* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 2002-2011 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> *
* *
#pragma prototyped
* properly nested xml tag parse implementation
* name=value args are treated as tag members
* for these exrta-xml extensions data is literal (no &element; expansions)
* <#INCLUDE#>file</>
* include file; the file name is the remainder of line
* with leading and trailing space ignored
* <#TABLE#>
* read table data from following lines in the current file
* data is split into header and data sections, each section
* terminated by a blank line or EOF
* the first line of the header section defines the table tag
* names and the data delimiter; only one delimiter is
* supported; <#INCLUDE#> may appear in the first section
* NOTE: the blank lines are non-negotiable
* for example:
* <!- external header and table -!>
* <#TABLE#>
* <#INCLUDE#>file</>
* <!- inline header external table -!>
* <#TABLE#>
* zero or more comment lines ignored
* <#INCLUDE#>file</>
* <!- inline header and table -!>
* <#TABLE#>
* zero or more comment lines ignored
* foo:integer:1
* bar:double:2.3
* <!- end of inline data -!>
#define _TAG_PRIVATE_ \
Sfio_t* ip; \
Sfio_t* op; \
Sfio_t* tmp; \
Tagdisc_t* disc; \
Hit_t* hits;
Tagframe_t* next;
struct Hit_s; typedef struct Hit_s Hit_t;
#include <ast.h>
#include <tag.h>
#include <ccode.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <error.h>
#define COMMENT 1
#define STRING 2
typedef int (*Builtin_f)(Tag_t*, Tagframe_t*, Tags_t*, Tags_t*, Tagdisc_t*);
struct Column_s; typedef struct Column_s Column_t;
struct Include_s; typedef struct Include_s Include_t;
struct Column_s
Column_t* next;
Tags_t* tag;
char name[1];
struct Hit_s
Hit_t* next;
Tagbeg_f begf;
struct Include_s
Sfdisc_t disc;
long line;
char* file;
char path[1];
* return the current tag stack context
tagcontext(Tag_t* tag, Tagframe_t* fp)
char* s;
if (!fp)
return "";
if (!tag->tmp && !(tag->tmp = sfstropen()))
return "<?>";
fp->next = 0;
while (fp->prev)
fp->prev->next = fp;
fp = fp->prev;
sfprintf(tag->tmp, "<%s>", fp->tag->name);
} while (fp = fp->next);
if (!(s = sfstruse(tag->tmp)))
s = "out of space";
return s;
* include file pop exception handler
static int
except(Sfio_t* sp, int op, void* val, Sfdisc_t* dp)
Include_t* ip = (Include_t*)dp;
switch (op)
case SF_DPOP:
case SF_FINAL:
if (op != SF_CLOSING)
error_info.line = ip->line;
error_info.file = ip->file;
return 0;
* parse include file name and push on the input stack
static int
push(Tag_t* tag, register char* s, Tagdisc_t* disc)
char* file;
char* path;
Sfio_t* sp;
Include_t* ip;
char tmp[PATH_MAX];
while (isspace(*s))
file = s;
for (s += strlen(s) - 1; s > file; s--)
if (*s == '>' && s > (file + 1) && *(s - 1) == '/' && *(s - 2) == '<')
s -= 2;
else if (!isspace(*s))
*(s + 1) = 0;
if (!*file)
if (tag->disc->errorf)
(*tag->disc->errorf)(NiL, tag->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "include file name omitted");
return -1;
if (!(path = pathfind(file, disc->id, NiL, tmp, sizeof(tmp))))
if (tag->disc->errorf)
(*tag->disc->errorf)(NiL, tag->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: include file not found", file);
return -1;
if (!(sp = sfopen(NiL, path, "r")))
if (tag->disc->errorf)
(*tag->disc->errorf)(NiL, tag->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot read include file", path);
return -1;
if (!(ip = newof(0, Include_t, 1, strlen(path))))
if (tag->disc->errorf)
(*tag->disc->errorf)(NiL, tag->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "out of space");
return -1;
strcpy(ip->path, path);
ip->line = error_info.line;
ip->file = error_info.file;
error_info.line = 0;
error_info.file = ip->path;
ip->disc.exceptf = except;
if (!(sp = sfstack(tag->ip, sp)) || !sfdisc(sp, &ip->disc))
if (tag->disc->errorf)
(*tag->disc->errorf)(NiL, tag->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot stack include file", ip->path);
if (sp)
sfstack(tag->ip, SF_POPSTACK);
return -1;
return 0;
* file include builtin
static int
include(Tag_t* tag, Tagframe_t* fp, Tags_t* cp, Tags_t* tags, Tagdisc_t* disc)
register char* s;
if (!(s = sfgetr(tag->ip, '\n', 1)))
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(tag, disc, 2, "<%s>: unexpected EOF", cp->name);
return -1;
return push(tag, s, disc);
* get next line with optional embedded <#INCLUDE#>
static char*
getline(Tag_t* tag, Tagframe_t* fp, int* inc, Tagdisc_t* disc)
register char* s;
*inc = 0;
for (;;)
if (!(s = sfgetr(tag->ip, '\n', 1)))
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(tag, disc, 2, "%s: unexpected EOF", tagcontext(tag, fp));
while (isspace(*s))
if (*s != '<')
return s;
if (strncmp(s, "<#INCLUDE#>", 11))
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(NiL, disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: invalid embedded tag", tagcontext(tag, fp));
if (push(tag, s + 11, disc))
*inc = 1;
return 0;
* table data builtin
static int
table(Tag_t* tag, Tagframe_t* fp, Tags_t* cp, Tags_t* tags, Tagdisc_t* disc)
register char* s;
register char* b;
Column_t* col;
Column_t* end;
Column_t* p;
int del;
int inc;
int ret;
int sep;
Tags_t* tp;
Tagframe_t frame;
ret = -1;
memset(&frame, 0, sizeof(frame));
frame.prev = fp;
frame.level = fp->level + 1;
frame.tag = cp;
if (sfgetr(tag->ip, '\n', 1))
if (!(s = getline(tag, fp, &inc, disc)))
goto done;
col = end = 0;
for (b = s; isalnum(*b); b++);
if (!(del = *b))
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(NiL, disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: invalid delimiter", tagcontext(tag, &frame));
goto done;
if (b == s)
while (*s)
for (b = s; *s && *s != del; s++);
if (!(p = newof(0, Column_t, 1, s - b)))
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(NiL, disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "out of space");
return -1;
if (*s)
*s++ = 0;
strcpy(p->name, b);
for (tp = tags; tp->name && !streq(b, tp->name); tp++);
if (!tp->name)
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(tag, disc, 2, "%s<%s>: unknown tag", tagcontext(tag, &frame), b);
goto done;
p->tag = tp;
if (end)
end = end->next = p;
col = end = p;
if (!(s = getline(tag, fp, &inc, disc)))
goto done;
if (!*s)
if (!(s = sfgetr(tag->ip, '\n', 1)))
goto done;
} while (!inc);
sep = 0;
if (!*s)
ret = 0;
goto done;
if (sep)
if (fp->tag->endf && !(*fp->tag->endf)(tag, fp, disc))
return -1;
if (fp->tag->begf && !(*fp->tag->begf)(tag, fp, fp->tag->name, disc))
return -1;
sep = 1;
frame.tag = tp;
for (p = col; p && *s; p = p->next)
for (b = s; *s && *s != del; s++);
if (*s)
*s++ = 0;
if (p->tag->begf && !(*p->tag->begf)(tag, &frame, tp->name, disc))
goto done;
if (*b && p->tag->datf && (*p->tag->datf)(tag, &frame, b, disc))
goto done;
if (p->tag->endf && (*p->tag->endf)(tag, &frame, disc))
goto done;
frame.tag = cp;
if (p)
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(tag, disc, 2, "%s: not enough columns", tagcontext(tag, &frame));
goto done;
if (*s)
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(tag, disc, 2, "%s: too many columns", tagcontext(tag, &frame));
goto done;
} while (s = sfgetr(tag->ip, '\n', 1));
while (end = col)
col = end->next;
return ret;
static Tags_t builtin[] =
"#INCLUDE#", "Push a tag include file.",
"#TABLE#", "Read delimited table data.",
* parse a nested tag
static int
tagparse(Tag_t* tag, Tagframe_t* fp, Tags_t* tags, Tagdisc_t* disc)
register int c;
register int item;
register int quote;
register long back;
register Tags_t* tp;
register Tags_t* vp;
register char* s;
register char* t;
register char* u;
long keep_first;
long keep_last;
char* v;
size_t attrs;
Tags_t* np;
Tagframe_t frame;
Tagframe_t attr;
item = 0;
keep_first = keep_last = 0;
if (fp)
fp->attr = 0;
for (;;)
switch (c = sfgetc(tag->ip))
case EOF:
case '<':
if (item == '&')
item = 0;
if (!item)
if (fp && fp->tag->datf && (back = sfstrtell(tag->op)))
if (!(s = sfstruse(tag->op)))
goto nospace;
u = s + keep_last;
for (t = s + back; t > u && isspace(*(t - 1)); t--);
*t = 0;
if (keep_first)
for (u = s + keep_first - 1; s < u && *s && isspace(*s); s++);
while (*s && isspace(*s))
if ((*s || keep_first) && (*fp->tag->datf)(tag, fp, s, disc))
return -1;
back = 0;
sfstrseek(tag->op, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (fp)
fp->attr = 0;
keep_first = keep_last = 0;
item = c;
attrs = 0;
quote = 0;
if ((c = sfgetc(tag->ip)) != EOF)
sfungetc(tag->ip, c);
if (c == '!')
quote |= COMMENT;
sfputc(tag->op, c);
case '>':
if (item == '<' && !(quote & STRING))
item = 0;
if (!(s = sfstruse(tag->op)))
goto nospace;
if (quote & COMMENT)
quote ^= COMMENT;
else if (*s == '/')
if (!fp)
return -1;
if (*s && strcasecmp(s, fp->tag->name))
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(tag, disc, 2, "%s: no closing tag", tagcontext(tag, fp));
return -1;
fp = 0;
else if (!tags)
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(tag, disc, 2, "%s: invalid input", tagcontext(tag, fp));
return -1;
for (tp = tags; tp->name; tp++)
if (!strcasecmp(s, tp->name))
if (!tp->name)
for (tp = builtin; tp->name; tp++)
if (!strcasecmp(s, tp->name))
if (!tp->name)
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(tag, disc, 2, "%s<%s>: unknown tag", tagcontext(tag, fp), s);
return -1;
if ((*(Builtin_f)tp->begf)(tag, fp, tp, tags, disc))
return -1;
memset(&frame, 0, sizeof(frame));
frame.level = (frame.prev = fp) ? (fp->level + 1) : 0;
frame.tag = tp;
if (!tp->begf)
np = 0;
else if (!(np = (*tp->begf)(tag, &frame, s, disc)))
return -1;
else if (attrs)
s = sfstrbase(tag->op) + attrs;
while (*(t = s))
while (*s && !isspace(*s) && *s != '=')
if (*s == '=')
*s++ = 0;
u = v = s;
c = 0;
while (*s)
if (*s == c)
c = 0;
else if (c)
*u++ = *s++;
else if (*s == '"')
c = *s++;
else if (isspace(*s))
*s++ = 0;
*u++ = *s++;
*u = 0;
v = "1";
if (*s)
*s++ = 0;
for (vp = np; vp->name; vp++)
if (!strcasecmp(t, vp->name))
if (!vp->name)
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(tag, disc, 2, "%s%s: unknown option", tagcontext(tag, &frame), t);
return -1;
memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr));
attr.prev = &frame;
attr.level = frame.level + 1;
attr.tag = vp;
if (vp->begf && !(*vp->begf)(tag, &attr, s, disc))
return -1;
if (*v && vp->datf && (*vp->datf)(tag, &attr, v, disc))
return -1;
if (vp->endf && (*vp->endf)(tag, &attr, disc))
return -1;
if (disc->errorf && error_info.trace <= -3)
(*disc->errorf)(tag, disc, -3, "%s", frame.tag->name);
c = tagparse(tag, &frame, np, disc);
if (disc->errorf && error_info.trace <= -3)
(*disc->errorf)(tag, disc, -3, "/%s", frame.tag->name);
if (c)
return -1;
if (tp->endf && (*tp->endf)(tag, &frame, disc))
return -1;
sfputc(tag->op, c);
case '"':
if (item == '<')
quote ^= STRING;
sfputc(tag->op, c);
case '&':
if (!item)
item = c;
back = sfstrtell(tag->op);
sfputc(tag->op, c);
case ';':
if (item == '&')
item = 0;
sfputc(tag->op, 0);
s = sfstrseek(tag->op, back, SEEK_SET) + 1;
if (*s == '#')
c = (int)strtol(s + 1, NiL, 10) & 0377;
if (fp)
fp->attr |= TAG_ATTR_conv;
if (streq(s, "alert"))
c = CC_bel;
else if (streq(s, "amp"))
c = '&';
else if (streq(s, "backspace"))
c = '\b';
else if (streq(s, "escape"))
c = CC_esc;
else if (streq(s, "formfeed"))
c = '\f';
else if (streq(s, "lt"))
c = '<';
else if (streq(s, "gt"))
c = '>';
else if (streq(s, "newline"))
c = '\n';
else if (streq(s, "nul"))
c = 0;
else if (streq(s, "quot"))
c = '"';
else if (streq(s, "return"))
c = '\r';
else if (streq(s, "space"))
c = ' ';
else if (streq(s, "tab"))
c = '\t';
else if (streq(s, "vtab"))
c = CC_vt;
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(tag, disc, 2, "&%s;: unknown entity", s);
c = '?';
sfputc(tag->op, c);
keep_last = sfstrtell(tag->op);
if (!keep_first)
keep_first = keep_last;
sfputc(tag->op, c);
case '\n':
case ' ':
case '\t':
case '\v':
case '=':
if (item == '&')
item = 0;
if (item == '<' && !attrs)
attrs = sfstrtell(tag->op) + 1;
c = 0;
sfputc(tag->op, c);
if (item)
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(tag, disc, 2, "%s: unexpected EOF", tagcontext(tag, fp));
return -1;
if (fp)
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(tag, disc, 2, "%s: no closing tag", tagcontext(tag, fp));
return -1;
return 0;
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(tag, disc, 2, "out of space");
return -1;
* open and parse nested tags in ip
tagopen(Sfio_t* ip, const char* file, int line, Tags_t* tags, Tagdisc_t* disc)
register Tag_t* tag;
char* ofile;
int oline;
int r;
if (!(tag = newof(0, Tag_t, 1, 0)) || !(tag->op = sfstropen()))
if (tag)
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(NiL, disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "out of space");
return 0;
tag->ip = ip;
tag->disc = disc;
ofile = error_info.file;
oline = error_info.line;
error_info.file = (char*)file;
error_info.line = line;
r = tagparse(tag, NiL, tags, disc);
error_info.file = ofile;
error_info.line = oline;
if (r)
return 0;
return tag;
* sync tagopen handle and return input stream
tagsync(Tag_t* tag)
sfstrseek(tag->op, 0, SEEK_SET);
return tag->ip;
* close a tagopen handle
tagclose(Tag_t* tag)
if (!tag)
return -1;
if (tag->op)
if (tag->tmp)
return 0;
* tagscan helper
static int
scan(Tag_t* tag, Tagframe_t* fp, Tagscan_f visit, void* handle, register Tags_t* tags, Tagdisc_t* disc)
register Hit_t* hp;
register int r;
unsigned int f;
Tags_t* nest;
Tagframe_t* tp;
Tagframe_t frame;
while (tags->name)
memset(&frame, 0, sizeof(frame));
frame.level = (frame.prev = fp) ? (fp->level + 1) : 0;
frame.tag = tags;
f = 0;
if (tags->begf)
for (tp = fp; tp; tp = tp->prev)
if (tp->tag->begf == tags->begf)
f |= TAG_SCAN_rec|TAG_SCAN_rep;
if (!f)
for (hp = tag->hits; hp; hp = hp->next)
if (hp->begf == tags->begf)
f |= TAG_SCAN_rep;
if (!f)
if (!(hp = newof(0, Hit_t, 1, 0)))
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(NiL, disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "out of space");
return -1;
hp->begf = tags->begf;
hp->next = tag->hits;
tag->hits = hp;
if (!f && tags->begf && (nest = (*tags->begf)(tag, &frame, NiL, disc)))
if (r = (*visit)(tag, &frame, handle, TAG_SCAN_beg, disc))
return r;
if (r = scan(tag, &frame, visit, handle, nest, disc))
return r;
if (r = (*visit)(tag, &frame, handle, TAG_SCAN_end, disc))
return r;
else if (r = (*visit)(tag, &frame, handle, f, disc))
return r;
return 0;
* scan the tag tree
tagscan(Tags_t* tags, Tagscan_f visit, void* handle, Tagdisc_t* disc)
Tag_t* tag;
Hit_t* hp;
Hit_t* np;
int r;
if (!(tag = newof(0, Tag_t, 1, 0)))
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(NiL, disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "out of space");
return 0;
r = scan(tag, NiL, visit, handle, tags, disc);
for (hp = tag->hits; hp; hp = np)
np = hp->next;
return r;
* tagusage() helper
static int
usage(Tag_t* tag, register Tagframe_t* fp, void* handle, unsigned int flags, Tagdisc_t* disc)
register Sfio_t* op = (Sfio_t*)handle;
if (flags & TAG_SCAN_end)
sfprintf(op, "}\n");
return 0;
sfprintf(op, "[+%s", fp->tag->name);
if (fp->tag->description)
sfputc(op, '?');
if (optesc(op, fp->tag->description, 0))
return -1;
if (flags & (TAG_SCAN_rec|TAG_SCAN_rep))
sfprintf(op, " Defined above.");
sfputc(op, ']');
if (flags & TAG_SCAN_beg)
sfputc(op, '{');
sfputc(op, '\n');
return 0;
* generate optget usage[] section in op
tagusage(Tags_t* tags, Sfio_t* op, Tagdisc_t* disc)
return tagscan(tags, usage, op, disc);