buffer */
int (*Vcbuffer_f)(Vcodex_t* vc,
Vcbuffer_t* list, Vcmethod_t* meth);
Here, \f5list\fP is a linked list of buffers of the type \f5Vcbuffer_t\fP
and \f5meth\fP is the method used for the given handle.
.Ss " Vccontext_t* vcinitcontext(Vcodex_t* vc, Vccontext_t* ctxt);"
The function creates a new context if \f5ctxt\fP is \f5NULL\fP
or makes \f5ctxt\fP the current context if it is not \f5NULL\fP. It returns the
current context or \f5NULL\fP on error.
In certain situations, states may be retained across calls of \f5vcapply()\fP or \f5vcrecode()\fP.
For example, the \f5Vctable\fP transform computes and reuses
a transformation plan repeatedly as appropriate.
A handle using such a transform should create separate contexts
to keep states for different table types.
In particular, a transform such as \f5Vctable\fP could extend
\f5Vccontext_t\fP by including it as the first element
of a private context type. In that case, the method should also supply an
\f5eventf\fP function capable of handling the events \f5VC_INITCONTEXT\fP
and \f5VC_FREECONTEXT\fP. The first allocates a new context while the latter
frees a given one.
.Ss " int vcfreecontext(Vcodex_t* vc, Vccontext_t* ctxt);"
This function deletes the given context \f5ctxt\fP.
.Ss " type vcgetcontext(vc, type);"
This macro function retrieves the current context of \f5vc\fP and
coerces that to its given private \f5type\fP.
.ne 8
Methods are of the type \f5Vcmethod_t\fP as defined below:
.ne 11
typedef struct _vcmethod_s
{ Vcapply_f encodef; /* function to encode data */
Vcapply_f decodef; /* function to decode data */
int (*eventf)(Vcodex_t*, int, Void_t*);
char* name; /* the string name of the transform */
char* desc; /* a short description */
Vcmtarg_t* args; /* arguments usable with vcopen() */
ssize_t window; /* suggested window size */
int type; /* VC_MTSOURCE */
} Vcmethod_t;
\f5encodef, decodef\fP:
These are functions to encode and decode data.
If not \f5NULL\fP, this is a function to handle events.
This defines a list of arguments usable to initialize the method.
See ALIAS PROCESSING for details on how to specify arguments.
Each element of the list is of the type \f5Vcmtarg_t\fP:
.ne 5
typedef struct _vcmtarg_s
{ char* name; /* the name of the argument */
char* desc; /* a description of the argument */
Void_t* data; /* any associated data */
} Vcmtarg_t;
This provides flags telling certain characteristics of the method.
Currently only \f5VC_MTSOURCE\fP is used to indicate that
the method is a delta compressor.
The list of events passable to \f5eventf\fP are:
A new handle is opened. The third argument is data for initialization.
A handle is being closed. All private method data should be deallocated.
Create a new context for data transformation.
Delete the given context.
Free any allocated buffers for this handle or buffers allocated in
other handles created internally.
Set a parameter which should be specified in a \f5name=value\fP format.
For example, to tell the \f5Vctranspose\fP data transform that the
number of columns for the data to be transformed next is \f510\fP,
the event \f5VC_SETMTARG\fP can be raised with associated data ``\fIcolumns=10\fP''.
The third argument to the \f5eventf\fP function should be a structure of type \f5Vcmtcode_t\fP:
.ne 5
typedef struct _vcmtcode_s
{ Vcchar_t* data; /* encoded data of a handle */
ssize_t size; /* size of encoded data */
Vcodex_t* coder; /* reconstructed coder */
} Vcmtarg_t;
internal states should be coded in a form suitable for persistent storage
and returned in the fields \f5Vcmtcode_t.data\fP and \f5Vcmtcode_t.size\fP.
a coder for decoding data should be constructed based on
the data in the fields \f5Vcmtcode_t.data\fP and \f5Vcmtcode_t.size\fP
and returned in \f5Vcmtcode_t.coder\fP.
In both cases, the \f5eventf\fP function should return a positive value on success.
Obtaining the identification string of the method.
The handling of this event is optional.
If not defined, the identification string will be
the method's name translated into the ASCII character set.
This event is used mostly for debugging memory usage. It is a request
to process memory buffers being maintained by a handle and its continuation.
The third argument to \f5eventf\fP should be the address of a function
defined with the below type. The arguments are:
\f5vc\fP the handle creating the buffer, \f5list\fP the list of buffers in that handle
and \f5meth\fP the method in use.
typedef struct _vcbuffer_s Vcbuffer_t;
typedef int (*Vcbuffer_f)(Vcodex_t* vc,
Vcbuffer_t* list, Vcmethod_t* meth);
struct _vcbuffer_s
{ Vcbuffer_t* next; /* link to next buffer */
ssize_t size; /* size of the buffer */
char* file; /* file creating the buffer */
int line; /* line number in the file */
.Ss " int vcaddmeth(Vcmethod_t** list, ssize_t size);"
This function adds a list of methods to the collection of available methods.
It is intended to be used by applications that wish to make their own
transforms available to a search via \f5vcgetmeth()\fP.
.Ss " Vcmethod_t* vcgetmeth(char* name, int type);"
This function returns a method matching \f5name\fP.
If \f5type\fP is zero, \f5name\fP is assumed to be in the native codeset
(e.g., ASCII or some form of EBCDIC).
Otherwise, it should have been previously coded by \f5vcstrcode()\fP.
Such coding of a string makes the data portable across platforms using different
.Ss " int vcwalkmeth(Vcwalk_f walkf, Void_t* disc);"
This function walks the currently available list of methods and
invokes \f5walkf\fP as \f5(*walkf)(meth,name,desc,disc)\fP.
Here, \f5meth\fP is the method being walked while \f5name\fP and \f5desc\fP
are its name and description.
.Ss " char* vcgetident(Vcmethod_t* meth, char* buf, ssize_t size);"
This function returns the identification string of the method \f5meth\fP.
This string is guaranteed to be in ASCII so that it can be portably stored.
\f5buf\fP and \f5size\fP define a buffer that \f5vcgetident()\fP
may use to store the identification string.
\f5vcgetident()\fP returns \f5NULL\fP on error.
.Ss " char* vcgetmtarg(char* data, char* val, ssize_t vlsz, Vcmtarg_t* list, Vcmtarg_t** arg);"
This call may be used by a method writer to parse the string \f5data\fP which should be
composed of elements separated by periods.
Each element can be either just a plain string \fIname\fP or a pair \fIname=value\fP.
The string \fIname\fP will be matched against \f5list\fP to find a matching argument.
If one is found, \f5*arg\fP will be set to it.
\f5value\fP, if any, will be copied into the buffer \f5val\fP without exceeding \f5vlsz\fP.
\f5vcgetmtarg()\fP returns the remainder of unparsed data or \f5NULL\fP on failure.
.Ss " int vcsetmtarg(Vcodex_t* vc, char* name, void* val, int type);"
This function invokes \f5eventf()\fP to set an argument (parameter).
By convention, each transform should ignore any inapplicable parameters.
The \f5type\fP argument can be \f50\fP, \f51\fP,\f52\fP to indicate that
the \f5val\fP argument is a \fIbyte\fP, an \fIinteger\fP or a \fIstring\fP respectively.
A byte value is coded in C-style while an integer is coded in decimal.
For example, the call \f5vcsetarg(vc, "columns", 10, 1)\fP
set the number of columns to \f510\fP for a method such as \f5Vctranspose\fP or \f5Vctable\fP.
.Ss " type vcgetmtdata(Vcodex_t* vc, type);"
.Ss " void vcsetmtdata(Vcodex_t* vc, data);"
These macro functions retrieve and set the private data structure
created by the transform to use in the handle \f5vc\fP.
\f5vcgetmtdata()\fP coerces the data structure to its private type.
.Ss " Vcdelta"
This method implements a generalized Lempel-Ziv parsing strategy
to compress a target data segment either by itself or
against another source data segment.
The source data segment, if any, should be specified
by the \f5data\fP and \f5size\fP field of a discipline structure.
The compressed data are in the standard format defined by the IETF RFC3284.
String matching is based on a suffix sorting algorithm
if the \f5init\fP argument to \f5vcopen()\fP is the string \f5"s"\fP.
Otherwise, a hashing algorithm is used.
.Ss "Vcsieve"
This method implement various strategies to condition data for compressibility.
The argument \f5init\fP to \f5vcopen()\fP can be composed from:
This does delta compression with approximate matching.
A matched data segment is coded by subtracting
it against the matching segment.
Thus, in this case, \f5Vcsieve\fP does not reduce data.
However, the data that it produces is amenable to compression
by other transforms, for example, a run-length compressor
together with a Huffman coder.
If \f5delta\fP is not specified, only exact matching will be done
and matched data will not be coded by subtracting as described.
This allows matching data in reverse. For example \f5abc\fP
can be matched with \f5cba\fP (as well as another instance of \f5abc\fP).
This allows defining a set of pairs of letters that are allowed to match
with one another. For example, \f5map=ATGCatgc\fP allows matching \f5A\fP
with \f5T\fP, \f5G\fP with \f5C\fP, etc. For example, such a \f5map\fP specification
along with \f5reverse\fP can be used to compress DNA data.
This defines a minimum prefix that must be exactly matched before further matching
either exact or approximate.
.Ss " Vchamming"
This code a target data segment by subtracting it against another source data segment
given in the discipline structure. If the source data segment is short, it will be
repeated as necessary.
.Ss " Vchuffman"
This method performs Huffman coding.
.Ss " Vchuffgroup"
This method first divides the given data into small contiguous parts
of equal size (except perhaps the last one). Then,
the parts are collected into groups so that
each group can be compressed
separately with its own Huffman code table.
.Ss " Vchuffpart"
This method divides the given data
into contiguous sections each of which uses a separate Huffman coding
table optimized for it.
.Ss " Vcrle"
This method encodes runs in data.
Normally, runs are encoded using a scheme whereby a run is indicated by
some escape character and its length is encoded in a compact variable size format.
The run lengths are coded in a separate area from the data so that
the two types of data can be effectively compressed via a later continuation coder
if there is one.
An alternative run encoding method is indicated
by giving the string \f5"0"\fP as the \f5init\fP argument of \f5vcopen()\fP.
In this case, only runs of 0's are encoded using a binary encoding method.
This is useful in a compression technique that produces large sequences of zeros
such as the Burrows-Wheeler transform \f5Vcbwt\fP or the table transform
.Ss " Vcbwt"
\f5Vcbwt\fP performs a Burrows-Wheeler transform on the given data.
This data is amenable to better compression via some combination of
move-to-front, run-length encoding and entropy coding.
.Ss " Vcmtf"
This method performs a move-to-front transform on the data,
i.e., mapping each data byte into their positions in some
dynamically updated array of the 256 byte values.
By default, the array is updated using a predictive method
aiming at creating more zeros.
If the \f5init\fP argument of \f5vcopen()\fP is the string \f5"0"\fP,
the array is updated by moving the encoded byte to position 0
(i.e., the traditional MTF transform).
.Ss " Vctranspose"
This method transposes rows and columns.
If the \f5init\fP argument of \f5vcopen()\fP is the string \f5"v"\fP,
each row ends with some separator character.
If the \f5init\fP argument is anything else, row lengths are fixed size.
In that case, the row size (i.e., number of columns) is normally encoded
at the start of transformed data unless the \f5init\fP argument is \f5"0"\fP.
The number of columns may be learned directly from the data.
But it and the row separator can also be set
via \f5vcsetmtarg()\fP using one of \f5columns\fP and \f5rsep\fP or \f5fsep\fP.
Only data fitting the table profile, i.e., the maximum number of well-defined rows
will be processed. The unprocessed amount can be retrieved via \f5vcundone()\fP.
.Ss " Vctable"
This method transforms table data, i.e., two-dimensional byte arrays,
into a form that is amenable to compression via a combination of move-to-front (\f5Vcmtf\fP),
run-length encoding (\f5Vcrle\fP) and entropy coding (e.g., \f5Vchuffgroup\fP).
Normally, the number of columns is learned directly from data.
However, it can also be explicitly set via \f5vcsetmtarg()\fP
by the parameter \f5columns\fP.
Only data fitting the table profile will be processed.
The unprocessed amount can be told via \f5vcundone()\fP.
.Ss " Vcrdb"
This method transforms a relational data table to make it more compressible.
The size of unprocessed data can be told with \f5vcundone()\fP.
A relational data table is of one of two forms:
This is a collection of records such that each of which terminates with a record separator.
Within each record is a sequence of fields each of which terminates with a field separator.
Field and record separators can be set via \f5vcmtsetarg()\fP using \f5fsep\fP and \f5rsep\fP.
The attribute \f5full\fP can be used to coerce padding of field values so that they all
have the same lengths.
All attributes can be set in the \f5init\fP argument of \f5vcopen()\fP.
This is a collection of records such that each of which consists
of a set of fields, each of a fixed length. The lengths of such fields
can be set via \f5schema=[f1,f2,...]\fP either via the \f5init\fP
argument of \f5vcopen()\fP or via \f5vcmtsetarg()\fP.
.Ss " Vcrelation"
This method is similar to \f5Vcrdb\fP for flat relational data tables
but uses a faster algorithm with comparable or better performance for this class of data.
Field and record separators can be set via \f5vcmtsetarg()\fP using \f5fsep\fP and \f5rsep\fP.
.Ss " Vcmap"
This method maps each byte to another byte.
An application-specific mapping can be specified via
the field \f5data\fP of the discipline structure.
It must be a \f5Vcchar_t\fP array of size 256 where each
position has its mapped value.
Predefined mappings are provided to translate between
ASCII and various versions of EBCDIC.
These can be selected via
\f5init\fP argument of \f5vcopen()\fP:
\f5a2e, e2a\fP:
These pertain to the EBCDIC character set defined
by the X/OPEN \fBdd(1)\fP command.
\f5a2i, i2a\fP:
These pertain to the EBCDIC character set defined
the \fBdd(1)\fP command on IBM systems.
\f5a2h, h2a\fP:
These pertain to the EBCDIC character set defined
on IBM-37 AS/400 systems.
\f5a2o, o2a\fP:
These pertain to the EBCDIC character set defined
on IBM OpenEdition Unix systems.
\f5a2s, s2a\fP:
These pertain to the EBCDIC character set defined
on Siemens Posix systems.
A delta compression method such as \f5Vcdelta\fP
requires source data to compare against.
Such information must be supplied by an application via the discipline
structure \f5Vcdisc_t\fP:
.ne 5
typedef struct
{ Void_t* data;
size_t size;
Vcevent_f eventf;
} Vcdisc_t;
.Ss " int (*eventf)(Vcodex_t* dt, int type, Void_t* data, Vcdisc_t* disc)"
If not \f5NULL\fP, \f5eventf\fP announces various events.
Unless noted otherwise,
a negative value causes the calling operation to terminate with failure while
a non-negative return value let the calling function proceed normally.
Following are the events:
When \f5data\fP is \f5NULL\fP, this announces the opening of the handle \f5vc\fP.
Otherwise, an error has happened during initialization and
\f5data\fP was the method used to open the handle,
The handle \f5vc\fP is being closed.
The argument \f5data\fP will be \f5NULL\fP in this case.
The current discipline of \f5vc\fP is being changed to the new one given in
.Ss " Vcdisc_t* vcdisc(Vcodex_t* vc, Vcdisc_t* disc);"
This changes the discipline of \f5vc\fP to \f5disc\fP.
On success, \f5vcdisc()\fP returns the previous discipline if it is
not \f5NULL\fP; otherwise, it returns \f5disc\fP.
On failure, \f5vcdisc()\fP returns \f5NULL\fP.
See also the methods \f5Vctable\fP and \f5Vctranspose\fP.
.Ss " vcgetdisc(Vcodex_t* vc);"
This macro function retrieves the discipline for \f5vc\fP.
The types \f5Vcdinst_t\fP, \f5Vcdcode_t\fP and \f5Vcdtable_t\fP describe
the structures of a code table and the instructions. Their usage is
described in the paper IETF RFC draft-korn-vcdiff-xx.txt (http://www.ietf.org).
.Ss " ssize_t vcdputtable(Vcdtable_t* table, Void_t* buf, size_t n)"
This function encodes the given \f5table\fP and stores the result in \f5buf\fP.
It returns the output size on success and \f5-1\fP on error.
.Ss " int vcdgettable(Vcdtable_t* table, Void_t* buf, size_t n)"
This function decodes the data in \f5buf\fP into a code table which
is stored in the space pointed to by \f5table\fP.
It returns \f50\fP on success and \f5-1\fP on error.
This collection of types and functions provides a subpackage
for computing matching windows to help with delta compresssion.
.Ss " Vcwindow_t* vcwopen(Vcwdisc_t* disc, Vcwmethod_t* meth);"
This opens a handle for computing matching windows based
on the given method \f5meth\fP.
The discipline structure, \f5disc\fP, provides source and target file
handles and an event handling function. Source and target file handles,
if given, should be opened for reading. Currently, the event handling function
is only called with \f5VCW_OPENING\fP and \f5VCW_CLOSING\fP.
If \f5meth\fP is \f5NULL\fP, the handle is opened for decoding data.
Below are the methods:
This method reuses the position of the data in the target file
as the tentative start of the computed matching window
in the source file. It may add a small amount of data around
that position to enhance string matching.
This method uses the frequencies of the n-grams (for some private n)
in a target window of data and a voting algorithm to find
a matching window in either the source file or the target file.
This method uses prefix matching on blocks of data to determine
windows matching portions of target data.
.Ss " int vcwclose(Vcwindow_t* vcw);"
This closes the handle \f5vcw\fP.
.Ss " Vcwmatch_t* vcwapply(Vcwindow_t* vcw, Void_t* data, size_t size, Sfoff_t pos);"
This applies the windowing method of \f5vcw\fP to compute
a suitable matching window to the given data segment.
\f5pos\fP gives the starting position of the data segment in the target file.
If the handle was opened with both a source and a target files,
the computed matching window can be anywhere in the source file but it is restricted
to the part of the target file before \f5pos\fP.
A matching window, if found,
is returned in a \f5Vcwmatch_t\fP structure with elements:
This is either \f5VCD_SOURCEFILE\fP or \f5VCD_TARGETFILE\fP
to indicate which file the matching window is from.
\f5wdata, wsize, wpos\fP:
These give the desired window data and the position in the respective file.
This gives the amount of data from \f5data\fP that should be used for
compressing against the computed window data.
.Ss " ssize_t vcwfeedback(Vcwindow_t* vcw, ssize_t size);"
This tells \f5vcw\fP the compression result from the use of the window computed
in the last \f5vcwapply()\fP call. Certain methods may use this information
to focus window searching.
.Ss " Vcwmethod_t* vcwgetmeth(char* name);"
This function searches for a window matching method matching \f5name\fP.
It returns the method or \f5NULL\fP on failure.
.Ss " int vcwwalkmeth(Vcwalk_f walkf, Void_t* disc);"
This walks the list of window matching methods
in the same manner as \f5vcwalkmeth()\fP.
The compression methods \f5Vchuffman\fP, \f5Vchuffgroup\fP and \f5Vchuffpart\fP
are based on the Huffman encoding. The functions described here
provide efficient algorithms for encoding and decoding of certain basic
data structures required in Huffman encoding.
.Ss " ssize_t vchsize(ssize_t* freq, ssize_t* size, int* runb)"
This function computes the code lengths in bits for all bytes given
their frequency as defined in \f5freq[]\fP.
Code lengths are returned in \f5size[]\fP.
If there is a single run, the run byte is returned in \f5*runb\fP.
\f5vchsize()\fP returns the maximum length of any code.
.Ss " ssize_t vchbits(ssize_t* size, Vcbits_t* bits)"
This function computes the actual codes to encode each byte based on
the sizes given in \f5size[]\fP. It returns the maximum code size.
.Ss " int vchcopy(Vcodex_t* vc, ssize_t* freq, ssize_t* size, in maxs)"
This function sets the frequency and size arrays in handle \f5vc\fP
if they are not \f5NULL\fP. \f5maxs\fP is the maximum code size as given
given in \f5size[]\fP. \f5vc\fP will use these arrays for encoding
instead of computing them from the data being encoded.
\f5vchcopy()\fP returns \f50\fP on success and \f5-1\fP on failure.
.Ss " ssize_t vchputcode(ssize_t* size, ssize_t maxs, Vcchar_t* data, size_t dtsz)"
The Huffman code is completely specified by the lengths of the codes as given
in the \f5size\fP array.
This function encodes the \f5size[]\fP array in a compressed portable form
suitable for output. The \f5data\fP array should have a sufficiently large
size \f5dtsz\fP to store the result. It returns the length of the result in bytes.
.Ss " ssize_t vchgetcode(ssize_t* size, ssize_t maxs, Vcchar_t* data, size_t dtsz)"
This function decodes the \f5size[]\fP array from the encoded data given
in \f5data\fP. It returns the number of bytes consumed from \f5data\fP
for decoding \f5size[]\fP.
Data in tables with fixed number of columns
can be better compressed by transforming the data of each column
based on whether or not it can be predicted well by some other column.
The data types and functions needed for such a data transformation
are described below.
.ne 11
typedef struct _vctblcolumn_s /* column specifications */
{ ssize_t index; /* column index */
ssize_t pred1; /* <0 if self compressing */
ssize_t pred2; /* if pred1<0, 1 for doing MTF */
} Vctbltrans_t;
typedef struct _vctblplan_s /* transform plan */
{ ssize_t ncols; /* row size or # of columns */
Vctblcolumn_t* trans; /* the plan to transform data */
Vcodex_t* zip; /* Vcdelta to code plan */
} Vctblplan_t;
.Ss " Vctbplan_t* vctblmakeplan(Void_t* data, size_t size, size_t ncols, int flags);"
This function uses the given \f5data\fP to compute a plan that
can be used to compress table with fixed-length rows.
\f5vctblmakeplan()\fP returns the plan on success or \f5NULL\fP on failure.
The argument \f5ncols\fP tells the number of columns.
The argument \f5flags\fP should be a combination of the below bits:
\f5VCTBL_RLE\fP: use run-length compressive entropy to measure dependency strength (default).
\f5VCTBL_CEE\fP: use conditional empirical entropy to measure dependency strength.
\f5VCTBL_LEFT\fP: use left to right dependency relations (default).
\f5VCTBL_RIGHT\fP: use right to left dependency relations (default).
\f5VCTBL_SINGLE\fP: use only a single predictor. Default is two predictors.
.Ss " void vctblfreeplan(Vctblplan_t* plan);"
This function frees a plan computed by \f5vctblmakeplan()\fP.
.Ss " ssize_t vctblencodeplan(Vctblplan_t* plan, Void_t** codep);"
.Ss " Vctblplan_t* vctbldecodeplan(Void_t* code, size_t cdsz);"
\f5vctblencodeplan()\fP computes from the given \f5plan\fP a string suitable
for permanent storage.
It returns the length of the string on success
and \f5-1\fP on failure.
The code string itself is returned in \f5*codep\fP on success.
\f5vctbldecodeplan()\fP reconstructs the plan encoded in the given string.
Each relational data table consists of a number of records where
each record contains a number of fields. We allow fields to be any
combinations of being fixed-length or delineated by some separators.
The collection of data types and functions provided here enable construction
of on-line data structures suitable for manipulating relational
data tables. In particular, the type \f5Vcrdtable_t\fP describes
the structure of a relational dataset.
In the case when the data are records and fields purely delineated by record
and field separators, a record may be allowed to not containing a full
complement of fields. In such a case, the on-line structure fills in
missing fields with data consisting of single record separators so that
the table appears as if all records have the same number of fields.
.Ss " ssize_t vcrdsepar(Vcrdsepar_t* rds, ssize_t nrds, Vcchar_t* data, ssize_t dtsz, int rsep);"
A relational dataset may consist of records separated by some record separator.
In addition, each record consists of fields separated by some field separator.
Often, a dataset may be given without specification of either of these separators.
This function computes candidates for record and field separators for such a dataset.
\f5rds, nrds\fP: These define an array with \f5nrds\fP elements of the type \f5Vcrdsepar_t\fP.
\f5vcrdsepar()\fP returns up to \f5nrds\fP best candidate separators in this array.
\f5data, dtsz\fP: These provide the data used in computing the separator candidates.
\f5rsep\fP: If this is non-negative and less than 256, it defines the record separator.
In that case, only the field separator will be computed.
.Ss " Vcrdtable_t* vcrdparse(Vcrdinfo_t* info, Vcchar_t* data, ssize_t dtsz, int type);"
.Ss " ssize_t vcrdsize(Vcrdtable_t* tbl);"
.Ss " void vcrdclose(Vcrdtable_t* tbl);"
These functions constructs and frees \f5Vcrdtable_t\fP structures
to represent data by fields and records.
\f5vcrdsize()\fP returns the actual amount of data from \f5data\fP used to
construct the table after a \f5vcrdparse()\fP or \f5vcrdfield()\fP call
(i.e., not all data may be used in such a call). Below are the arguments for \f5vcrdparse()\fP:
\f5info\fP: This structure defines initial information about the table data.
The field \f5flen\fP, if not \f5NULL\fP, should be an array with positive \f5fldn\fP elements.
Each element of \f5flen[]\fP can be (1) \fIpositive\fP to define
a fixed-length field, (2) \fIzero\fP to define a field delineated by a separator, and
(3) \fInegative\fP to define a field delineated by some separator
but having been filled in so that data across all records have the same length, the absolute
value of the given value.
\f5data, dtsz\fP: The raw data of the table.
The fields \f5recn\fP and \f5fldn\fP of \f5info\fP must be positive if
either \f5data\fP is \f5NULL\fP or \f5dtsz <= 0\fP. In this case,
only a skeleton \f5Vcrdtable_t\fP structure will be constructed.
Field data must be filled in later via \f5vcrdfield()\fP.
\f5type\fP: This is either \f50\fP or \f5VCRD_FIELD\fP. The latter means
that the given data is in a field-oriented format instead of the default record-oriented format.
The fields \f5recn\fP and \f5fldn\fP of \f5info\fP must be positive if data is field-oriented.
.Ss " ssize_t vcrdfield(Vcrdtable_t* tbl, ssize_t f, ssize_t n, Vcchar_t* data, ssize_t dtsz);"
This call changes the data of a field in the table \f5tbl\fP.
The field index is given in \f5f\fP while its length is given in \f5n\fP.
The treatment of \f5n\fP is exactly the same as described above for elements in the \f5flen[]\fP array.
\f5vcrdfield()\fP returns the size of data actually used.
.Ss " vcrdattrs(Vcrdtable_t* tbl, ssize_t f, int attrs, int type);"
This call sets the attributes of fields in the table \f5tbl\fP.
If \f5f\fP is nonnegative, it indicates the single field to change.
Otherwise, all fields will be considered to change.
\f5type\fP can be zero or non-zero to turn off or on the given attributes.
\f5attrs\fP is a bit combination of the below attributes:
If the field is delineated by a separator, values across records may have different lengths.
When this attribute is on, such values will be padded with the separator as necessary to make
all have the same length. Note that this padding is done virtually on data extraction only.
See also \f5vcrdextract()\fP.
Certain fields contain values such as floating point numbers or IP addresses
are of the form \fIxxx.yyy.zzz...\fP. In the case of IP addresses, a value
may also be ended in \fI/nnn\fP to indicate the number of bits to use.
When this attribute is on, such a value will be converted into a fixed-length sequence
of bytes, each representing a component of the value. The conversion is done
only if all values of the field can be converted uniformly. On a successful conversion,
the \f5type\fP attribute of the respective \f5Vcrdfield_t\fP will be set to contain
\f5VCRD_DOT\fP and perhaps also \f5VCRD_SLASH\fP if the \fI/nnn\fP pattern was detected and converted.
.Ss " ssize_t vcrdextract(Vcrdtable_t* tbl, ssize_t f, Vcchar_t** datap, int type);"
This call extracts from table \f5tbl\fP the data of a field \f5f\fP if \f5f\fP is non-negative
or the data of the entire table otherwise. The data array is returned in \f5*datap\fP and its
size is the return value. \f5type\fP can be a bit combination of the following:
If this bit is on, records with missing fields will be filled in with the record separator
as appropriate to make all records have the same number of fields.
Note that variable-length fields may also be filled separately by their internal attributes
as described in \f5vcrdattrs()\fP.
The default data orientation is by record.
This bit causes data to be extracted in a field-oriented fashion.
Note that this bit implies \f5VCRD_FULL\fP.
.ne 4
typedef struct _vcrdplan_s
{ ssize_t fldn; /* number of fields */
ssize_t pred[]; /* predictor list */
} Vcrdplan_t;
\f5Vcrdplan_t\fP defines the dependency relations among fields.
\f5fldn\fP is the number of fields while \f5pred[]\fP gives the predictive relations.
If \f5pred[i] != i\fP, field \f5pred[i]\fP predicts field \f5i\fP.
Otherwise, \f5i\fP is unpredicted.
.Ss " ssize_t vcrdweight(Vcrdtable_t* tbl, ssize_t f, ssize_t* vect, Vcrdweight_f wghtf);"
This function computes the weight of field \f5f\fP in table \f5tbl\fP.
The weight of a field is calculated by summing the weights of values in adjacent records.
\f5vect\fP, if not \f5NULL\fP, is a vector used to reorder the records of \f5fld\fP before
calculating its weight. \f5wghtf\fP, if not \f5NULL\fP, is a function to compute the weight
of two given strings of data. When \f5wghtf\fP is \f5NULL\fP, an internal function is used
which simply computes the length of the common prefix of the two given strings.
.Ss " int vcrdvector(Vcrdtable_t* tbl, ssize_t f, Vcchar_t* trdt, ssize_t dtsz, int type);"
This function computes a transform vector of field \f5f\fP in table \f5tbl\fP.
It returns -1 on error and non-negative on success. On success, the return value 1 signifies
that all values are equal.
\f5type == VC_ENCODE\fP:
If \f5trdt\fP is not \f5NULL\fP, it is memory of size \f5dtsz\fP.
Record data will be transposed column by column into it
based on the sort states up to a particular column.
In this case, the internal transform vector, if any, will not be changed.
On the other hand, if \f5trdt\fP is \f5NULL\fP, the internal transform vector will
be computed if not yet done so.
\f5type == VC_DECODE\fP:
This inverts the data previously transformed by \f5vcrdvector()\fP and repopulates the field \f5f\fP.
The transform vector will be updated to reflect the new data.
.Ss " Vcrdplan_t* vcrdmakeplan(Vcrdtable_t* tbl, Vcrdweight_f wghtf);"
.Ss " void vcrdfreeplan(Vcrdplan_t* plan);"
\f5vcrdmakeplan()\fP computes the field dependency in a relational data table to define
a plan to transform the data for better compression. It returns \f5NULL\fP on error.
\f5wghtf\fP, if not \f5NULL\fP or \f5VCRD_NOPLAN\fP,
is a function to compute the weight of a pair of strings.
\f5vcrdfreeplan()\fP frees all memory associated with the given plan.
.Ss " int vcrdexecplan(Vcrdtable_t* tbl, Vcrdplan_t* plan, int type);"
This function executes the given \f5plan\fP to transform the fields in table \f5tbl\fP.
The argument \f5type\fP is either \f5VC_ENCODE\fP or \f5VC_DECODE\fP to indicate whether
the data is being encoded or decoded.
The function returns \f5-1\fP on error.
.ne 6
typedef struct _vcsfx_s
{ ssize_t* idx; /* sorted suffix indices */
ssize_t* inv; /* inverse permuation of idx[] */
Vcchar_t* str; /* string with sorted suffixes */
size_t nstr; /* length of above string */
} Vcsfx_t;
.Ss " Vcsfx_t* vcsfxsort(const Void_t* str, size_t nstr);"
\f5vcsfxsort()\fP sorts indices of suffixes of \f5str\fP to create
a suffix array. The string is treated as if it ends with an element
larger than all other bytes in the string. In this way, the order for
all suffixes are well-defined. \f5vcsfxsort()\fP returns a structure
of type \f5Vcsfx_t\fP as above on success or \f5NULL\fP on failure.
The field \f5Vcsfx_t.idx\fP has the indices of all suffixes sorted
lexicographically. The field \f5Vcsfx_t.inv\fP has the inverse
permutation of \f5Vcsfx_t.idx\fP. That is, \f5inv[idx[i]] == i\fP.
.Ss " ssize_t vcperiod(const Void_t* data, size_t dtsz);"
\f5vcperiod\fP computes a quasi-period in the given data, if any.
This is useful to determine the number of columns in table data.
Certain transforms such as the delta compression method \f5Vcdelta\fP uses
a greedy parsing scheme based on a combination of Lempel-Ziv'77 and
Tichy's block-move. Source and target strings are conceptually concatenated into
a superstring. The resulting data is then parsed starting from target data to
construct a sequence of matching fragments.
As an example, consider parsing a target sequence
\f5abcde\fP given the source sequence \f5abcdabcdabcdf\fP.
The catenated sequence is \f5abcdeabcdabcdabcdf\fP so parsing
may produce the below matching segments and a possible
reconstruction plan from the \f5Vcdelta\fP transform with the
shown COPY and ADD instructions:
5 4 0 /* position 5 matches 4 bytes starting at 0 */
9 8 5 /* position 9 matches 8 bytes starting at 5 */
COPY 4 0 /* abcd......... */
COPY 8 5 /* abcdabcdabcd. */
ADD 1 f /* abcdabcdabcdf */
.Ss " int vclzparse(Vclzparse_t* vcpa, ssize_t bound);"
This function parses the target data and calls
\f5vcpa->parsef\fP on each parsed segments.
Normally, hashing is used for string matching but if
\f5bound < 0\fP and the parsing does not use reverse matching
or character mapping, then a suffix sorting algorithm is used for string matching.
The handle \f5vcpa\fP is of type \f5Vclzparse_t\fP
and specifies the data to be parsed and parsing parameters.
The argument \f5bound\fP, if negative, means that a suffix sorting algorithm
will be used for string matching. This tends to be slow but finds longer matches.
If \f5bound\fP is non-negative, a hashing method is used for string matching.
This is faster but may miss some long matches. Further, if \f5bound\fP is positive
it provides a hint to prune the hash table of far away addresses.
.ne 10
typedef struct _vclzparse_s
{ Vclzparse_f parsef; /* function to process a segment sequence */
Vcchar_t* src; /* the source string, if not NULL */
ssize_t nsrc; /* the length of the source data */
Vcchar_t* tar; /* the target string to be parsed */
ssize_t ntar; /* the length of the target data */
ssize_t mmin; /* the minimum length required for a match */
Vcchar_t* cmap; /* if !NULL, byte pairs to map for matching */
int type; /* a combination of VCLZ_REVERSE|VCLZ_MAP */
} Vclzparse_t;
typedef struct _vclzmatch_s
{ ssize_t tpos; /* the position of data in target string */
ssize_t mpos; /* the matching position in source/target */
ssize_t size; /* the length of the data involved */
} Vclzmatch_t;
If the bit \f5VCLZ_REVERSE\fP is on in the field \f5Vclzparse_t.type\fP,
reverse matching is allowed. For example \f5abc\fP may match with \f5cba\fP
as well as \f5abc\fP. Likewise, if the bit \f5VCLZ_MAP\fP is on,
the field \f5Vclzparse_t.map\fP should be a string specifying pairs
of characters that are allowed to match. For example, if \f5map\fP
is "\f5ATGCatcg\fP", then \f5A\fP matches with \f5T\fP,
\f5G\fP matches with \f5C\fP, and so on.
This example pattern and reverse matching are useful for compressing DNA data.
.Ss " ssize_t (*Vclzparse_f)(Vclzparse_t* vcpa, int type, Vclzmatch_t* mtch, ssize_t n);"
This call-back function is invoked on sequences of data segments. It should return
the amount of data actually consumed. A negative return value causes \f5vclzparse()\fP
to stop and return immediately. A zero return value means that all the data covered
by the given segments should be considered unmatchable.
The same handle that was passed to \f5vclzparse()\fP.
This is a combination of \f5VCLZ_REVERSE\fP and \f5VCLZ_MAP\fP to tell
what type of matching was done.
\f5mtch, n\fP:
This is the list of parsed segments, each presented in a structure
of type \f5Vclzmatch_t\fP. Only \f5mtch[0]\fP may have \f5mpos < 0\fP
to indicate a segment of unmatched data.
Other elements should indicate actual matches.
The below functions are provided by \f5Vcodex\fP for portable data encoding.
These functions perform only minimal bound checking, if any.
Applications should take care of such details.
.Ss " void vcioinit(Vcio_t* io, Vcchar_t* buf, int n);"
This initializes a \f5Vcio_t\fP structure \f5io\fP with
the given buffer \f5buf\fP with size \f5n\fP bytes.
.Ss " size_t vciosize(Vcio_t* io);"
This returns the extent that the buffer has been written to or read from.
.Ss " size_t vciomore(Vcio_t* io);"
This returns the size of the remaining part of the buffer that has
not yet been written to or read from.
.Ss " Vcchar_t* vciodata(Vcio_t* io);"
This returns the original data buffer.
.Ss " Vcchar_t* vcionext(Vcio_t* io);"
This returns the pointer to the next position in the buffer that can
be written to or read from.
.Ss " Vcchar_t* vcioskip(Vcio_t* io, int n);"
This skips ahead \f5n\fP bytes and returns the resulting pointer to the buffer.
.SS " void vciomove(Vcio_t* to, Vcio_t* from, int n);"
This moves \f5n\fP bytes between the given buffer and advances their
positions accordingly.
.Ss " ssize_t vcioputc(Vcio_t* io, int c);"
.Ss " int vciogetc(Vcio_t* io);"
These functions write and read bytes respectively.
.Ss " ssize_t vcioputs(Vcio_t* io, Void_t* s, size_t len);"
.Ss " ssize_t vciogets(Vcio_t* io, Void_t* s, size_t len);"
These functions write and read arrays of bytes.
They return the number of bytes written or read.
.Ss " ssize_t vcioputu(Vcio_t io, Vcint_t v);"
.Ss " Vcint_t vciogetu(Vcio_t* io);"
These functions write and read unsigned integers using a 7-bit encoding
in the Sfio style.
\f5vcputu()\fP returns the number of bytes used to encode the value.
.Ss " ssize_t vcioputm(Vcio_t* io, Vcint_t v, Vcint_t max);
.Ss " Vcint_t vciogetm(Vcio_t* io, Vcint_t max);"
These functions write and read unsigned integers
using an 8-bit encoding in the Sfio style.
The size of the encoding depends on the magnitude of \f5max\fP.
For example, if \f5max\fP is 255, only one byte is used while, if \f5max\fP
is 256, two bytes will be used.
\f5vcputm()\fP returns the number of bytes used to encode the value.
.Ss " ssize_t vcioput2(Vcio_t* io, Vcint_t v, Vcchar_t a, Vcchar_t b);"
.Ss " Vcint_t vcioget2(Vcio_t* io, Vcchar_t a, Vcchar_t b);"
These functions write and read unsigned integers using a
compact binary coding with \f5a\fP and \f5b\fP as digits.
\f5vcput2()\fP returns the number of bytes used to encode the value.
.Ss " ssize_t vcioputg(Vcio_t* io, Vcint_t v);"
.Ss " Vcint_t vciogetg(Vcio_t* io);"
These functions write and read integers using the Gamma code.
.Ss " ssize_t vcioputlist(Vcio_t* io, Vcint_t* list, ssize_t n);"
.Ss " Vcint_t vciogetlist(Vcio_t* io, Vcint_t* list, ssize_t n);"
These functions write and read lists of non-negative integers using
a compact bit code. Note that the list size \f5n\fP given in \f5vciogetl()\fP
must match exactly the list size given to \f5vcioputl()\fP.
.Ss " void vciosetb(Vcio_t* io, Vcbits_t bits, ssize_t nbit, int type);"
.Ss " void vcioendb(Vcio_t* io, Vcbits_t bits, ssize_t nbit, int type);"
.Ss " void vciofilb(Vcio_t* io, Vcbits_t bits, ssize_t nbit);"
.Ss " void vcioflsb(Vcio_t* io, Vcbits_t bits, ssize_t nbit);"
.Ss " Vcbits_t vcioaddb(Vcio_t* io, Vcbits_t bits, ssize_t nbit, Vcbits_t add, ssize_t nadd);"
.Ss " Vcbits_t vciodelb(Vcio_t* io, Vcbits_t bits, ssize_t nbit, ssize_t ndel);"
These \fImacro functions\fP constitute a set of operations for fast bit I/O.
The variables \f5bits\fP and \f5nbit\fP are \f5declared\fP
by the application and will be asociated with the handle \f5io\fP via \f5vciosetb()\fP.
The association is for either encoding, i.e., \f5type=VC_ENCODE\fP,
or decoding, i.e., \f5type=VC_DECODE\fP, and must be done before any bit operations.
\f5vcioendb()\fP must be called to finalize bit I/O to get ready for other forms of I/O.
\f5vciofilb()\fP fills \f5bits\fP with some number of bits available from \f5io\fP.
\f5nbit\fP is updated to indicate the number of available bits.
\f5vcioflsb()\fP flushes the bits available in \f5bits\fP out to \f5io\fP.
Bits are flushed in 8-bit aggregates into bytes.
\f5nbit\fP is updated to indicate the number of bits remained unflushed in \f5bits\fP.
\f5vcioaddb()\fP adds \f5nadd\fP bits from \f5add\fP to \f5bits\fP.
It is the caller's respobsibility to ensure that there is room in \f5bits\fP
to add the new bits. Otherwise, bits may be lost.
\f5vciodelb()\fP takes off \f5ndel\fP number of bits from \f5bits\fP.
Such bits are lost forever.
The functions described in this section process data from a stream.
Depending on local environments, these functions are either based
on the Sfio library or on Stdio, the ANSI-C I/O interface.
.Ss " Vcsfio_t"
The type \f5Vcsfio_t\fP represents a stream for performing I/O.
When Stdio is used, it is an opaque type keeping
state information needed for data transformation.
In this case, the I/O functions \f5vcsfwrite()\fP and \f5vcsfread()\fP should be used
to read and write data.
When Sfio is used, it is defined as \f5Sfio_t\fP.
In this case, all normal Sfio operations could be used on the stream.
Functions such as \f5vcsfread()\fP and \f5vcsfwrite()\fP will be macro redefinitions of
their corresponding Sfio functions.
.Ss " Vcsfdata_t"
The type \f5Vcsfdata_t\fP is used to pass initialization data to \f5vcsfio()\fP.
.ne 7
typedef struct _vcsfdata_s
{ int type; /* various types of processing */
char* trans; /* transformation specification */
char* window; /* window specification */
char* source; /* source file to delta against */
Vcsferror_f errorf; /* to process errors */
} Vcsfdata_t;
This is composed from two bits: \f5VCSF_VCDIFF\fP for outputting a header
as defined by the IETF RFC3284 for the VCDIFF delta encoding format or
\f5VCSF_PLAIN\fP for outputting no header at all. If neither bits are
set, a header based on methods used will be output.
This is the transform specification.
See section ALIAS PROCESSING for details.
This specifies window size and window matching method.
The window size if defined should come first and be
an integer with optional suffix \f5k\fP for kilobyte
or \f5m\fP for megabyte. This window size defines the maximum amount
of data to be transformed at one time.
A window matching method
should be defined starting with a period then the name of the method.
Source file to delta-compress against if the first method
is a delta compressor.
This function announces an error encountered during data processing.
It is called as \f5(*errorf)(char* string)\fP where \f5string\fP
tells the error type.
.Ss "Vcsfio_t* vcsfio(Sfio_t* sf, Vcsfdata_t* sfdt, int type);"
This function constructs a \f5Vcsfio_t\fP handle to perform encoding
or decoding on the stream \f5sf\fP depending on whether
\f5type\fP is \f5VC_ENCODE\fP or \f5VC_DECODE\fP.
When the Sfio library is in use,
the same stream \f5sf\fP is returned. When the Stdio library is in use,
the type \f5Sfio_t\fP is a macro redefinition of the \f5FILE\fP type while
\f5Vcsfio_t\fP is an opaque type as described earlier.
The structure \f5sfdt\fP provides the specification for methods used
to transform data.
The method specification \f5sfdt->spec\fP
must be supplied on encoding and also on decoding
if \f5sfdt->type\fP has the bit \f5VCSF_PLAIN\fP.
If \f5type\fP is \f5VC_DECODE\fP, \frsfdt\fP can be \f5NULL\fP.
In that case, the transforms needed to decode data will be
obtained from starting data in the stream.
.Ss " ssize_t vcsfread(Vcsfio_t* vcsf, Void_t* buf, size_t n);"
This function reads from a stream of encoded data and decode them into the
given buffer \f5buf\fP. It returns the length of the decoded data on success and
a negative value on failure.
.Ss " ssize_t vcsfwrite(Vcsfio_t* vcsf, const Void_t* data, size_t n);
This function writes the raw data given in \f5data\fP to the stream \f5vcsf\fP.
Such data will be encoded before written out to the underlying data stream.
On success, the amount of raw data written is returned. On failure, a negative
value is returned.
.Ss " int vcsfsync(Vcsfio_t* vcsf);"
This function flushes unwritten data out to the underlying stream.
.Ss " int vcsfclose(Vcsfio_t* vcsf);"
This function closes the stream \f5vcsf\fP. Unwritten data will be flushed
out to the underlying stream first.
.Ss " void vcaddalias(char** list);"
This function adds a set of aliases or short-hands for
longer sequences of method specification.
The given \f5list\fP is null-terminated.
Each item on \f5list\fP is a string of the form \fIalias~=~specification\fP.
Each specification is a list of comma-separated elements.
Each element should be a transform name
followed by any arguments. The arguments are separated by '.'.
Each argument may be a \fIname\fP or a \fIname=value\fP pair.
In the latter case,
\fIvalue\fP can have C characters embedded in them. For example, consider
the below two specifications:
The first specification says that the \f5Vcrdb\fP transform of relational data
should be used first. In this case, the data file is a flat file database with
text lines as records and the field separator is the tab character as
defined by \f5fsep=[\et]\fP. After \f5rdb\fP is done processing, it will pass
its output onto the Burrows-Wheeler transform \f5bwt\fP which, in turn, will invoke
the move-to-front transform \f5mtf\fP, and so on.
The second specification also invokes the \f5Vcrdb\fP first but this time
the data consists of records with three fixed-length fields
of lengths 10, 20 and 30 in that order. After \f5rdb\fP is done processing,
it will invoke the \f5table\fP transform to process each field.
.Ss "char* vcgetalias(char* alias, char* spec, ssize_t size);"
This function returns the specification corresponding to the given \f5alias\fP.
The arguments \f5spec\fP and \f5size\fP define a buffer to return
the specification in. \f5vcgetalias()\fP returns the specification or \f5NULL\fP
on failure.
.Ss "int vcwalkalias(Vcwalk_f walkf, Void_t* disc);"
This function invokes
\f5(*walkf)(0, name, spec, disc)\fP on each defined alias.
.Ss " double vclog(size_t v);"
.Ss " ssize_t vclogi(size_t v);"
\f5vclog()\fP computes the base-2 logarithm of \f5v\fP.
\f5vclogi()\fP only returns the integer part.
.Ss " ssize_t vcsizeu(Vcint_t v);"
This macro function returns the number of bytes needed to encode \f5v\fP
using \f5vcioputu()\fP.
.Ss " Vcint_t vcatoi(char* buf);"
.Ss " ssize_t vcitoa(Vcint_t v, char* buf, ssize_t n);"
These functions convert a string to an integer and vice versa.
\f5vcitoa()\fP requires that \f5n\fP be sufficiently large to store
the constructed null-terminate string. It returns the string length.
.Ss " Vcint_t vcintcode(Vcint_t v, Vcint_t near, Vcint_t min, Vcint_t max, int type);"
This function encodes/decodes the integer \f5v\fP based on whether \f5type\fP is
\f5v\fP and \f5near\fP should be in the inclusive range \f5[min,max]\fP.
\f5v\fP is coded assuming that it is close to \f5near\fP.
This type of integer coding is useful to reduce data representation
in a transform such as \f5Vcsieve\fP which tend to code sequence of addresses
that are close to one another.
.Ss " char* vcstrcode(char* s, char* buf, ssize_t n);"
This function translates the characters in the string \f5s\fP
from its native code set to the ASCII code set which can be
used for portable persistent data.
It returns \f5buf\fP which should have the translated string
on success and \f5NULL\fP on error.
.Ss " typedef int (*Vccompare_f)(void* elt1, void* elt2, void* disc);"
.Ss " void vcqsort(void* list, ssize_t nelts, ssize_t eltsize, Vccompare_f comparf, void* disc);"
\f5vcqsort()\fP is like the \f5qsort()\fP function but it allows specifying
an element \f5disc\fP to pass on to the comparison function \f5comparf\fP.
This is useful to provide data about elements being compared.
.Ss " ssize_t vcbcktsort(ssize_t* sort, ssize_t* list, ssize_t n, Vcchar_t* data, ssize_t bckt[256]);"
This function sorts indices given in \f5list\fP and returns them in \f5sort\fP.
The number of element is \f5n\fP and the bytes used to sort are given in \f5data\fP.
The \f5bckt[]\fP array returns the cumulative counts of bytes. For example,
\f5bckt[0]\fP is the count of byte \f50\fP, \f5bckt[1]\fP is the count of bytes \f50\fP
and \f51\fP, and so on.
.Ss " char* vcsubstring(char* data, int separ, char* buf, ssize_t bufsz, int type);"
This function extracts a substring of \f5data\fP and returns it in the buffer \f5buf\fP
with a null byte appended. \f5vcsubstring()\fP returns a pointer to the remainder
of \f5data\fP. Substrings are separated by \f5separ\fP.
Characters in C-notation are allowed. Data can also be grouped by square brackets.
The backslash escapes the next character.
\f5type == 0\fP:
Only search for \f5separ\fP but still respecting backslashes and grouping by brackets.
\f5type == 1\fP:
The backslash character means special treatment of characters as in the C language.
The left square bracket means to obtain every character until the appearance
of an un-escaped right square bracket. The brackets will be left out of
the returned data.
Kiem-Phong Vo
David Korn helped designing the \f5VCDIFF\fP data format standardized in RFC3284.
Binh Vo invented the table compressor \f5Vctable\fP. He also
helped designing a number of transforms such as
\f5Vchuffgroup\fP, \f5Vchuffpart\fP and \f5Vcmtf\fP.