* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 2003-2011 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Phong Vo <kpv@research.att.com> *
* *
#include "vchdr.h"
#include <fnmatch.h>
/* Collection of functions to translate command line arguments,
** aliases, etc. to list of transforms and arguments suitable for
** data tranformation by vcsfio().
** The syntax is like this:
** Transformation Method1,Method2,...
** Method method.arg1.arg2....
** arg value
** arg name=value
** method alphanumeric string specifying a transform
** name alphanumeric string specifying an argument
** value any string, quotable with [], C-style chars
** Written by Kiem-Phong Vo.
#ifndef PATH_MAX
#define PATH_MAX (4*1024)
#define ALIASES "lib/vcodex/aliases"
#define VCZIPRC ".vcziprc"
typedef struct _vcalias_s Vcalias_t;
struct _vcalias_s
{ Vcalias_t* next;
char* name; /* name of the alias */
char* value; /* what it should expand to */
static char *Dfltalias[] =
"tv = ama,table,mtf,rle.0,huffgroup",
"tss7 = ss7,table,mtf,rle.0,huffpart",
"tnls = ama.nls,rtable,mtf,rle.0,huffgroup",
"tnl = ama.nl,table,mtf,rle.0,huffgroup",
"tbdw = bdw,ama,table,mtf,rle.0,huffgroup",
"t = table,mtf,rle.0,huffgroup",
"rte = strip.nl.head=1.tail=1,rdb.pad.plain.whole,table,mtf,rle.0,huffgroup",
"rt = rtable,mtf,rle.0,huffgroup",
"qv = ama,transpose,rle,huffman",
"qnl = ama.nl,transpose,rle,huffman",
"q = transpose,rle,huffman",
"netflow = netflow,mtf,rle.0,huffgroup",
"flatrdb = rdb,bwt,mtf,rle.0,huffgroup",
"fixedrdb = rdb.full,table,mtf,rle.0,huffgroup",
"dna = sieve.reverse.map=ATGCatgc,huffgroup",
"delta = sieve.delta,bwt,mtf,rle.0,huffgroup",
"b = bwt,mtf,rle.0,huffgroup",
static Vcalias_t *Alias;
static Vcalias_t *Fname;
/* create aliases, text lines of the form 'name = value' */
/* create file name extension mappings, text lines of the form 'pattern : value' */
#if __STD_C
static void zipalias(char* s)
static Vcalias_t* zipalias(s)
char* s; /* spec of new aliases */
Vcalias_t *al, **list;
ssize_t a, v, w, n;
for(n = s ? strlen(s) : 0; n > 0; )
{ /* skip starting blanks */
while(n > 0 && (isblank(*s) || *s == '\n') )
{ s += 1; n -= 1; }
if(!isalnum(*s) ) /* invalid alias specification */
goto skip_line;
/* get the name */
for(a = 0; a < n; ++a)
for(v = a; v < n; ++v)
if(!isblank(s[v]) )
if(s[v] == '=')
list = &Alias;
else if(s[v] == ':')
list = &Fname;
goto skip_line;
/* get the value */
for(v += 1; v < n; ++v)
if(!isblank(s[v]) )
for(w = v; w < n; ++w)
if(isblank(s[w]) )
if(w == v)
goto skip_line;
if(!(al = (Vcalias_t*)malloc(sizeof(Vcalias_t) + a+1 + (w-v)+1)) )
al->name = (char*)(al+1);
al->value = al->name + a+1;
memcpy(al->name, s, a); al->name[a] = 0;
memcpy(al->value, s+v, w-v); al->value[w-v] = 0;
al->next = *list;
*list = al;
for(; n > 0; --n, ++s)
if(*s == '\n')
/* initialize a list of aliases */
#if __STD_C
void vcaddalias(char** dflt)
void vcaddalias(dflt)
char** dflt; /* list of default aliases */
ssize_t z;
Sfio_t *sf;
char *sp, file[PATH_MAX];
#if _PACKAGE_ast /* AST alias convention */
if(pathpath(ALIASES, "", PATH_REGULAR, file, sizeof(file)) && (sf = sfopen(0, file, "")) )
{ while((sp = sfgetr(sf, '\n', 1)) )
/* $HOME/.vcziprc */
if((sp = getenv("HOME")) && (z = strlen(sp)) > 0 && (z+1+strlen(VCZIPRC)+1) <= PATH_MAX )
{ memcpy(file, sp, z);
sp[z] = '/';
strcpy(file+z+1, VCZIPRC);
if((sf = sfopen(0, file, "")) )
{ while((sp = sfgetr(sf, '\n', 1)) )
for(z = 0; sp = Dfltalias[z]; ++z)
/* other default aliases */
for(z = 0; (sp = dflt[z]); ++z)
/* map an alias. Arguments are passed onto the first method of the aliased spec */
#if __STD_C
char* vcgetalias(char* spec, char* meth, ssize_t mtsz)
char* vcgetalias(spec, meth, mtsz)
char* spec; /* name.arg1.arg2... */
char* meth; /* buffer for methods */
ssize_t mtsz; /* buffer size */
char *args, *rest, name[1024];
ssize_t n, a, r;
Vcalias_t *alias;
if(!(alias = Alias) || !spec)
return spec;
/* must be of the form xxx.yyy.zzz... only */
if(!(args = vcsubstring(spec, VC_METHSEP, name, sizeof(name), 0)) || *args != 0 )
return spec;
/* find the extent of the alias name */
for(n = 0; name[n]; ++n)
if(name[n] == 0 || name[n] == VC_ARGSEP)
args = name[n] ? name+n+1 : name+n;
name[n] = 0;
/* see if that matches an alias */
for(; alias; alias = alias->next)
if(strcmp(alias->name, name) == 0)
return spec;
if(!*args || !meth || !mtsz) /* no new arguments */
return alias->value;
/* copy the spec of the first transform to meth[] */
if(!(rest = vcsubstring(alias->value, VC_METHSEP, meth, mtsz, 0)) )
return spec;
n = strlen(meth);
a = strlen(args);
r = strlen(rest);
if(n+1+a+1+r > mtsz) /* not enough room */
return spec;
/* copy additional arguments */
meth[n] = VC_ARGSEP;
strcpy(meth+n+1, args);
if(r > 0) /* copy the rest of the alias */
{ meth[n+1+a] = VC_METHSEP;
strcpy(meth+n+1+a+1, rest);
return meth;
/* match a file name */
#if __STD_C
char* vcgetfname(char* name, char* meth, ssize_t mtsz)
char* vcgetfname(name, meth, mtsz)
char* name; /* file name to match */
char* meth; /* buffer for methods */
ssize_t mtsz; /* buffer size */
Vcalias_t *al;
for(al = Fname; al; al = al->next)
if(fnmatch(al->name, name, FNM_PATHNAME) == 0 )
if(!meth || mtsz <= strlen(al->value))
strcpy(meth, al->value);
return meth;
return NIL(char*);
/* walk an alias list */
#if __STD_C
static int vcwalklist(Vcalias_t* al, Vcwalk_f walkf, Void_t* disc)
static int vcwalklist(al, walkf, disc)
Vcalias_t* al;
Vcwalk_f walkf;
Void_t* disc;
int rv;
return -1;
for(; al; al = al->next)
if((rv = (*walkf)((Void_t*)0, al->name, al->value, disc)) < 0 )
return rv;
return 0;
/* walk the list of aliases */
#if __STD_C
int vcwalkalias(Vcwalk_f walkf, Void_t* disc)
int vcwalkalias(walkf, disc)
Vcwalk_f walkf;
Void_t* disc;
return vcwalklist(Alias, walkf, disc);
/* walk the list of fnames */
#if __STD_C
int vcwalkfname(Vcwalk_f walkf, Void_t* disc)
int vcwalkfname(walkf, disc)
Vcwalk_f walkf;
Void_t* disc;
return vcwalklist(Fname, walkf, disc);